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10x02 - Caillou the Artiste

Posted: 10/02/22 10:05
by bunniefuu
- You're getting
to be a big boy.

- ♪ I'm just a kid who's ♪

♪ Each day I grow some more ♪

♪ I like exploring,
I'm Caillou ♪

♪ So many things to do ♪

♪ Each day is something new ♪

♪ I'll share them with you,
I'm Caillou ♪

[ Meow ]
♪ My world is turning ♪

♪ Changing each day ♪

♪ With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way ♪

♪ Growing up is not so tough ♪

♪ Except when I've had enough ♪

♪ But there's lots of fun stuff,
I'm Caillou ♪

♪ Caillou, Caillou ♪

♪ I'm Caillou, Ha! Ha! Ha! ♪

♪ That's me! ♪

- It was a cold winter morning,

and it had been snowing
all night.

Caillou is getting dressed
to go to playschool.

He even remembered
to put on his hat!

- I can't see!

[ Giggling ]
- He didn't want to be late

because today they'd be doing
arts and crafts.

- I'm ready, Mommy!

[ Sigh ]
- You might have
to wait for me, Caillou...

[ Sigh ]
I've looked everywhere,
but I can't find the car keys.

[ Keys falling. ]

- Here they are.

[ Laughing ]
They were in that boot!

- Thanks, sweetie.

I guess I'll have to find
a better place to keep

these keys
or I'll make us both late.

- Brrr.

Where's the car?

It disappeared!

[ Sigh ]

- It disappeared
under all that snow.

We'd better get to work.

[ Truck horn ]

- Caillou liked
to help Mommy shovel snow.

It was fun!

When all the snow was off
the car

Caillou and Mommy tried
to warm up

but it was very chilly.

[ Engine not turning over. ]

- Uh oh.

[ Starter ]

- The car doesn't like
the cold weather.

It's having a bad day, too.

Don't worry, Caillou.

When things go wrong, it's best
to look on the bright side.

At least you found
the car keys for me.

How about we ask Grandpa

to drive you to playschool?

- OK.

- Spin.

[ Giggling ]




Boot number one.

- Woah! Oof! Hi! Hi!

- Boot number two.

Phew! That was a lot
of work.

I'll be back later
to pick you up.

Mommy will be busy getting
the car fixed.

Sounds like she's having
a bad day.

- Hi Caillou,
I'm glad you made it.

We're making crafts out
of clay this morning.

- I'm gonna make
a present for Mommy!

- That's a great idea,

See you later.

- Caillou tried
to think of something

that would make Mommy happy... a fan
to blow away the snow!

- Ah!

[ Laughing ]

- Or the warmest coat

in the world.

- Ah!

- Or even better,

a big warm sun

to melt all the snow

so it could be summertime.

- Ahh! Thank you Caillou.

- Ahh...

I'm gonna make a sun
to melt all the snow!

My sun is shining on
your snowman!

- Oh Nooo!

I'm melting!

- It's getting hotter
and hotter...


- Caillou was upset. Now he had
to start all over again.

This time Caillou was

very careful with his sun.

- Let's bake it in
the oven so it can dry out.

Then you can paint it.

- It broke!

- It's OK,

we'll wait
for it to cool,

and then we can glue the pieces
back together.

- After the sun had cooled,

Miss Martin glued it
to a piece of wood.

- There you go,
better than ever.

And now you can hang it
on the wall.

- Thank you. Now I'm going

to paint it yellow!

[ Giggling ]

See? He's smiling!

- After snack time Caillou
decided to check on

his present for Mommy.

- Can I see, Caillou?

- [Both]: Ah! Uh oh.

- Caillou was annoyed
at Clementine.

His present was ruined again.

- Sorry Caillou.

- It looks like your sun is
wearing sunglasses.

[ Laughing ]

- Caillou decided he liked
his sun even better this way.

- Good work, Caillou.

Sometimes when things go wrong,

they still work out
for the best.

- Looks like the car's fixed.

Maybe it wasn't
such a bad day after all.

- Caillou couldn't wait to give
Mommy the sun he made.

- Hello Caillou.

- I made you a present, Mommy!

- A sun! Oh, thank you!

It's just what I needed to see

on a cold afternoon.

I was having a bad day,

but this makes it
a whole lot better.

And I know just
where this can go.

A little higher!

- What do you think, Caillou?

- Perfect!

- And now let's see
if it works...

keys, please.

- Hmmm... not again!

They must be around
here somewhere.

- Here Mommy.

- What would I do without you?

- Now you'll
always remember

where your keys are.

- And we'll always remember
to look on the bright side

when we're having a bad day.
Thanks to Caillou.

- Caillou the chef.

Caillou was very excited
because his friends

the twins, Jason and Jeffrey,

were coming over to play.

And they were staying
for lunch.

- What are we having
for lunch, Mommy?

- I thought you could make
your own pizzas.

- Yay!

- You can help me
by washing those mushrooms.

[ Door bell ]

- They're here!

Hi Jason!
Hi Jeffrey!

- [Twins]: Hi Caillou.

- We're gonna make
our own lunch!

Guess what we're going to make.

- Um... snail sandwiches?

- Eew! No.

- How about snake soup?

- No!

- I know. Spider pie!

I've got a glow
in the dark

spider we can eat.

Sorry Boris.

[ Laughing ]

- No, we're going to make
our own pizzas!

- I've never made
a pizza before.

- Me neither.

- I have lots of times.

I'll show you how. Come on!

- OK boys, now that you've
washed you hands,

we're ready to start.

Here's your pizza dough.

- The first thing
you have to do

is roll your dough flat

like this.

- Ah, making pizzas,
are we?

Did you know that
I once worked in a pizzeria?

- Really?

- [All]: Wow!

- You need a lot of practice
before you can do this.

You see it's
all in the wrist action.

- Ah!
- Oh!
- Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Oops!
[ Laughting ]

- [Muffled]: Maybe you boys
should just stick

to the rolling pin.

I'd better go wash up.

- What do we do now, Caillou?

- Next, you put on the tomato
sauce and spread it all around.

- I don't like sauce much.

- I like lots of sauce.

- Then, you sprinkle on
the cheese.

- I like tons of cheese.

- I just want a little.

- That's not the right way
to make pizza.

But now comes
the most fun part.

You make a smiley face

with the mushrooms.

- Nah, I don't like mushrooms.

- I do.

I'm gonna make a spider
on my pizza.

I need something to make
the spider legs with.

- Well, let's see
what I can find.

How about carrots?

- Yeah!

- Can I have
some broccoli, please?

- Broccoli? Carrot sticks!

They don't go on pizzas!

- Caillou was upset

that the twins were making
their pizzas all wrong!

- Everyone can make their pizza
how they like, Caillou.

- Can I put my spider on too?

- Ha! Ha! Well,
I don't know about that.

Let's just
stick to food, OK?

- Caillou imagined he was
a real chef in a pizzeria.

- Let's make some pizzas!

- OK, Chef Caillou.

- Oops!

[ Giggling ]

- Oops!

[ Laughing ]

- [Jason]: See Caillou?
I made a spider.

- [Jeffrey]: And I made
a fly for the spider to eat!

[ Munching noises ]

- They'll be ready in minutes

so you boys can go and play.

- I know what we can play.

to Caillou's restaurant.

Here's our menu.

- Hmm...
I don't know what to have.

- We don't have any spiders,
snakes or snails.

But we do have pizza.

And you can have
any topping you want.

[ Laughing ]

- I'll take
a dump truck and a yo-yo!

[ Giggling ]

- And I'll have a sock puppet
and some puzzle pieces!

- That was good,

but I'm still hungry, Caillou.

- [Mommy]: Boys!
Pizza's ready!

- [All]: Yay! Oh boy! Yeah!

- I'll trade you
a slice of my spider

for a slice
of your smiley face.

- Well... OK.

Mmm! The carrots make it
nice and crunchy.

[ Laughing ]

- [All]: Mmm.

- Yummy

- The boys had a good time
trying each other's pizzas.

And Caillou learned that there
really is more

than one way to make a pizza.

- We're Cookin'.

- Caillou, would you like
to help me cook something today?

- OK, Mommy.

- ♪ We're cooking
We're cooking today ♪

♪ We're cooking,
I'll show you the way ♪

♪ We're cooking,
We're cooking today ♪

♪ We're gonna bake
a chocolate cake ♪

♪ First, we take
a little flour ♪
[ Giggling ]

♪ Put in a mixing bowl ♪

♪ Add eggs, butter,
sugar, milk ♪

♪ Stir it up well,
that's the goal ♪

♪ Into the oven
the cake will go ♪

♪ Be careful,
cause an oven's hot ♪

♪ We have to wait,
till the cake is done ♪

♪ Let's take a look
at what we've got ♪

♪ Now let's put the icing on ♪
- Yeah!

- ♪ I think it's ready soon ♪

♪ Don't forget
that we have to clean up.

♪ Caillou, would you
like to lick the spoon ♪
- Yes!

- ♪ We're cooking
- We baked a cake ♪

- ♪ We're cooking
- They're fun to make ♪

- ♪ We're cooking
Don't get a bellyache ♪

♪ Night or day
- Step right this way ♪

- ♪ For real gourmet
- It's Caillou's Cafe ♪

- ♪ We're cookin.
We're cooking today ♪


- Caillou the painter.

- Here's another one.

- Caillou was helping Mommy
sort the laundry.

His job was matching up
all the socks.

- Pink and pink.

- You're very good
at matching socks.

Last one.

Here you go.

- Hum!

I need another blue sock.

- Hum!

It's not in here. Maybe it's
still in the washing machine.

Aha! Here it is!

Oh dear.

This stain didn't wash out
of Daddy's shirt.

I guess I'll have to make
cleaning rags out of it.

- Mommy, can I have it?

- If you like.

But I'd better shorten those
sleeves or you'll trip
over them.

- I can't find my hands!

- Thank you. Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Look, Daddy.
I'm wearing your shirt!

Mommy cut off the sleeves.

- That looks like
a good paint shirt.

- A paint shirt!
- Granma coming!

- That's right.
Grandma just called
and she's coming for lunch.

- Can I paint a picture
for Grandma in my paint shirt?

- Sure you can, Caillou.

We can set up your painting
things in the back yard.

- Granma coming!

- Why don't we go out and pick
a nice flower for Grandma?

- Yeah! Pretty flower
for Granma!

- Hold on there, sweetie.

First the sun block, then
we go outside.

- Caillou knew that you had
to put sun block on

when you went outside
on a sunny day.

- You're going
to need some of this too.

- I can do it.

Oh! This is a good sun block
paint shirt.

[ Laughs ]

- Come on Caillou, let's get
your painting gear.

There you go.
You're all set.

- Caillou couldn't wait to get
started on his painting.

He wanted to make something
extra special for Grandma.

[ Meow ]

- Hey!

- Gilbert, I'm trying to paint.

I'm going to paint a picture
of you, Gilbert.

[ Meow ]

- How about
a nice rose?

- Lily flower.

- Would you like a lily?


- Lily flower.

- Caillou liked
his painting of Gilbert,

but he wanted to paint
something even more special
for Grandma.

- I'm gonna paint
a picture of Rosie!

- Rosie! Ha! Ha! Ha!
- Caillou liked his painting
of Rosie too,

but it wasn't quite
what he wanted to give
Grandma either.

Caillou was having
a hard time figuring out

what to paint for Grandma.

- Hello Caillou.

- What should
I paint, Mommy?

- What about a tree?

- I want to use
lots of colours.

What can I paint
that has lots of colours?

- You could always make
an abstract painting.

- Abstract?

- Abstract. That means
you don't have

to paint anything
in particular.

You can use
whatever colours you want

and make any kind
of shapes you want.

- Like circles and triangles
and stars?

- Sure.
Whatever you like.

- Caillou thought abstract
painting sounded like fun.

- Whee! Ha! Ha! Ha!

All done!

- That's a beautiful
painting, Caillou.

I'm sure Grandma
will love it!

- Thank you.

Daddy's shirt's all messy.

- That's okay, Caillou.

Paint shirts are supposed
to get messy.

It shows how hard you worked
on your painting.

- Messy's good!

- Ha! Ha! Ha! Maybe for
paint shirts, but we still need

to wash your face
and hands before lunch!

[ Laughs ]

[ Meow ]

[ Meow ]

- Pretty flower.

- Hello everyone!

- Hello Granma!
- Granma!


- Oh, that's
too bad, Rosie.

This flower was
for you, Grandma.

- Now, don't
you fret, Rosie.

I know what
we can do.

We can press this flower

and that way it will last for
a long, long time.

There, doesn't
it look nice?

- Ooooh!
Flower for Granma!

- Thank you, Rosie.
It's beautiful!

- Hi Grandma!
I painted this for you!

- How wonderful!
Thank you Caillou!

Oh! Which way does it go?

- I'm not sure.

- Then it's an extra-special
work of art,

because you can look at
it any which way!

- Really!

- And now we have two beautiful
works of art!

[ Meow ]
- Oh-oh! You mean three!

Gilbert is a work of art too!

[ Laughs ]

- Hi everybody, do you want
to play a game with me?

- [Child]: Yeah!

- [Children]: Yeah!

- [Child]: Yeah!

- Okay, let's go.

Let's play lost and found.

Mommy's lost her car keys

and we have to help find them.

Are they on the table?

- [Children]: No!
- What about

on top of the TV?

- [Children]: No!

- Can you see mommy's car keys?

- [Children]: Gilbert has them!

- Gilbert,
do you have mommy's keys?

- Meow!

- There they are.

We found them.

You don't need
those keys, Gilbert.

Ha! Ha! You can't drive a car.

- [Children]: Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Let's play again.

Daddy can't find one
of his shoes.

It's in here somewhere. Is it

on the dresser?

- [Children]: No!

- Hmm, is the missing shoe

beside the mirror?

- [Children]: No!

- Can you find daddy's shoe?

- [Children]:
It's under the bed.

- [Child]: Not on top
of the bed, under the bed.

- We found it.

It's a good thing
we found daddy's shoe

because he'd look funny walking
around with only one shoe on.

- [Children]: Yeah! Ha! Ha!

- He'd have
to hop on one foot. Ha! Ha!

Let's play one more.

My dinosaur Rexie is missing.

He's in the playroom somewhere.

Is he under the table?

- [Children]: No!

- Is he on top of the table?

- [Children]: No!

- Is he up on a shelf?

- [Children]: No!

- Ha! Ha! I see Rexie,

can you see where he is?

- [Children]: On top of
the teddy bear!

- Yeah, Teddy's wearing
a funny hat.

Ha! Ha! A dinosaur hat.

- [Children]: Ha! Ha!
A dinosaur hat?

- We found mommy's keys,
daddy's shoe and Rexie.

We found everything
that was lost.

- [Children]: Yay!

- That's the end of our game.

See you next time. Bye-bye.


My daddy shows me how
to do lots of neat stuff.

We like skating except
it's not that easy at first.

And sometimes daddy acts silly.

But he always knows
how to take care of us.

When I grow up I wanna
be just like my daddy.