03x06 - Peggy's Pageant Fever

Episode transcripts for the TV show "King of the Hill". Aired: January 12, 1997 –; present.*
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Animated series follows the life of propane salesman Hank Hill, who lives with his substitute-teacher wife Peggy, wannabe comedian son Bobby, and deadbeat niece Luanne.
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03x06 - Peggy's Pageant Fever

Post by bunniefuu »

Here you go, sug.

Two sugs, right? Uh-huh.

They asked me to be the celebrity judge at the mrs.

Heimlich county beauty pageant next week.


"? Wait.

Do any women mature enough to have a family really go in for that nonsense? That nonsense, sug, changed my life.

It's what got me into television and into hundreds of homes every night as a weather analyst.

And you'd be surprised at the top-notch prizes at the mrs.


Bath beads? Try a year's lease on a brand-new chevy silverado lt-k-1500 pickup truck with a super cab and 270 horsepower, 5.

3 Liter vortec v-8.

I want that truck.

Hank do you think I could win the mrs.

Heimlich pagean if I entered? You see, peggy, that's what you call a loaded question.

No matter how I answer there's a b*llet in every chamber designed to blow my brains out.

Hank, do you think I can win? Well, uh I think you're beautiful and smar and you don't need to enter some pageant to prove it.

You don't think I can win, do you? I didn't say I I just don't think you're the pageant type.


Well, let's see.

All you have to be is married and over 23.

Well, I've got that covered.

So, how would we rate me? Uh I would say, face: a-minus; body: b-plus; personality: a-plus; and brains: a-plus.

So with my smarts and looks and muchos talentos well, I think I have a huge edge over these bimbos, huh, hank? I'm going to enter.

The grand prize is a truck.

I have a truck.

But I don't.

You have a car.

Hank, a car is fine, but a truck is a force.


( Luanne screams ) I can't believe I'm going to be an actual beauty pageant stylist.

Oh, I already have some ideas for styling you.

I've always wondered what would happen if you let your hair dry naturally.

Okay, let's not go crazy, luanne.

Remember, we're working together to make the best peggy hill possible.

Personally, I think a little lipstick and a pair of nice earrings will win that truck.

That's a good-looking truck, hank.

Yeah, man, we're talkin' about 'em dang ol' 270 horsepower, man.

Skid plate package z-71 off-road suspension, man.

That dang ol' k-1-5, man.



All peggy's got to do to get that truck is to win the mrs.

Heimlich county pageant.

Uh, y-yep.


That's right.


" Peggy's going to win.

She's every man's fantasy.

Okay, bill, I'll take over from here.

I mean, she's got an a-plus brain and an a-minus body but if she wears one of them push-up brassieres bill! She'll have a body that just won't quit.

You like that truck, don't you? Would you like to take it for a test drive? Well, I would not say no.

Now, here's something a pretty lady like yourself will appreciate: a driver's side vanity mirror.

Mmm, I do look good in this truck.

So, what's it going to take for you to buy this truck today? Oh, I'm not planning on buying it.

I'm planning on winning it in a beauty contest.

Test drive's over.

Excuse me, uh, y'all.

Before we get started if there is anybody here not connected to the pagean could you please leave now? Um, I'd like to welcome you all to the mrs.

Heimlich county beauty pageant.

In a couple of minutes, you'll ge the chance to meet your fellow contestants.

But before you do the reigning mrs.

Heimlich, cathy shears would like to say a few words.

( Scattered applause ) what a long, strange, beautiful trip it's been.

And next week, I will add the word "sad" to that lis because I will be handing over this crown to the new mrs.

Heimlich county.

( Quietly ): peggy hill.

Well, hello.

I'm peggy hill.

Oh, hi.

I'm helen pell.

So, what does peggy hill do when she's not competing in a beauty pageant? Well, I'm a substitute teacher at tom landry middle school.

Oh, really.

I teach sciences full time over at the high school.

What do you teach? Espanol.

I had my second honeymoon in spain.

Have you ever gone? No.

But it's because I choose not to.

You should go.

You'll love it.

I practically lived there for a couple of months after I graduated from college.

That's where I met my husband, the engineer.

The kind that drives a train? ( Laughing ) oh, I'm going to have to look out for you.

You're very congenial.

Oh, really? You know that there are three other contestants who teach as well.

Yes, yes, I know.

I met them already.

And I suppose you're what, a biochemist or something? Oh, no, no, no.

I'm a stay-at-home mother.

But I have seven kids so that's a full-time job in and of itself.

Do you have any children? Eight.

No, I only have one.

Well, right now I'm majoring in philosophy and classical music.

Oh, how nice for you.

Well, that'll get you a job in a factory when you get out of college.

( Laughing ): that's what my mom says, too.

( Chuckling ): no! You do know you have to be 23 years or older to be in this pageant? I am 23.

Do you have any children? No.

I'm concentrating on my s oh, oh, well.

I have one.

Anyway, nice meeting you.

Good luck in the pageant.

( Indistinct chattering ) isn't this exciting, aunt peggy? Everyone's so nice.


Heimlich county let me try on her crown and sash.

Did you know she could play the lap steel guitar and she only has nine percent body fa and it's all in her breasts? ( Sighing ): hmm tsk.


Oh ( chuckling ) little bobby hill, you rascal you.

Peggy: mmm.

That's when you used to put your food everywhere but in your mouth.

I was young; I didn't know any better.

Oh, I haven't seen this photo in such a long time.

Who's that kissing dad? Well, that's me, honey.

Really? You were beautiful.

"Were"? Oh, bobby, I still am.


Bobby, don't you see? When you look at me now you can't see somebody who's beautiful.

You just see a mother.

I don't know.

I think connie's mom is beautiful.

And mrs.

Gribble all right.

All right.

Hey, there's me standing next to the world's largest roadrunner! Are you still having those nightmares where he pecks your eyes out? I forgot about those.


( Groaning ) oh.

( Groans ) peggy, are you all right? Oh, hank, I can't sleep.

Boy, cagney and lacey certainly have aged horribly.

Hank, do you think I'll turn into one of those women you see at the mega lo mar who wears white stretch pants and doesn't tuck in her shirt anymore? Not for many, many years.

Oh, so you've thought about this.

( Sighs loudly ) bobby ( screaming ): no, not my eyes! I thought he stopped having those nightmares.

Come on in, ladies; take a load off.


Well, I don't believe I've had the pleasure of meeting this little filly before.

Well, yes, yes, you have.


Your daughter? No.

She's my niece, luanne.


Well, there you go, darlin'.

( Giggling ): oh.

Thank you.

Now, what can old buck strickland do for you? You said you had some kind of business proposition, did you? Mr.

Strickland a beauty pagean can be a good promotional opportunity for both the beauty contestan and for the business who sponsors say no more.

I'll do it.

How much do you need? Well, there's, uh, the new tennis outfi makeup, new dress, hair uh we figured around $2,000.


Debbie, write me up a company check for $2,000.

Right away, buck.

Oh, thank you, mr.


I guarantee you that I will win that mrs.

Heimlich pageant.

I will not let you down as my sponsor.

Well "mrs.

"? What the hell is she doing here? She's my stylist, and like yourself a big part of team peggy hill.

Debbie, did you finish writing up that check? Yes, buck.

Oh, sh! Oh.

You all see what I want what I really, really want so tell me what you want what you really, really want I'll tell you want I want what I really, really want so tell me what you want, what you really if you want to be my lover lover, lover, lover choreographer: terrific, girls.


Hill, that was awful.

We're going to go again and this time, I want mrs.

Hill to sit this one out and watch me.

Raymond, hold my cane.

Why, nancy, in the words of billy crystal "you look wonderful.

" Thanks, sug.

Oh, by the way I was so excited to hear that you entered the pageant.

Really? Oh, thank you.

Maybe this year, you and I can shake things up a little bit at the "mrs.

" Shake things up how? You know, every year they pick the same type of woman to win-- skinny, big hair, bleached blonde you mean, women like me? Oh, your hair is not bleached.

Is it? What type of woman do you think should win the pageant, peggy? Well, I'm not a judge but a married woman, of course.

Not just a wife, but a partner.

Definitely a mother.

Someone who is distinguished by her brain size not her bra size.

Women like you.

Well, you said it, I didn't; but, yes.

I think women like you shouldn't be in a pagean if you're not prepared to be judged by women like me.

We could have shook things up, you and me.

Oh, don't you look smart.

Luanne, I think I want to put some highlights in my hair.


You don't think that's a good idea? No, it's a good idea.

It's just that highlights was a two-part class and I missed both parts.

Hey, bozo.

Where your clown car, peggy hill? Hey, you look like the ronald mcdonald you bozo, peggy hill.

Gee, she so stuck up.

Not even say hello.

You think your missus will like it? Yes, sir.

Well, I hope so.

This is the most I've spent on a woman without getting anything in return.

You know what I mean? Uh, don't worry about it, buck.

You've backed a winner.

She could have smiled, at least.

She is smiling.

Peggy: if I order by 8:00 tonigh I can have my stretch pants by tomorrow at noon.

I could be in them by 1:00.

Uh, peggy, why don't you just wait a week and we can drive over to the mega lo mar and get them in your new truck, huh? Yeah, right, my new truck.

( Forced chuckle ) stop worrying.

You've got those fancy stripes in your hair plus your best friend nancy is a judge.

Well, nancy and I are not talking right now.


Well, we just won't let her ride in our new truck, will we? ( Forced laughter ) ( humming ) oh, okay.

Uh, hey, dale.

Peggy baked some extra brownies and we thought, you know who might enjoy these? The gribbles.

So here you go.


Oh, and, uh, I'm done using my ratchet se if you want to borrow it.

You mean if I want to keep it? Borrow it, dale.

Just a little reminder, hank.

My wife is the judge of your wife's beauty pageant.

Keep it? Borrow it or I'll step over this hedge and kick your ass.

Keep it ah! Oh, hi.


Excuse me, but I think you've made a mistake.

You're teasing the wrong contestant's hair.

It's okay.

It happened to me yesterday.

Luanne, honey, sit down for a second, please.

Now, you are an excellent, excellent amateur stylis but this is a professional beauty pageant.

No, it's an amateur beauty pageant, aunt peggy.

See, luanne, amateur attitude, amateur performance.

That's why I've hired a professional.

This is marci shuette stylist to three pageant winners.

Oh, my god, you're firing me as your stylist.

No, you will still be a very important par of team peggy hill but in a much, much smaller capacity.

( Crying ) luanne.

See, that's the amateur attitude I was talking about earlier.

All right, all right, hmm let me get a look at you.

Okay, now turn around.

Can you save this? Hmm, this will be my greatest challenge yet.

Peggy: and the winner of the mrs.

Heimlich county beauty pageant peggy hill.

So what do you think? ( Barking ) ( barking ) whoa, mom you look like you could star in a headache commercial.

Lady bird, lady bird, stop barking.

It's me, it's peggy.

Hank, you haven't said anything.

Uh, you look ( barking continues ) bobby, will you please take lady bird outside?! Gee, look at you.

Yeah, I'd kiss you but it'd feel like I was cheating on you with another woman if I did.

Well, now's your chance to cheat on me, hank.

I promise I won't tell peggy.

Ah there.

Boy, look at me.

I'm having an affair.

( Mumbling words to song ): every day is going and you're feeling something's going not doing nothing all day then you're really taking care of business every day takin' care of business every way takin' care of business it's all right takin' care of business working overtime, work out de-da-de-le-le da-de-da-le ( whimpering ) you were so right about the eyeliner.

Oh, god, what was I thinking? Dang, I wish we had a picture of you looking this good for the flyer.

Spilt milk, spilt milk.


Peggy: did you get the brownies I baked for you as a friend, nancy? Yes, I did, mrs.


Shall we proceed? We're running a little behind schedule.

It says here in your application that you speak spanish.

( Peggy speaking spanish: ) peggy hill: ( speaking spanish ) ( humming "my favorite things") luanne, I just spent two hours picking one of peggy's shoes out of that disposal.

I'm beginning to think it wasn't an accident.

Uh, why aren't you at the pageant? Peggy went with buck strickland.

I'm going a little later.

Did she fire you, too? 'Cause you know, she fired me.

Now I heard you were still an important part of team peggy hill.

( Snorts ) ( sighs ) I know you're feeling a little miffed.

But you have to understand your aunt has always had a lot of confidence about her looks which is good, but now she's got herself in kind of a bind.

She's either got to admit to herself that she can't win the truck and qui or stay in the pageant and, well, probably lose.

Either way, it's going to hurt.

Well, I guess I should feel bad for her but I don't.

Well, this won't work.

I cannot go out there like this.

Is there something wrong? Yes.

All of a sudden my butt looks like it's dragging on the floor.

Will you fix it? Fix it! Hmm, do you have any duct tape, mrs.

Hill? I used it all on my feet.




We need duct tape.

Silver or gray? Silver.

All-purpose or premium grade? What the hell, I'm already in this for two grand.

What's another 90 cents? Peggy: tighter.

Marci: come on.

Ladies to the stage.

Come on, now, let's go, y'all.

Well, where's my half-jacket? I need my half-jacket.

That's what makes this an ensemble-- the half-jacket.

Oh, come on, peggy.

You know how to put on a jacket.

Pageant contestants across the street.


( Rip of duct tape ) no! Well, I guess this wasn't premium, you cheap bastard.

Helen, by any chance, do you have any spare tape? My ass has come loose.

I'm sure it's just the humidity.

Peggy, I've got to go inside.

I also think I should tell you that you forgot to put on your shoes.

( Gasps ) oh, no, no, no.

This is not good.

( Whimpers ) ( horn honks ) oh! ( Whimpering sigh ) like the truck? Hank? What are you doing? Well, I figured since you were only doing this for the truck I'd save you the trouble.

Honey, you bought us a new truck? No, I painted my old one.

Well, she's beautiful.

Yeah, but she was before.

Are those new shoes? Uh, 'cause I like them.

I'm glad you're letting me dye your hair back to its normal color.

Even if you don't that is okay, too.

Okay, here it goes.

Oh, no! Don't you worry, luanne.

We will get this right soon enough, huh? ( Evil chuckling ) ( humming "my favorite things") la, la, la, la
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