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03x02 - Turtle Beach/Shine a Light on Me

Posted: 10/02/22 09:32
by bunniefuu
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both: ♪ If you're a kid
with powers ♪

♪ Then where's
the place to be? ♪

♪ You belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

♪ If you have super strength

♪ And can lift
a ton or three ♪

♪ You belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

man: ♪ If your power
lets you fly ♪

- ♪ You're like me,
Lucita Sky ♪

woman: ♪ Like to help out
when there's trouble? ♪

- ♪ Oh, you bet,
I'm Benny Bubbles! ♪

♪ Teleport in no time flat?

- ♪ Sara Snap can,
just like that! ♪

woman: ♪ Use super tools
to save the day? ♪

- ♪ Like AJ Gadgets,
I'm on my way! ♪

♪ How do they save the day?

all: ♪ Well,
the scientific fact is ♪

♪ They use
all kinds of powers ♪

♪ They just need
a little more ♪

man: Practice!

both: ♪ If you're a future
hero, come and you will see ♪

♪ You belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

♪ We all belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

[upbeat music]

Sparks: At Hero Elementary,

all our students are super,

but sometimes,
they need a little help

coming out of their shell,

not unlike...

- Turtles!


male narrator: The turtle
lays its eggs in a nest

under the sand.

- Why under the sand?

narrator: There, the turtle
eggs will be safe.

- Oh!

male narrator:
Once the eggs hatch,

the tiny turtles dig their way
out of the sand at night,

and quickly race to the water.

- Aww, look at them scurry!

Aren't they the cutest
little things ever?

- [squeaks]

- Uh, besides Fur Blur,
of course.

- [squeaks happily]

- [giggles]

- But why do the baby turtles
come out at night?

male narrator:
They come out at night

because that is when
it is safest!

- [chuckles]
Well, that answers that.

male narrator: But the baby
turtles can get stuck

if something is in their way.

- Aww!

- What they need is heroes
watching their backs.

AJ: You mean shells.

Sara: [laughs]

- Yeah!

male narrator: Finally,
they reach the water

and swim away.

- Oh, way to go!
- Yeah!

- Yes!
Go, turtles!

- Well now that you know
about turtles,

you'll be all set for our trip
to Turtle Beach!

- I can't believe we're going
to watch them hatch!

I'm so excited!

- Oh, me too!

I can't wait to see
those cute little turtles

scurry to the water.

Scurry, scurry, scurry!

- It is an amazing thing
to see.

- I thought lots
of other people

might like to see it too!

That's why I made this sign!

- Ha!
Great turtle, Lucita!

- We can put it up
at Turtle Beach

so people know where to go.

- Very helpful!

- Let's go put it up right now!

- Well, we do want
to get there early

to choose the best place
for turtle watching.

all: To Turtle Beach!

- [squeaks]

[squeaks excitedly]

- Let's go, Sara.
- Come on!

- [laughs]
I can't wait!

[engine turns over]




- This will tell people

where they can watch
the turtles hatch.

- Let's hit the beach!

- [squeaks excitedly]

- Let's go!
- Oh, yeah!

Sara: [laughs]
Can't wait!

[wind whooshing]

- Uh, why are you walking
like that?

- Just...being...careful.

The turtle eggs are hidden
under the sand, remember?

- True, but there will be flags
that show us

where we shouldn't step.

- Oh, yes!
Thought projecting!

I remember from the movie.

The flags mark where the nests
are hidden.

- Oh, good!

I wouldn't want to step
on a turtle egg!



[silly trumpet]


Wait, what is all this?

- [gasps]

There's litter everywhere!

Fur Blur: [squeaks]

- Oh, no!
Bubble up!

- [squeaks]

Benny: Fur Blur, you okay?

- [squeaks]
Benny: Okay.

I've got you,
you little cutie patootie.

- [squeaks]

- A littered beach

is not a good place
for little hamsters.

- Or little turtles!

Sara: Over here!

Look, a marker flag!

- There must be a turtle nest
under the sand.

- I don't see any baby turtles.

- Yeah, 'cause they only
come out at night, remember?

- But this nest
is covered in garbage.


How are the baby turtles
going to scurry to the water

with all this litter
in the way?

We have to do something!

- Yes!

We shall help
those tiny little turtles!

- That's the spirit!

And who's the crew
who knows what to do?

[heroic music]

all: Sparks' Crew
to the Rescue!

- Okay, team,
let's clean up Turtle Beach!

[jets whoosh]


- [squeaks]

- [grunts]


Oh, dear.

- [squeaks]

- More trash?

- [gasps]


[cracks knuckles]

- I wonder where all
this garbage is coming from.

- Well, if we could
figure that out,

then maybe we could stop it
from getting on the beach!

That would really
help the turtles!

- So what do you suggest?

- Maybe we can use our...

all: Superpowers of Science!

- Let's start by investigating

to see where this garbage
is coming from.

- I'll go with you, Lucita.

- I'll stay here
and keep cleaning the beach!

- You'll need a hand!

- Or two!

- We need to move quickly

before it gets dark and
baby turtles start hatching!

Let's go!

Sparks: So AJ and Lucita left
to look for litter,

and a little later, they found
a whole lotta litter.


- Looks like the garbage
is coming by land.

And by air.

- Blah!

[wind whooshing]

Lucita: And by water too!

But where is all this litter
coming from?

- Let's keep investigating.

[investigative music]

It seems to be coming
from the creek!

- But how does the garbage
get into the creek?

- Only one way to find out!

This overflowing garbage can
is making a mess!

- But where did
all this garbage come from?

[both gasp]

- Oh, no!

[suspenseful music]


AJ, I think I know where all
the garbage really comes from.


[upbeat music]

- Plastic here, paper here,
cans here.

- Where do these go?

- Hmm.

- We don't have a garbage can
big enough to hold those.

- Then I shall make one!

Bubble up!

- That'll work!

[strained grunt]

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
She sh**t, she scores!

- The beach is getting cleaner!

- Let's keep at it!

We've gotta make this beach
super clean for the turtles!

- Or whatever that is.

- [squeaks]
Sara: [laughs]

Benny: Aww, a hamster turtle!

- [squeaks]

- Guess what?

We investigated,

and found out where
all this litter is coming from!


- [gasps]
- What?

- Yes, people who make a mess
with their garbage!

- Why would anyone do that?

Don't they know their garbage
is ending up

in places like this?

- Maybe they don't know
what happens to their garbage!

- What kind of a person doesn't
know when they're littering?

[wind whooshes]

- You didn't know.

- [gasps]
My sign!

I made litter on Turtle Beach,
but I didn't mean to!

I guess I'm part
of the problem too!

- Ah, but knowing
what the problem is

is a great
Superpower of Science!

- Really?
- Sí!

And once you know
what the problem is,

then you can start to fix it,

- Yes!
We'll fix this!

What's the plan, team?

- We can get the rest
of this garbage off the beach

before the turtles hatch!

- And we can try to get people
to stop littering!

- [laughs nervously]
Starting with me.

- That should hold it!

Now let's go spread the word!

both: Yes!
- Whoo-hoo!



[air whooshing]




- Nuh-uh.

- Way to go, AJ!

- Looks like we have most
of the litter cleaned up!

- And hopefully now,

people will be more careful
with their garbage.

- Oh, it's getting darker!

- [gasps]
It's almost turtle time!

Let's go!

- Fantástico!

You all did a great job today,

- The beach is clear and ready

for the tiny widdle turtles
to hatch!

- Now they can scurry
to the water

with nothing in their way!

- [laughs]
woman: Look, a sign!

This must be
where the turtles are.

- It sure is!
Just down here!

- Looks like your sign worked!

- And just in time!

Lucita: Aww!
Benny: So cute!

Sara: [gasps]

- Oh, a baby turtle!

- Wow!

- Oh, it is
the absolute cutest!

- [squeaks]

- Uh, I-I-I mean,
second cutest thing ever!

- [squeaks]
- [giggles]

[suspenseful music]

- Uh-oh!
We missed something!

[heroic music]

There you go, little turtle!

- There's another tiny turtle!

AJ: And another one.

And another one!
And another one!

Benny: [gasps]

They're hatching all over
Turtle Beach!


- And now they have
a clear path to the water!

- Oh, look at them go!

They're tiny, but mighty.

- Just like my Sparks' Crew!

So it just goes to show,

you never know
where your litter might go.

Luckily, these tiny turtles

had heroes watching
their backs.

I mean shells.

all: ♪ We all belong
at Hero Elementary! ♪

Mr. Sparks: It was a quiet night
in City Town,

except for the sounds
of hungry critters

[dog barking]

[air whooshing]

Furry tornadoes?

- [barks]

[upbeat music]

- Spotnado!
- Here, girl!

- It's not easy to find
a lost superdog.

- Is that why Team Tornado
needs our help?

- Sí, they're looking
for Spotnado uptown,

so we'll look around here
in case the dog comes back.

- We shall find their class pet

and bring her back
safe and sound!

Nothing shall stop us!

- Except bedtime.
I have to be home by bedtime.

- How hard can it be
to find a dog

that spins into a tornado?

- Not hard at all!

There she is!
[dog barking]

Benny: Spotnado!
AJ: Here, girl!

- Stop!
Come back!

- Ah!
Where you going?

- Oh, no!
Wow, she's fast!

Sara: Not over there!

AJ: Spotnado, stop!
Benny: Come here, stay!

Lucita: Come back, Spotnado!
Benny: Sit!

Lucita and Sara: Come back!
Lucita: Slow down!

- Huh?

- She went into the trees!

AJ: Ooh, it's pretty dark
in there.

How are we going to see her?

[horn honks]

- [laughs]
Maybe this can help!

- Fur Blur!

- [squeaks]

Sara: Nice wheels!

- Perfect timing!

Those headlights
on the Blurmobile

are exactly what we need!

- Yeah, we can see
way better now!

- Come on!

Let's go find that dog
and bring her back!

- Where'd Spotnado go,
Fur Blur?

- [squeaks]

- Whoa, it's pretty dark here.

- Good thing we've got
the lights from Fur Blur's car!

- Let's just stick together,

[tires screeching]
- [squeaks]



[engine revs]
- Fur Blur!


- And there goes our light.

- Okay, it's much darker now!

- Yeah, but we can still
totally see where we're go--


- [laughs nervously]
Not totally!

- Whoops!
Sorry, Benny.

[all giggle]
- We need some light!

- I just remembered!

I have my Super Lux Deluxe

- Whoa, bright!

- Now we can see anything
we point the light at.


Tree, tree,

dog, tree--


Sparks: It's Spotnado!

You found her, AJ!

- [gasps]

Isn't she the cutest dog ever?

- [barks]

- Ah, she's definitely
the windiest!

- We have to catch her!

- Who's the crew
who knows what to do?

[heroic music]

all: Sparks' Crew
to the Rescue!

- Whoa, whoa, whoa!



- Thanks, Sara!

[air whooshing]

- [barks]

- That's it!

Come here, girl!

Ooh, yeah!
- [barks]

- Whoa!

- [barks]

- Ah!

- I got this!


- [barks]

- [grunts]


- Never fear!
Bubble up!

- [barks]

- [annoyed squeaks]

- Sorry, Fur Blur.

- [barks]

- [gasps]

- [grunts]

- [screams]

- [barks]
- Sorry, Mr. Sparks!

- Fast reflexes, AJ!

- [barks]

- But Spotnado is faster!

- Oh.

Spotnado's so fast
we can't catch her!

- Well, not yet!

But do heroes give up?

- Never!

There's gotta be something else
we can try!

- You're right!
We can use our...

all: Superpowers of Science!

- Let's start by coming up
with a plan!

- Okay,
what do you have in mind?

- Hmm.

How about we get Spotnado
to come closer

with a game of fetch?

I'll toss this stick,
and when she brings it back,

we catch her!

- Sounds like a good plan!

Let's test it out!

- [whistles]

- [growls questioningly]

- Look, Spotnado!
See the stick?

Wanna play?
- [barks]

- Now fetch!

- [growls questioningly]


- Oops.

Super strength does have
its downsides.

- Let me try!

See the stick, Spotnado?

- [barks]

- Uh, don't throw it
too far, AJ.

- That's never been a problem
for me.



Oh, no!

My flashlight!

- [barks]

- Hang on!
Our plan is working!

She's playing fetch!

Bring it here!

Good girl!

- [barks]

- Follow that light!

AJ: Here, girl!

Benny: [pants]

Sparks: [pants]
Perrita, this way!

- [whistles]
Lucita: Over here!

Benny: Okay, come on!
AJ: Slow down!

- [barks]

[air whooshing]

- [sighs]

I think we need a new plan.

- How about...

instead of chasing Spotnado,

we hide and wait for her
to come close to us!

- Good plan!
So, where will we hide?

both: Hmm.

- Aha!

How about over there
where it's darker?


Spotnado won't see us here!

- She will if a light
is shining on us!

- [laughs]

- Fur Blur, come.
Let's turn your headlights off.

- Good!

But what if Spotnado shines
her light on us?

We need something
to hide behind.

- Stand back,

for I, Benny Bubbles,
will make the perfect thing!

Bubble up!

- Hmm.

It is big enough
to hide all of us.

- And we'll be back here,
in the dark,

and as soon as
she's close enough,

we'll jump out and catch
the little cutie!

- [barks]
- [gasps]

Quick, here she comes!

And there she goes.

- [barks]
- Aww, she was so close!

How did Spotnado see us?

- Let's investigate!

- Muy bien.

Keep using those
Superpowers of Science!

- Okay, so we were hiding
behind the bubble in the dark.

You can't see me here, right?

- Barely.
It's very dark.

- But then, Spotnado came along

and pointed the light
at the bubble.

- [gasps]

The light goes right
through the bubble,

and onto Sara!

- She's easy to see now!

- [laughs]

No wonder Spotnado
could see us!

- I knew my bubbles
were see-through,

I just didn't know a beam
of light could go through them!

- So...

That means we should hide
behind something

that's not see-through!

- Oh, I like this new plan!

- Come on!

Let's go find
a better hiding spot,

so we can catch Spotnado!

- And get home before bedtime!

- Fur Blur shall lead the way!

Won't you, you little cutie?

- [squeaks]

- Huh?

Hey, come back!

How about we hide behind
that sign for the bakery?

- Hmm.

Feels like it's made
of a thin cloth.

And it's not see-through!

Sara: Here comes Spotnado now!

Benny: Quick, let's hide!

- [sniffing]

[growls questioning]

[air whooshing]

- Oh, dear.

Well, we didn't catch Spotnado,
but boy do we look delicious!

- [grunts]

How did Spotnado know
we were hiding here?

- Let's investigate!

- Okay!

We were all behind the sign,
like this.

Can you see me?

- No, the sign's not
see-through like a bubble!

- Well, I can see through
the new holes in it.

- But before there were holes,
we couldn't see through it!

Then along came Spotnado
with the flashlight...

AJ: I can see you, Lucita!

Well, sort of.

Lucita: Yeah!

The light is kind of
going through the sign.

And I can kinda see two
light beams coming through!

- So, I guess light can go
right through some things,

and sorta go through
other things.

- [laughs]
How illuminating!

I love how you're
figuring this all out!

- So then we know
what we have to do

if we want to catch Spotnado.

Hide behind something
that lets no light through!

- Let's go!

Sparks: And so,
my student heroes

searched for a hiding spot

that would keep them
in the dark

so they could catch a tornado
that barks.

- Aha!

[jets whoosh]


How about we hide
behind this wooden fence?

- Hmm.
It looks solid.

I can't see through it,
but can light go through?

- This time, let's investigate
before we hide.

- Good thinking!

AJ: Can you see me
on the other side?

- Nope.

Now let's see if light
can go through.

Fur Blur, do your thing!

[engine revving]

[tires screech]

- I see two bright spots
of light on this side.

- But not on this side!

No light is coming through
this wooden fence!

- And we still can't see you,

So that means we've found
a great hiding spot!

- [barks]

- And just in time!

Here comes Spotnado!

- [sniffs]

- She couldn't see us
through the fence!



- [growls questioningly]
- Ha, yeah!

- Hooray!
- We did it!

- Fantástico!

- May I have
my flashlight back now?

- [barks]
- Ew!

Spotnado, you are very windy
and very slobbery.

- Oh, who's a good girl?

You are!
Yes, you are!

- Great work, class!

Now let's get Spotnado
back to her class

and get you home.

- Just in time for bedtime!

Sparks: And so our bright
young heroes saved the day!

I mean, night!

Sweet dreams, Sparks' Crew!
You earned them!

all: ♪ We all belong
at Hero Elementary! ♪

Time to learn how to hero!

Hey, you.
Yes, that means you!

Let's go hero

using your
Superpowers of Science!

Today's superpower is...

the power to investigate.

[upbeat music]

♪ When you're a hero ♪

♪ Look inside yourself ♪

♪ When people are in need ♪

♪ And want lots of help ♪

♪ You must figure out
what to do ♪

♪ People look for heroes,
heroes just like you ♪

♪ Heroes don't sit and wait ♪

♪ Heroes investigate ♪

♪ Investigate, investigate ♪

♪ Every hero knows ♪

♪ To investigate,
investigate ♪

♪ Es muy fantástico ♪

♪ Others just might
walk on by ♪

♪ Without every wondering
what, if, or why ♪

♪ But heroes like you
can't ignore ♪

♪ The powerful chance
to find out more ♪

♪ Heroes don't sit and wait ♪

♪ Heroes investigate ♪

♪ Investigate, investigate ♪

♪ Every hero knows ♪

♪ To investigate,
investigate ♪

♪ Es muy fantástico ♪

♪ Ooh-oh, ooh-oh ♪

♪ Ooh-oh, investigate ♪

♪ Ooh-oh, ooh-oh ♪

♪ Find out more ♪


[energetic swing music]