03x15 - Sleight of Hank

Episode transcripts for the TV show "King of the Hill". Aired: January 12, 1997 –; present.*
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Animated series follows the life of propane salesman Hank Hill, who lives with his substitute-teacher wife Peggy, wannabe comedian son Bobby, and deadbeat niece Luanne.
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03x15 - Sleight of Hank

Post by bunniefuu »

Bobby: it looks like a rabbit.

Peggy: oh, I guess that's the tail, huh? Very good, honey.

What else do you see? That one looks like a pig.

No, wait-- maybe it's a ham.

Bobby, in your imagination there are no wrong answers.

Look, mom, a bee.

Well, yeah, I guess that could be maybe a puffy little wing and oh.

We even fooled a bee.

Well, that's because bees are stupid.

Fool an owl then we'll talk.

Hank: guess who sold three barbecues today.

Dad! In here! I'm painting my room.

Well, all right, son.

You can finally wear those overalls without being embarrassed.

I'll get the funsaver.

Uh, eh, hold on a minute.

This is our son's first paint job.

Do we really want to remember I looking all blotchy? Those aren't blotches.

They're clouds.

Huh? You painted clouds? White, puffy clouds.

This is a boy's room, not a day-care center.

A boy's room should be blue.

I'm painting it back.

Hank-- please do not stifle him.

If my son wants to stare at clouds, then he can look out the dang window.

He can see all the clouds he wants.

Not at night.


At night, all you can see out that window is bill dancing with his mop.





You don't even know what we were talking about.

All right, what is it? Nancy's birthday's on saturday and I'm throwing her a surprise party.


Magic, dining and more.

" ( Groans ) yeah.

I been spraying their kitchen for roaches and silverfish and, well, until business picks up they're paying me in free magic shows.

You have to come.

You already said "yup.

" Oh, all right, I'll go to the show but I'm not clapping.

I don't like magicians.

Don't trust 'em.

Ever since david copperfield made the statue of liberty disappear.

Shame oh him.

Remember, people, this is a covert operation.

I have recruited one john redcorn to keep nancy busy all day.

She will not suspect a thing.

Oh, sug, this place is perfect.

No one will ever spot us in this dump.

Uh, maybe you should take your hands out of my jeans now.

Sug, wha is the matter? You're so oh, my god-- it's dale.

Surprise! ( Cheering ) happy birthday, baby.

Happy birthday, baby.

Nice work, john redcorn.

She didn't suspect a thing.

You are so clueless.

Ha-ha, ha-ha-ha.

Honey, you never get older.

Were you surprised? Well, it's been a wonderful party.

Hank sit down and enjoy the magic show.

( Sighs ) the last thing I need is some silky man in his silky scarves trying to trick me into having fun.

Announcer: ladies and gentlemen.

Abracapasta is proud to presen all the way from guadalajara, mexico the astounding herrera! Oh, lord.

( Audience cheering ) ( heavy accent ): good evening, ladies and gentlemens.

I am astounding herrera.

Get ready to be astounded.

Did you see that? He pulled the watch right out of his pocket.

Oh, hank, will you be quiet? That's not part of the trick.

Where did that watch come from? Yes.

There are no wires.

The only thing holding her up is magic.


Who needs wires when you got a forklift behind the curtain? Hank, would you please? ( Audience gasping ) and now the sawing of woman in halfs.

You see that now? He just lied to us.

He didn't really cut her.

No one wants to hear it, hank.

For my next illusion I will need a volunteer from the audience.

A beautiful womans.

Well he's not going to pick you.

He's got a plant in the audience.

Hank, you are not sitting in a room full of idiots.

We know he didn't really saw that woman.

We know birds don't grow out of his fingers.

We know his accent is phony but we don't care.

The fun is pretending that it's real.

Ah, yes.


Huh? Oh.

( Giggles ) excuse me.

Thank you.

And what is your name, my lovely? Me lammo peggy hill.

Ah! You speak spanish in a way.

Then you must know that most pinatas is filled with the candies.

And este burro is no exception but the sweetness I am filling it with is the sweetness that is peggy hill.

( Chuckles ) man: get in there, peggy.

Woman: come on, peggy.

( Audience gasps ) I will take three swings at the burro.

If miss peggy hill is lucky, I will miss.

Will she get lucky tonight? ( Wicked laugh ) one! ( Audience gasps ) two.

( Audience gasps ) ay, dios mio.

Will astounding herrera strike ou with miss peggy hill? We shall see.


All right, that's enough.

Get out of the donkey, peggy.

We're going home.

But I still have one more chance to hit on your wife.

( Audience laughs ) all right, mister, I've had enough of your tomfoolery.

Let her out of there.

As you wish.

( Gasps, cheers ) whee! Where's peggy? You bring my wife back right now or I'm getting the manager.

( Trilling ) I'm right here, hank.

( Audience gasping ) ( cheering ) what? How did you do that? I cannot break the magician's code and neither can my lovely assistant.

Okay, that's it.

Nancy's birthday party is over.

He will not get very far without his keys, ladies and gentlemens.

( Applause ) you thief, I'll kick your ass.

( Coughing ) what the? Hey.

( Lively music plays ) a trap door.


Mirrors in the no.

Rotating stage? Will you stop it? I promised herrera I would not tell and there is nothing more important to a magician than keeping secrets-- probably because so many of them are gay.

Well, you made a promise to me, too-- love, honor and obey-- and I want you to obey me when I tell you to tell me how that trick was done.

( Chuckling ) you just can't stand that I know something that you don't.

Well, get used to it, hank because I will never tell you how that trick was done.

Never, ever.

So, uh this herrera is he, uh? Yes, of course he is.

Now leave me alone.

Then the pinata exploded in a shower of candy.


What kind of candy? Jolly ranchers.

Oh, my god.

But poof! I was gone.

Where were you? Back in my sea taking a long, cool sip of my corona.

No one knew how I got there.

Perhaps not even me.

Would you stop filling his head with nonsense? Bobby, there is a perfectly logical explanation for your mother's brief disappearance.

I'm listening.

Well, uh you see uh ( peggy sighs ) all right, I will tell you.

It was magic.

I knew it.

Aren't you late for school? It's sunday.

What about sunday school? Oop.

"'And I will dwell in the house of the lord forever' growled the bear.

" ( Church bells ringing ) oh before we go-- children, children-- I want to know who everyone's doing their bible report on next week.

Bobby hill? I'm going to do my report on jesus.

Oh, I love jesus.

Jesus is good, bobby.

Very good.

She disappeared from the pinata and reappeared in her chair.

The question is how.

Any theories? You're asking me if I have theories? About the magic trick, dale.


Not a clue.

Ah! It's done with twins.

One peggy in the pinata, one peggy in the audience.

Another woman who looks like peggy? Smells like peggy? Feels like? My wife does not have a twin.

You don't know that for sure and you never will.

They destroyed the proof when they blew up one of the peggys.

( Sighs ): boomhauer? I didn't see nothing.

Talking about that cocktail waitress gave me her phone number and go back in that place and ol' ropes and pulleys all over, man.

Yeah, that could work.

Peggy is hoisted by a rope climbs out a heating duc runs through the parking lot not even close.

Mom already told you how the trick was done.


I knew it! Bobby, don't you have some homework to do? No.

What about sunday school homework? Oy.

"This beginning of miracles did jesus in cana of galilee "and manifested forth his glory and his disciples believed on him.

" What do you think? Well, it seems a little, um boring.



But I copied it right out of the bible.


Well, I didn't mean boring.

Not boring.

I mean, it's no, you're right.

It stinks.

Because you're not being creative with it.

Okay when I substitute teach a history class I just don't read the declaration of independence.

I maybe read it in a funny voice.

You know, um ( imitating fat albert): "hey, hey, hey, we, the people" you see what I'm saying? Hank: let's go, luanne.

We're late.

Where are you going? Out.

Out? Yes.


To see the astounding herrera at abracapasta.

Luanne! Can I come, too? Bobby, honey, no.

Your father is just going to tell you how all the tricks are done and possibly ruin magic for you forever.

Now, wouldn't you rather stay in your room and do some homework? Huh? Ready? I'll get my coat.

She's got her legs pulled up to her chest.

So those are fake feet sticking out of the box.

If it's that obvious to you imagine how I feel.

For my final illusion I will need a volunteer from the audience-- a beautiful womans.

Okay, luanne-- like we practiced.

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Yes, please.

In the back.

Yes, please.

In the back.

Yes, please.

( Giggling ) I won't really disappear.

I won't really disappear.

I won't really disappear.

And now, I step inside the pinata.

Hank: no! She's supposed to go in there! That's not how you do the trick.

( Applause ) psst.

Have you figured it out yet? Um I think that's my seat.

Peggy! Peggy, come here quick! I figured it out.

All right, how is it done? Get in the box.

You'll see.

Why can't you just tell me? Please.

( Imitates accent ): for my next trick I need a beautiful womans.

Well, all right.

I have sealed the box.

Okay, now what? Now you tell me how that trick was done.

What? You're not getting out till you tell me.

Hank hill! I can wait.

Mom, dad, we're going to be late for church.

I'll be right there, honey.


( Sighs ) all right.

"But I only saw one set of footprints 'cause god was holding me.

" ( Applause ) peggy I'm sorry.

I didn't thou shalt not speak to me.

Our next report is from bobby hill: "the amazing jesus.

" Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

I am the amazing jesus son of god and master of prestidigitation! Thank you! Has this ever happened to you? Your followers want a glass of wine but all you have is water? Well, if you're the amazing jesus, no problem.

Water into wine! It's a miracle! John 2:11.

Thank you.

( Audience whispering ) now, we're going to need something to go with all this wine.

Maybe some bread.

But how are you going to feed all these hungry people with just one slice? No problem if you're the amazing jesus! Amen! It's a miracle, ladies and gentlemen.

Mark 6:44.

Thank you! ( Gasping ) ( clapping ) and now, for my next miracle I'm going to need a large wooden cross and a couple of volunteers.

No! No! What you did was wrong.

You're supposed to love jesus not make a mockery of him.

Next bumper sticker I see, you will get up here and you will honk like the dickens.

I was just trying to make jesus interesting like mom told me.

Our lord and savior does not need any help keeping people's interest.

I-i I thought bobby would make a lamb out of cotton balls.

Now they're going to stick us in that dang newsletter.

I don't want to be in the thoughts and prayers of anyone just because I'm bobby's dad.

Well, you're the one who dragged him down to abracapasta and told him how all the tricks were done.

You just have to take all the mystery out of life, don't you, hank? Don't blame me.

You're the one who got him all worked up about magic.

You filled his head with puffy clouds and jolly ranchers.

What did you think was going to happen? My folks yelled at me the whole way home.

Then they stopped yelling at me and started yelling at each other.

They're still yelling at each other.

It's all my fault.

Sometimes my parents figh but they have a rule-- never go to sleep angry.

They always make up before going to their bedrooms.

How do they make up? They do something nice for each other like my mom buys my dad a carton of cigarettes and my dad buys my mom a duffel bag with his frequent-smoker points.

Yeah! I'll get my parents to do something nice for each other.

That's even better than my plan of turning them both against luanne.

Mom! Mom, come in here quick! I've got soup in the microwave.

What? Dad must have done it.

Isn't that nice of him? Maybe it's just his way of saying he's sorry.

Oh, hank.

Oh, you sweet, sweet, stubborn, sweet, sweet man.

Apology accepted.

What apology? I didn't do anything wrong.

Since dad did something nice for you maybe you should tell him how the trick was done.

Oh, now I get it.

You thought you'd jus slap a few clouds on bobby's wall and I would give up herrera's secret? Clouds? Oh, lord, they're back! Right.

Nice try, but it won't work.

I didn't paint these clouds! Don't lie, to me, hank.

I'm not! And don't you tell me what to do, either! Well, I wouldn't dream of it, you pig-headed liar! Joseph, I screwed everything up! Hey, look what I can do.

( Hank yelling indistinctly ) my plan completely backfired.

Now they're fighting worse than ever.

Oh, man, do you think they're going to get divorced? What?! I don't know.

They could.

But don't worry.

Lots of people get divorced.


Dauterive got divorced.

( Humming a waltz ) ( crying ) the boy's 12 years old.

What does he need clouds on the wall for? And they don't even look like clouds.

They look like what, hank? What do they look like? Well, like like big white blotches of bad painting.

Well, maybe to someone with absolutely no imagination.

I see all sorts of things.

Well, if you ask me you've got too much imagination.

Everything's all loop-de-loops and flibbertigibbet.

I live in the real world where men sell propane and propane accessories.

What do you do? I trade in ideas.

I am a substitute teacher and a professional muser.

Yeah? Well, ideas don't put food on the table.

Yeah? Well, ideas don't put food on the table.

Oh, really? Oh, really? Well, ideas decide how to prepare that food.

And then propane cooks it.

I win.

You don't win.

You don't you can't just you can't I can't just what? You don't just what? What? Where's your imagination now? Where are those precious ideas when you need them, huh? Hank, you you oh! Oww! Oww! ( Hank and peggy laughing ) what's going on? You stopped fighting.

That's right.

Everything's just fine now, honey.

But how? Well, uh your mother kicked me in the shin I kicked her back and, well well, that's pretty much it.

That doesn't make any sense.

Well, sure, it does.

See, I was mad, your mother was madder and we sort of um aw, heck, I guess it doesn't make any sense but I guess it doesn't have to.

There are just some things you can't explain.

That's right.

You're not even trying.

Listen up, bobby.

I tell you what-- why don't you sit with us here and we'll watch the clouds go by.


Hey, now, see that one over there looks like a, uh uh a propane t*nk.

Or a gummi bear.

Very good both of you.

Hank: hey, that one looks like a propane t*nk, too.

And you know what those little ones over there look like? Bobby: propane accessories? Hank: yes, yes, but which ones? Bobby: uh spatula? Hank: now you're just guessing.

Peggy? Peggy: it is a grill brush.

And now the pinata of death revealed.

As soon as our volunteer gets in the burro a flap beneath the tail opens.

She steps out and puts on a poncho and sombrero and dances offstage.

The fire? ( Chuckles ) just a diversion.

It appears our volunteer has vanished.

Has she? Hardly.

And that is the secret behind the pinata of death.

Please don't tell my dad.

Dale: you are so clueless.

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