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01x03 - Saved From the Bell/The Right Stuff

Posted: 10/02/22 09:26
by bunniefuu
both: ♪ If you're a kid
with powers ♪

♪ Then where's
the place to be? ♪

♪ You belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

♪ If you have super strength ♪

♪ And can lift
a ton or three ♪

♪ You belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

man: ♪ If your power
lets you fly ♪

- ♪ You're like me,
Lucita Sky ♪

woman: ♪ Like to help out
when there's trouble? ♪

- ♪ Oh, you bet,
I'm Benny Bubbles! ♪

man: ♪ Teleport
in no time flat? ♪

- ♪ Sara Snap can,
just like that! ♪

woman: ♪ Use super tools
to save the day? ♪

- ♪ Like AJ Gadgets,
I'm on my way! ♪

♪ How do they save the day? ♪

all: ♪ Well,
the scientific fact is ♪

♪ They use
all kinds of powers ♪

♪ They just need
a little more ♪

man: Practice!

both: ♪ If you're
a future hero ♪

♪ Come and you will see ♪

♪ You belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

♪ We all belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

[upbeat music]

Mr. Sparks: It was the start
of an exciting day

at Hero Elementary.

My students
were about to learn

a special kind of hero skill,

one that had
a nice ring to it.

[school bell rings]

- Best block tower ever!
Ha ha, yeah!

- Yippee!
- Yeah, we did it!

- All right, class,
settle down.

I have big news.

Today is the day you are
going to learn how to--

drum roll, please.

[all drumming]

Leap a tall building
starting from the ground.

- What? Awesome!
- Yes! Nice!

- No way!
- I can't believe it!

- Just like my favorite heroes.

- We've been looking forward
to this for so long.

- Imagine us,
leaping over a tall building.

- [squeaks]

[sad music]

- Uh, yeah, something
like that, Fur Blur.

- Well, what are we
waiting for?

Let's get leaping!

- To the Leaping Tower!

all: To the Leaping Tower!

♪ ♪

- Ooh.
- Whoa.

[dramatic music]

- Okay, class,
leaping tall buildings

is an important hero skill,
and now you will learn how.

- Awesome!
- Finally!

- Each of you will use
your own special powers

to leap, fly, or somehow get
to the top of the building.

Then you will ring the bell,
like this.

[bell rings]

- Ohh.
- Ooh.

- ♪ Doo, doo, doo, doo-doo ♪

Sorry, no ropes allowed.

Lucita Sky,
want to go first?

- Well, it's pretty high.

But I'll give it a try.

♪ ♪

I can do this,

as long as I don't look...down.



Whoa, whoa!




- Muy bien, Lucita.

- But I didn't make it
to the top.

- Not yet, but you will.

It just takes
a little practice.

Now, who's next?
Sara Snap?

- I got this, Mr. S.

Getting to the top
is gonna be a snap.




[bell dings]
Oops! Wrong bell!



- Oh, no, my bike!

- Whoaaa!

♪ ♪

- Whew.

- [chuckles]

They're okay.
I'll straighten them out.

- Good try, Sara.
Okay, Benny, your turn.

- Good luck, Benny.

It's a lot higher
than you think.

- Eh, but leaping
is my specialty.

I won't stop
till I'm at the top.

Or the middle.


- See, Mr. Sparks?
Not a scratch.

- Wah-ah!

Mr. Sparks: Benny?

- Agh, not to worry.

Everything's in one piece.

- Well, almost everything.

[bell jingles]

At least the bell
still works.

- [sighs]

- My turn.

- Wow, what are those?

- Jet Shoes.

I made them just like the ones
worn by Jetman Jones

in the "Space Jumpers"
comic books.


- Hey, yeah, Jet Shoes
should get you up there.

- Okay, everyone.

Stand back.

- AJ, wait.
Your shoes are untied.

- Oh, better quadruple knot it
for extra safety.

[shoes whirring]

I didn't press start.


Whoa-oh, ooh-ooh!


[shoes beeping]


Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

[shoes beeping]

Oh, dear.

- Fear not, my friend!
Bubble up!

AJ: Ahh!

- Sara, quick!


- Ooh.
- Got ya!

- [sighs] That is not how
they worked for Jetman Jones.

[bell rings loudly]

- What was that?

- Sounds like it's coming
from the Leaping Tower bell.

[bell rings loudly]

- Whoa, too loud!

Where are my headphones?

- Here, AJ.

- Whew.

Where's my shoe?
[ringing continues]

- That sound is coming
from the tower's bell.

- But how?
Nobody's pulling the rope.

The bell isn't even moving.

- [groans]

Mr. Sparks:
The other students thought

it was the school bell.

Was it time to go home?
Or time to go to class?

[tower bell rings]

[all cheer]

- The ringing is confusing
the other students.

- I better take care of this.

it's not the school bell.

Go back inside.
[tower bell rings]

No, no, no, turn around!

Wrong bell!

- That bell is causing
a lot of confusion.

We've got to stop
that ringing.

- Yeah, and who's the crew
who knows what to do?

all: Sparks' Crew
to the Rescue!

[triumphant music]

- Okay, but how
do we stop the ringing

when we can't even
get up there?

- Well, maybe--
[shoe whirring]

Oh, no, not again.

- Quick, take off the shoe!

- [straining]

Why did I have to make
a quadruple knot?


- Ah.

- Ahh!

- [grunts]

AJ, grab the rope!

- Ahh!



[flagpole ringing]

- AJ!
Are you okay?

- Ugh, I'm all right.
But my Jet Shoe isn't.

- Hey, did you all notice
what I noticed?

- Yes, my shoe broke,

and now I don't have
either one of them.

- No, I mean, did you notice
the flagpole?

When the branch hit it,
it vibrated,

moved back and forth
really fast,

and there was a sound,
like this.

[flagpole ringing]

[bell tower ringing]

- Maybe the bell
is vibrating too,

and that's what's
making the sound.

- I know how we can find out.

We can use our...

all: Superpowers of Science!

- Let's start
by investigating.

We can look closely
at the bell

to try to figure out
how it works.

- But we can't get
a good look at that bell.

It's too high.

- Hmm.

What if we investigate
another bell

and figure out how it works?

- Good idea!
[tower bell rings]

Uh, where can we find
another bell?

- I think I know.

- You want to look
at my bike bell?

- Yeah, we need to look inside
for an investigation.

We want to figure out
what makes a bell ring.

- Fantástico.
I love a good investigation.

- Okay, team,
let's investigate this bell.

Sara: Look, there's a thingy
on the inside.

- Sí, that is called a clapper.

- Clapper? Like...

- Different kind of clapper.

[tower bell rings,
students cheer]

No, no!
Back inside!

I keep telling you,
that is not the school bell.

I've got to go.
Good luck.


Inside, everyone!
[students groan]

- Let's keep investigating.

What does the clapper do?

[bell dings]

- Seems like the clapper
hits the bell

and vibrates it
to make a sound.

[bell dings, stops]

Sara: And when
the vibration stops,

so does the sound.

- I bet you the tower bell
works the same way.

- That must mean
something inside the bell

is making it vibrate
and making the sound.

[tower bell rings]

- Well, there's only
one way to know for sure.

We have to get up there
and investigate that bell.

- But how?

None of us were able
to make it up there before.

- I think I have a plan.

Thought projecting.

We'll work together.

Benny will make a bubble

that Sara will throw
into the air,

and Lucita
will steer the bubble

right to the top
of the bell tower.

- But what if I look down?
I'll get dizzy.

- Try covering
your eyes with this.

- It could work.
- Let's do this!

♪ ♪

- Bubble up!

♪ ♪

- I can't see anything
with this scarf over my eyes.

How will I know
which way to steer?

- Don't worry, I'll tell you.

- Ready, Sara?
Three, two, one, go!

- [straining]


I did it!

- Okay, Lucita,
keep going straight.

- Got it!

- We're almost there.

[geese squawking]

Oh, no!
- Ahh!

- Birdies.

- Turn!

The other way!

- All right!
- Go, Sparks' Crew!

- We did it!
- Yes!

We made it.

- I knew we'd get to the top
one way or another.

- Let's hurry.

I don't like
being this high up.

- Okay, let's see what
makes this bell tick.

[bell rings loudly]

- It's not ticking.
It's ringing.

- He means, let's see
what's causing the ringing.

[bell rings loudly]

Check if it's vibrating.

[loud ringing]

- [voice shaking]
It's vibrating!

- [gasps]
Just like the flagpole!

- And the bike bell.

- There must be something
hitting it on the inside.

- I'll take a look.
Lucita: Oh, be careful, Sara.

[loud ringing]
- Huh?

Wait, I don't believe this.

- What is it?
What's there?

- See for yourself.

- My missing Jet Shoe!

both: Ohh!

- It's all wrapped around
the bell clapper.

[loud ringing]

- So that's why it's ringing.

Whenever the Jet Shoe
goes off,

it moves the clapper.

[loud ringing]

- Yippee!
- Yeah!

- The Sparks' Crew
does it again!

Ha ha!

- And best of all,
we found my missing shoe.

- Whoo-hoo!
- Yay!

- Yes!

And it's gone again.

Mr. Sparks: So if you ever
hear a strange sound

that you think may be caused
by vibrations,

take a look around
for AJ's missing Jet Shoe.

Oh, and then please
return it to lost and found.

all: ♪ We all belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

[stopwatch ticking]

Mr. Sparks:
The day started out

with my super students
working on their speed.

But were they faster
than a speeding hamster?

[exciting music]

- Come on, team,
let's try to catch up to her.

- You can do it!

♪ ♪

- [panting]
Fur Blur is so fast.

- Yeah.

But don't you love
her cute little cape?


- [gasps] Watch out!
Prickly bushes!

♪ ♪

- Ahh!


- Oh, no!
- Benny!

- [groaning]


- Are you okay, Benny?

- Yes, but my clothes aren't.

Maybe it's time
for a new look.

I mean, Fur Blur has
that shiny new cape.


- [squeaks]

It would be great
to have cool suits

like the grown-up heroes have.

- Yes!
I've always wanted one.

- Me too.

- Well, why don't you make

some new hero suits

- [gasps]
We could do that?

- Why not?
Vamos! To the classroom.

♪ ♪

- First, we've got to decide

what kind of hero suits
to make.

- And then we can figure out
what kind of stuff

we can use to make them.

- Yes, but it has to be
the right stuff.

- No prob.

We have a lot of stuff
in the supply closet.

- Sara, wait!

- Whoa!

- Ay.

- Okay, so how do we decide
what stuff to use?


- Maybe there are
certain superpowers

that could be helpful.

- Sure there are.
We can use our...

all: Superpowers of Science!

- We can go through
all this stuff

and compare it to see
what works best for our suits.

- Yes, compare.
Very good start.

- For my suit,
I need something I can fly in.


And maybe it should be made
of something soft

to cushion me when I crash.

- So let's compare this stuff

to see what's soft
and what isn't.

We can put them
in different piles.

- Teddy bear.


Plastic sled.
Not soft.

- Sponges.

Huh, surprisingly soft.

- These should cushion me
when I land.

That's it!

I'm going to make
my whole suit

out of sponges!

- Very unique stuff
for a hero suit.

How about you, Sara?

- I want a suit
that'll keep me warm,

'cause sometimes I teleport
to the wrong places.

Like this.
Beautiful, warm island.


See what I mean?
- [laughs]

- Do we have anything
for Sara's suit

that can keep her warm?

- Let's compare again.

♪ ♪

- This isn't gonna
keep me warm.

- Neither will this dress.

But this blanket might.

- What about this spacesuit?

- Ooh, this spacesuit
could keep me warm.

I mean, astronauts have to
stay warm in space,

and it would look
so cool on me.

- Uh, how can it be cool if
it's supposed to keep you warm?

- I mean, it'll look awesome.

- Oh, cool.

- Yep, this spacesuit will be
my new hero suit.

- Out of this world, Sara.

So, Benny, what do you want
your suit to do?

- Well, all my
favorite heroes have capes

that flow in the wind.

[whooshing sound]

- I know exactly
what you mean.

Like this?
Thought projecting.

Benny: Yeah, just look
at that flowing cape!

That's what I'm going for.

- Very heroic.

Do we have anything here
that will flow in the wind?

- I'll make some wind
so we can test things.

♪ ♪

- I like this blanket,

but it's too heavy to flow
in the wind the way I want.

- [squeaking]

Benny: Yeah, it should look
like that.

- How about this piece
of paper?

- Well, it flows,

but I think it's too small
for a cape.

- Maybe this pillowcase
will work.

- [chuckling]

It flows! Yeah!

And it has adorable
little bunnies on it.

Look! Ha!

Just like the sheets
on my bed at home.


So this is where
I left my pillowcase.

- Looks like Benny
found the right stuff

for his hero suit.

Now what about you, AJ?

- I want a suit
strong enough to protect me

when my gadgets
don't work right.

Like, remember when
my Arm-O-Matic backfired?

Thought projecting.

[groans, crashes]

- Ooh, ah, yes.

Well, then let's find the
right stuff for a strong suit.

- Hey, AJ, how about
this metal strainer?

- Hmm, it feels strong.

- What about...
this pillow?


- A pillow is definitely
not strong.

- Hmm.
[metal clanging]

These baking pans are strong.

- I bet I can use this stuff
to make a super strong suit

made of metal.

- Great.
Then we're all set.

- Muy bien.

You compared all these things

and found the right stuff
for what you need.

- Yeah!

Now let's go make
our new hero suits.

Come on!

[heroic music]

♪ ♪


- Excelente!

What interesting hero suits.

Benny: The Sparkinator!

That means there's trouble.

- Oh, no, my hat!

- That girl's hat
just flew away.

We should go help.

- And who's the crew
who knows what to do?

all: Sparks' Crew
to the Rescue!

- We can all go together.
Let's take the van.

♪ ♪

So at the drop of a hat,
we rushed off

with my students hoping
to heroically help

the hatless girl, Heidi.

- My mom just gave me
that new hat,

but now it's gone.

- Oh, I know losing
your hat made you sad,

but the Sparks' Crew
is here to help.

- Yes, never fear, ma'am!

We shall find--


Uh, we shall--


We shall find your new hat
and save the day.

- Already found it.

It's on top of the statue
of Felix Finder.

He was our town's
very first hero.

- Good to know.
Now let's go get that hat.

Time to test out
my new hero suit.

- Excelente.

Testing is another great
superpower of science.

♪ ♪

- Okay, so far, so good.



Oh. Hey.

Nice and soft and spongy.

Now I'll just get that hat.

[wind blows]


Come back here!

Ahh! Gotcha!



My sponge suit is filled
with water.


It's so heavy,
I can't fly.

- The hat!

- I shall get it
and test out my new cape too.


♪ ♪

- Way to go, Benny!

- Ha ha!

I love how my cape flows!



Ah! Oh.

Sorry, AJ.

- It's all right,
the strong suit protected me.

Thank you for helping me
test it out.

- My hat is up there
on top of that light!

Please, hurry,
before it blows away again.

- Of course!

[metal rattling]
Ah, it's too loud!

- AJ, if you walk slowly,

maybe your suit
won't make so much noise.

- Okay.

[metal rattling]


- Come on, AJ!

[soft rattling]

- Whew.

It's in my backpack.


Come on, ahh!

This suit is hard to move in.

I can't reach
into my backpack.


And now I can't get up.

- I shall help you, AJ!

- All right,
time to test out my suit.

I'll just teleport up there
and get the hat.

This'll be a snap.

[rubber scrunching]

A snap.

I can't snap my fingers.

Come on, gloves, work with me.


[rubber scrunching]

Okay, forget this.


Ha, gotcha!


Here you go.
- Thank you, Sparks' Crew!

Thank you!
- Happy to help.


Boy, did I work up a sweat
in this warm suit!

- A little help?

- Looks like someone needs
a big hug.

- Ah, thanks, Sara.

I feel much lighter now.

- So, class, now that you have
tested your new hero suits,

are they as super
as you imagined?

- Well...
- Um...

- Meh.
- Eh.

- Let's just say
this test showed us

what the best clothes for us
really are.

[heroic music]

♪ ♪

- [squeaking]

- [laughs]

I like your hero clothes.

They look familiar.

- That's because they're our
regular clothes, Mr. Sparks.

I love how easily
I can move around in them,

and they're nice and quiet.

- And teleporting's a snap
'cause I can snap my fingers.


Plus, I'm not too warm
in these clothes.

- And I can fly easier.

My clothes don't weigh me down,

not even when they get wet.


- And I don't have a
flowing cape to get in my way.

Yep, our regular clothes are
the best hero clothes for us.


That time it was Lucita's cape,
not mine.

- Sorry.

Mr. Sparks: And so
my young heroes learned

that any clothes can be super

as long as they're made
of the right stuff.

all: ♪ We all belong
at Hero Elementary ♪

Time to learn how to hero!

Hey, you.
Yes, that means you!

Let's go hero

using your
Superpowers of Science!

Today's superpower is...

the power to ask questions

[upbeat music]

♪ Want to solve a problem? ♪

♪ It's good to
ask a question ♪

♪ You know it's good

♪ Super good. Super good.
Super good. ♪

♪ When you have a question ♪

♪ Go on and ask it

♪ Like a hero should

♪ Yes you should.
Yes you should. Yes you should.

♪ Where did the water
in the kiddie pool go? ♪

♪ It's good to
ask questions. ♪

♪ Why did my balloon get
smaller in the cold? ♪

♪ It's good to
ask questions. ♪

♪ How do I get gum
off my shirt? ♪

♪ It's good to
ask questions. ♪

♪ Why are there so many
worms in this dirt? ♪

♪ It's good to
ask questions. ♪

♪ What is making me
sneeze so much? ♪

♪ It's good to
ask questions. ♪

♪ What do I feed my
pet lizard for lunch? ♪

♪ It's good to
ask questions. ♪

♪ Asking questions
is a hero's power ♪

♪ And you know
it's super good ♪

♪ Super good.
Super good. ♪

♪ to ask a question.

♪ so ask a question

♪ so ask a question!

[energetic swing music]

♪ ♪