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00x01 - Caillou: Caillou Goes for the Gold (2016)

Posted: 10/02/22 10:21
by bunniefuu
♪ I'm just a kid who's four ♪

♪ Each day I grow some more ♪

♪ I like exploring ♪

♪ I'm caillou ♪

♪ So many things to do ♪

♪ Each day is something new ♪

♪ I'll share them with you ♪

♪ I'm caillou ♪

♪ My world is turning ♪

♪ Changing each day! ♪

♪ With mommy and daddy,
I'm finding my way ♪

♪ Growing up
is not so tough ♪

♪ Except when I've had enough ♪

♪ But there's lots
of fun stuff ♪

♪ I'm caillou ♪

♪ Caillou ♪

♪ Caillou ♪

♪ I'm caillou! ♪


That's me!

[ Honking ]

[ Giggles ]

- Hi clementine!

What's that ribbon for?

- I won it at
my swimming lessons.

- I got a blue one at
my daddy's office picnic.

I was the
fastest runner!

- I'm a fast runner too!

- ♪ You can't catch me. ♪

♪ You can't catch me! ♪

- What's the matter, caillou?

Aren't you going
to try and catch them?

- I can't run as fast
as they can.

- Don't let
that bother you.

You're good at
lots of other things.

- I wish I could win a ribbon
like clementine's.

- Well, maybe you can.

You've given me
a wonderful idea.

I'll be right back.

- ♪ You can't catch me. ♪

- Boom!

[ Giggles ]

[ Giggle ]

- Grandma thought she could
help caillou win a ribbon.

- Okay everybody, who
wants to play some games?

I have plenty of ribbons
you can win!

- [Leo, clementine]: I do!

- Don't you want to play with
the others, caillou?

- Will I win a ribbon?

- I don't know, but you'll have
lots of fun trying.

- Caillou?

- Wait for me,

- In this race, everyone has to
walk heel to toe. Like this!

[ Giggles ]

One foot right in front of the
other, all the way to
the white ribbon.

Is everyone ready?

On your mark!

Get set! Go!

[ Laughs ]

- Rosie too!

- [ Meow! ]

- Hurray! Clementine wins!
- Yeah!

- Caillou was disappointed
he hadn't won,

But he was determined
to win the next game.

- Well done everybody!

Ready for another one?

- [All three]: yeah!

- How about a big smile
for grandma?


Very nice.



Oh, I found
the biggest smile!

Leo is the winner!
- Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Good smiling, leo.
- Thank you.

[ Sigh ]
- what's the matter, caillou?

- I want to win a ribbon!

- I know you do honey, but
remember, they're games.

And games are supposed
to be fun!

- Caillou decided that
mommy was right.

He was thinking too much
about the ribbons

And not enough
about having fun.

- Who wants to play
the next game?

- I do!

- Next was the contest for
the silliest walk!

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughs ]

- Oh!
[ Rosie's giggling ]

- Rosie wins!
She's the silliest!

[ Rosie's laughing ]

- Hurray!
- I win. I win.

- Now this is an
obstacle course.

First you jump over this
mattress and land

With both feet.

Then you do a hurdle jump over
the ball, like this.

Then you pick up the ball,

Stand on the line and throw
it into the basket.

If it goes in, run as fast as
you can back to the start.

[ Giggles and laughs ]

- On your mark!

Get set!
- [Rosie]: rosie!
- Go!

- [Announcer]: and caillou
is in the lead!

[ Crowd cheering ]

He made it! What a jump!

- [Crowd]: oooh!...

[Crowd]: ah...

[ Applause ]

- [Announcer]: caillou is still
in the lead!
- Yeah!

Out of the way, gilbert!
- [ Meow! ]

- Gilbert!

- You silly cat! You messed
up our finish.

- [ Meow ]

- Boy, you two were fast!

- Good race, leo.

- Caillou was having so
much fun now

He'd forgotten all about
winning a ribbon.

Grandma's next game was
the 'no smiling' contest.

No matter what happened,
you couldn't smile

Or laugh or giggle!

- Oh!
[ Caillou's sighing ]

- Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Rosie's out! Come sit
with me, rosie.

Let's make the
others laugh.

[ Whispering ]

[ Raspberry sound ]

- Ha! Ha! Ha!

[ Whispering ]

[ Clucking ]

[ Rosie's clucking ]

- Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Caillou's the winner!

- [Everybody]: yay!

- Caillou winner!

- I won! I won!

I did it!
- [All three]: yay!

- [ Meow ]

- All right gilbert, you can
have a ribbon too.

For having the best purr!

- Yay gilbert!
- [ Purring ]

- Stronger everyday.

caillou was very excited

Because his friend andre

Was coming to play
soccer with him.



What's all that noise?

What are you doing?

what are you doing?



Andre's coming.

I know.

we're gonna play soccer.

Andre's the best
soccer player.

I know he is,

But you're not
supposed to play

Soccer in the house,
are you?

No, mommy.

caillou decided to practice
before andre arrived.


Caillou, look who's here.

Hi, andre.

(Playing laughter
and chatter)


you're a really good player.

My turn.

caillou wanted to be
a soccer player

Just like andre.


I don't like this game.

Remember the time
you learned to skate?


Well, you had
to practice a lot

Before you got good at it,
didn't you?

Here. Try again.


caillou felt bad.

He wanted to show andre
how good he was at soccer,

But somehow he just
couldn't kick the ball.

I don't wanna
play any more.

Come on, caillou.
You can do it.

I can't.
It's too hard.

Just one more time.


caillou agreed to give it
one more try.



Come on, caillou,
you can do it.



We've come to play, too.



He scores!


Way to go, caillou.



now that he'd kicked the ball,

Caillou felt like a real
soccer player.



(Struggling grunts)


Uh, there.

Ow, ow, ow,
ow, ow, ow.

Do you need some help

Tying your laces,

No. My shoes hurt.

your feet have grown.

They're too big
for these shoes.

You need a new pair.

Here, these will do
for now.

Put them on and we'll go
to the shoe store right away.

now caillou loved to splash
in rain puddles with his boots,

But today it was sunny,

And he wanted to run.

Hi, sarah.

(skids to a stop)

Oh, hi caillou.

Where are you going?

To buy a new pair of shoes.

We'll have to have
a race

When you get them.

Bye, sarah.

I want shoes
to run fast like sarah.

Come on, caillou.

(Humming happily)

caillou liked looking at all
the different kinds of shoes

And boots.

There were all kinds of

And lady's shoes...


and even work boots.





These look fast.


Which colour
do you like best, caillou?


caillou just couldn't
make up his mind,

Which colour he liked best.

Well now, before we decide
on the color,

Maybe we'd better
measure your feet.

Shoe salesman:
now let's see you.

You are a size,

A size seven.

mommy, mommy, I'm a size seven.

My, your feet
have been growing, caillou.

Now, do you want
the blue ones

Or the yellow ones?

I want the...

Shoe salesman:
how about the green ones?

Green? Yay.

We'll just put your boots
in this shoe box

So you can take them
back home.

Your new shoes are very nice,

And so are my new shoes.

But you have to measure
your feet first.

My feet stopped growing
a long time ago.

Race me, sarah.

You're going too fast
for me.

race me. Race me!

(Rosie giggles)

caillou, I'm right here.


Are you coming in,

It's shiny, daddy.



Look, daddy!



maybe you'll come in
the big pool with me

Next time.


Remember the pool today?


Would you like daddy
to teach you how to swim?


a couple of days later,

Caillou had his first lesson,

He liked learning to swim,

And after just a few lessons,

He was getting
better and better.

I can do it this time,

I know you can, caillou.

I was swimming, daddy!
I was swimming!

caillou wanted to swim
and dive

Just like the big boys
and girls.

(Rosie snoring lightly)

Do you wanna go back
in the water?

I wanna swim
all by myself.


Well, that sounds
like a good idea.


I can swim now,

Come in with me,

You can see me swim
all by myself.

(Underwater gurgles)

That's it.
Hold your arms out,

Just like I showed you.

caillou walked on the bottom
of the pool,

And very soon he was swimming
all by himself.

that's it, caillou.

I'm swimming!
I'm swimming!

Can you see, daddy?

Yes. I'm right here.

You can do it!

Look at me!
I'm swimmi- (sputters)

suddenly, caillou was afraid.


Come this way.

but his daddy was right there
by his side.

Take it easy,

Swim to me,
just like we did before.

That was a bit scary,
wasn't it?

But you knew I was there,
didn't you?

Yes, daddy.

You know what?

You really were swimming,
all by yourself.

I was, wasn't i?

I'm very proud of you.

(Sounds of baseball game
on tv)

he's batting . .

But his first base play
is off.

Daddy, what's a base?

The bases are what
the batter runs around

After he hits the ball.

He wants to get
to as many bases as he can

Before the ball
is caught.

caillou didn't quite understand

What his daddy
was talking about.


He hit a home run!

in the bottom
of the ninth!

oh, what a great game!

Yipee. (Laughs)

I wanna play baseball,

Here's a glove,

Thanks, caillou,

But here's the baseball glove.

This is the glove grandpa
gave to me when I little,

And now I'm giving it to you.

Thanks, daddy.

let me throw you one

So you can try out
the glove.


Oh no!

that's why mommy says

Don't throw balls
in the house, daddy.

(Laughs) I guess you're right,

caillou was all ready to learn

How to play baseball.

okay, caillou,

The first step
to playing baseball

Is learning how to catch.


Good catch, son.

Your turn, caillou.


throwing and catching the ball

Weren't as easy
as they looked.

That's okay.

Next time try to catch it
with both hands.

That's what beginners do.

Mr. Hinkle:
did someone lose this?


I'm playing baseball,
mr. Hinkle.

My favorite game.

I used to be quite a player
when I was a kid, you know.

Here, caillou.

I think this glove
is broken, daddy.

it takes a bit of practise
to learn how to catch a ball.

Here, let me show you
how to hold your mitt.


it seemed to caillou
that everyone knew

How to play baseball...

Everyone except him.

You know, I didn't know how
to throw and catch very well

When I started playing.

I'll say he didn't.

When your dad started
learning how to play,

There were quite
a few broken windows

Around the house.

But he got the hang of it
soon enough

And had a great time playing.



Here. Catch.

I hate baseball.

What do you say
we take a little break

And go to the park,


Throw it back,

Go on. Try.

Good throw,

caillou was happy
he made a good throw.

Guess your practicing
this morning paid off.

We usually come
to practice every day.

If you keep practising,

Maybe you'll be able
to play with us, soon.

Daddy, can you show me
how to hold my glove now?

It takes a little time
to get used to the feel

Of catching a ball
in a glove.

Try to do this
a few times.

Keep at it

And soon you'll be able to catch
the ball in the glove

Almost every time.

catching a ball
still wasn't easy.

(Gilbert meows)

But caillou
was having fun now.

give that back, gilbert.

Catch, gilbert!

(Gilbert meows)



Sorry, daddy.

That's okay.
Here, catch.

I caught it!
I caught it!

I can play baseball!


You still have to learn
how to bat.

no one told him
there was still more to learn.

hang on, caillou.

Let me give you a hand.

If you hold the bat
this way,

It will help you
be a good hitter.

and it helps
to stand like this.

Now just keep your eye
on the ball.

caillou just wanted
to hit the ball.

When can I hit it,


I did it!
I did it!

run to first base, caillou!


Uh... The other way.

Caillou, run!

Hooray! (Laughs)

I like batting.

so do i.

You hit to me first,

caillou couldn't believe
how far sarah hit the ball.

I can't do that.

Or that.

not yet,

But you'll be able
to someday

If you keep practising.

But I wanna play a game.

Okay, come on.

wow! A-ha! (Laughing)

run to first base, caillou!


It's a home run!

I like baseball,

So do i, caillou.

Like father,
like son.

(All laugh)

- Vroummm, vroummm.

Mommy? Can we go to the park?

- Perhaps a little
later caillou,

I have to take rosie
to her swimming class now.

- I want to go swimming too!

- Isn't leo coming over today?

- Caillou had
completely forgotten that
he had a play date with leo.

- Yeah! Leo is
coming! Leo's coming!


- Today was shaping
up to be a great day!

- I'll get it!

- Caillou was very excited.

He thought maybe it
would be leo calling

To tell him that
he was on his way over.

- Hello leo?


Daddy it's for you!

- Thank you, caillou.


Oh hi!

No problem at all,
I'm glad I can help.

Send sarah over
when she's ready.


- Is sarah coming over?

- Actually yes,
but not to play.

Sarah's mom has a bad cold,
so she asked me

If I could take sarah

To her karate class
a little later.

- Ka-ra-te class?

- Uh huh!


- Karate seemed very
strange to caillou.

- Leo!

- Caillou and leo were very
happy to be spending the
morning together.

But they couln't wait
to start playing!

- Caillou!

- Hahaha!

You're not caillou!

- I'm here mommy!

We're bears in a cave!

= Rrooooar!

- Sarah? Why are
you still in your pajamas?

These aren't my
pajamas, it's called a gy.

I wear it for my karate class.

- Silly me. I'll be ready in
just a minute.

Why don't you go show
caillou your karate gy?

- Hi sarah!

Caillou's in his room.

But beware, there are big
bears in dark caves upstairs!

- Rooarrr!

- Caillou? Are you in there?

- Sarah!

- Hi! I can't stay
long, your dad's driving
me to my karate class.

I wanted to show
you my karate gy!

- You wear that for karate?

- Uh huh, see?


I need room to do my karate
moves and my gy is comfortable.

Your dad thought I was
still in my pajamas!

- Caillou and leo were
very impressed by sarah's
karate demonstration.

- Sarah! Time to go!

- I gotta go, but I can
come back after my class

And show you a few more
moves if you want.


- Wow!
- Yay!

= Ha ha ha ha!

- Ah!

= Ah!

- Ah! Ha ha ha ha!

- Oh! Oh!

- The karate lesson turned
out to be fun for everyone!

- Hi grandma!

- Hello caillou!

- Caillou's mommy had just
dropped him and rosie off

To spend the afternoon
with grandma and grandpa.

- What's that?

- It's grandpa's
old bowling trophy,

He won this prize for
being the best player.

- Yup, I used to be quite
the bowler in my day!

Come on, I think I still have
my bowling ball here somewhere!

It was the most unusual
ball caillou had ever seen.

- Careful, it's heavy!

- Caillou wondered how
anyone could play a game

With such a heavy ball.

- Can you show
me how to play?

- Sure, caillou. But
first we need to get

A few things that
are more your size.

- Looks like we've
got everything.

- Caillou was very
curious to see how
this game would work.

- Me too!

- Okay rosie, grandpa will
show you how to bowl too.

- That looks perfect!

This will be our
bowling alley!

- Me too!

- Come on, rosie, you
can help set up the pins.

- You put them like
this, see rosie?

- I think we're
ready to bowl!

- Yeah!

- My turn!

- Nice shot!

- Yeah!

- Caillou thought
bowling was a lot of fun.

- Rosie too!

- Telephone!

It's for you!

- Okay dear.

Now that you're
such a good bowler,

Maybe you can show rosie
how to play while I'm gone.

- Caillou was proud
that grandpa thought he
was good at bowling.

- Okay rosie, roll
the ball over there.

Try again!

- Caillou and rosie were
both getting frustrated.

- I know!

Move closer.

- Yeah!

- Caillou! Rosie!
Time for a snack!

- Wow! It looks
as good as new!

- And here's a couple
of special trophies

For my champion bowlers.

And yours is also for being so
good at helping your sister.

- Caillou felt
very proud.

- Thank you grandma!

- Hello!

- Hi mommy! We
played bowling!

- Mommy see!

- Bowling?! Who taught
you how to do that?

- Grandpa showed me!

And I showed rosie!

- Boom!

- Caillou

- Okay.

Ready rosie?

- Hee! Hee! Hee!

- Caillou could
hardly wait

Because miss martin was taking
him and his friends to the park.

= Hi caillou!

- Hi leo!

Hi clementine!

Bye, mommy.

- Me too!

- You'll see caillou
later sweetie.

- Bye caillou!

- Bye honey!

- All right, let's go!

- Bye!

- Here we are.

Mara, clementine, xavier,

Emma, caillou, leo.

I have a new game for you!

- Caillou was
curious and excited.

Miss martin's new
games were always fun.

- I'm going to win!

- No, I am going to win!

Race ya!

- Yahoo!

- Yahoo!

- Yahoo!

- I'm first!

- Try this!

- That was fun.

- Okay, everyone,

Come over here please!

Does anybody want
to play a new game?

- Yeah!

- Me too!

- Good!

Today we're going
to play in teams.

- You're gonna
be on my team!

- We don't know
the teams yet!

That's a surprise:

I'll pull names out of
here to choose the teams.


- Yes!

- The first team will
be xavier and... Emma!

- Leo... And clementine!

- Caillou was

That his best friend leo
was not on the same team.

- Mara and caillou!

- We're going to have
a bean bag race!

Each team gets one bean bag.

- Clementine, xavier.

That will make a
great starting line!

Thanks leo, thanks clementine!

- How do you play?

- Here is how the
bean bag race works:

You take turns with your
team mate to carry it,

And the first bean
bag to come back to
the finish line wins!

- I'm gonna win!

- We'll see!

Mara, clementine, and emma:

Go wait at the
tree over there.

Once you get your bean bag from
your partner, you race back.

- I can run fast!

- I can run faster!

- Okay boys?

Ready, steady, go!

- Come on caillou!

Caillou come back!

- Caillou was
concentrating so hard

That he forgot to give
mara the bean bag!

- Wait, caillou, wait!

Caillou! Come back.

- Hurray!

I win!

- Caillou! You forgot me!

- Mara is right

So the winners are the
yellow bean bag team:

Clementine and leo!

= We win! We win!

- Caillou felt bad that they
had lost because of him.

- Let's race again!

- Sure!

- Caillou liked
the idea, he would get
another chance to win!

- Yeah!

And this time, we'll win!

- Yeah!

- Look what I can do!

- Wow!

- That could be part
of our next race!

Any other ideas?

- We can push the bean
bags down the slide!

- Good idea!

So first: bean bags
will go down the slide;

Then, the partner walks
the rim of the sand box

And comes back
the finish line!

- Yay!

- Girls start this time!

Boys, you go wait at
the end of the slide.

- Ready... Steady... Go!

- That's easy!

Whoo! Wooh!


- Come on caillou!

- It wasn't so
easy after all.

But caillou was
determined to do it.

- I did it!

- The green bean bag
team comes in first!

Emma and xavier win this time!

- Caillou was proud to
have crossed the sand box.

He didn't care about winning
the race so much any more.

- You all did very well
in the bean bag race!

I have a surprise:

I thought you might like
bean bags of your own!

= Jelly beans! Yay!

- Jelly beans were
definitely caillou's
favorite kind of bean!

And he knew someone else
who just loved them!

- Rosie want!

- First, we have to race!

I need your ball and you
go to your toy box, okay?

- Caillou wanted to show rosie
the new game he learned.

- You say go!

- Oh! Okay,


- Go give the
ball to mommy!

We win!

Our team wins! Yeah!

Some for you!

- Mmmm!

And some for me!

Some for you!

- Thank you!

That was a fun race,
shall we do it again?

- We can't!

- Why not?

- There are no more
jelly beans to win!

Caillou and rosie:
hurrrrray! Huwway!

caillou and rosie were
in a cheering mood.

It was fun jumping for joy
and being silly together.


Hurray for gilbert!

Gilbert huwwwway!


ha. Phew...(Panting)

hurray, it's daddy!

Huwway, daddy!

where were you, daddy?

You're missing
our hurrays.

sorry, kids.

I went for a run.

I'm training
for a marathon.

hurray, a marathon!

a marafon!

What's a marathon?

A marathon is kind
of long race.

a race?!

Oh, I like races -

I want to run
a marathon too!

I'm sorry, caillou.

Marathons are
for grown-ups.

The runners have to run
for a very long time -

For a far distance.

I can do that!

Oh, I don't think so,

please, daddy, can I just go
running with you, please?

Well, I guess I could go
for another run

Around the block today...



(Effort grunts)

Now can we run?!

Not yet.

It's important
to stretch properly...

We've just begun!

(stretching grunts)



This looks easy.


Oops, sorry honey!

I didn't see you there.

now can we go?!


Now we can go!

I'm going to run
really far, daddy!

caillou thought that
if he showed daddy

How far he could run,

He would let caillou run
in the marathon.

our caillou's quite
the little runner,

Isn't he mrs. Howard?

Mrs. Howard:

Actually mrs. Howard,
I'm a big runner!

Mrs. Howard:


caillou wondered where
that mailbox came from.

It seemed to pop out
of nowhere.

you should always watch where
you're going, caillou.

Delivery man:
(clearing throat)

whoops, sorry!
Didn't see you there.

I guess I should watch
where I'm going too!

Delivery man:
see you later!

caillou was beginning
to feel tired,

But he didn't want
to stop running.

(Tired pant)

he wanted to prove that he
could run in a marathon.


whoa! (Pant)

silly dog.

Doesn't he know
I'm trying to run here?


caillou's legs were beginning
to feel very tired.

He wondered how much
farther he could run.

Whoooa... Ooof.

are you okay, caillou?

I'm okay. (Pant)

But how am I supposed
to run a marathon

If I can't even make it
around the block?!

it takes a lot of training
and practice

To prepare for a marathon,

so if I practice I'll be
able to run a marathon?

Well, maybe one day.

The more you practice,

The farther you'll be able
to run...

But for now...

Let's walk home and have
some lunch, shall we?

running sure takes a lot
out of you, doesn't it?


well, you're sure to have
lots of energy now!

Yes, I'm ready to go
running again!


Uh huh! I can't wait to show
you how much farther

I can run this time.

Okay, caillou.

caillou and daddy had
gone out for another run.

But caillou was disappointed.

He still couldn't
run very far!

(sighs) I'll never be able
to run a marathon!

I wouldn't say that,

I think you did well
this time.

You did run farther!

But not far enough.

I want to be able
to run like you, daddy!

But caillou, I can run farther
because I'm a grown-up.

My muscles are much bigger

And I've had more time
to practice.

I know.
I just think it'd be fun.

Hmm. Do you know what else
would be fun?


Last one to the house
is a rotten egg!


Ready rosie?

Rosie weady!

good catch, rosie!

Rosie wun too?

sure, rosie.

What do you say we all run

To mrs. Howard's house
and back?

Okay! That's easy.
C'mon, rosie!

Hold up, caillou!

Let's wait
for your sister.

caillou had forgotten rosie
couldn't run very fast -

Or very far.

Rosie can't run like me...

Just like I can't run
like you!

that's right.

Everybody has their
own skill level.

You know, I don't think

I want to run a marathon
just yet, daddy.

You don't?

No, I can wait 'til
I'm a grown-up.

I just wish there
was one for kids!

You know, I think that
could be arranged!

How about a mini-marathon...

In the backyard?

a mini-marathon!


Mommy: hurray, caillou!
Daddy: way to go, rosie!

T, rosie!
Yay! Yeah!

We finished the race!
Hurray, a marathon!

Marafon! Marafon!

a mini marathon was
just the right size!

And caillou and rosie were
thrilled to finish the race.



did you have fun at preschool
♪♪♪today, caillou?

Yes! And I have
a surprise for you!

A picture of gilbert!
Do you like it?

I love it, caillou!

it looks just like him!

(Gilbert meows)

We have a surprise
for you too.

Grandpa's coming over,

And he's going to take you
somewhere special.

(Doorbell rings)

That's probably him now!

Where are you taking me?!

what? No hug, caillou?

That's better...

Now I'll tell ya.

I'm going to take
you bowling!


caillou was surprised -

He had never been bowling

Isn't that for grown-ups?

No, I learned how to bowl
when I was your age.

And now I'm going to teach you
at the bowling alley!

The bowling alley...

Couldn't we just bowl
in the backyard?

I think you'll really like
the bowling alley, caillou,

It has bowling pins,
and balls,

And it's a fun place
to get some exercise!

What do you say
we give it a try?


Here we are!

at first,
caillou was a little nervous,

Especially when he heard the
loud knocking of the pins.


but when caillou looked around,
he was pleasantly surprised!

Grandpa, look!

It's my friend sarah!

(Calls out)

seeing a friend
at the bowling alley

Made caillou feel even better.

Are we going to play now,

As soon as we get our shoes!

Can't I wear my own shoes?

I'm afraid not, caillou.

These are special shoes -

Made for bowling
on the wooden alleys.

This is my grandson's first
time bowling!

Well, you're in for a fun
time there, laddie!

Let's see, I'll put you in...
Lane three.

Lane three.
Thanks, seamus!

now, you look like
a champion bowler!

So, we each get a few
practice balls,

And here's where
we get them from.

It's called the ball-return!

We need to be careful when
we're grabbing a ball.

We don't want the balls
to pinch our fingers!

Okay, grandpa.
I'll be careful.

Now, do you see those pins?

The idea of the game

Is to knock down
as many pins as you can.

Each pin is worth points!

This computer will keep track
of our points,

And tell us our score.

Now, watch your ol' grandpa.

I'll show you how
to throw the ball!

Wow, grandpa!
You knocked them all down!


When that happens,
it's called a strike.

Now it's your turn
to give it a try!

(Effort grunt)

It's heavy, grandpa!

Maybe you should roll
the ball down the alley

With both hands...

Like your friend, sarah!


My ball didn't stay
on the lane!

When the ball lands
on the side like that,

It's called a gutter ball.

It happens to everyone...

even me!

The trick is to aim the ball
right down the middle.

Try again!

I did it!
I knocked down a pin!

now caillou was feeling
more confident!

hurray, caillou!

I knew you could do it.

Now, there's one more thing
I need to teach you.

What's that?

My handy-dandy
bowling high-five!

Now, we're ready to play!

Oh! Do you think sarah
and her mom

Could play with us, grandpa?

Sure, I don't see why not.

Let's ask them!

A strike!

Wow, your mom is good!
Just like grandpa!

Look at all the strikes!

She plays on a team
with other bowlers.

They get lots of practice.

It's your turn, caillou!

I knocked down a pin!

That's the way, caillou!

Hurray, caillou!

two more pins!

Another pin!

One plus two, plus one,
is... Four pins!

That's a lot of points,
isn't it, grandpa?

it sure is.

Way to go, caillou!
You're doing very well!

thanks again for the game!

bye caillou!

bye sarah!

That was fun!

I'm glad you think so,

Because I have another
surprise for you.

caillou could hardly
wait to see

What the next surprise
would be!

So, did you have
a good game?

We sure did!

Caillou bowled a terrific game
for a beginner.

Well, then...
This is for you!

For me?
But I didn't win!

Everybody wins
when they come out

And try something new,

You deserve a ribbon!

Wow, thanks!

And I threw the ball
and knocked down the pins,

And we wore special shoes,
and look...

The nice man at the counter
gave me a ribbon!

I'm so proud of you,

Yes, it sounds like you had
lots of fun

At the bowling alley.

I did!

Does this mean you'll go
bowling with me again?

Yes! Can we go... Tomorrow?!

caillou had learned that it's
always good to try new things,

Like bowling!
