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02x01 - Where’s Fur Blur/The Blob

Posted: 10/02/22 09:28
by bunniefuu
both: ♪ If you're a kid
with powers ♪

♪ Then where's
the place to be? ♪

♪ You belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

♪ If you have super strength ♪

♪ And can lift
a ton or three ♪

♪ You belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

man: ♪ If your power
lets you fly ♪

- ♪ You're like me,
Lucita Sky ♪

woman: ♪ Like to help out
when there's trouble? ♪

- ♪ Oh, you bet,
I'm Benny Bubbles! ♪

man: ♪ Teleport
in no time flat? ♪

- ♪ Sara Snap can,
just like that! ♪

woman: ♪ Use super tools
to save the day? ♪

- ♪ Like AJ Gadgets,
I'm on my way! ♪

♪ How do they save the day? ♪

all: ♪ Well,
the scientific fact is ♪

♪ They use
all kinds of powers ♪

♪ They just need
a little more ♪

man: Practice!

both: ♪ If you're
a future hero ♪

♪ Come and you will see ♪

♪ You belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

♪ We all belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

[funky jazz music]

Mr. Sparks: When you're
a young hero in training,

you give it all you've got
to save the day,

to help the helpless,

or just to get
to school on time.

[bell rings]

all: Morning, Mr. Sparks!

- Bueno dias, class!
You're right on time!

- Good morning, Fur Blur!
Ready for breakfast?

Hmm, Fur Blur?
Where's Fur Blur?

- I haven't seen her
this morning.

- Hmm.

But she's always here
for breakfast.

You know how hungry she gets.

- True.

Then she must be
around here somewhere.

- Fur Blur, where are you?

Fur Blur?

Huh, she always comes
when I call.

- I don't think she's here.

- Oh, no, she's missing!

- Don't worry, Benny,
I'm sure we can find her.

- Well, how?

- The same way
we always solve problems:

we can use our...

all: Superpowers of science!

- Let's start by observing.

We can look around and see
if we notice any evidence.

You know, clues.

- Yes, great idea!
- Okay, let's look for clues.

[inquisitive music]

Huh, nope.

- [grunts]

♪ ♪

- [grunts]
Nothing here either.

- Hmm.

♪ ♪

Nothing from up high.

- Hmm.

I'll use my Zoomoculars.

They help me see things
close up and find clues.

♪ ♪

- What did you see?

- Just a very close friend.

- Aww.


♪ ♪

- Wait, I-I see something.

[Zoomoculars whirring]

It--it looks like hairs.

- Oh, these must be
from Fur Blur.

She's always shedding.

- Could be.
How can we be sure?

- Maybe we can look
at these hairs

and some from her cage
side by side

and compare to see if
they're the same or different.

- I'm on it!

[upbeat music]

Okay, I've got some hairs
from her cage.

- Let's compare.

Hmm, they look the same.

- So they must be
Fur Blur's!

- Our first clue!

- I'm gonna keep track
of all the clues we find.

- Hmm, looks like
there's a trail of hairs

going across the room--oof!

And out the door.

- So that means

- We can just follow the trail.

- Muy bien, and I'll stay here
in case she comes back.

- We'll find her, Benny.

- Who's the crew
who knows what to do?

all: Sparks' Crew
to the Rescue!

[rousing music]

♪ ♪

- [grunts]
We have come for you, Fur Blur!

Fur Blur?

- Has anybody seen
a little hamster?

- But the trail of hairs led
right here to the cafeteria.

- So where is she?

- Oh, no!

- No, no, watch out!

The hairs are all scattered.

I think we lost the trail.

- Fur Blur, are you in here?

- Maybe we should look
for some new clues.

♪ ♪

- [growls]


There are so many places
to look in here.

- Wait a minute,

looking isn't the only way
we can notice things.

We have five senses!

We can observe
with all of them!

- Oh, what's that smell?

It is so stinky.

- Oh, I think AJ is
observing something right now!

- I am?

- Yeah, with your sense
of smell.

You noticed
something stinky, right?

- Very stinky.
- [sniffs]

What is that, anyway?

- [sniffs]
Wait a minute,

I know that smell.

It's that stinky cheese
that Fur Blur likes to eat.

- Ooh, stinky evidence!

- But where is the cheese?

- Let's investigate.

Ooh, ugh.

- [grunts, sniffs]

- [sniffs]

- [sniffing]

The smell is getting stronger
over this way.


I found something!

It's a cheese wrapper,

but most of the cheese is gone.

This means she was here
and she took it.

- Wait, how do we know this
is the cheese Fur Blur eats?

- Oh, we can compare again!

♪ ♪

This is what the cheese
looks like.

- These wrappers look the same.

- Ugh, and they smell the same.

- But how do we know for sure
that it's the same cheese?

- Um...


There is another sense
we can use:


[all groan]
- Eww.

- That cheese is so stinky.

- Yeah, but I've
tasted it before,

and if it helps us
find Fur Blur,

then I must do what I must do.


[suspenseful music]

- Well?

- It's...

Not good.

[groans, spits]

- I thought you said
you tasted it before?

- I did.
It was not good then, either.

This is definitely
Fur Blur's favorite cheese,

but--ugh--who knows why.

- Well, at least
we have another clue.

[device chirps]

- Yep, this evidence tells us
she probably was here,

but it doesn't tell us
where she is now.

- What if--what if she's lost
somewhere in the school?

Then how will we find her?

- We'll just keep searching
for more clues.

[Zoomoculars whir]

- Look, more pieces of cheese.


It's another trail
leading out that door.

- Great observation, AJ.

Let's go!

Mr. Sparks: It may sound
cheesy, but my heroic students

followed that trail of cheese
all the way to...

[upbeat music]

- The library?
all: Shh.

- [whispers]
The library?

Do you think
Fur Blur's in here?

- Hmm, the trail of cheese

leads right under
that bookcase.

- Hmm.

- And did you notice?

There's no trail of cheese
coming out of the bookcase.

- She must have
taken the cheese under there

to eat it.

Maybe she's still there.

- [shouting]
Fur Blur, can you hear me?

Are you okay?

all: Shh!

- How can we be sure
she's under there?

- Keep observing.
Benny, can you see her?

- No, it's too dark,

but maybe I can feel her.

- Yeah, use your sense
of touch.

- [grunts]
I don't feel anything except--

What's this?

- A tiny flag?

- Wait a minute,
I've seen that flag before.

Thought projecting.

It's from Fur Blur's car.

- Oh, you're right!

Oh--oh, no, but she could have
gone anywhere in that car.

She could be lost or stuck
or stuck and lost!

Has anyone seen
an adorable little hamster?

all: Shh!

- [whispering]
Did I mention "adorable"?

- I know you're worried
about her, Benny.

We all are.

But we'll just keep
searching for clues, okay?

- Let's see,
so far we've noticed things

using our senses of sight,

smell, taste, and touch.

That's only four senses,
and we have five.

I guess there's a sense
we haven't used yet.

- [yelling]
But which one?

Ah, I know.

[wheel squeaking]

Oh, that's the sound
of the squeaky wheel

on Fur Blur's car!

- Follow that sound.

♪ ♪

[wheel squeaking]

♪ ♪


- Listen!

It sounds like
it's heading that way!

♪ ♪

- Do you hear that?

- It's Fur Blur's car,
and it's going that way.

- Let's go!

♪ ♪

- Look!
Oh, there she is!

[triumphant music]

- We found her!
- Yay!

- Whoo-hoo!
[all cheering]

- [squeaks, sniffs]


♪ ♪

- Oh, she's heading
towards the garden.

She must be looking
for a bigger snack.

- I'm just glad she's safe.

[alarm buzzing]

- Uh-oh, sounds like
crash landing practice

is about to start.

[rousing jazz music]

[air whistling]

- Fur Blur!

♪ ♪

[air whistling]

- [yelps]

- [squeaks]

[wheel squeaking]

♪ ♪

- [grunts]


[air whistling]

- I shall save you, Fur Blur!


Got you!

- [squeaking]

- Huh?
Oh, no!

♪ ♪

- [hollers]
[loud crash]

- [squeaking]

- Oh, you're safe now,
Fur Blur!

Oh, my cutie-patootie!

I got you, I got you.

both: Fur Blur!
- We were so worried about you.

- Now, come on,
let's get you a snack

and then back
where you belong:

in class with us.

Mr. Sparks: And so,
my four young heroes

used their five senses

to find
their one furry friend.

all: ♪ We all belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

[school bell ringing]

Mr. Sparks:
It was a special day.

My hero students
were getting ready

to meet one
of their own heroes.

- Athletica!

I can't believe
Athletica is coming here today!

- It's so exciting!
- I know!

She's the coolest
super-gymnast hero ever.

Someday, I want to be
just like her.




- Well, you sound
just like her, Sara.

- Thanks, I want everything
to be perfect

for when Athletica gets here.

- The decorations
are looking great,

and I know you're each
making something for Athletica.

- Yes, behold!

I have made her a heroic cake.

- Ooh, yummy!
- Ooh, mmm!

- See?
There's Athletica.

- Ha-ha!

- [sighs]
- Oops, my bad.

- It's okay, but, wow,

this frosting is so thick.

- [squeaks]


both: Huh?

- [gasps]
Fur Blur!

- [squeaking]
- Sorry, Fur Blur.

This cake's for later,
you little cutie.

- Well, I'm making a collage
for Athletica.

- Wow!

- Just need one last piece--
and done!


Oh, this glue is so sticky.
- Hmm.

- Good thing it washes
right off with water.


- And, AJ, what are you
making for Athletica?

- A finger painting.

I never liked finger painting
when I was little,

but now my Arm-o-Matic
makes it fun.

- Um, aren't you supposed
to use your fingers for that?

- No way, too goopy.

And you know how I feel
about touching goopy things.

- "Goopy," hmm.

What an interesting property.
- What's a "property"?

- Ah, well, you've already
mentioned some properties

of the materials
you are working with.

Benny's frosting is thick,
Lucita's glue is sticky,

AJ's paint is goopy.
- Ugh...

- But we were just describing
those things.

- Exactamente, properties
describe how something looks

or how it feels
or what it does.

- Oh, so the properties
of this clay are...

soft and squishy.

- Si, you've got the idea.

- Well, I'm gonna
make this clay

into a statue of Athletica,

a statue she'll never forget!

Wait, where's the rest
of the clay?

Is this all there is?
- Hmm, I guess we ran out.

- Oh, no, what am I gonna do?

- You can always
make some clay.

I make modeling clay
with my grandmother sometimes.

I can send you the recipe.
- "Recipe"?

You mean you have directions
to make modeling clay?

- You got it.

- "Corn starch, salt,
and water."

That's it?

I bet Mrs. Mangia has all these
in the kitchen!

Can I go ask her to help me
make some modeling clay?

- Sure!

- Oh, boy, I can't wait
to finish my sculpture for...


[triumphant music]

- And now,
just add the corn starch

to this hot salt water.

- Uh-huh.

Oh, corn starch is so powdery.

That's one of its properties,
you know.

- Ah, is that so?

Well, I'll add some cold water
and watch what happens.

- Whoa, it's getting thicker.

- [laughs]

Sometimes the properties change

when different things
are mixed together.

How about a little food color
just for fun?

- [laughs]


Do you mix together
all these things

when you make our food?

- Some of them.

This is one
of my secret ingredients...

Super Grow Powder.

- [whispering]
What does it do?

- Shh...

[curious music]

- Whoa!

- I make the vegetables
extra big

for all the growing heroes
in this school.

- Wow!

So, is my modeling clay
ready now?

- It just needs to cool
for a little bit.

Why don't you go back to class?

I'll let you know
when it's ready.

Right now, I've got to get
ready for the lunch rush.

- Okay, thanks for your help,
Mrs. Mangia!

Oh, pretty soon I'll be able
to finish my awesome sculpture

for Athletica!


♪ ♪

- [humming]

♪ ♪

Mr. Sparks: While my class
was getting everything ready,

they didn't know
there was a growing problem.

- [gasps]

- Ooh, as soon
as my modeling clay is ready,

I'll make Athletica a sculpture
she'll never forget!

- Oh, and I almost forgot,

I have more decorations
somewhere in the closet.

[strange rumbling]

- Do you hear something?

- Oh, maybe it's Athletica.
- I don't think so.

[door opens]

- Athleti--huh?
- Whoa!

- Yuck!
- What is that?

- I don't know.

[suspenseful music]

- Uh-oh.
- Uh, Mr. Sparks?

- I'll be
right with you, class.

- Mr. Sparks?

- Those decorations
must be in here someplace.

- Mr. Sparks!

- [grunts]

Wh--what's going on?

- Uh, t-there's a big
blobby thing

coming into the classroom!

- And it's blocking you in!
Are you okay?

- Uh, I'm fine!
Just, eh, stuck in here.

- Fear not, Mr. Sparks!

We will stop that
whatever it is

and get you out of there!

- I know you will!

Who's the crew
who knows what to do?

♪ ♪

all: Sparks' crew
to the Rescue!

[rousing music]

- Bubble up!


[lively music]

♪ ♪

- Uh, it just keeps coming!

- Where did this blob
even come from?

[all gasp, exclaim]
- [squeaking]

- Fur Blur.

- [squeaking]

- We've gotta help Mr. Sparks
and stop that blob!

- Before Athletica gets here!

- But none of our powers
seem to help.

- We still have other powers.

We can use our...

all: Superpowers of Science!

- If we can figure out
what this is,

then maybe we can stop it.

- Let's investigate.
- Fantastico!

Tell me, w-what do you observe
about the blob?

What are its properties?

- I observe
that this blob is very blobby.

- It's blobby and it's blue.

- Maybe we can wash it away
with water,

like I did with glue!

- Let's test it out!
- Testing, good!

Keep using those superpowers
of science!

♪ ♪

- Water didn't stop it,
Mr. Sparks!

- That's okay.
Keep trying.

What other properties
do you observe?

- Uh, it's blobby

and it's blue and thick...

Like my frosting,

and I cleaned that up
with just a paper towel.

Oh, but there's not enough
paper towels in this school

to wipe away this much blob!

- Now what do we do?

- If we can't stop it,

that blob's gonna ruin
Athletica's visit!

- I am not gonna
let that happen.

Time to use my super strength
to push it out of here!


[muffled grunting]

all: Sara!
- [muffled grunting]

- [groans]
- Oof!

- Are you okay?
- Yeah!

I think I know
what this blob is made of.

- You do?

- It's soft and squishy,

the same properties
as modeling clay!

all: Modeling clay?

- Yep, and I was just
making some in the kitchen.

- But why is it growing?

- I don't know, but I do know
where it's coming from.

Be back in a snap.

- [humming]
- Oh, no!

- [humming]

- Mrs. Mangia,
we've got a problem!

- What's the matter?

What is that?
- It's the modeling clay!

Super Grow Powder
is pouring on it.

I've got this.

♪ ♪

- Oh, thanks.

But what do we do
about this mess?

- Don't worry, I'm on it.

[all holler]

- It is modeling clay,
but it's not growing anymore.

- Oh, phew.

- So how do we get rid of it?

- We can just pull some off,
bit by squishy bit.

- Make it fast!
It's very stuffy in here!

- Hang on, Mr. Sparks!

We're gonna get you
out of there!

♪ ♪


- Ah, fresh air.

You did well today.
- Uh, sorry about the door.

What are we gonna do
with all this modeling clay?

Athletica's gonna be here
this afternoon.

- Well, you did say
you want to make Athletica

a sculpture
she'll never forget, right?

- Everybody,
grab some modeling clay.

We've got a big sculpture
to make!

♪ ♪

- Well, class,
it's been quite a day,

but now,
let's welcome the person

you've been waiting to meet!

- It's me, Athletica!

all: Wow!
- Wowee!

Athletica, I can't believe
you're here.

- Always happy
to meet young heroes

such as yourselves.

- The students
made some things for you.

- [grunts]


Ooh, I love them!

- And there's one more project
that we all worked on together.

- Ha--huh?

[triumphant music]

- Amazing!
- It was Sara's idea.

- Thank you, Sara.

Now, tell me, young hero,

how did you find
enough modeling clay for this?

- Uh, it sort of found us.

[all laughing]
- Yeah, yeah, it's true.

- Thank you.

This is a sculpture
I will never forget!


all: Ha-ha!

It was big, blue,

and made by
some super students.


all: ♪ We all belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

man: Time to learn
how to hero!

[upbeat music]

Hey, you.

Yes, that means you!

Let's go hero,

using your Superpowers
of Science!

♪ ♪

Today's super power is...

the power to observe.

woman: ♪ Your power to observe
can help you save the day ♪

♪ And heroes can observe
the world in different ways ♪

♪ Just use your senses
to find things out ♪

[cat meows]

♪ 'Cause finding out is what
it's all about ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ What do you see? ♪

♪ What do you hear? ♪

♪ How does it feel? ♪

♪ What do you taste
and smell? ♪

♪ You're make-makin'
an observation ♪

♪ You're
make-makin' an observation ♪

♪ What do you see?
Observation ♪

♪ What do you hear?
Observation ♪

♪ How does it feel?
Observation ♪

♪ What do you
taste and smell? ♪

♪ You're make-makin'
an observation ♪

♪ Finding out is what
it's all about ♪

♪ Observation ♪

♪ Make an observation ♪

♪ Have a celebration ♪

♪ You made
a new observation ♪

♪ What do you see?
Observation ♪

♪ What do you hear?
Observation ♪

♪ How does it feel?
Observation ♪

♪ What do you taste
and smell? ♪

♪ You're make-makin'
an observation ♪

♪ You're
make-makin' an observation ♪

♪ What do you see?
Observation ♪

♪ What do you hear?
Observation ♪

♪ How does it feel?
Observation ♪

♪ What do you
taste and smell? ♪

♪ Go on and make
an observation ♪

♪ Finding out is
what it's all about ♪

[upbeat jazz music]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪