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04x09 - Embarassing Moments/Lucky Charm

Posted: 10/03/22 12:27
by bunniefuu
Hi, my name is
emily elizabeth,

And this is clifford,

My big red dog.

♪ Clifford needed emily ♪

♪ So she chose him
for her own ♪

♪ And her love made
clifford grow so big ♪

♪ That the howards
had to leave their home ♪

♪ Clifford'’s the best friend
anyone could know ♪

♪ He'’s the greatest dog ever ♪

♪ I really think so ♪

♪ Clifford'’s so loyal ♪

♪ He'’s there when you call ♪

♪ I love clifford,
the big red dog ♪

♪ So they packed up
the family car ♪

♪ And the howards
left the city ♪

♪ They moved to birdwell island
and found many new friends ♪

♪ There to greet
clifford and emily ♪

♪ Clifford'’s so much fun,
he'’s a friend to us all ♪

♪ I love clifford,
the big red dog ♪



Kid: over here, over here!

I got it,
I got it.

Come on, I got it,
pass it over here.

Come on, let'’s go,
let'’s go, yeah!

No, give it to me.

Here, I'’m over here.

Get it, charley!

Oh, no, you don'’t.

Go, vaz!

Go, charley!


Woof, woof.


I can'’t believe it.

I did it, I did it.

I scored a goal
all by myself.

[Kids laughing]

Your pants ripped, vaz.


I ripped my pants?

Oh, no.

That is the funniest
thing I'’ve ever seen.




Woof, woof,
woof, woof.

Hey, everybody,
look at clifford.


[Bell ringing]

It'’s ok, vaz.

We'’ll cover you
so you can get
to the classroom.

Ms. Carrington
will know
what to do.

There, this covers

That was
a pretty amazing
goal you made, vaz.

I guess, but everyone
was laughing at me.

Oh, don'’t worry, vaz.

Things like this
happen to everyone.

[Bell ringing]

[Kids chattering]


You should
have seen it,
ms. Carrington.

It was so funny

When vaz ripped
his pants.


Perhaps you should consider
if vaz thought it was funny.


But how could you
not think it was
funny, vaz?

Because I was embarrassed.

And we all know
how it feels

To do something

Not me.

Nothing like
that has ever
happened to me,

And I'’m sure
nothing like that

Has ever
happened to you,
ms. Carrington.

oh, yes, it has.

Many times.

I remember one time,

The first time I ever
had to perform

In front of
a group of people.

Ms. Carrington:
I was in high school,

And I entered
the super teen
talent contest.

Oh, my gosh.

I am, like,
so totally nervous.

I totally hope I win.

ladies and gentlemen,

Please welcome
miss debbie carrington.

[Crowd applauds]

Hello, birdwell island!

[Electric guitar blasts]


Oh, my gosh!

This is, like,
so totally embarrassing.

[Class laughing]

We'’re sorry,
ms. Carrington.

We shouldn'’t laugh.

It'’s ok, it was funny.

I mean, it was
totally embarrassing then,

But I can laugh
about it now.

Do you think
I'’ll be able to laugh

About my ripped pants

I'’m pretty sure you will.

Oh, ms. Carrington,

I can'’t believe
that really happened
to you.

Oh, I don'’t know,
I'’ll bet embarrassing
things have happened

To most everyone
in this class.

Yes, dan?

One morning, I woke up
really late and got
dressed so fast

That I accidentally
put on my sister'’s
pink flowered sneakers

Instead of my own shoes.

I felt really silly
at first,

But by the end
of the day,

I was laughing about it
with everyone else.


You'’ll probably be laughing
about your ripped pants

By the end of the day,
too, vaz.


Woof, woof,
woof, woof.


That was a funny story
ms. Carrington told us

About losing her hair.

[Laughing] yeah.

Almost as funny
as vaz ripping
his pants.


Maybe I'’ll be able
to laugh about it
tomorrow, jetta,

But today I still don'’t
think it'’s funny.

I'’m sorry, vaz,
but you have to admit

It was pretty amusing.

It'’s just that
nothing like that

Has ever happened to me.

Oh, it will, jetta.

It happens to everyone
sooner or later.

It happened to me
last year.

Charley: it was
pajama day,

When we all get
to wear our pajamas
to school for fun.

Oh, no!


Emily elizabeth,

Why isn'’t anyone
wearing their pajamas?

Today isn'’t
pajama day, charley.

Tomorrow is.


Heh heh, now, that
was embarrassing.

I remember that day.

You wanted to spend
the whole morning

Hiding in the bathroom.

Yeah, then I looked
in the mirror

And saw how funny
I really did look.

No wonder
everyone was laughing.

Oh, ho ho ho ho.

I'’d never do something
like that.

You never know, jetta.

Come on, you guys,

Let'’s go over
to the bakery
and get a snack.

Ok, great.


What about you,
emily elizabeth?

Have you ever
been embarrassed?

Oh, lots of times.

But the one
I remember the most

Was last year.

Emily: my grandpa gave me

A pack of my very
favorite bubblegum.

It made the hugest bubbles.

Oh, no!


Uh, do you really
have to cut it?

I'’m sorry,
emily elizabeth.

I just don'’t know
any other way.

But my bangs
are so short.

And tomorrow'’s
picture day
at school.

Emily: it was awful then...

But now I look
at that picture,

And it cracks me up.

[Laughing] just
hearing about it

Makes me laugh.

You can say
things like that

Happen to everyone,

But I'’m never going
to let it happen
to me.


Oh, no, of course
not, jetta.

This hot chocolate
is great.

May I have
some more, please?

Why, of course
you can, sir.


What does he mean?


I don'’t know, sir.

oh, my gosh!

A mustache!


Hey, it'’s not funny.

We'’re sorry, jetta.

But it is kind of funny.

And it can happen
to anyone.

Besides, I think we look
pretty good like this.


Mmm, day-old

My favorite.

Ahh, I think
we all look
pretty silly.


You'’re a pretty
good sport, jetta.

You laughed at yourself
really fast.

Well, a whipped
cream moustache

Isn'’t nearly
as embarrassing

As ripping
your pants.

Yeah, but it'’s
just as funny.



what'’s that?

What is that?

It'’s clifford.



How did he do that?


Don'’t worry, clifford.

Embarrassing things
happen to everyone.

Even me.

And me.

And me.

And me.



Woof, woof, woof,
woof, woof, woof.

Emily elizabeth:

It'’s story time.

You want to hear
a speckle story,
don'’t you?

Woof, woof.

I thought so.

He'’s your favorite.

Emily elizabeth:
today'’s story is

"Speckle and the clean beach."

One sunny day,
speckle and his friends

Were on their way
to the beach,

Laughing and chatting
about all the fun things

They were going to do
when they got there.

But when they arrived,
they had a sad surprise.

The beach was covered
with litter--

Not clean, like
a beach should be.

Reba, darnell, luna,
ravi, and speckle

Couldn'’t imagine playing
on a beach like that.

Then speckle said
they could,

If they just
took a few minutes

To clean it up.

Speckle used his beach bag
to collect cans.

Ravi, darnell,
and luna picked up

All the empty boxes
and candy wrappers.

And reba used
her shovel and pail

To collect bits
of stray paper.

Before they knew it,

The beach was just like
it should be,

Clean and beautiful

And ready for them
to play on together.

The end.

That was a great story.

Isn'’t reading fun?



[Seagulls calling]

[Bell clangs]

[Kids laughing, shouting]

Kid: I'’m starving,
let'’s go get...

Go, charley,
keep it up!


Ah, so close.

That was excellent,

Thanks, dad.

Wait till
you see emily.

She'’s really great.


Whoa, whoa!

I think you want to go
the other way, vaz.

You almost made it
that time.

I'’ve been practicing

Just like
emily elizabeth
told me to.

I read this book
with all kinds
of skating tips

From professionals.

I can'’t wait
to show her
what I'’ve learned.

Clifford: woof, woof,
woof, woof, woof.

You don'’t have to wait,
because here she is.

Woof, woof.

Hi, emily.

Hey, clifford.
How are you?

Thanks for the ride,

With you and
my lucky stone...

It'’s going to be
a great day for skating.

Hi, emily.

Hi, clifford.

Woof, woof.

Hi, emily elizabeth.

You want me
to show you guys

What clifford
and I have
been practicing?



Wow, emily, how'’d
you do that?

That was awesome.

Yay, emily elizabeth.

Yay, clifford!

You are incredible.


Wow, the track
looks great.

Emily: and there'’s
the quarter-pipe.

Race you to it.




Someday I'’m going
to skate as well

As emily elizabeth.

Woof, woof.

Catch me
if you can,

I can.

Wow, you really
are fast, emily.


Woof, woof.


Oh, wow.

Thanks, clifford.

You ok, emily?

Are you
all right?

Sure, I'’m ok.

Are you sure?


Ok, just
be careful, now.


Lucky for me
clifford is here,

And I have
my lucky stone.

my lucky stone.

It'’s gone!

It must'’ve
fallen off

I know it'’s just
an old painted stone,

But it always
brings me good luck.

You mean it'’s
a lucky charm?

I know there'’s
no such thing

As real lucky charms.

I--i just like
having it with me.

I know what
you mean.

I'’ve got
my special shirt

I always wear
for luck

When I play soccer.

Don'’t worry,
we'’ll help you
find it.

Woof, woof, woof.

Thanks, guys.

Sorry, emily.

I wish we
could have found
your stone.

I think
we looked

Ohh, ohh.

That'’s ok.

It was just an old
painted stone.

But thanks
for looking.

You want to go
and skate some more?

Maybe it'’ll
make you
feel better.

Oh, I don'’t know.

I'’ve never skated
without my lucky
stone before.

Oh, come on.

a great skater.

You don'’t need
a lucky stone.

Let'’s go try
the wavy mounds.

really fun.

Well, ok.

Heh heh heh.



Down the hill,
emily elizabeth.




I'’m ok.

Go, emily!

You can do it.


What'’s the matter?

Uh, I don'’t think
I can do this.

But you'’re the best
skater on the island.

No, I'’m not.

Not anymore.


Are you ok?

No, I need
my lucky charm.

I can'’t skate
without it.


Look, emily elizabeth.
Your strap broke.

That'’s why you fell.

But my strap broke

Because I don'’t have
my lucky stone.

I don'’t think
I want to skate
anymore today.

Ah, don'’t let
that fall bother you.

It happens to everyone
once in a while.

It happens to me
all the time.

It never
to me before,

Until I lost
my lucky stone.



See? I need
my lucky stone.

I can'’t even
get a drink of water
without it.


Hey, clifford wants
you to have
a new lucky stone.

It'’s beautiful,


but it'’s a little
big for me

To wear
on my neck chain.


Aww, thanks
for trying.

But I'’m going
to go and look
for my real stone.

Nice try, clifford.


And that gives
me an idea.

Emily just thinks
she needs her lucky stone.

All she really needs
is her confidence back.

So, we'’ll let her
think we found

Her polka-dotted stone.

Ah, then afterwards,
when we tell her...

She'’ll know
that she doesn'’t
need her stone

To skate well.

Woof, woof.

So, what do you think?

Does it look
like emily'’s?


Great, now,
let'’s go find her.

Oh, where is it?

Where is it?

Here it is.

Woof, woof, woof.

You found it?

We sure did.

You did,
you found it!

Oh, thank you.

I feel luckier

So, where
was it?

Uh--where--it was, uh--

By that tree.

That'’s funny, I was
never over there.

Maybe the wind
blew it there.

So, uh, now that you'’ve
got your lucky stone,

You want to try
the quarter-pipe?

Sure, I want
to try it all.


Look at emily go.

Woof, woof, woof.

Ha ha ha, go,
emily elizabeth.

Ha ha ha ha!


That was

And you didn'’t
even need your
lucky charm after all.

What do you mean?
It'’s right here.

Wait a minute.


This isn'’t
my lucky charm.

No, it isn'’t.

It'’s just a stone
that vaz and clifford
and I painted.

We just wanted
to show you

That you don'’t
need anything

To give you

That you'’re
a great skater
all on your own.

You'’re right, guys.

I guess I don'’t need
a lucky stone.

I just need to believe
that I can do it on my own.


But I'’m going to keep
this new lucky stone anyway.

I think it'’s even better
than my old one.

It is?


Because this stone
will always remind me

That I have
the best friends

In the whole world.


Grr, grr.


Hi, t-bone.

Can we play,

I'’m not playing, cleo.

You'’re not?

What are you
doing, t-bone?

I'’m cleaning
my doghouse.

Yuck, wouldn'’t you
rather be playing
with us?

Well, yes.

Then let'’s play.

Emily elizabeth: nothing'’s
more fun than playing
with your friends,

But it'’s a good idea
to be responsible

And finish your work

Before you start
to play.

Ruff, ruff,
come on, t-bone,
hit it back.

I made a promise
to myself

To finish cleaning
my doghouse first.

Then I'’ll play.

Ok, t-bone,
can we help?

No, thanks.

Are you sure?

Uh-huh, this
is my job.

You guys keep playing.

I'’ll be done
in a minute.

Emily elizabeth: it feels good
to finish a job you start.

That'’s why clifford'’s
big idea for today

Is "be responsible."