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02x13 - The Kibble Crook/Screaming For Ice-Cream

Posted: 10/02/22 12:02
by bunniefuu
Hi! My name
is emily elizabeth,

And this is clifford,
my big red dog.

♪ Clifford needed emily ♪

♪ So she chose him
for her own ♪

♪ And her love made clifford
grow so big ♪

♪ That the howards
had to leave their home ♪

♪ Clifford'’s the best friend
anyone could know ♪

♪ He'’s the greatest dog ever ♪

♪ I really think so ♪

♪ Clifford'’s so loyal ♪clifford!

♪ He'’s there when you call ♪

♪ I love clifford,
the big red dog ♪

♪ So they packed up
the family car ♪

♪ And the howards
left the city ♪

♪ They moved to birdwell island
and found many new friends ♪

♪ There to greet
clifford and emily ♪

♪ Clifford'’s so much fun,
he'’s a friend to us all ♪

♪ I love clifford,
the big red dog ♪



Emily elizabeth:
"the kibble crook."


Cleo, clifford,
I'’m here!


Hey, where is

Something smells good!



Something looks good, too!

I'’m going to ask cleo
if I can have a bite

When she gets here.



Maybe just one more
little bite...

Wow! This is great!

Maybe just one more
little bite...


I ate it all!



Oh, u-uh...

H--hi, mac.

in the bowl?

The bowl? Uh...

Oh, the bowl!



Smells like something
really good was in here.

Uh, yeah. Well...

Maybe there was.

Hi, guys!

You guys ready
to go to the park?

Yeah! Let'’s go
to the park!

But wait!

First I want you guys
to try my new dog food.

I saved some
so you could taste.


What happened
to my food?

What do you mean?

It'’s gone!
That'’s what I mean.

Wow! Someone
ate every bite.

Who could have done
such a thing?


Mac: hmm...

Maybe a kibble
crook took it!


Of course.

What else do you
call a dog

Who steals
from another dog?

T-bone, did you see
anyone suspicious around here?

Uh...i might have
seen a dog

Running away
down the street.

Which way
did he go?

Well, uh...i think
he was headed toward

The tourist dock!

go find him

And make him
to you, cleo.


I don'’t know, guys.

He was pretty big.

Bigger than

I don'’t
think so.

Come on!
Let'’s go
get him!


Right behind you!



We'’ll find that
kibble crook

If it takes
all day!

Okay, guys.

Spread out and smell
for anything unusual.




They'’re not going to
find anyone.

The only kibble crook
around here is me.



who'’s in there?


I--is someone
in there?

Find something?

Oh, ah, oh, hey!

Yeah! Oh...

Maybe it'’s the crook!


Careful. You never know
what a dog like this

Might do.

Yeah! Especially
one stuffed
with my kibble!

Stand back, guys.

I'’m going to
blow his cover!


What in the world
are those?

Well, they'’re stuffed,
all right,

But not with
cleo'’s kibble.

I'’ll just put
these back.

You know,
maybe we should
just give up.

I mean, it was
only a little
dog food.

It was my little
dog food.

And that dog
shouldn'’t have taken it
without asking.

Oh, yeah.

Come on, everyone.
Let'’s continue
the investigation.


Let'’s go!

Where are we
headed, mac?

Every crook needs
a good hideout, clifford,

And these caves
are the perfect thing.

Oh, wow. You really
know your stuff, mac.

Think he might
be in here?



I think he'’s here!

He can'’t
escape now.

Let'’s go get him!




Uh...i don'’t think
you should go
in there.

Why not?



Because you what,

I'’m the one who...


Who wants to go
in there alone.

You do?

That'’s really
brave of you, t.

Yeah, well, maybe
I can talk to him,

Um, get him
to apologize
or something.

I'’ll go
with you.

That'’s okay, clifford.
I'’d rather go alone.


If you want to.

Be careful,

Dogs like this
don'’t like
to admit

When they have
made a mistake.

Yeah. I know.

Okay, here I go!

Clifford: I wonder if
t'’s found anything.

I wonder if he'’s okay.

I wonder if we should
go in and check on him.

I wonder if you
could stand still
for a minute.

You'’re making a hole
in the ground!

It'’s just that

I'’m worried
about t-bone.

Maybe we should
go in after him.

He really wanted
to do it alone.

You'’re right.
I just hope
he'’s okay.

Oh, boy! I'’ve really
done it now!

I'’m never going to be
able to tell cleo

That I'’m the real
kibble crook.

real kibble crook.

Real kibble crook.

Real kibble crook.

I know! I know!

I know! I know!

I know! I know!

But I have to tell her.

I just wish I'’d told her
the truth in the first place.

Oh, well.

Here I go.

Uh, clifford.
I really think

It'’s time
for you to stop.

I have to agree
with cleo.

I can'’t help it!

I'’m worried
about t-bone.

Maybe it'’s time
to go in after him now.

Let'’s go.


Are you okay?

the crook?

Did you
find him?

I found the crook.

I want to
talk to him!

Where is he?

He'’s right here.


What do you mean, t?

I mean...

the kibble crook.

I'’m the one who ate
your dog food, cleo.

I'’m really sorry.

Why didn'’t you just
tell me before, t-bone?

I guess I was
afraid to at first.

I--i thought
you'’d be mad.

And then I wanted
to tell you,

But it kept getting
harder and harder!

But I promise,
from now on,

I'’m always going to
tell the truth

Right from
the beginning,

Even if I think
someone might get mad.

You know, t,
I probably would'’ve
been a little mad,

But all
I really wanted
was an apology.

Once I got that,
I'’d be over it.

A--are you mad
at me now?


You are?



But now I'’m over it.



come on, everyone.

Let'’s go back
to my house and try
my new dog food!




[Stomach rumbles]


Emily: clifford!

It'’s story time!

You want to hear
a speckle story,

Don'’t you?woof woof.

I thought so.

He'’s your favorite.

Emily: today'’s story is
"speckle and the new ball."

"One day, reba was showing
speckle her new red ball.

"She bounced
the ball so high,

"It almost
touched the clouds!

"'’That is a great ball,'’
said speckle.

"'’It sure is,'’
agreed reba.

"'’In fact, I'’ll bet ravi would
like to play with it, too.'’

"And she walked away,
taking her new ball with her.

"'’I thought she wanted
to play with me,'’ he sighed.

He was even a little sad.

"'’But reba can play
with whoever she wants,'’
speckle thought,

"And he went back
to his sandbox.

"He began building
a sandcastle

"When reba'’s new ball
suddenly landed at his feet!

"Speckle looked up
and saw reba and ravi.

"'’Are you ready to play ball?'’
Asked reba.

"Speckle realized
that all along

"Reba had wanted to play
with ravi and him.

"'’Okay,'’ he yelled back.

"And the three of them
laughed and played

"And had a wonderful day.

"The end."

That was a great story.

Isn'’t reading fun?



Emily elizabeth:
"screaming for ice cream."

Emily: oh, get it!

I got it! I got it!

Hit it here!
Hit it here!

Nice catch,

Now send it
back to them!



Great sh*t,

Yes, excellent.

You going
somewhere, dad?

I have an appointment
with dr. Miyori today,

I think I need
a new pair of glasses.

Can we stay here, dad?
I could keep an eye
on things for you.

Well, I suppose
it would be okay.


But if you two
need anything,

Be sure
and ask pedro.

He'’ll be working
next door today.

We will.

Okay, then.
I'’ll be back
in about an hour.

See you soon!

Hey, emily elizabeth,

Want an ice cream cone?

Can we?

Sure. My dad lets me
have them all the time.

Wow! I didn'’t know
you knew how to work
this thing.

Ah, it'’s no
big deal.

Here you go.

Excuse me.
Can I get one
of those, too?


Sorry. It'’s closed
right now.

But I can
give you one.

Charley, do you think
you should?

Sure! I help my dad
all the time.

If you'’re sure
it'’s okay...

It'’s no problem.

There you
go, sir.

Thanks so much.

That was great,

Your dad'’s going to
be so proud of you.


Come on,
let'’s play.

Can we get
two cones, please?


I don'’t think
they'’re playing anymore.

It'’s too hot
for hockey, anyway.


I wish we had

Some of that
ice cream-mmm!

There you go.

Hey, thanks!

Come again!

Boy, is it hot.

What I wouldn'’t give
for an ice cream cone.


Look at all
the tourists!

Get ready,
emily elizabeth.

We'’re going to do
some business.


Thanks for helping me,
emily elizabeth.

I could never do
this by myself.

We'’ve got lots
of help, charley.

Right, cleo?


Ah. Ice cream
and a giant fan.

What a perfect
way to cool off

On a hot
summer day.

Yeah, I'’ll definitely
be coming back

To this place again.

Whew! I'’m getting
kind of tired.

Me, too.
Is it always
this busy?

it'’s busier!

I don'’t know
how my dad
does it all.

that'’s high

turn it off!


What'’s wrong
with it?

I don'’t know!
It'’s stuck!


Emily, quick!

Get some cones!


But what
do we do with them
when they'’re full?

Wow! Look at
all the ice cream!





Man: oh, wonderful!



Wow. That was fun.

I should have brought
my water skis.



Here, cleo.
Hurry and get rid
of these.

Then come back
for more.


Emily: oh, no!

no more customers.

Now what do we do?

Well, we, uh...

Um...start eating!

We can'’t eat
all of this.

Cleo: [barks]



What is all
this, cleo?


Don'’t ask,
Just eat!





We'’ve got
to do something.

Let'’s go see
if pedro
can help.

Mmm. No!

But your
dad said

If we
needed anything
to ask pedro.

I don'’t need
pedro'’s help.

I can take care
of things by myself.


Maybe clifford
could help.


Emily: clifford!



Come on, boy.

Help us push
this lever down.


Not even clifford
can push it down.

we need help.

No, we don'’t. I told my dad
I'’d keep an eye on things.

I can take care
of this. See?

All I see is a big mess.

Hey, big guy,
how about a push?

Sure, cleo.

Yippee! Whoo-hoo!

Can I try?
Let me try.



I--i don'’t know
what to do, emily.

This never happened
when my dad was here.

Maybe there'’s some
secret special way
to turn it off.

If there is,
I don'’t know it.

Charley'’s dad:
I know how to turn it off.

Charley and emily:

We'’re in trouble.

Yes, you are.

The secret is to lift up
a bit before pushing down.


But the only way
you'’d have known that
is if I'’d taught you.

I'’m sorry, dad.
We'’ll clean it up.

Every last drop.

Yes, you will.

Why in the world
didn'’t you go ask pedro
for help, charley?

I thought I could
take care of it
by myself, dad.

Charley, you'’re
not old enough

To take care
of everything
by yourself.

Sometimes you need
to ask an adult
for help.

I know that
now, dad.

From now on,
I'’ll ask for help
when I need it.

I promise.

Good. Then you'’ve
learned a good lesson
today, son.

But there'’s one
more lesson I'’d
like you to learn.

What'’s that, dad?

How to clean up
a really,
really big mess.

Charley and emily:

Ahh. I never want to eat
another ice cream cone
in my whole life.

Me, neither.

Oh, me,

Me, neither.



Really? I was
kind of hoping
they'’d spill some more.

it looks like
you two did

A pretty
good job
of cleaning.

Thanks, dad.

But you
missed a spot.

We'’ll get it.

Emily and charley:
thanks, clifford.



Clifford and I know
that'’s it'’s important

To always tell
the truth.

That'’s why clifford'’s
big idea for today
is be truthful.

I love my new birdbath.


Where are you?



Oh, no.
I broke it.

what happened?

Uh, I don'’t know.

Clifford did it.

You broke my birdbath!

Huh? No, I didn'’t.

Yes, you did.
T-bone said so.

He didn'’t break it,
cleo. I did.

It--it was
an accident.

I'’m really sorry.

How can I trust you
if you lie to me, t-bone?

You made me yell
at clifford,

And he didn'’t
even do anything.

I'’m sorry.

From now on,
I'’m going to
tell the truth

Right from
the start.

it'’s really hard,

But telling
the truth is always
the right thing to do.

That'’s why clifford'’s
big idea for today
is be truthful.