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10x04 - Caillou Loves the Fall

Posted: 10/02/22 10:07
by bunniefuu
- You're getting to
be a big boy.

- ♪ I'm just a kid who's ♪

♪ Each day I grow some more ♪

♪ I like exploring,
I'm Caillou ♪

♪ So many things to do ♪

♪ Each day is something new ♪

♪ I'll share them with you,
I'm Caillou ♪

[ Meow ]
♪ My world is turning ♪

♪ Changing each day ♪

♪ With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way ♪

♪ Growing up is not so tough ♪

♪ Except when I've had enough ♪

♪ But there's lots of fun stuff,
I'm Caillou ♪

♪ Caillou, Caillou ♪

♪ I'm Caillou, Ha! Ha! Ha! ♪

♪ That's me! ♪

- Today Caillou was
acting very silly.

He was trying to make
his little sister laugh...

[ Laughing ]

He was doing a very good job!

- Look at this, Rosie!

[ Laughing ]
- Caillou silly!

[ Laughing ]
- You're certainly acting
the clown today, Caillou!

[ Crowd laughing ]

[ Horn
then Seal barking ]

[ Horn and Seal barking ]

[ Barking ]

- Hi, Sammy! Catch!

- [Crowd]: Oh!...

[Crowd]: Oooh!

[Crowd] Woo-hoo!

[ Buzzer and crowd cheering ]

- Caillou funny!

- I'm going to draw you
a picture, Rosie.

A picture of a clown!

- What a good idea!

- First I need a red crayon
for his red nose.

- Red nose! Hee! Hee!

- But Caillou was having trouble finding the red crayon.

Where could it have gone?

- I can't find
the red.

- Hmm... Let me look.

- Caillou! Red!

- Thanks, Rosie.

Look, Mommy.
Look how small it is!

- Yes. You've almost
used it all up.

All of your crayons are
looking rather worn down.

I think you need
some new crayons.

Let's take a trip
to the store.

- Yeah! We can get lots and lots
and lots of colours!

- Red too?
[ Laughing ]

- Yes, Rosie.
Especially red!

Mommy, are we going to buy
anything else at the store?

- Yes, Caillou,
we need a few things.

We need toilet paper,

lightbulbs, new
socks for Rosie.

- And crayons!

- And crayons.
Do you think you can help me out

by remembering
what we need to buy?

- I can remember! Toilet
paper... um...

- Lightbulbs, socks for
Rosie, and crayons.

- Toilet paper,

socks for Rosie, crayons.

- Caillou thought
about the list very hard

so he wouldn't forget anything.

- Sometimes if you turn a list
into a song,

it will help you remember.

[ Giggling ]
A song? Hmm...

♪ Toilet pa-per, lightbulbs ♪

♪ Socks for Rosie, cray-ons! ♪

- That's right.

[ Giggling ]
- Caillou silly!

- ♪ Toilet pa-per,
lightbulbs, socks for
Rosie, cray-ons! ♪

♪ Toilet pa-per, lightbulbs,
socks for Rosie, cray-ons! ♪

♪ Toilet pa-per, lightbulbs,
socks for Rosie, cray-ons! ♪

[ Caillou giggling ]

- Hmm... Up you go!

Okay, Caillou, can you
remember our shopping list?

- Caillou thought very hard.

Then he remembered the little
song he made up.

- ♪ Toilet pa-per, lightbulbs,
socks for Rosie, cray-ons! ♪

- Very good,

- Toilet paper is first!

Toilet paper!


Look, Mommy. Lightbulbs!

Socks for Rosie!
[ Rosie giggling ]

- Oooh!

Pretty flowers!

- Well, I think we're
all done shopping...

[ Laughing ]
- No! We still
need to find crayons!

- Oh, that's right!
I'm glad you're here

to remind me,

- Crayons! We're all done!

- Caillou was disappointed

they had found everything
on their shopping list.

He wanted to look
for more things.

- Look, Mommy!
It's Sarah.

Hi, Sarah!
[ Sarah laughing ]

- Hi, Caillou!
- Are you buying crayons? I am.

- I'm starting school this week

and I need
to get all these things.

- Wow! That's a lot!
Can I help you

find them? I'm good
at shopping!

- Sure.

- Can I help Sarah, Mommy?

- All right.

- One red pen.

- Found one!
- One eraser!

- Hmm...

Got it!

- One ruler!

[ Yawning ]

- There's one!

- Five notebooks.

- One, two, three, four, five!

I've got them.

- Soon they had found
everything on Sarah's list.

- All done!
Thanks, Caillou!

- You found all those
things very quickly!

Well done!

Now we'd better be
getting home.

Rosie! Where did you put
your new socks?

[ Laughing
- Hiding!

- [Caillou]: There they are!

When I go to school
like Sarah,

I'm going to need
notebooks and pencils

and erasers and lots
and lots of stuff.

- That's right, Caillou.

We'll go back to the
store for all your
school supplies

when you're old
enough for school.

[ Giggling ]

[ Laughing ]

Now Rosie's being
a clown, Mommy!

[ All laughing ]

- Caillou goes apple picking

- Yay!
- Yeah!

- Woo-hoo!
- Yay!

- [ Caillou giggling ]
- I want the front seat.

- Caillou felt very grown up

as he boarded the school bus
to head off

on a big adventure.

Caillou and his friends were
going to pick apples

at an apple orchard.

- Look, a red leaf!

- I have a yellow one.

- You see how the leaves
on the maple tree have
changed colour?

Apples do the same thing.

When the apples change colour,

it means they're ready to pick.

This one's called
a Macintosh apple.

It's red and shiny
and crunchy...

This one's a Russet apple.

It has a rough skin and it's not
as pretty, but it's very sweet.

Eric's going to let you
taste both apples

so you can decide which
one you want to pick.

- They're both yummy, but
I like the red one best.

- Me too.
- I like this one more.
- I like that one.

- Okay. Is everyone ready
to go apple picking?

- [All]: Yeah!

- Now Eric is going to take
us on a hayraide

to where the apple
trees are.

- A hayride? Yeah!
- Yay!

- [All kids]: Yeah! Yay!

- Caillou was excited
about the hayride.

- Look at all the trees!

- And look at
all the apples!

- See the apple pickers?

They use ladders to reach the
apples that are high up
in the trees.

Okay everyone,
pick a partner.

You have to be very gentle

when you pick
an apple because if
you pull too hard on it,

other apples will
fall, and we don't want

any apples that have
fallen on the ground.

- Why not? This one looks okay.

- Look closer. When apples hit
the ground,

they become bruised and insects
can get inside them.

- Yew! Hmm...

The apples on the tree are
better - they don't have bugs!

- Right! Now everyone
pick a tree

and start filling
your buckets.

- This one has
lots of apples.

[ Giggling ]

- Caillou really enjoyed
picking apples. It was fun!

- We have more
apples than you.

- Ours are bigger. You want
to have a race?

- Yeah, let's see who
fills their bucket first.

- Caillou liked the big apples higher up on the tree,

but they were hard to reach. [ Giggling ]

When he saw the ladders,

he had an idea.

- Can I use
a ladder to get

the big apples,
Miss Martin?

- How about this one?
It's more your size.

- Your turn.

- Your turn.

- Whoa!

Now how am I going to pick you?

I know!

[ Laughing ]

[ Laughing ]


- Our bucket's full!

- Ours is too!

- Who won?

- It's a tie.
You all win!

- [Both]: We won! We won!

- We won too!
We won too!

[ Laughing ]
- Look at that!

- [All]: Wow! Wow!

- Shh!

Keep very quiet.

- They were
eating apples.

- Apples are a favorite
treat for deer.

- They're my favorite
treat too.

- Come on, I think
it's time we went back.

- Miss Martin took them
to the big red barn

where Eric showed them
how to make apple juice!

- Thank you, Eric!

- You can make all kinds
of different foods with apples.

- I like apple pie.

- I like apple jelly. On toast!

- How about apple muffins?

- Mmm!
- Yum!

- What about you, Caillou,

which do you like best?

- I like apples
just by themselves the best.

Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum!

- What an exciting day!

Caillou couldn't wait
to get home

to share his apples
with Mommy, Daddy and Rosie.

But right now he was ready
for a little nap!

- [Caillou]: Seasons.

♪ Winter, spring, summer, fall ♪

♪ The seasons
they go round and round. ♪

♪ Winter spring summer fall, ♪

♪ The seasons they go round. ♪

♪ I like summer when it's hot, ♪

♪ It's fun to swim
and play a lot. ♪

♪ I like fall
when it's Halloween ♪

♪ Daddy wears
the silliest costumes ♪

♪ That you've ever seen. ♪

♪ I like winter when it snows ♪

♪ Sledding skating -
off we go. ♪

♪ I like spring
when the leaves turn green ♪

♪ I ride my bike and help mommy
keep our garden clean. ♪

♪ It doesn't matter
where you live, ♪

♪ No matter
what the weather is. ♪

♪ Each season has
things to do, ♪

♪ That makes it
special for you. ♪

♪ Winter, spring, summer, fall ♪

♪ The seasons
they go round and round. ♪

♪ Winter spring summer fall, ♪

♪ The seasons they go round. ♪

- Caillou's Halloween costume.

Halloween was coming,

and Caillou didn't know
what he was going

to dress up as.

The bedsheet gave Caillou
an idea for a costume.

[ Giggling ]

He though it would be fun
to be a ghost.

- Boo!
- Ah!

- Look, Rosie,
it's just me!

- Ah...
- See, it's a costume,
for Halloween.

It's not supposed to be scary,
it's supposed to be fun.

On Halloween, you dress up
and go out

and people give you candy.

- Rosie dress up!

- I don't think the ghost
costume is quite right
for you, Rosie.

Why don't we find you
a different costume?

How about this?
- Yeah!!!

- You look like a princess!

- Rosie prin-cess!

- Daddy, can you help me find
a Halloween costume?

- Sure, let's see
what we've got in here.

Why don't you try this on
for size?

- Uh-huh!

- Hmm...
- Ha! Ha! It's way too big!

- Don't worry.

Ooh! You look very
grown up.

- I'm a Daddy!

- I have just the thing
to top off your outfit!

[ Giggling ]

- Caillou liked dressing up
like daddy.

[ Laughing ]
- Caillou!

- And Rosie can be
a clown with this.

- Rosie clown! Rosie princess!

[ Laughing ]

- Caillou wasn't so sure
he wanted to be

a daddy for Halloween. - Ooh...

- It was awfully hard to walk.

- I think I need
a different costume.

- We've still got a few days
to think of something.

Right now it's time for bed.

- The days went by

and still Caillou couldn't
decide on a costume.

Finally Halloween came...

Caillou helped
Mommy by drawing a face
for the jack o' lantern...

...and putting candy into
little bags for his friends.

- Hmm...

- What's wrong, sweetie?

- I still don't know
what to be for Halloween.

- Daddy and Rosie
are in the basement.
Why don't you join them?

Maybe you'll find
something down there.

- There must be
something in here

you can use
for a costume!

- Caillou was finding
all sorts of funny things.

Then he felt
something soft and furry.

- Kitty!

- Good idea, Rosie!

- Rosie princess! Rosie clown!
Rosie cat!

- You can't be
everything, Rosie!

- Rosie princess, clown and cat!

- Now Caillou was really
starting to worry

about finding
a costume to wear.

[ Sighing ]

- Come on, there's still time.
We'll think of something.

You know what?

I think we've got
all the makings

of a great monster costume
right here.

- A monster!

- Caillou liked
the sound of that.

[ Roaring ]

[ Roaring ]

- Candy trees!

I want to be a monster!

Monsters can eat as much candy
as they want!

- [Dad]: Even monsters
can get a tummy ache from
eating too much candy.

You'd better save those
candies for tonight.

- A monster!
What a good idea!

After lunch I'll make
you a costume

from that
furry blue fabric.

- Thanks, Mommy!
[ Roaring ]

[ Roaring ]

- Here we go,

one mini monster
outfit made by Mommy!

- Wow!

- Caillou couldn't wait to show his friends his furry suit.

[ Doorbell ]
- Shh!

[ Whispering ]

- Look, Rosie!

A cowboy and
a bumblebee!

- Trick or treat! Yeehaw!

- What're you, Rosie?

- Princess kitty clown!
[ Giggling ]

- Where's Caillou?
I want see his costume!


- Ready, Monster Caillou?

- Ready!

[ Roaring ]

- [Both]: Ah!...
- It's just me.

- Nice monster
costume, Caillou!

- Thank you! Want
some monster candy?

- Yes, please!
- Thank you!

I'm going to get lots of candy!

- Yeehaw! Me too! Mmm-mmm!

- Me too, but I'm going
to save some for tomorrow.

I don't want to get
a monster tummy ache!

[ Roaring ]

- Hi everybody, do you want
to play a game with me?

- [Child]: Yeah!

- [Children]: Yeah!

- [Child]: Yeah!

- Okay, let's go.

This is called
"The Remembering Game".

All of the cards have
apples on them.

There are , , yellow apples,

and how many
red apples are there?

- [Children]: , , !

- Yeah, I'm so hungry

I could eat them all up.
Yum yum.

- [Children]: Ha! Ha!
- [Child]: Don't eat them.

- Why not?
- [Children]: Ha! Ha!

- [Child]: Because we need
them to play the game.

- Oh yeah.
First we look at the cards

and remember where they are.

Now the cards turn over.

Can you remember which ones are
the green apples?

- [Children]: Ha! Ha!
There aren't any.

- [Child]: There aren't any
green apples,

just yellow and red.

- Right. I was just trying
to fool you.

Where are the yellow apples?

- [Children]:
In the top two corners.

- [Child]: And one
on the bottom in the corner.

- [Children]: There!

- Yay, you got all .

, , ,

and the other cards are what?

- [Children]: Red apples!

- Yay! Let's play again.

These are Halloween pictures.

There are scary pumpkins,

scary cats

and scary candies.

- [Children]:
Ha! Ha! Scary candies?

- [Child]: Candies aren't scary.

- Ha! Ha! Now we have to look

and remember
which card is where.

Okay, now the cards turn over.

Can you remember what was
on the cards?

- [Children]:
Pumpkins, cats and candies!

- Good remembering.

I'm going to try to remember
where the black cats are.

I think they're here

and here.

Yay! I remembered.

Meow. Now it's your turn.

Can you remember where
the candies are?

- [Children]: On the bottom!

- [Child]: In the middle.

- Right. That's one candy.

- [Child]: The other one is
on the top at the end.

- Here?

- [Children]: Yeah! That one.

- Right, , , candies.

What's on the other cards?

- [Children]: Scary pumpkins!

- Yay! , , scary pumpkins.

- [Children]: Ha! Ha! Boo!

- That's the end of our game.

See you next time. Bye-bye.


She'e my baby
sister and I love her.

We play games together a lot.

And we have fun!

I get to show her things like.

And sometimes
I help take care of her.

Because I'm her big brother.