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01x01 - The Sticker Chart

Posted: 10/03/22 18:39
by bunniefuu
Hey, is this thing on? Heh,

* Hey, sid, what do you say?

Whatcha want to learn today? *
* I want to know why

Things happen and how
and I want to know

Everything now, oh, yeah! *
How does this thing work?

Why does that stuff change?

How does that do what it just
did? Hmm. What's up with the

Sky? You think I could fly?

The world is spinning
and I want to know why

I got a lot of questions
and big ideas

I'm sid the science kid *
ladies and gentlemen, please

Give it up for me!

ha. Here I am. Hello, I'm sid.

And welcome to my--hmm--welcome
to my room. Ungh. Ah. Hey, I

Have a big problem. Ok, it all
started when I asked mom for

The new turbo robot mega ship.

It's the coolest toy ever.

[Sid chuckles]
so, mom said I could earn the

New toy by helping around the
house and doing chores and

Stuff. And that's where the
chart came in. Every time I do

A chore, like put the
newspapers in the recycling

Box, I get a rocket ship
sticker. Now, if I fill up

These boxes all the way across
with stickers, I get the new

Turbo robot mega ship.

[Sid chuckles]
but here's the problem. I need

A lot more stickers on my
chart. Oh. I don't think I'll

Ever get the new turbo robot
mega ship. I wish I could just

Remember all the chores I do. I
just got to know--why do we

charts! [Echoes]

Sid, breakfast time.

Ooh, breakfast. Ha, ha, ha.

Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo!

Breakfast time!

Good morning, sid.

Good morning, sid.

Hi, mom. Hi, dad. Hey, zekey.

oh, almost got you. Ha, ha.

So, I have a question. Do I
need a chore chart? Can't I

Just remember that I did lots
of chores, and then get the new

Turbo robot mega ship?

Well, that's one of the
great things about charts. They

Help us remember things.

Well, you know, sid, charts
can be fun. I just love weather


Uh--weather chart?



Oh! Alice, why don't you
show sid the weather chart on

Your computer?

Oh, sure. I'll find one on
my favorite website.

Cool. Mom is really smart
with computer stuff.

Uh-huh. Yeah, see? These
pictures on the weather chart

Show you what the weather's
going to be for the next days.


It's sunny today, cloudy for
a couple days, then rain, then

The sun comes back out. Ooh,
it's going to be warm this

Weekend. That'll be nice.


Ah, sunny--

Oh! Zeke?


Well, looks like there's
going to be a change in that

Weather. Turns out there's a
very good chance of orange

Mushy baby food today.

[All laugh]
that's pretty funny, dad.

[Pre-recorded laughter plays]
all right, sid. Let's get

You some breakfast. It's almost
time for school.

Almost time for school? Yes!

Ha, ha!

* I love my mom

My mom is cool

But now it's time
for having fun at school

Yeah! *
[Sid's mother laughs]

[Rap beat plays]
* I'm looking for my friends

I'm looking for you
there's gabriela

Watch what I can do
yeah, now, whoo!

Yeah, now, whoo!

Oh, yeah!


I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's gerald

Check out my moves
I'm a rock star


I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's may
may I show you how I groove?

Da, da-da, da
[may giggles]



We're looking for our friends
we're looking for you

Hey, there's sid
did you hear the one about

The kid who wanted to know
everything about everything?

That's you!

It's about me
we're looking for our friends

And look what we found
we found each other

Friends! *
[All laugh]

And now it's time for the
sid survey. Hello. I am sid,

Roving reporter, with today's
survey. The question--have you

Ever seen a chart? I bet you've
seen one. Let's go get some

Answers. Hello, gabriela.


Whoa! Hi, gabriela. Hey,
listen, I'm conducting a

Survey. Have you ever seen a

Hmm, a chart? Uh--oh,
there's a growth chart at my

Doctor's office. She measures
me every time I visit, and

Writes down how tall I am on
the chart.

Wow, cool chart.

Thank you.

You're welcome. Oh, hi
there, may.


Have you ever seen a chart?

Oh, yes. I have a chart in
my room, of the different kinds

Of dinosaurs, and what they ate.

Wow, dinosaurs?


Huh. Tell me more.

Well, did you know that big
apatosaurus ate tiny little


No, I didn't, but thanks for
telling me.

You're welcome. Huh?

May is really smart.

[Gabriela whistles]
ooh. Hey, gerald, how about

You, sir? Have you ever seen a

Why, yes, yes, of course I
have a seen a cart.

Um--no, no, not a cart. A

Indeed, indeed, but you see,
I have seen a grocery cart with

A chart.


You see, it has all the
pictures of the food on it. And

Then it shows you where to find
that food in the store.

Ah, yes. Ok, I understand.

Thank you, gerald.

Indeed, good sir, indeed.

[Whistling continues]
and now, the results of my

Survey about charts. Which is
on a chart. Hmm. Gabriela's

Doctor uses a chart to see how
tall she's grown. May has a

Dinosaur chart that tells her
what dinosaurs eat. And gerald

Saw a chart on a cart that
showed where all the food was

In a store. Ha, ha, ha. And I
bet you've seen a chart, too.

So, there you have it. I am
sid, roving reporter and chart


Everybody, rug time!

Ooh, that's teacher susie!

Ha, ha.

* It's rug time
come on in

Rug time
take a seat

Rug time
we're ready!

Everybody, move your feet
rug time

Teacher susie!

Good times on the way
rug time

Come on in
we've got a lot

To learn today *
ok, sneaky gerald, come on over.

[Rap beat continues]
he gets it. Ha! Yeah!

[Gerald chuckles]

agent gerald strikes again!


ok, gerald. So, how's

Everyone doing today?

Well, we were all talking
about charts. I didn't realize

So many people use charts.

No, me, either.

Yeah, I wonder how you make

Yeah. Well, I'm feeling like
I don't like my chore chart.

Oh, no. Why not, sid?

Well, because I still don't
get why we need all these


Oh. Well, charts are very
helpful scientific tools. In

Fact, all scientists use charts
almost every day. And you can

Learn how to use them, too.


Yeah. In school, we like to
count things. We count how many

People are in school today, and
I write it here on this chart.

Let's see. Is sid here today?

What? Oh. Here.

that's a good one, susie.

Thanks. Gabriela?



I'm here.

And gerald.

Hmm. I will check the
location of agent gerald. Ouch.

I'm here!

ok. I put a check next to

Each of your names, since
you're all here at school

Today. When you count things
and then write them on a chart,

You're collecting data.

Oh, data.

Yeah, data's all the
information we just collected.

Hey, I have another way to make
a chart with data. Did everyone

Bring a snack today?

I brought a banana.

I brought carrots, and
kinds of dip for them.

I brought raisins. They have
wrinkles, and they're really



Yeah, and I brought a cheese

Are we going to make a chart
of our snacks?

That's exactly what I was
thinking. And I know the

Perfect place to learn how to
make a snack chart. Ok,

Scientists, you know where
we're going.

To the super fab lab!

That's right! Grab your
journals and let's go!


Let's go, let's go!

[Music plays]
super fab lab!

Observe, compare, contrast!


Ok. We'll make our snack
chart on this poster board.




You can each draw a picture
of yourself here.

Oh, huh. I love drawing.

I'm going to draw me with
purple crayons.

Yeah, I'm going to use green


[Susie chuckles]
and next to your picture,

You can draw a picture of the
snack you brought.

Oh. Our snacks are the data,

You got it. Ok, grab some
crayons and let's make our



All right!


You're scientists. You can
try this, too.

Let's make our snack chart.

First, draw a picture of
yourself on the poster board.

You can use any colors you like.

Now put your picture onto the

This will be the first column of
our big snack chart.

Look. We have friends on our
chart. Now open up

Your lunch bags and see
what kind of snacks you have.

Your snacks are the data
for our chart.

If you have pretzels,
take a pretzel card.

Wow. Looks like lots of friends
brought pretzels.

Take an orange card
if you have an orange.

What else do you have? Graham
crackers, apple. Anything else?

Ooh, carrots.

Now let's fill in our chart
with our snack data.

Put the pictures of your snacks
next to the picture of your

Face. Each person has their own
row with their picture and

Their snacks.

Let's count our data and see
how many of each snack we have.

Wow. It's easy to compare and
contrast our snacks with a


Now, draw a picture
of our snack chart in

Your journals. That way, you
can always look at your snack

Chart and remember the data you
collected. I'm glad you're all

Drawing our snack chart in your
journals. You never know. You

Might want to look at our snack
chart another day.

Yeah. Maybe I'll want to
remember that I had a cheese

Sandwich today. Ah, it was so

[Susie chuckles]
and that's one reason charts

Are so useful.

Yeah, they--they help you to
remember things.

Exactly. Sid, do you have
any observations about our

Snack chart?

Oh, yeah. I was just looking
at the snacks we brought. I

Mean, our data. And look.

Nobody brought the same snack

Well, that's another great
thing about charts. It's easy

To compare and contrast our


You mean we can see who
brought the same snack, and who

Brought a different snack?

Right, may.

Oh, look. Sid has a banana,
gabriela has carrots and

Dipping sauces, I have raisins,
and gerald has a cheese



Uh-huh. It's fun to compare
all the data in their cute

Little boxes.

Well, I'm impressed. My
scientists know so much about

Charts and data. I think it's
time to play with all your new



Go ahead.

Playtime. Now it's time for--
good laughternoon!

hey, gabriela--


What do you call a chart
about trains?

I don't know. What?

A choo-choo chart. Woo-woo!

Have a chart train!

how does a chart sneeze?

Um--can charts sneeze?

Well, it's good laughternoon,
so it's ok to tell silly jokes.

Oh, yeah. Well, does a chart
say when it sneezes?

Ah, ah, ah, chart!

[making choo-choo train sounds]

I'm back! Chart express
coming through!

What do you get when you
make a chart about charts?

I don't know. What?

Too many charts.

shh. Aboard the choo-choo

Chart train! Woo-woo!

now, that's funny.

[Pre-recorded laughter plays]
let's play "pretend." I'm

The mommy, and you are my son.

Well, why am I the kid?

Because I'm already wearing
the mommy hat!

Oh, huh. Well, she's got me
there. Hey, "mommy," I want a

New turbo robot mega ship. What
do you say? Come on, come on,

Come on.

Well, "son," if you want the
new toy, then you're going to

Have to earn it.

Oh. What do I have to do?

I'll mark a box on this
chart only if you are polite.

Oh, really? Hmm. Watch this.

Mommy, will you please, please,
please, please put a check in

The boxes?

No. Oh, wait. I guess you
were polite.

Huh. Hmm.

"Please, please, please,

Oh, thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you, thank

You, thank you, and thank you.

[Sid chuckles]
[sid sighs]

This is not the way this was
supposed to work. "Thank you,

Thank you"--
oh, lookie there. Ha, ha. I

See I only need one more box.

Mommy, I really like your chart.

Why, thank you.

You're welcome. Say, that
was pretty polite of me, so you

Got to check off the last box
now. Which means I get the

Turbo robot mega ship! Yeah!

[Imitates rock band]
* I get the mega ship

Because I was so polite

I get the mega ship
because I was so polite *

Hey, you know what? I think
charts are cool, after all.

Hey, mom--mommy, you getting
your purse? Where's my robot

Mega ship?

And now--
it's time-

For susie--
to sing. Go, susie!

why, thank you, thank you.

Oh, I'm really glad all my
scientists like charts. They're

Actually one of my favorite
scientific tools.

Um--do you like charts a
lot, susie?

Oh, I like charts. In fact,
charts rule!

* checking out charts

Charts rule
a chart is a handy dandy

Scientific tool
it gives you information

You can see with your eyes
a chart lets you visualize

You get the picture, so do I
checking out charts

May I please draw your
attention to this weather chart

I tell you this chart
is a work of art

I see clouds on friday
and rain on monday

And look, there's going to be
sun on sunday

I like checking out charts
'cause charts rule

A chart is a handy dandy
scientific tool

It gives you information
you can see with your eyes

A chart lets you visualize
you get the picture, so do I

Checking out charts, checking

Counting kids like a dog
or a cat

Checking charts
who wears a hoodie

And who wears a hat
checking charts

Making a chart of what
people eat

Some charts look like a pie
and you know that's sweet

I like checking out charts
'cause charts rule

A chart is a handy dandy
scientific tool

It gives you information
you can see with your eyes

A chart lets you visualize
you get the picture, so do I *



That was awesome!

Thank you.

Susie, that song rocks!

[Susie chuckles]
I love charts. I think I'll

Make a chart and draw pictures
of all of you. And then I'll

Draw happy smiley faces in the
boxes. Because you all make me



Thanks, may.

For us?

That's very nice of you, may.

Thank you.

Now that all of you
scientists are chart experts,

Why not make lots of charts,
about everything?


ok. Let's go collect lots

And lots of data and make


Yeah! Charts rule!


Ok, scientists, it's time to
go home. Follow me.


Charts, charts. Charts,
charts, charts.

Now, where's my sid?

Right here, grandma.

Oh! Oh! Now, okey-doke,
let's roll.

Let's roll.

Wow, whoa!

[Rock beat plays]
* backseat driving with

Grandma *
[music stops]

Whoa! Hey, kiddo, how are
you doing today?

Well, grandma, when we get
home, I'm going to do lots and

Lots of chores so I can get
stickers for my chart. Then

I'll get my new turbo robot
mega ship.

Oh. Well, I know all about
chores and charts. When I was a

Little girl, I had a chore
chart, and I had lots of chores

To do. I had to clean my room,
help my mom cook dinner, and

Wash the dishes. And where I
grew up, we had lots of snow in

The winter, so I had to help
shovel snow! Whoo-hoo! That was

Hard work. And guess what. I
didn't get any toys for doing

My chores. I just had to do
them. But you know what? I was

Always proud of myself.

[Sid's grandmother laughs]
I can't believe you didn't

Even get a toy for doing all
those chores.

Well, getting a toy will
feel good, but I bet you'll

Feel real proud of yourself for
doing all those chores, all by


[Sid's grandmother chuckles]
hmm. Yeah.

[Sid chuckles]
my grandma is really smart.

* I learned something cool
something cool today

I know it upside down
and inside out

I learned all about
charts! *


Scientist in the house! Yeah.

[Pre-recorded applause plays]
mm-hmm. They love me.

[Sidney's grandmother hums]
well, well, well, look at

You, wiping up the table with
no one even asking you to.

Yeah. After your story, I'm
really into doing chores right


All by myself.

That's great.

Hey, there.



Hey. Mom, dad, I learned
that charts are more than a

Place to put stickers. We made
charts to help remember things

And compare them. And the
things we need to remember are

Called "data."

wow. Sid, I'm impressed.

Yeah, me, too.

Ooh, and now I have
something to show you. Ta-da!

All clean.

Wow. You cleaned the table
without being told to do it?

Yeah. I went ahead and
cleaned the table so you

Wouldn't have to.

Sid, you should be very
proud of yourself.

Yeah, I am.

And I'm proud of you, too,

[Sid's grandmother laughs]
another rocket ship sticker--


Oh, so, hey--huh--check out
my chart. Mom and dad gave me

More stickers. Wow. Yeah. You
know what? Now I think charts

Are cool. Mm-hmm. Today, we
learned how to make a chart and

Count data. That's the stuff
you put on your chart. Mm-hmm.

And then we compared our data.

And now I know how easy it is
to remember stuff with a chart.

So, that got me thinking about
all the cool stuff that you can

Put into a chart. Hmm. Ok, I've
got it. Here's my super duper

Ooper shmooper big idea! I want
to make a chart of the whole

World. I want the chart to show
how many people live in my

House. How many houses there
are on my block. How many

People live in my city. How
many people live in the world.

How many people like bananas.

How many animals live on the
planet. How many animals on the

Planet like bananas. And then,
I'll invite everybody in the

Whole world to my house to look
at the chart! Hmm. I wonder how

I'll feed them all. And that's
my super duper ooper shmooper

Big idea!

[Pre-recorded applause plays]
thank you, thank you. Ooh! And

Thank you, my furry stuffed
animal friends. Hey, wait a

Minute. I should make a chart
of all my stuffed animals.

Yeah, how many are green, how
many are fuzzy, and how many

Are karate masters. Whah-cha!

[Sid chuckles]
ah. I am sid, the science kid.

and remember, keep asking lots

And lots of questions.

[Music plays]
see you later, scientists.

[Sid chuckles]
whah-cha! Blam! Whah-blam! Ok,

Yeah. I just--you're over there
and I'm over here. Whah-cha!

Blam! Ka-blam!

Wow! Oh, hi.

We're just checking out our
website. You can explore with



That's a great idea. Come
join us. Visit And

There's a lot of great
information for grownups, too.

I think we look
pretty good in the computer.

Observe, compare, contrast!


Hey, I know how to observe,
compare, and contrast. And I

Bet you do, too.

Observe--that's when you look
really closely at something

And listen to it, maybe even
smell it and feel it.

Compare--that's when you look
at things and think about

How they're the same.

Contrast--that's when you
observe things and think about

What's different about them.

Hey, scientists, there's lots
more amazing science coming

Your way. My friends and I will
learn how to use science tools,

Investigate how things change,
discover our senses, and

Explore how to keep our bodies
healthy. So come join me, sid

The science kid.