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06x05 - Step By Step

Posted: 10/04/22 07:47
by bunniefuu
Okay, there's this really
bad dude named Hacker --

HACKER: The Hacker, to you!

He wants to take over

the Cyberworld
from Motherboard.

[ GASP ]
The three kids
are sucked into Cyberspace,

and they use brain power
to help save everybody.

Okay, here's the plan.

So they travel
all over and run into all these

weird creatures...and have all
of these awesome adventures.

It's totally up to them
to save Cyberspace.

Can three cool kids and a wacky
bird outsmart the Hacker?

HACKER: Never!
MATT: There's only one way
to find out!

Tune in
to "Cyberchase"!

Cyberchase - we're moving

we're beating Hacker at his game

Don't tell me that he's
trying to hack the Motherboard

we'll get him every time

...places that we've seen

We've got the power
of one two three four

Running in the Cyberchase

We meet him face to face

We'll stick
together all the time

Adventures in cyberspace

The chase is on!


Thar she is!

My search is over!

I've finally found
Doctor Marbles!

Can we see, boss?

Can we look?

Be my guest.

Me, first!

No, me!

Uh-oh! We got a problem, boss!

Marbles is with Ivanka!

Of course he's with Ivanka!

It's her pirate
ship, you duncebucket!

But, boss...Ivanka's a ghost!

And you're afraid of ghosts!

Sad but true.


I see this as an opportunity
to once and for all eliminate

Dr. Marbles - the only
one who can cure Motherboard

and stop me from
taking over cyberspace!

But...what about Ivanka?


How do you get rid of a ghost?

One step at a time, my
shallow-minded stooges!

Even ghost problems get solved!

This circuit board
is an exact duplicate

of the one inside Motherboard.

And this memory chip
contains the very same virus

with which Hacker infected her.

If my experiment
works, all we have to do

is gather more magmalux and
we can restore Motherboard

to perfect operating status!

It worked, Ivanka!

The magmalux erased
the virus from the chip!

Well, shiver me scroll
bar... ye finally found

a cure for Motherboard!

Thanks to you, Doctor!

And thanks to you
as well, Ivanka.

You've hidden me from
Hacker for all this time,

while I've searched for a cure!

It was worth the wait, matey.

Me will to thwart The
Hacker remains strong!

Come, we'll go to Mt. Survarius

and retrieve enough magmalux
to remove Motherboard's virus.

Aye, but first...

...A celebration dance?

Why...I didn't know you jigged.




Good job, Buzzy!


Save your breath, Ivanka...
this jar is ghost proof!

Even you can't get out!

It's Hacker!

...Did someone call my name?

How did you find me?

Perseverance and
persistence, my dear doctor,

the hallmarks of a genius!

A corrupted one at that!

Motherboard banished you
once - she can do it again!

I doubt that.

You seem to forget,
when you created me -

you gave me
brainpower equal to yours!

And you could have
used your intelligence

for the good of cyberspace
- instead of for personal greed.

Picky, picky!

The Hacker only wants
what The Hacker deserves -

complete control of cyberspace!

Is that asking too much?

Some day I'll have
you reformatted and--

Oh no you won't!

As a matter of fact, I
heard your entire conversation

about magmalux, and
I'm very impressed.

After all, if magmalux can erase
my virus from Motherboard's can erase anything,
including Motherboard!

Mt. Survarius,
here I come, ready or not!

By the way, you
won't be coming with me!

I have other plans for you.



Hacker has Doctor Marbles...
tracking device activated!


Don't tell me Hacker
knows about the magmalux too!

Hurry, Didge!

Go to Cybersite Corsairio!

Picaroon Lagoon!

I'll contact the CyberSquad!

Where are those earthlies?


It's about time, earthlies.

Sorry, Didge.

There was a glitch
in Motherboard's portal.

Yeah, we got sent to
Macaroon Lagoon by mistake.

I hate when that happens.

Any idea where Hacker
took Doctor Marbles?


Hacker's taken him Skull Island!

But the magmalux the
Doc found to fix Motherboard

is waaay over
here... at Mt. Survarius!

C'mon - let's go
rescue Doctor Marbles!

We gotta get the
magmalux before Hacker does.

It's powerful stuff.

I can't believe I'm saying
this but...let's split up.

I'll fly to the volcano
and get the magmalux.

You three go to Skull
Island and rescue the Doc.

Hey, what happened to Ivanka?

She's gone, too.

I looked everywhere.

We'll find her,
Didge, don't worry.

I know.

Here's the map to Skull Island.

And be careful!

Why don't you just dump
him in the Black Hole, boss?

Yea, or slip him into
the Forever Gone machine!

Not just yet!

I've rigged an
experiment of my own to see

what magmalux can really do.


What was that?

Whatever it was, it
wiped out that entire bridge!

Good one, boss!

Yeah, it's gonna be
bye-bye Motherboard!

You're destined to fail, Hacker.

No matter how clever
you think you are -

your system syntax will
never allow you to triumph!

You don't really expect
me to believe that, do you?

When you made me,
you created perfection!

To prove it...

I'm going to keep
you around long enough

to witness my
triumph over Motherboard!

There's Doctor Marbles!

Ta-ta, Marbles!

I'm off to Mount Survarius to
take all your precious magmalux!

Then I'm coming back for you!

Doctor Marbles!

It's us!

The earthlies!


I'll swim across
and get you out!

Matt, wait!

I think I see something!

Whoa, electric cyber-eels!

Thanks, Jax!

I would've been toast!'s me, Inez!

We found Doctor Marbles!

That's good!

But the island's surrounded
by electric cyber-eels

and we can't get to him!

That's bad.

One more thing.

Hacker's on his
way to the volcano!

I'm almost there!

Doctor Marbles trapped
on an island...the bridge

gone...electric eels in the
water can we rescue him?

Cybersquad, we have a problem!

Looks like I got
here before Hacker!

There's still time to
get the magmalux out!


Sheesh! That's a long way down!


That's better.


It's hot in here.

What's this?


The magmalux!

What we need is a plan.

What we need is a bridge!

Yeah! That's it!

Rebuild the bridge!

That's our plan!

Huh? But how?

Only the pilings are left!

Inez, we don't have a
plan - we have a problem.

And we don't have a
clue how to solve it!

Well...maybe it's
like mi abuela always says:

"Take your big problems
one step at a time

and then they
don't seem so big!"

OK, one step at a time...

So first we need something
to build the bridge with.

Guys! Over here!

We can make the
bridge out of this sign!

No way, Matt!

It's not long enough to
reach all the way across!

Look closer - the sign is
made of separate boards!

If we take it apart, we
can lay them end-to-end.

There might be enough
to make it across!


Boards for the bridge!

Let's build it!


What if they're
aren't enough boards?

Let's start by seeing if one
board is long enough to reach

the first piling...then
maybe we can estimate

how many we'll need
to get to the island.

Oh, man!

It's too short!

Now what?

When I get outta here, Hacker...

...I'm goin' to make
ye walk the plank!

Oh Ivanka, I think
you'll find you're the one

who'll be walking the
plank...over a black hole!


I can see the volcano!

Since one board won't reach the
piling ...two of them should.

They hook together. See?

Cool! Let's see what we've got.


It's way past the first one.

One step of the problem solved!

It's so far...

We're going to need an awful
lot of boards to make it across.

How many do we have?! the two we
already used...makes nine.

And check it out --
they're all the same length!

Nine boards...all the same stretch across...

how many pilings?

I'll find out!

Lets see...




There are seven pilings!


We know it takes a little more
than one board to reach a piling

- and there are seven pilings
- how many boards do we need

to reach all the
way across the water?

Guys, I need to draw a
picture to figure this out.

Here's the shore, the
pilings and the island.

OK, what do we know?

There are pilings between
the shore and the island.

Right. And it takes a little
more than one board to reach

the first piling.

It would help if we knew
how long the boards are...

That's it!

One step at a time.

Let's just figure out
the length of one board.

Then we can use that to find the
length of all of them together!

Too bad we don't have a ruler...




Thanks, Doctor Marbles!

We're on it!

Hey! This may be
easier than we thought!

Check out this pattern.

Each board has squares.

Same here!

And it looks like all three
squares are the same size.

So find the size of one square
and we can figure out how long

the whole board is!

Okay, guys, let's
start measuring!


This is takin' forever!


Inez, it's me!

I got some of the magmalux
out but The Hacker's here,

so I can't get anymore!

Did you rescue the Doc, yet?

Not yet!

We've got a little problem,
but we're working on it.

Well, I've got a
big problem, okay?

Not only is Hacker here, but
this volcano's about to blow,

so do me a favor...HURRY!

Hang in there Didge!

...Done! All right!

Each square is
two cyberfeet long.

And two cyberfeet times
three squares is six!

So each board is
six cyberfeet long!

And we've got nine of 'em!

And nine times six


So we've got
fifty-four cyberfeet

of board to make a bridge!

But, guys, what if fifty-four
cyberfeet isn't long enough?

We still need to know how
far it is across the water.

Oh, man, how are we
going to measure that?

Heat shield up!

Put on your magma suits,
boys, we're going in!

OK, Hacker, get ready to
have all your plans spoiled,

cos here comes The Didge!

...Pick up the loose chunks of
magmalux - and dig out the rest!

All right boss!
Right away boss!



Keep thinking, guys,
we're making progress!

I know we are!

Okay, we didn't
think we could figure out

how long our boards are, did we?

No, but...

But we solved that part
of the problem, right?

Yes, but...

Then we'll solve this part, too!

...I've got it!

I know how to figure out
how far it is across the water!


The pilings!

Check 'em out.

The space between them
looks about the same.

You're right!

So if we know how far it
is to the first piling...

We can figure out the total
distance across by multiplying!

But what are we
going to measure with?

We've got our ruler right here!


We know each square is
two cyberfeet on a side -

all we have to do
is count the squares!

I'll do it!


Four squares times two
cyberfeet is eight cyberfeet!

Eight cyberfeet
between the pilings!

All right!

We know we have seven
pilings - and eight cyberfeet

between each piling.

So the distance across
is seven times eight ...

or fifty six cyberfeet!

Problem solved!

Wait a second!
Problem not solved!

I think we counted wrong...

Did you feel that, boss?

Yeah, the volcano's shakin'!

You'll feel more than
shaking if you don't get

all the magmalux
onto the Wreaker!

Keep working!



I'll get you out!




What was that?

You seem awfully
happy for a ghost!

Aye, it's all
about the jar, matey.

To you it's half-full.

To's half empty.

Gibberish! I'll be back.

Freedom at last!

Here's the problem.

We counted the pilings.

But to figure out
how long the bridge

needs to be to
reach the island...

...we should have counted
the spaces between the pilings.


So there are eight
spaces - and each space

is eight cyberfeet across.

Eight times eight is sixty-four.

So our bridge needs to be
sixty-four cyberfeet long!

Oh no!

We only have fifty-four
cyberfeet of board!

We're ten cyberfeet short!

Gosh, I thought we
finally had this solved.

We're close, guys...
I know we can do it.

Hang on, I have an idea!

All right! Look!

It's a narrower
than the others,

but it has the same
tongue and groove ends!

All right!

Look! Same with this one!

It's not quite as
long as the others...

but we only need ten
cyberfeet - not twelve.

All we have to do is hook
the two of them together!


We think so, Doctor Marbles!

Keep your fingers crossed!

program installed!


One step at a time worked!

Problem solved!

Let's get Doctor Marbles!

Grab on, Doctor Marbles!

We'll pull you out!

Ready for an upgrade,
my earth friend!

Come on guys...PULL!

We must go
immediately to the volcano!

My cybercraft
isn't far from here!



The volcano's going to blow!




Load the!

Avast ye villainous pirate!


How did you get--

Eh, what's up, Hacker?


Out of my way,
you ghastly ghost!

You dare challenge the
boldest buccaneer of Barbary?


Now then, what was that ye
said about me walking the plank?

C-c-can't you take a joke?


Well, matey, the joke's on you!

We better be leavin' now, matey!

Just one more
thing I want to do!

To the Wreaker!

But boss...what
about the magmalux?

We didn't put any on the ship!

Isn't that a problem?

It'll be a bigger problem if
we don't get out of here...NOW!

The volcano's going to erupt!

It's Digit and Ivanka!

Boss, what's wrong!

Start the engine!

I'm trying to!

It won't start!

Sorry about the magmalux, Doc.

I tried to save
some...but it's gone now.

Unfortunately, it will
take eons to reformat.

At least Hacker didn't get it!

And he never will,
I promise ye that!

I must resume my
search for a cure.

Until then, Motherboard must
continue to endure the virus.

Dr. Marbles...

If you ever need us,
you know where we are.

I do indeed, my earth friends.

Until then, Doctor
Marbles, logging off.

Bye bye! Good luck Doc!

Stay right where you are,
Precision Transfer Technologies