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03x12 - Topsy Turvy Day/Clifford's Charm School

Posted: 10/03/22 12:21
by bunniefuu
Hi! My name
is emily elizabeth,

And this is clifford,

My big red dog.

♪ Clifford needed emily ♪

♪ So she chose him
for her own ♪

♪ And her love made clifford
grow so big ♪

♪ That the howards
had to leave their home ♪

♪ Clifford'’s the best friend
anyone could know ♪

♪ He'’s the greatest dog ever ♪

♪ I really think so ♪

♪ Clifford'’s so loyal ♪clifford!

♪ He'’s there when you call ♪

♪ I love clifford
the big red dog ♪

♪ So they packed up
the family car ♪

♪ And the howards
left the city ♪

♪ They moved to birdwell island
and found many new friends ♪

♪ There to greet
clifford and emily ♪

♪ Clifford'’s so much fun,
he'’s a friend to us all ♪

♪ I love clifford
the big red dog ♪



Emily elizabeth:
keep going, clifford.

Back, back, back.

You'’re doing great.

Now, this is what I call
topsy turvy teamwork.

emily elizabeth.

Are you
getting ready

For topsy turvy day

Yep. We'’re practicing
walking backwards

For the most backwards
day of the year.

I love topsy turvy day.

Everything'’s so mixed up.

Me, too.
Clifford and I
especially like

All the fun
backwards races.

We won
a first place trophy
for '’em last year,

Didn'’t we, boy?

Woof woof!

Yes, I remember.

hey, you know

What would be fun,
emily elizabeth?


Since everything'’s
so mixed up
on topsy turvy day,

Why don'’t we mix up
our dogs this year?


You do the backward
races with mac,

And I'’ll do '’em
with clifford.


But i--

I'’ll be over
tomorrow morning

To drop off mac
and pick up clifford
for practice.

Jetta, i--


You know, clifford.
It might be kind of fun.

It'’s definitely

Ok, clifford.
We'’re gonna have
to practice hard

So i--

I mean, wecan win
this year.


All right. The first
topsy turvy race

Is always the uphill
rolling race.

So, go ahead,
clifford. Roll.

Woof woof!

No, up the hill.
Up, up.


Up, up.



No, no, no, no.



I want you
to roll on your back
up the hill.

Ok, clifford.
See if you can
do this one.

Race to that raft
out there.

I dog paddle
like a dog,

And you swim
on your back
like a person.

Ok, so turn around,

Woof woof!

Ack! I mean, turn over.

On your back.


never mind.

Well, I just hope
you can do better

At topsy turvy day.

Ack! Clifford!

I should have
just stuck with mac.


[Crowd chatters]

Happy topsy turvy day,

Happy topsy turvy day,

Get your mustard here.

you'’re selling mustard?

Yep. I sell the mustard,
and the hot dogs are free.

[All laugh]

Ok, clifford.

The uphill roll race
is about to start.

Try to do it
right today, ok?


woof woof woof!




It'’s good
to see you, too.

Aw, there'’s
my little mackie.

You and mac
aren'’t gonna do

The uphill roll race,
are you, emily?


Oh, but you'’ll
never get mac

To roll
up this hill.

He hates rolling.
It gets him
all dirty.

Really? Well, he did
a good job of rolling
when we practiced.


Oh. Well,
you must have given him

Tons of doggie treats.

A few.

I thought so.

I gave him tummy yummies
and belly rubs...

but then, I ran out
of tummy yummies,

So I just gave him
belly rubs.

You did?

Uh-huh. He'’s
a very talented dog.

Well, I know, but...

Ok, folks.
The uphill roll race
will now begin.

Ok, rollers.
On your mark...

Get set...


[All cheer]

Jetta: uh, clifford!

Roll! Up! Roll up!


Jetta: ooh!
Look at emily and mac.
They'’re way up there.

How did emily elizabeth
get him to do that?

[All cheer]

Come on, boy.
You'’re doin'’ great.

Keep rolling.
Good boy.

Look at that mac go.

how is emily elizabeth
making him do that?

She'’s not making him
do it, jetta.

Mac wants to do it

emily elizabeth'’s
been so nice to him.

He'’s rolling up the hill
just because

Emily elizabeth
was nice to him?

That'’s right. Watch.

Come on, machiavelli!
You can do it!

Yes! You won!

[All cheer]

Woof woof!

Great job, mac!
Great job!

Maybe I should try that...

Being nice thing.

Remember this race,


I didn'’t explain it
to you very well

When we were practicing...

But I'’m sure you can do it
if you know what to do, right?

Woof woof woof!

Of course you can.
Now, turn around...

No, no, no!

I'’m sorry.
I mean, turn over
onto your back.

Ok, boy?

Woof woof!

Good job, clifford!

Woof woof!

Now, when sheriff lewis
says, "swim,"

You swim
as fast as you can
on your back, ok?

woof woof woof!

Whoa! Oh!

Oh! I'’m sorry.

I know you didn'’t mean
to splash me.



You'’re a pretty
nice dog, clifford.

Swimmers to your mark...

Get set...


[All chatter]

Good boy, mac.
Keep going.

Good boy, clifford.
We'’re almost there.

Keep it up, boy.

[Pants] I don'’t think
we'’re gonna win...

But we'’re doing our best...

And we'’re having fun.

Woof woof!


[All cheer]

We did it!
We won!

Oh, great job,


I'’m sorry I'’ve been
yelling at you.

No one likes
being yelled at,

And you really
are an amazing dog.



Woof woof woof!

[All cheer]

We did it!

We won
the first place
trophy, clifford!

Congratulations, jetta.

You and clifford
make a great team.

Thank you. We'’re both
very talented, you know.

Emily elizabeth:
congratulations, jetta.

You and clifford
were wonderful.

What is that trophy for,
emily elizabeth?

Mac and I won second place.

But it'’s bigger than
my first place trophy.

Of course.
It'’s topsy turvy day.

Oh. [Laughs]

Of course.
It'’s topsy turvy day.

[Clifford slurps]


[All cheer]

Emily elizabeth: clifford!

It'’s story time.

You wanna hear
a speckles story,
don'’t you?

Woof woof!

[Laughs] I thought so.
He'’s your favorite.

Today'’s story is

Speckle and the magnificent
magnified world.

One morning,
speckle helped darnell

Look for his lost button.

Speckle took out
his magnifying glass

To help them search
through the tall grass.

When they looked
through the glass,

The tiny ants looked
as big as darnell.

Speckle and darnell
imagined that

They were the same
size as the ants.

The grass was like
a thick forest.

The ant hill was
as big as a mountain.

And a mile-long
caterpillar looked,
well, a mile long.

Imagining themselves
this small,

Speckle and darnell
easily found the button
they were looking for.

So they reached
to pick it up,

Both agreeing that
using a little imagination

Can be big fun.

The end.

That was a great story.

Isn'’t reading fun?



Now, don'’t forget
you promised

To mow the lawn today,

Don'’t worry, dear.
I will.

You know my book club party
is here tomorrow,

And I want
every little thing
to be perfect.

Hmm. It'’s not
the little things

You have to worry
about, violet.


It'’s the big things.

You don'’t think
clifford would
do anything

To upset
my party,
do you?

He'’s always
such a good dog.

Well, when it comes
to that big red pooch,
anything can happen.

Woof woof
woof woof woof!

Oh, dear.
I can just imagine.

[All chatter]

Oh, do have
a cheese puff.

They'’re just out
of the oven.

Violet, this is the best
book club party ever.

Everything'’s perfect.

Emily elizabeth:
come back
and finish your bath!

[Both gasp]

Woman: dear!


You know, horace,
maybe I'’d better

Have a little talk
with emily.

That'’s a good idea, violet.

You see,
emily elizabeth,

This party is
very important to me.

Don'’t worry,
mrs. Bleakman,

I'’ll make sure clifford
is extra special
well-behaved that day.

You'’d never do anything
to ruin mrs. Bleakman'’s
party, would you?

I wonder why
mrs. Bleakman thinks

I might
ruin her party.

Emily elizabeth
always tells me

I have
very good manners.

You do have
good manners.

Thank you, t-bone.

You'’re welcome,

Your manners
are ok, clifford,

But just
plain old manners

Aren'’t good enough
for a grown-up party.

They aren'’t?

No. You have to have
fancy manners for that.

Lucky for you,
I'’m an expert
at acting fancy.

I'’d be happy
to teach you.

Wait a minute.
You'’re not the only one
around here

Who knows
how to act fancy.

I happen to be an expert
on fancy manners, too.

Oh, yeah?



Hey, guys,
don'’t you know

It'’s bad manners
to yell at each other?

T'’s right, mac.
How about

If we both
teach clifford
fancy manners?

Uh, i--i don'’t know,

Great idea, cleo.
We'’ll do it together.

I don'’t think
I really need

To learn
how to be fancy.


you don'’t want

To ruin mrs. Bleakman'’s
party, do you?

Well, no.

Then just follow us.

We'’ll teach you
just how to be.

Right. Follow us.

I think
you'’re just fine

The way you are,

Thanks, t, but I guess
it won'’t hurt

To learn something new.

I hope not.

Ok, clifford.

The first thing
we need to do

Is teach you
how to walk.

Huh? But I already
know how to walk.

fancy walking'’s

than regular walking.

You have to keep
your head up high,
like this.

And you have
to keep your tail

Really straight,
like this.

Ok, I'’ll try.

How'’s this?

It looks great,

your knees.

Oh, take
smaller steps.

Stay up on your toes.

And keep your head up.

Both: and watch
where you'’re going!

Oh! Whoa!

Ooh! Oh!

I think
I liked it better

The way
you used to walk.

Yeah? Me, too.

Why do you have tires
on clifford'’s tail, mac?

We'’re going to teach him
not to wag his tail, t-bone.

Mm-hmm. A wagging tail
at a party

Can knock over a table
or break a dish
or get fur in the food.

I don'’t think
I'’d want to go
to a party

Where I couldn'’t
wag my tail.

What should I do,

T-bone'’s gonna try
and get you to wag
your tail, clifford.

But whatever you do,

Well, ok.

Um, hey, clifford,
wanna play ball?


Both: no, clifford!

Oops! I forgot.
Don'’t wag my tail.


Hey, clifford. How about
a fun game of tag?

Don'’t wag my tail.
Don'’t wag my tail.
Don'’t wag my tail.

Don'’t wag my tail.
Don'’t wag my tail.

Let'’s go diggin'’
in the sand,
really deep.

Don'’t wag my tail.
Don'’t wag my tail.

Don'’t wag my tail.
Don'’t wag my tail.

Come on, clifford.

Don'’t wag.

You can do it!

All right!

You did it,
Great job.

I did it? Yes!

Both: no!

Ok, cleo,

What should
we work on next?

Gosh, I'’m not sure, mac.

There'’s so much
more fancy stuff
we need to teach him.

um, I don'’t know.

I think clifford
is just fine

Just the way he is.

Oh, there'’s always room
for improvement, t-bone.

I guess that'’s true.

Mac: clifford!cleo: clifford!


What are you doing?

Scratching my ear.

You can'’t scratch
at a party.

But my ear itches.

It doesn'’t matter.

You can'’t scratch.

Ok, I won'’t scratch,
but it sure does itch,

And I think
it'’s spreading.

Don'’t do it.
Don'’t scratch.

But it itches
so much.

Can'’t he just
scratch a little?


I can'’t stand it.
I have to scratch now.

Oh, dear. What if
he does that tomorrow
during my party, horace?

I warned you,
anything can happen

With that
big red dog around.


I'’m afraid clifford
is never

Going to learn
how to act fancy, cleo.

I think you'’re right, mac.
Poor clifford.

Thanks for trying, guys,

But I don'’t really
think it matters

If I learn
all this fancy stuff.

But what about
mrs. Bleakman'’s
party tomorrow?

I'’ll just
have to try my best

To be the best dog
I can be

And hope everyone likes me
just the way I am.

[All chatter]

Violet: welcome, naomi.

I am so glad you came
to my book club party.

Thank you, violet.

That sun certainly
is bright, isn'’t it?

Oh, I'’m so sorry.

I had no idea there'’d
be so much sun today.

Well, I hope everyone
remembered their sunglasses.

[All chatter]

Horace, what am
I going to do?

so uncomfortable

With the sun
in their eyes.

Well, look on
the bright side, violet.

At least
clifford isn'’t here.

Emily elizabeth:
hello, everyone.


Well, look at that.
It'’s emily elizabeth
and clifford.

It'’s always
nice to see you,
emily elizabeth.

Clifford and I
are just on our way
to the beach,

But we wanted
to stop by and say hello.

Woof woof!

That'’s very nice.
Now, I'’m sure
you and clifford

Are in a hurry
to get to the beach.

Excuse me, violet,
but when clifford
sits in that spot,

He completely
blocks the sun.

Do you think
we might ask

Emily elizabeth
and clifford
to stay with us?

We'’d love to...

If it'’s ok with you,
mrs. Bleakman.



All: oh!

Oh, my.

The breeze
from his tail
is wonderful, too.

I'’m sure clifford
will be very well behaved,
mrs. Bleakman.

Well, of course
he will.

He'’s always
such a good dog.

I would love
to have him stay
for my party.

Woof woof woof woof!

[All laugh]


Hello, clifford.


I brought you
some leftover punch
from the party.

You really
saved the day today,
clifford. Thank you.


I promise you'’ll be

The first one I invite
to my next party.


She loved having you
at her party, clifford.

Yeah. How come?

Did you act all fancy
like we taught you?

Nope. I just
acted like me.

And just being clifford

Is the very best way to be.

Woof woof
woof woof woof!

Clifford and I know
it'’s important

To think about
the feelings of others,

And that'’s why clifford'’s
big idea for today

Is "be kind."

It looks like

Mac'’s special
birthday balloon popped.

I told him
it'’d get ruined

If he didn'’t
take it inside.

I'’m gonna
go show him.

Wait a minute, cleo.

Maybe we can
find a nicer way
to tell him about it

So he won'’t feel so bad.

You'’re right, clifford.

Hi, mac.

We'’re really sorry,
but your balloon

Got ruined
in the sun.

My special balloon. Oh.

We all make mistakes
sometimes. Even me.

thanks, cleo,

And thanks for not saying,
"I told you so."

You'’re welcome.

Hey, you wanna
play tag?


Helping a friend
to feel better

Makes you
feel better, too.

That'’s why clifford'’s
big idea for today

Is "be kind."