03x22 - Day 3: 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "24". Aired: November 6, 2001 to July 14, 2014.*
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Counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer fights the bad guys of the world, a day at a time.
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03x22 - Day 3: 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on 24.

I just got off the phone with one of my sources over at Keeler's headquarters.

Sherry was there meeting privately with Keeler.

Meeting Keeler about what? He didn't know.

David I came here because I can guarantee you a win in November.

David Palmer is an accessory to m*rder.

David lied to the Chief of Police last night in order to provide an alibi for me.

Why are you lying to me? I screwed up earlier.

The SAT transmission on my system was forged by my own people.

Making a mistake is one thing.

Covering it up is another.

I can't let you stay in place.

I am taking over command of CTU now.

I made a mistake, Jack No, Tony You made two I am going to let you speak to your husband Tell him that you are ok and you are being treated well.

Are you all right? I am fine Don't let them do this, don't let?? If Jane is not release when I order it, your wife dies.

That's all you need to know.

Are we clear? From this point on, I am assuming control of CTU.

Tony Almeida has stepped down.

We are taking Jane Saunders to Division.

Here's the order.

- We are leaving right now.

- Ok Going out this way right here.

Where are all the guards? We don't need those guards anymore.

Jack, Tony locked me in here Saunders has Michelle, he's using her as leverage to get his daughter out.

This is Almeida.

We are out.

I have got her I will give you further instructions in 20 minutes.

Exit security, I need a 20 on Tony Almeida The following takes place between 10:00 am and 11:00 am.

Excuse me Chloe, I want you to pull up all the surveillance tape from every exit in this building.

I want you to focus on the last 10 minutes.

Adam, have you linked up with traffic surveillance yet? I'm working on top chance.

Jack, I just heard Tony took Jane Saunders out of the building without authorization.

- That's right - Why? Saunders has Michelle.

He wants to trade her for his daughter.

Jane Saunders is the only leverage we have.

Trust me, Chase.

I know that.

I got him.

He left the building 3 minutes ago, and drove off the premises 90 seconds later.

Adam, he's in a silver SUV.

Chase, I want you to prep the tactical team.

- Be ready to move as soon as I give you an order.

- All right.

I got him, Jack He's on 5th about half a mile from here, heading east.

I will call you from the car.

Son of a bitch Are you ok? It's just traffic.

You have been acting all wired since we left.

Yeah, well, there's a lot going on right now.

You never really explained why you wanted to transfer me to this division place.

I told you.

I know what you told me.

It doesn't make sense.

Yeah, well, I don't have the time to explain it to you right now.

Almeida got my daughter out of CTU.

You need to be ready to move the moment I tell you.

When are you calling Almeida with instructions? At least 700 people are dead or dying in the Chandler Plaza Hotel because Saunders released a weaponized virus into the ventilation system What the media is reporting is a cover story.

They are deflecting the truth to avoid mass panic.

You will be infected along with everyone else No matter what he's paying you, it's not worth losing your life Jack is in pursuit of Tony.

Move out as soon as we get a location on Saunders.

Understand? Good - Kim - Yeah What are you doing? I am working with a team that's monitoring my father.

I thought you were setting up a tactical unit.

Yeah, I am We have to wait until we get a location on Saunders.

Until then, we are pretty much on standby.

- All right - Listen Before I have to go back out there, I want to talk to you.

About what? About us I need to know whether there's going to be an us.

Look, I have been thinking about it a lot, and the baby changes everything.

It doesn't change the way I feel about you.

Look, let's forget about me for a second.

You have a daughter and a job that won't let you be with her.

Is that you talking, or your father? My dad would be the first one to admit it.

He wasn't the greatest dad.

And it wasn't because he didn't love me.

I know he loved me.

It was because of his job If I transferred out of Field Ops, would you consider staying with me? I want to stay with you, and I would raise a child with you, Chase.

I just won't raise one for you Adam, is he still on 5th street? No, I lost him He must have turned between Jarvis and Hill.

Widen the search I am Ok, Jack, I have got him He's going south on Vine, 2 blocks below Hill - You can save some time by - Ok, I got it He's hit traffic at Fillmore.

You might be able to intercept on Grant.

Look, I know you are lying to me I know you are not taking me to division.

You will be fine, Jane.

All right? At least tell me where we are going Where are you taking me? Back to your father My father? Why? He's holding my wife hostage, and he will k*ll her if I don't take you back to him So, basically, you are kidnapping me.

I am sorry After everything he's done, how can you be sure he'll do what he says? How do you know he won't k*ll your wife, anyway? I don't have a choice.

I wish I did, but I don't Tony, put that g*n on the dash Put that g*n on the dash, now! Slowly get out of the car Jane, stay where you are, everything is going to be fine.

Saunders has Michelle.

I know He wants to make a trade, Michelle for his daughter I know.

I can't let that happen Look, I almost lost her once today, Jack I am not losing her again.

Tony, listen to me I understand exactly how you are feeling.

I have been there.

And you handled it just like me, you kept everyone outside of it.

Tony, this is different.

Millions of lives are at stake Oh, rules apply to other people But not to you, right, Jack? Tony, just calm down, ok? Come on You help me make this trade, I will turn myself in.

Go to prison, whatever is gotta happen.

I can't do it We need Jane to lure her father in.

Even if it means Michelle's gotta die.

Michelle doesn't have to die.

We can string Saunders along.

I need you to start working with me Chase has already got a strike team mobile.

No, no, no, no Saunders sees I brought CTU into this, he kills Michelle He's not going to know we are there.

Tony, where are you meeting him? Tony, you don't have a choice right now You've got to work with me on this Where is the meeting? Come on, where are you meeting him? He wants me to be at a public pay phone at the corner of Taylor and Vine in 5 minutes.

He'll give me further instructions from there.

Thank you You are doing the right thing The quarantined areas are circled in red Now, as far as we know, we have containment.

We are still not certain? No.

But we can't really be certain for hours.

Maybe days.

David, listen The press is breathing down Gerry's neck pretty hard.

Now, he thinks we should release a statement.

I already have.

I have closed down public transportation and I have told the people to stay in their homes.

We have F18s patrolling the skies.

Yeah, but we haven't revealed the exact nature of this threat and the press is picking up on that.

We have 10 million people spread out over 4000 square mile area.

If even a small percentage decide to leave at the same time, it will ignite a public panic beyond anything we could control.

The right thing to do is to withhold the truth until we are sure the virus is contained.

I will tell Gerry to hold off on the press as long as he can.


President Yes, Jeannie.

Senator Keeler's here to see you Have him brought in Yes sir.

Hello, John Mr.

President Please take a seat Thank you.

I will stand You can imaging my surprise when I was told that you wanted to see me.

Are you withdrawing from the race? Mr.

President, with respect to the death of Alan Milliken, I know you lied to the police.

Excuse me? You obstructed the investigation of a capital crime.

That's a baseless charge, John.

Though I have come to expect this kind of recklessness from you No, sir, it's neither baseless nor reckless.

This is a photograph of the nitroglycerine medicine that would have saved Milliken's life.

If it hadn't been kept from him You told the police Sherry was with you at the time of Milliken's death.

Her fingerprints on this prescription bottle prove otherwise.

Now the last thing this country needs is to have its President dragged through the mud for complicity in a m*rder Why are you showing me this, John? What do you want? Your resignation.

Not immediately, of course.

But once this crisis you are dealing with is over, you can resign with whatever face saving reason you want to give.

Get out of here.

I am offering you the chance to leave office with honor to control how your legacy is written.

It's a good deal, David You should take it He's going to call in one minute.

I should go to the phone Ok, as soon as Saunders tells you where he wants he exchange to take place, you need to reject the location.

We need to force him into picking a secondary location so Chase has time to embed his teams.

If I don't show up where and when Saunders wants me to, he's going to k*ll Michelle.

Not as long as we have his daughter.

What if he doesn't go for it? Don't give him a choice.

You have got some leverage here, Tony, use it.

All right.

I need to go.

My father kidnapped his wife because of me? Something like that.

And now you want to use me as bait to get to him.

We are going to do whatever we have to to stop your father from releasing this virus.

Stay here.

We'll be right back Where are we meeting? First, let me speak with my daughter.


You can talk to her when we make the exchange.

All right.

Bring her to an industrial pack 3 miles north of where you are, on Maltin Road.

A car will be waiting at loading dock 22.

Choose a new place.

That doesn't work Make it work You have got 10 minutes to get to the industrial park or your wife will die.

If we meet there, we all die.

Really? CTU has redundant satellite surveillance of that area.

They are dedicating all their resources to finding me right now If you want your daughter back safely, you pick a new spot.

I am not negotiating terms, Mr.


I have planned too long and too hard for this day and I will do whatever it takes to make sure nothing interferes.

Even even if it means sacrificing my daughter.

You need to understand my commitment, Mr.

Almeida What the hell are you doing? He wasn't going for it.

He is testing you.

He's heard what you had to say.

He'll phone back.

Now hang up the phone.

How you know? Because right now he thinks I am going to k*ll his daughter.

The only reason why he exposed himself is to make sure she's still safe.

Maybe that's what you'd do, Jack But you are not Saunders.

No matter how well you think you know this guy, you are not him.

This isn't a game, Jack We are talking about my wife.

Michelle's got a better chance of surviving if we control the ground where the exchange is supposed to take place.

But protecting her is not your priority, is it? If she were to get k*lled, that would be an acceptable loss, wouldn't it? My god, Jack, Didn't you learn anything from what happened to Terry? Shut up, Tony Shut up Tony Just because you sacrificed your wife for this job doesn't mean I am going to sacrifice mine.

I am here Make no mistake This is your first and your last accommodation.

Just tell me where you want to make the exchange.

Downtown, under the 6th street bridge.

Under the 6th street bridge.

Be there in 30 minutes But if I see that you have brought anyone else into this, I will k*ll your wife.

You did great Tony Almeida's going to make the exchange, but until we get confirmation that Saunders is on site, we stay invisible.

I will assign positions on the way out.

Let's go.

What is it? Satellite pictures of 6th street bridge.

I asked for a real time feed, Kim We will have it, too, by the time we are on site.

What about air support? We are coordinating with the Marines.

They will move on your order.

They will move on your order.

Look, Chase, please be careful Look, Chase, please be careful Don't worry about me.

I will be fine.

Chloe, how much time before you can setup a real time satellite feed for the 6th street bridge? Do you really think Chase is going to quit field ops to start a family? He won't I don't know where you are getting this from, but it's none of your business.

I have known Chase for 3 years.

You have been dating him for 3 months.

And your point being? He might be a great guy, but he's just like your father They are both the same person.

So if you are expecting him to leave this for the suburbs, you should revise your expectations.

When can you uplink a satellite feed? Then do it I am just trying to be a friend, Kim.

That's all Hello You have gone too far this time, Sherry You know, I thought I might be hearing from you, David You sent Keeler over here to blackmail me into giving up my presidency? Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down You mean Keeler paid you a visit? You know damn well he did and you know why Only one person could have given him that prescription bottle and that's you Ok, supposing that was true.

What then? You should go to jail for m*rder.

You should go to jail, too, David You lied to the police.

You told them that I was with you all night Withholding evidence, obstruction of justice.

Those are serious crimes I knew you always wanted to go down in the history books, David.

But I am not certain like this.

Am I right? What did Keeler offer you, Sherry? Exactly what you should have offered me, respect and a seat at the table, but instead you called me up when you needed me and then after I did your little dirty work, You threw me out like an old pair of shoes.

You know me, Sherry, better than anyone, and you know I won't be bullied.

So before this goes too far, you better ask yourself a question.

Are you willing to go to jail? You know, David, I have asked myself that a million times and the answer is yes, I am willing to go to jail The question is, are you? I didn't think so.

I want the strike teams split into 2 groups Group A can take cover here, group B back here.

I want them briefed and ready to go as soon as we get there.

If Saunders sees anyone other than Tony or his daughter, he's not going to make the approach.

What's the response time for air support? I will relay the coordinates.

I will see you at the bridge.

You got it I know my father released the virus in the hotel that people died.

But do you really think he'll do what he's saying? Release it all over the country? If we don't stop him, yes.

Why? There has to be a reason he's doing all of this When I worked with your father, he dedicated himself to saving the lives of innocent people.

Something has happened to him I don't know what But now he believes our government's betrayed him Is he right? There's no easy answer to that.

The work that your father did often demanded that he make seemingly impossible sacrifices.

Whatever happened to your father in Bosnia was obviously a sacrifice he wasn't willing to make.

I am sorry No Shut up! No one can hear you.

No Shut up now No No! Oh God I said stop, stop screaming Look at me, I have been infected.

Help me, help me, help me¡­ Help We got a problem here What's going on? She has it She has the virus What are you talking about? She's bleeding, she must have caught it at the hotel They wouldn't have release her without testing her It's a trick She did it to herself Kevin, are you there? Kevin All right, take the east corridor Stop her from getting aboveground But do not sh**t to k*ll (No Service) CTU, O'Brian It's Michelle Hello? Chloe, can you here me? Whoever this is, I have a really a bad connection.

I have got a lot of stuff to do right now Chloe So what did Keeler want? My job He has proof that Sherry was at Alan Milliken's tonight What? What, what proof? Alan Milliken's prescription bottle turned up with Sherry's fingerprints on it.

How did he get a hold of this? How do you think? Sherry I talked to her a few minutes ago.

She didn't even bother to deny it David, she's got to be bluffing I mean, if this gets out, she goes to jail.

So will I She figures I have more to lose than she does And she's right What does Keeler want you to do? Withdraw from the race for whatever reason I choose.

The party gets thrown into chaos, whoever takes my place won't have a prayer in the election, and Keeler becomes President.

Oh, my god This is all my fault Hey, look We both made mistakes I am the one who called Sherry There may be a way out of this How Without this, Sherry's got nothing, right? What are you suggesting? That we take away the only leverage she has.

You mean, steal evidence.

My god, Wayne Before you say no, you just think about this, ok? Now, I can call Foxton, and he can make this all disappear.

All you have to do is give me the ok - Stay with her - Yes, sir.

Is your strike team in place? You sure they will be of sight? They will be invisible, Tony Ok I am gonna back Tony up here at the 6th street bridge.

We should get in position now.

Jack, priority call from Kim This is Jack Dad, I got Michelle on the line Is she with Saunders No, she said she get away from him.

Patch her through Hold on Michelle, go ahead I got away from Saunders, but he's still after me Michelle, it's me.

Where are you? Wilshire, a block east of Olive Chase, send your strike team in now.

Chase, don't What are you talking about? Michelle, I want you to listen to me very carefully I want you to let Saunders catch you again.

What, are you crazy? We have to let the exchange go down It's the only way we are gonna catch him You want me to give myself up? Yes, the exchange site is secure, I will send our people in as soon as we know he's there.

- Chase, redirect your people now.

That's an order.

- Chase, don't! Jack, stay out of this You are not in command here Get him out of here, now Jack, Jack, that's my wife, Jack You son of a bitch It's my wife Jack We need this exchange to go through Everything depends on it, do you understand me? Michelle, if he doesn't have you for trade, he won't go through with the meeting Look, we are not going to get another chance at it Do you understand, Michelle Yes We are gonna do everything we have to to make sure you come out of this ok But we have got to move now Let's get our teams into position And I thought your brother was the kind of politician who would never lower himself to my level I need to recover something that could cause him a great deal of trouble What is it? A bottle of medicine was taken from a crime scene.

Has it been admitted into evidence? No.

It's in the possession of Sherry Palmer, the President's ex-wife I have a pretty good idea where she is right now, and I can partially reconstruct where she's been since she stole it.

What kind of time frame are we looking at? Hours, Foxton, not days.

Has this operation been authorized by the President? What difference does it make? You will get your money I am not worried about that, I just need to know who I am working for My brother knows what you are doing Not that I don't trust you, but I'd like to hear it from him Fine That's proof enough Let's go Chase and his men have Saunders yet? No one's coming yet Look, Jack, promise me you won't make a move on Saunders until Michelle is safe.

We are going to move as soon as we have got a visual on Saunders, Tony That's the way it's got to go I know I am just asking you to do what you can You know I will We have got 3 cars headed in from the west Tony, they are coming.

Are you ready? Yeah The windows are tinted.

I can't see inside.

Yeah Give her the phone My preference is to turn you over to your husband unharmed But I will k*ll you if anything goes wrong Yeah When I see my daughter, you will get your wife All right Jane, I need you to get out of the car Ok, everything is going to be ok I want you to walk over to your father's men Where's my father? We don't know Listen, we have to do this, Jane I am sorry Look, Jane, you have got to trust me on this Please go.

Come on Jack, send your men in now.

We don't have a visual on Saunders.

I repeat we don't have a visual on Saunders I can't - Hey, come here - Jane, no, turn around Jane, it's ok, come here Team A and B move We've got a visual on Saunders.

Move now Stephen I am pinned down Saunders has a helicopter Call in air support now I repeat, call in air support now We need air support I have got a flight of 2 US Marine F18s Just off the marine.

Call sign Guardian Angel Copy that Guardian Angel, Guardian Angel, this is Watchdog.

We've got a hot on to victor bravo tango Jack, the Marines are coming in.

Take cover, I repeat, take cover.

Chopper's been taken out You ok? Don't move Where are they? It's not going to be that simple, Jack Stephen, it's over No, it's not, Jack It's just the beginning Where are the vials? You can waste time trying to break me and k*ll millions of people Or you can give me what I want.

This is Jack Bauer Saunders is in custody.
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