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01x10 - No More Changes

Posted: 10/03/22 18:56
by bunniefuu
Hey, is this thing on?

* Hey, sid, what do you say?

What you want to learn today? *
* I want to know why things

Happen and how and I want to
know everything now--oh, yeah!

How does this thing work?

Why does that stuff change?

How does that do what
it just did? Hmm.

What's up with the sky?

Do you think I could fly?

The world is spinning
and I want to know why

I got a lot of questions
and big ideas

I'm sid the science kid *
[captioning made possible by

The jim henson company
and friends of nci]

Greetings, citizens. I am dr.
Beaks. Welcome to sid's room.

Hey, I have a question.

What's the big idea with things
changing all the time? Blargh!

Well, you know, dr. Beaks, that
is a good question. I don't know

Why things have to change.

My mom just changed my favorite

It used to be strawberry
flavored, but now it's apple

Flavored--wow! Ch-kah!--And my
favorite t-shirt just shrunk in

The dryer.

Yeah. It used to fit, and then
it changed into an itty bitty

T-shirt. Mm! Wow! B-kow!

And here's the worst change--
my feet grew. Yeah, so that

Means I couldn't wear my
favorite shoes anymore. Mm-hmm.

Well, I don't want anything to
change. I just got to know, why

Do things have to change?

Sid, sweetie, it's time for
school. Let's go.

Oh, uh, ok, mom. Oh, yeah.

I just love school.

* I love my mom
my mom is cool

But now it's time
for having fun at school, yeah *

Ha ha ha!

* I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

There's gabriela *
* watch what I can do

La la whoo, la la whoo
oh, yeah *


* I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's gerald *
yeah. Check out my moves.

Uh! Uh! Ha ha ha!

I'm a rock star.


* I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's may *
may I show you how I groove?

* Ba da da da
ha ha ha! Yay!


* We're looking
for our friends

We're looking for you
hey, there's sid *

Did you hear the one about
the kid who wanted to know

Everything about everything?

That's you.

You got me.

* da da da da da

* We're looking
for our friends

And look what we found
we found each other

Friends *

Hi, kids. We're having class
outside today.


All right! Yeah!


I wonder what we're gonna do

Well, I want to ask susie why
things have to change.

Oh, I don't like when things

Ok. Come gather around the
picnic table.

Susie, susie, we all want to
know why things have to change.

Yeah. I wish everything could
just stay the same.

Yeah. You know, my dad put
bread in the toaster this

Morning, and it changed into
burnt toast. Yuck!

Oh, I know how you feel.

So many things change, but it's
actually a natural part of our


It's natural that gerald's
toast burnt?

Well, it's natural that
heating up bread too long in a

Toaster changes it to burnt

We did an investigation this
week where heat changed


Anybody remember what it was?

Oh, yeah. I remember.

We heated up apples, and it
turned into applesauce.

Right. Uh-huh.

Today in the super fab lab,
we're going to find out how heat

Changes things, and we're going
to do that by making applesauce.

Yes! All right.

Splish, splosh, applesauce.

I love applesauce.


To make applesauce, we have
to mash up the apples with our

Ingredients: water and cinnamon.

Then we'll mix everything

Mmm, this investigation
sounds yummy.

First, we'll try mashing up
the apples without cooking them.

Then we'll heat up the apples on
a stove and try to mix them


What happens to the apples
when we heat them up?

Great question, gabriela.

It's your job to observe how the
heat changes the apples.

I think the apples will get
softer when we heat them up.

I don't think the apples will
change at all.

Well, there's only one way to
find out. Let's put all these

Ingredients in the bowl and
begin our investigation.

Yeah! Let's do it!

Come on.


This is exciting.

Hey. You're a scientist.

You can try this, too.

It's time to make applesauce.

First, an adult will cut up
apples into small pieces and add

Our other ingredients--cinnamon
and water.

Now try to mash the apples up
and mix everything together.

Wow, it looks like it's not very
easy to mash up the apples.

Keep trying.

Now an adult is going to put the
same uncooked apples in a pot

And place the pot on a stove
and heat it up.

Let's use our eyes to observe
what happens. Can you see how

The heat changes the apples?

Now the apples look really
soft. Next, we'll pour the

Apples back into the bowl, and
you can try mashing up the

Apples again. Wow. It's much
easier now that the apples have

Been heated. How did the apples
look before we heated them?

Think about how the apples
changed after we heated them up.

Now that we're done
with our investigation,

We can all enjoy our delicious

It was hard to mash up
the apples before we cooked

Them, and I'm pretty strong.

Yeah, but then the
heat changed the apples and made

Them all soft and mushy.

And then we could make
applesauce, sweet, delicious


Great observations,

Mmm, science is yummy.

So, the heat changed the
apples and made them soft, and

It changed your dad's pancakes
and made them hard and burnt.

So, what do you think heat does
to things?


It changes things.

Exactly, and there are lots
of different ways heat changes


Wow. Can we please change the
mushy apples back into uncooked

Apples and make applesauce all
over again?

Oh, I'd do it if I could,
sid, but once apples are heated

Into mushy apples, they can't be
changed back into raw apples.

This is called irreversible
change. Now, let's take a look

At your journals to see what
observations you made.

Gerald, can we see your journal?

Yeah, ok. So, we put all this
stuff into a bowl, and then we

Tried to mash it up like
this--mash, mash, mash--and then

The apples wouldn't mash. So,
ok, then we heated up the

Apples, and they got soft, yeah,
and then we could mash, mash,

Mash them, and we made
applesauce. Ha ha!

Nice observations, gerald.

Thank you.

Now, sid, can we see your

Oh, sure. I wrote every step
down so I can make applesauce at

Home with my mom and dad.

First, we got all this stuff,
ingredients--apples and water

And some brown powder that made
me sneeze--it's called

Cinnaminominium, something like
that--and it all went into a

Bowl. Whee!

Then susie--that's you, of
course--heated up the apples

With the ingredients, and the
apples got really mushy, and

Then we mixed it all together,
and then we had applesauce.

I remember the applesauce was

I remember it look a long
time for the apples to heat up.

Sid, I like the way you drew
a picture of the apples getting

Heated up.

Oh, thank you.

Susie, I know that food
changes, but what about water?

Does that change, too?

Great question, may.

Actually, over time, water
changes a lot.

Oh, water can freeze.

Yeah, and melt.

You all are right.

You know, all this talk about
freezing and melting reminds me

Of some penguin friends of mine
who live in a place where it

Freezes and melts a lot.

Anyone want to hear my penguin

We do!

You got it.


* In the summertime
we dip and dive

In the clear, blue water
that shimmers

The sun shines down
and we splash around

You won't see happier swimmers
then winter brings the cold in

So the water starts to freeze
we don't mind

When it turns to ice
can we slide

On our bellies, please?

On penguin pond
things keep changing

From ice to water
and water to ice

Back and forth
we live in a changing paradise

What was water now is ice
till the summer sun

Melts the ice and then
we'll be swimming once again

On penguin pond
we swim and slide

On the same pond
we don't find it strange

Water turns to ice
and back to water

That's called reversible change
on penguin pond

Things keep changing
from ice to water

And water to ice
back and forth

We live in a changing paradise
what was water now is ice

Till the summer sun
melts the ice and then

We'll be swimming once again
on penguin pond

On penguin pond
on penguin pond *

All right. That was so good.

Melting and freezing is cool.

You get it? Freezing? Cool?

Ha! I'm so funny. Ha ha ha!

Hey, sid, do your microphone
thingy for me.

Ok. This one's for you,


Hey, remember when we did the
melting and freezing


We had a big block of ice with
all the cute, little fruit


And remember, we had to
figure out a way to melt the


Oh, there it is.

Yeah. I remember.

We're going to do an
investigation called the ice

Block investigation.


It's beautiful.

And guess what. The fruit
frozen inside the ice is going

To be your snack today.


How are we going to eat the
fruit if we can't get to it?

We'll wait for the block
of ice to melt into water.

Hold on. It takes a long time
for ice to melt. Oh, no.

Don't worry, frozen fruit.

We'll get you out of there.

Yeah, and then we'll eat
you. Ha ha ha!

I have an idea. Let's make
the ice melt faster.

Maybe we can put the block of
ice in a microwave. That'll melt

It really fast.

Ooh. Well, I'm afraid the
block of ice is too big for a

Microwave, but I like the way
you're thinking, may.

Thank you.

Oh! We could blow hot air on
it. Pfft! Pfft! Pfft!

Ha ha ha!

Oh, maybe not.

Hey, what if we pour
something warm on the big block

Of ice to make it melt?

Good idea, sid. Look around.

Is there some sort of liquid we
could use here in the super fab



[Gasp] warm water from the

Good thinking, gabriela. I'll
go get some warm water, and

We'll start our investigation.


So cool.

You're scientists. You can
try this, too.

Here is our ice block filled
with fruit. Go ahead and

Touch it. How does it feel?

Is the ice cold? Is it hard?

Is it wet?

Draw a picture of what the ice
block looks like in your


Ok. Here's your challenge.

Try to get the fruit out of
the ice. Go for it. Mm.

It isn't easy to break through
the ice. It's frozen solid.

Now an adult is going to pour
warm water over the block of


Wow. What is the warm water
doing to the ice?

It's changing the ice;
it's starting to melt.

Go ahead and touch the ice
block again. How does it feel

Now? I think we need to pour
some more warm water over

The ice. Look. It's melting
even more.

All right! The ice changed.

It melted.

Now you can reach the fruit.

Go ahead. Enjoy your fruit

Mmm. These grapes are good
and cold.

I'm glad you're all enjoying
your chilly fruit snacks.

Oh, I can't wait to see what
observations you made in your

Journals. Sid, let's take a look
at your journal first.

Oh. Oh, ok. Um, here's the
big block of ice before you

Poured on the warm water, and
here's the ice after you poured

The warm water.


When the ice melted, it made
a big puddle of water at the

Bottom, and all the fruit went
for a swim! Whee!

Ha ha ha!

Good observation, sid. Ok,
gabriela, let's see your


Oh, sure. You poured warm
water on the ice, but it only

Melted a little bit. I poked at
the ice, and I still couldn't

Get to the fruit.


Then you poured on more warm
water and even more warm water.

It took so long for the ice to
melt so we could eat the fruit.

Great observation.

I remember it has hard to get
the fruit out.

Yeah, and I also remember
that fruit was cold.


Wow, so many things do
change, like ice. It takes time,

But ice can melt and change to

And then it can freeze back
into ice.


And we know that heat changes

Yeah. Like, it changes
crunchy apples into yummy


Very good.

Oh, hey, guys, I just thought
of an investigation where food

Changed into something really

Oh, you mean when the pumpkin
got all icky and mushy?

Right. Remember that one?

Yeah. It was so gross and

Now, this pumpkin is new. I
just bought it at the store this



It's pretty.

And remember the
jack-o-lantern we had in the

Classroom for halloween?


Well, I kept it in a big
plastic container, and here

It is!

Eww! It's decayed!


The decayed pumpkin used to
look like this new pumpkin. Now

I'm going to cut open the
pumpkins, and we can make

Observations to see how the
decayed pumpkin has changed.

Ooh! Um, ok. I have an
observation. This decayed

Pumpkin smells gross.

That's a great observation.

Hey. Can we touch the

Sure. Touching the pumpkins
to see how they feel is a great

Way to make an observation, but
first, put on your rubber

Gloves. Then go for it.


Ok! Yeah!

You're a scientist! You can
try this, too! I got to go get

My gloves!

This pumpkin is new. It
was just bought at the store

Today and carved into a
jack-o-lantern. Draw some

Observations in your journals.

What does the new pumpkin look

Now an adult will cut open the
jack-o-lantern so we can look

Inside and make some
observations. What does it

Look like inside the pumpkin?

Put on some rubber gloves and
go ahead and touch it. How does

The new pumpkin feel?

Now let's compare the new
pumpkin to this decayed pumpkin.

It's time to make some more
observations. You can touch

The pumpkin. How does it feel?

Look at the pumpkin with your
magnifying glasses. You can

Even smell it with your nose.

When you're done, wash
your hands really well. Now that

We're done with the decayed
pumpkin investigation, we can

Bring the pumpkins to a compost

I'm drawing a picture of
the squishy part of the pumpkin

In my journal!

I'm drawing the mushy part
that I touched.

I can't wait to see what
observations you all made! Sid,

Can we take a look at your

Oh, yeah. This was the yucky
pumpkin--i mean, the decayed

Pumpkin. It didn't even look
like a pumpkin anymore. It

Looked more like a big pile of
mush. It was all squishy and

Gross. I squeezed it in my
fingers, and it felt slimy.

Great observations, sid.

May, may we look at your

Yes. This is the decayed
pumpkin, and I think it looked

Beautiful, mushy and beautiful.

And look, I found a pumpkin
seed, a teeny, tiny, little

Pumpkin seed, and I taped it
right there. Decayed pumpkins

Are wonderful.

I agree with may.

Yucky, mushy pumpkins are

Yeah. That investigation

So, is there another kind of
change you scientists are

Curious about?

Um...i know. Plants start out
as seeds and grow into plants.

Very good, gabriela.

That's a change.

So, do we change, too?

Ooh, great question, and I
know a special song that

Explains exactly how plants and
you change.


* How long
have I been napping?

When did this transformation

My itty-bitty, little seed
really grew

I almost didn't recognize you
I can't believe your size

You are not the little flower
I knew

You look different
wow, you're growing

You look different
the change is positively showing

You've been on a growing spree
how big will you be?

You look different
and I like what I see

Every day
you're reaching higher

For the whole world to admire
you're in one of your many

Growth spurts
so, you wake up in the morning

You've changed without a warning
if you were a kid

You'd need new pants
and new shirts

You look different
wow, you're growing

You look different
the change is positively showing

You've been on a growing spree
how big will you be?

You look different
and I like what I see

All living things
go through a transformation

You know
and that's what you're doing

So, do what you're doing
and grow, grow, grow

You look different
wow, you're growing

You look different
the change is positively showing

You've been on a growing spree
how big will you be?

You look different
and I like what I see *

It's time for...

Good laughternoon. Ha ha ha!

What do plants say just
before they have a race?

I don't know. What?

Ready, set, grow.

Ha ha ha!

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Orange who?

Orange you glad your mama
is buying you new shoes so you

Don't have to wear your brown
ones anymore?

Oh, yeah.

Ha ha ha!

Hey, where does the giant
gorilla sit when he grows too

Big for his tree?

I don't know. Where does the
giant gorilla sit when he grows

Too big for his tree?

Anywhere he wants.

He's a gorilla. Ha ha!

I'm a gorilla. Rr! I'm coming to
say hello.

Aah! Gorilla! Ha ha ha!

I'm gonna get you.

Now, that's funny.

so, I had a thought. We're all

Changing because we're all
growing, right?

Just like plants.

You got it. Growing and
changing are both wonderful,

Natural parts of our world.

Now, this kind of change I


Me, too.

I'm very impressed with all
my scientists.

Thank you.

Ok, scientists.

It's time to go home.

Yay! Whoo hoo!


* School is over
so, this morning, I wasn't

Too happy that things change all
the time, but then I learned

That change can be kind of cool,
you know? Food changes, water

Changes, and we change. We grow.

Ow! Wa-pow! Bam! Ha ha ha!

So, that got me thinking--hwah!

Pa-chow!--Maybe there's a way
for me to wear my favorite shoes

My whole life, even when I grow

Hmm, ok. I've got it.

Here's my super duper ooper
shmooper big idea.

How about if I invent super
duper stretchy shoes that grow,

Too? Even when I'm or or
even an adult, no matter how big

I get, my stretchy shoes will
stretch and grow, too.

And even if I grew super duper
big, my shoes would stretch

Super duper big, too.

I could grow bigger than my
house, bigger than a giraffe,

Even bigger than a skyscraper.

Isn't that the coolest?

Then I'd never get too big for
my favorite pair of shoes.

And that's my super duper ooper
shmooper big idea.

Ha ha ha!

thank you, thank you.

Hwah-pow! Ha ha ha!

Oh, I love changing and getting
bigger and bigger, and I bet you

Do, too. Ha ha!

I am sid the science kid.

Hey, sid, you got to keep it
down, buddy. It's bedtime.

Oh, ok. Sorry, dad.

Good night, zeke.


Aww, and remember, keep
asking lots and lots of


See you later, scientists.

Ha ha! Mm...


Oh, hi. We're just checking
out our web site. You can

Explore with us.

Yeah, that's a great idea.

Come join us. Visit There's a lot

Of great information for
grownups, too.

I think we look pretty good
on the computer.

Investigate, explore,


Hey, I know how to
investigate, explore,

And discover.

And I bet you do, too. Ha ha.

Investigate--that's when
you want to find stuff out.

Explore--that's when you look
at things in the world

Around you.

Discover--that's when you
investigate and explore,

And you find out something new.

Hey, scientists. There's lots
more amazing science coming

Your way. My friends and I
will learn how to use science

Tools, investigate how things
change, discover our senses,

And explore how to keep our
bodies healthy. So come join

Me--sid the science kid!