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09x03 - Step by Step!

Posted: 10/02/22 09:58
by bunniefuu
You're getting to be a big boy.

♪I'm just a kid who's four

♪Each day I grow some more

♪I like exploring
- I'm caillou

♪So many things to do

♪Each day is something new

♪I'll share them with
you - I'm caillou

♪My world is turning,
changing each day

♪With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way

♪Growing up is not so tough

♪'Cept when I've had enough

♪But there's lots of
fun stuff - I'm caillou

♪Caillou, caillou

♪I'm caillou.

That's me!

And me!

And me!

And me!

- Caillou liked laundry day.
The whole house smelled nice!

- Daddy, gilbert is
helping you fold the laundry!

- Gilbert, silly cat.
That's no place for you.

I know I put two
socks in the washer.

Now where did the
other one go, huh?

- Ooh!

- Oh no!

- Snow!

- Oh!

- Mommy, we're washing
the clothes and the basement!

- Well, I think I better
call someone to fix it before
we "wash" the whole house!

- Why don't we call the man
who fixed the dryer last year?

- The next day, someone
knocked at the door.

- Hi. Bob isn't it?

- Yes, good to see you again.

And caillou isn't it?
Do you remember me?

- Uh-hun!

- I'm bob. And I'm here
to fix your washing machine!

- It's not my machine!
It's my mommy and daddy's.

But I know where it is!

- It was fine until yesterday.

Come on caillou, we'll
let bob work in peace.

- Oh that's all right,
I can use the help!

- I have my own tools!
I'll be right back!

I know how to fix things too.

- These are very nice tools.
Oh, I like this one.

It's called a wrench.
Do you know what it's for?

- Uh huh! No!

- It's for tightening things.

Here, hop up here on this
chair and I'll show you.

You fit the wrench onto this
bolt and turn it like this.

That tightens it.

Did you want to give it a try?

Good job!

See, now we tighten this
all the way, put the
cap on and we're done!

- It sounds much better now.

- I helped fix it, daddy!

- He sure did!

I found this wrapped
around the stem.

- Ah ha! My missing sock!

- Daddy, can I
fix something for you?

- Sure. I could use
a hand hammering this
nail into the wall.

Okay, now hit that
nail with the hammer.

Not to hard.

Good job!

- Mommy, I helped that man
fix the washing machine
and I helped daddy too!

- Thank you caillou.

That's very wobbly.

But I bet you could
help daddy fix it.

- There, that
should make it stable.

And now for the most
important part: the glue!

Do you wanna do it caillou?

- Yeah!

- How's my little
handyman doing?

Is it fixed, caillou?

- Yes it is, and this
time, daddy helped me!

- It was such a great idea
to get a bird feeder,

That way, the birds
resting in our birdhouse
will have a place to eat.

- Okay, first the instructions.

- Ah yes!

- Right, the instructions!

Hum, what are instructions?

- Oh well, instructions,
show you a step-by-step
way of doing things.

Step one is, take the bird
feeder out of the box.

- Well we already did
step one, what's step two?

- Oh, step two is uh,
assemble the bird feeder.

- Oh, hmmmm?

Does step two come
with instructions?

- Here, let me try.

Hm, let's see, now that piece
there, and that piece there,
those go like that, and hum,

That other piece, where's
that, oh there it is, that
goes down here like that,

And then we just, ahhhh, there!

All done! Easy as pie!

- Okay, step three,
find a perfect spot
and hang the bird feeder!

♪Working together
is so much fun.

♪Working together
really gets the job done.

♪You help me!
And I'll help you!

♪And together
we can get the job done.

♪First we open the box
and took the pieces out.

♪Then we put them together,
♪they fit there's no doubt.

♪Now we'll look all around
♪and find the perfect spot

♪We'll hope they'll be happy,
we hope they'll eat a lot.

♪Working together
is so much fun.

♪Working together
really gets the job done.

♪You help me! And I'll help you

♪And together we can do it,
there's really nothing to it,

♪Together we can
get the job done.

= Ha ha ha ha!

Oh oh! Hey little birdie it's
here, there's a brand new
restaurant in the tree.

Try our yummy yummy... Oh, I
think we forgot something.

No, I don't think
so, we followed all the
instructions, right gilbert?

- Uh gilbert, could
there be a step four?

- Oh well uh,
let's see. Ah, oops,
you're absolutely right,

Step four, and the most
important one too!

- How did you know
there was a step four?

- 'Cause nobody likes a
restaurant without food!

At last, open for business!

- A perfect job.

- Done, right, step by step!

- Is it yummy little birdie?

- Ha ha, he was hungry!

- Are you ready to go?

Leo will be here any minute.

- Yes.


- Caillou was going to
the park with mommy and leo,

And he wanted to take all
his favorite toys with him.

- You can't take all those.
How about you pick one or two.

Why don't you leave
your dinosaur?

You don't want it to
get dirty in the park.

- Okay.

- Dino's my new friend.

- I like dino too.

- I'll be back
in a couple of hours.

- Okay!

- Bye!

- Try this, vroom vroom!

= Ha ha ha!

Let's go there.

I can run fast.

- I can run faster.


That was fun.
Let's climb to the top!

- Caillou! Caillou!

- Caillou, leo!
We'd better get going!

- Okay!

Ready? Go!

- Caillou had such a good
time at the park with leo
he wanted to see him again.

- You want to play tomorrow?

- Okay.

- Your auntie joan
is coming tomorrow morning.

- But I wanna
play with caillou.

- You could bring leo tomorrow
afternoon if you want.

- All right.

= Yeah!

- Bye!

...and we played in the
sandbox and on the jungle gym.

- Sounds like you
had a really good time.


Oh, hi!


I'll have a look around.


That was leo's mommy.
Leo lost his toy dinosaur.

- Oh no!

- Why don't you have a look
to see if it's with your toys.

- It's not here.

- Caillou knew how much
leo liked his new dinosaur.

- He must have
left it somewhere.

- I know. He left his
dinosaur at the park.

I know where it is!
Can we go get it?

- Hmmm, it's gonna be dark soon.

Leo's going to have
to get dino tomorrow.

- Dino's going to be
scared all alone in the dark.

- Well, I guess we could walk
over to the park after dinner.

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

- It's not here, daddy.

- Where else did you play?

- There and there.

- I don't see it.

We better get home
it's getting dark.

Looks like we're
gonna get some rain.

- Caillou was glad his
dinosaur rexy was safe,

But he was worried
about leo's dinosaur.

- Dino's going to get all wet.

- Maybe someone put
him in a nice safe place.

- I bet leo's really sad.

- You know what we'll do.

Tomorrow when you get
up we'll make a lost poster
and hang it up in the park.

- That made caillou
feel a lot better.

A poster was sure
to help find dino.

- Goodnight, sweet dreams.

- The next day, caillou made a
poster to hang up in the park.

- Rosie too!


- There! You did
a good job on your poster.

Now if someone has seen
dino, they can call
leo's house or ours!

- Hello there, can I help you?

- Leo lost his dinosaur.

- He did?

- Did you find it?

- No, but there's a lost
and found department at
the park office.

You might find it there.

- Lost and found? What's that?

- If someone finds something
and they don't know who owns it,

They can leave it at the
lost and found department.

- And, if you've lost
something, you know where to
go to see if someone found it.

- Can we go mommy?

- Sure.

- Bye, thank you!

Look at all the
things people lost.

And mommy, they don't know
that someone has found them!

- Uh-hm!

- Hello, my name is...
Hello, my name is...

= Ha, ha, ha.

- Caillou liked
the lost and found

But he was upset that he
hadn't found leo's dinosaur.

- We have to go
home and have lunch.

Leo is coming this afternoon.

- What about dino?

- It doesn't look
like he's here.

We'll just have to
keep looking for him.

- I found him!
Look, mommy, I found dino!

- Caillou was really
happy he found dino.

- Tadda!

- Dino!

Thank you for finding dino.

- I didn't find
him, caillou did.

- You're my best
best friend caillou!

- Thanks! Let's play inside.

I don't think dino wants
to be lost anymore.


♪Step by step,
doing things step by step

♪Step by step,
doing things step by step

♪Today let's paint,
♪a picture of a tree,

♪We'll go step by step,
♪it's easy you will see.

Step one!

- Is to put on,
a smock to stay neat!

Step two!

- We need paper,
a clean white sheet!

Step three!

- Let's line up,
our paints in a row!

Step four!

- We'll need brushes
and some water, don't you know?

♪Let's go step by step,
doing things step by step,

♪Step by step,
doing things step by step

Step five!

- Let's paint
and take our time!

Use your imagination,
you're doing just fine!

Step six

- Is to clean up,
when you are done!

Painting step by step,
is so much fun.

♪Just go: step by step,
doing things step by step

♪Step by step,
doing things step by step!

- It was a beautiful day
and caillou was spending
with his grandma.

- Vroom!

Backing up!


- Caillou, are you ready
to go visit my friends
at the senior's home?

- Do I have to?
I'm playing with my truck!

- You can bring your
truck with you, if you want!

- Vroom, vroom!

- Here we are, you remember!

- I've got a big
delivery to make.

Vroom, vroom!

Vroom, vroom!

- I could sure use a truck
driver to deliver these meals.

Oh, I wonder where I
could find a driver.

- Caillou noticed
the wheels on the cart.

They were just like the wheels
on his truck only bigger!

- Driver? I can be a driver!
I'm a good driver!

- A few rules first.

You have to follow me,
and be careful of other
people in the hall.

And no speeding, please.

- Okay!

Vroom! Vroom!

- Caillou was having so much
fun driving the food cart,

It wasn't long before
they were all done!

- Vroom, vroom,
vroom, sreeeech!

- This is the last one.

Wait here and I'll
be right back!

- Wish there was
more driving to do.

- Oh, hello! You're new
around here, aren't you?

I'm mrs. Wilson!

- I'm caillou.

I'm driving the food
truck for my grandma!

- All done!

- Well, I'm going down
to the garden.

Would you like to come?

- Go ahead, I'll take the cart
back and meet you in the garden.

- I sure could use a driver!

- Caillou looked at
the wheels on the wheelchair.

They were even bigger than
the wheels on the cart!

- Okay! I'm going
to be a big wheel driver!

- Caillou, you're
a very good driver!

- That's because
I've been driving ever
since I was a little kid!

- Ha ha ha, well it shows!

Turn left here, please.
That's this way.

- Left turn!

- That was a lovely trip.
And right on schedule.

Are you going to be a
driver when you grow up?

- You can't be this
kind of driver, can you?

- I guess not, but you
could drive a bus, or
an ice cream truck,

Or even become a
race car driver.

- I like ice cream.

- Come on, mr. Driver,
it's time we got going.

- Oh, but I'm still
driving mrs. Wilson.

Do you need to go
somewhere else?

- Not today, but I'll be
waiting for the next time
you visit, caillou!

- Thanks grandma.
I had a lot of fun today!

I'm going to drive an ice
cream truck when I grow up!

Or maybe a bus.

Watch! Left turn!

- Wow! They're in a hurry!

- That's a big slide!

- That sounds like
the dinner bell to me!

- Oh yeah!

- I think you're right because
before dinner you always...

= Wash your hands!

- Water's fun to play in.
Whee! Whee!

= Ha ha ha ha!

- That's all!

- I don't think
dinner's in that drawer.

- Place mats!

We're setting the
table for dinner!

That's the second step.

- We need dishes...

- But first the place
mats have to be put down.

Here come the plates!

- One for everyone.

- And eating can make you
thirsty, so we need glasses.

- That looks perfect. What
next? A parrot?

- No, that's silly.
Those are napkins!

- And we need
something to eat with.

- Those are called utensils.

- Be careful with the knife!

- Knives, forks and spoons!
Perfect! Now we're ready to eat!

The third step!

- But what's for dinner?

= Veggies!

- Pizza!

- Mm! Mm!

- That's my favourite!

- And dessert!

- Yum!

- Thanks for dinner!

= Bye bye!

- It was a bright saturday
morning and caillou and

Daddy always started
it the same way.

- Daddy, the paper's not here?

- You're right! That's odd.

The saturday paper's
always here at this time!

- Hi caillou! Here's your paper,
I'm sorry it's late.

It's my first day on
my new paper route.

- Wow sarah!
You have a paper route?

- Uh huh, my mom's helping
me until I get a wagon.

- I have a wagon!
You can use it if you want.

It's red and it
carries everything!

- Can i? That would be great.

Hey, wanna help me deliver
the papers tomorrow?

- Can we deliver the papers now?

- No silly, tomorrow's
paper comes tomorrow!

- Okay, we'll deliver
tomorrow's paper tomorrow.

Can I daddy, pleeease?

- Well, sarah's mom, or
maybe I should come along,
but I don't see why not!

- Yeah!

- Bye caillou, see you
tomorrow morning, okay?

- Daddy?

Daddy, are you awake yet?

- It was very early
in the morning but caillou
was eager to get going!

- Come on daddy,
we've got to deliver
tomorrow's papers today!

- Caillou and sarah were hard at
work getting the newspapers

Ready for the paper route.

- Let's switch places.

I'll pull the wagon
for a while and you can
deliver the papers okay?

- Don't I get to help, too?

- Nope!
- We can do it!

- Caillou was excited!

Now he got to be
a real paperboy!

- Very good caillou.

Don't stop now, there's still
a lot of papers to deliver.

- Huh-hun!

- Why hello caillou.

This is a surprise, I didn't
know you were my paperboy?

- Uh huh!
I'm just helping sarah.

- Hi mr. Hinkle!

C'mon caillou, there's
only one house left!

- Daddy! Hurry!
You have to go inside!

- Whoah!

- Paperboy!

- My newspaper!
And right on time!

Thank you!

- Thanks for helping me caillou!

The wagon was perfect
and it went a lot
quicker than yesterday!

- Can I help
you again, sometime?

- Anytime! Bye!

- Caillou felt like a big boy.

He delivered the
papers just like sarah!

- Oh, hello my friends!

Today we're playing the
dress-up game with caillou!

Did you know that there
are many, many steps
to getting dressed?

= Yes!

- Oh-oh! Here comes caillou now!

- Caillou is going outside
to play in puddles,

So we have to keep
him nice and dry.

I'll show you three drawings
and you have to help me decide

What caillou needs
to wear. Okay?

= Okay!

- Do you think that
caillou should wear
this funny looking hat?

It just might work
since all the water would
collect around the rim!

= No! That's a sombrero!

- Well then amigos,
uh, what about this one?

= No! That's a cowboy hat!

- Oh, okay, partners, then
what about the last hat?

= Yes! Right rexy!

- Well done. Okay, step two.

Caillou's going to need a
jacket for this weather.

So here's three drawings,
and you tell me which one

He should wear to keep dry.

Here we go!

Hey! That's just like my
super rexy cape!

Would it keep him dry?

= No!

- I like that!

- Hmm, yellow and plastic-y.

I guess rain can slip
right off of that coat!

What do you think?

= Yes! It's a raincoat!

- Great job!

I guess he won't be
needing that winter coat.

- No, not yet!

- Okay, step three.

We don't want caillou's
little feet to get wet,

So what can he wear?

- Boy! Would caillou wear
them out in the rain?

= No! Those are snowshoes!

- But I bet these would be
perfect for the rain, right?

= No, those are flippers!

- Oh! You're so
very good at this!

Can it be these?

= Yes! Those are rain boots!

- Yay! Caillou's all ready
to go out and play in the rain!

Bye bye caillou!

Oh, that was so much fun.

See you next time.

= Bye rexy!

See you next time!

- That's me!

I'm caillou!

I'm four years old, and
there's lots I can do.

I can make things with my daddy.

I know how to make my
teddy bear all better.

I even read stories
to my grandma.

But what I'm best
at, is having fun!

- I like playing
with my grandpa.

One time we looked at the
moon, way up in the sky.

Grandpa knows how
to make things.

We even made a tent once.

And my grandpa
gives the best hugs.