03x02 - Day 3: 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "24". Aired: November 6, 2001 to July 14, 2014.*
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Counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer fights the bad guys of the world, a day at a time.
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03x02 - Day 3: 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on 24.

Tony, someone just dropped out a dead body infected with the virus.

Based on the autopsy, at the end of the first week, It's over a 1 million people.

We want the release of Ramon Salazar.

If you refuse to comply, the virus will be unleashed.

Jack, you know Salazar better than anybody else here.

Who do you think we're dealing with? Without a doubt his brother.

Hector was next in command.

He went underground the second Ramón was taken into custody.

Have you made the call to the FBI? Yes, I did.

What about our boy? I'm watching him now.

What are you into here man? You're selling dope? This guy he paid me $5000 to bring some coke over the border.

I did that last night.

Today, I drop it off, I get another $5000.

When did FBI get this call? About 20 minutes ago.

And we don't know who we're dealing with? It was a scrambled voice on an open line.

Do we cancel the debate? They are discussing whether or not we should stay in Los Angeles.

Chase, no day is a good day.

We said it we will tell him if we're still together after two months.

It's almost three.

Why don't we just tell him and get it over with? Listen Jack.

You were under of Salazar for 6 months.

I know what they did to you.

You look like hell.

I'm concerned about you, Jack.

The things you did to get me here, I wouldn't wish on anyone.

The following takes place between 2:00 pm and 3:00 pm.

The president is not gonna make any decisions until he knows what we're dealing with so give me all the parameters Tony.

Well, basically, what we have here is a t*rror1st demand.

Someone close to Ramón Salazar, we're guessing his brother, Hector, is demanding his release.

If we don't comply, he's threatening to initiate an operate of a very deadly fast acting virus.

How do we know if these people are really in possession of it? Wayne, I've got Dr.

Sunny Macer on the line.

She is technical director of National Health Services.

I let her address that.

Mr Palmer, about an hour ago, a dead body was anonymously delivered to our office.

It was infected with a type 3 immuno- virus deliberatery introduced into its system.

This virus kills within 24 hours of exposure and there is no none antidote or vaccin.

What's particurlaly disturbing is how fast it spreads.

Take a look.

As you can see, it's latent for several hours, but once the symptoms present, it consumes the host rapidly.

Our office will be sending you preliminary projections of casualties in case something like this should be unleashed.

And Wayne, I've gotta tell you, it's pretty bleak.

I don't understand this.

I mean, I thought we knew what biological threats were out there.

And how do we find ourselves up against the wall so suddenly with something that isn't even on our radar? This is a strain we've never seen.

The autopsy is confirming that someone is engineered this virus to k*ll 10 times faster than its ordinary genotypes.


Ok, I see.

Sir, I can't underscore enough how potentially devastating it would be if this virus were released by t*rrorists.

By giving this information, what options would the President be looking at? It's the unweathering policy of the USA to stand firm against any t*rrorists demands.

And I know the President, Tony, He will not free Salazar.

No matter what the threat.

All right then we can't waste any time on standard protocole today.

We've been giving five hours to comply.

If we're gonna find these people and stop this threat then CTU has to have any possible resources at its disposal.

You'll have it.

All right.

Now if we've nothing else to discuss, I'd like to get my team back to work.

- Understood.

- Thank you.


Dad, it's me.

What, Kim? Adam and I just found something on Goss.

We're working it up now.

We should have an address for you pretty soon.

Ok, good work.

AndDad, remember, I want to talk to you.

What? Something wrong? No.

I was just wondering if I could come up for a few minutes.

Something personal.

Sweetheart, right now is not a good time.

As soon as I've got a moment I'll come down, ok? Yeah, thanks.

They're getting close to Goss.

You didn't sh**t up, did you? What? You think you'll hide it from me? I am not trying to hide it from you.

I am trying to quit! Ok, people don't just quit Jack.

I've been tempering off.

OK, now it's time to stop.

It doesn't look like it's time.

All right, today is not a good day for you to be needing a fix.

Why don't you go work with Chloe and see if you can pin down a location on Hector Salazar? What's wrong with the methadone program? Ok, it takes a little time but it works.

I am not going on record with a citation, do you understand me? OK, so right now, you're the only person who knows about it.

It's gonna stay that way.

OK, this is nothing to be ashamed of.

You did this in the line of duty.

Doing junk whas the only to get close to Salazar Nobody is gonna knock you for that.

I know what I did, Chase.

This conversation is over.

Just get back to work.


Chase? What? I was just looking at playback of the Health Services briefing.

What about it? The government is not letting this happen, are they? I mean Salazar is just one person no matter how bad he is.

Free it all that Chloe.

We need to operate under orders that is to find the carrier of this virus.

Find the carrier? In the next 4 hours? Come on Chase! That's not likely, is it? Not if we sit here and debate it.

Who is just supposed to find and modify the list of Goss' associates? Kim is bringing it up now.


Then, go over the autopsy report.

See if there's anything they overlooked.


Here are the files on Goss.

I heard you talking to your dad when I was in his office.

Why do you want to tell him today? Because it's not a big deal.

Well, it is a big deal, ok? Now not only do I work for him but I'm also a field agent.

It's the last thing he wants for his daughter.

How do you know that? I know.

Ok? I mean, he talks about things.

About how he was never there for you, or you mum Ok? He doesn't believe that a field agent can have a relationship outside of work.

Well, did you ever start to think that maybe it would make him happy? That his daughter has found someone she loves? Look, I love you too.

Ok? I just don't think today is a good day.

Chase, I need you to copy me on that list.

Ok, what's this column? HmmThat's family and that's legal.

- Great.

- Ok.

Yeah, I understand but just watch to cross- reference those files with our Latin America files.


I want all the names to printed out.


Just give that over to my office.


- Hey, Dad! - Hey, sweetheart.

You're all right? Yeah.

Well, what's going on? Chase said you were really stressed out.

Stressed, what dowhat do what do you mean'stressed'? You know Salazar and the t*rrorists threat.


Yeah! Yeah but I think we gonna get it under control.

We just got a lot of work to do.

Listen, can I talk to you now? Yeah, yeah sure, come in.

Take a seat.

Hey, what's going on? After all we've been through, I find it very difficult to keep things from you Ok, what's up? Chase and I have been going out for a while and it's starting to get serious.

I meanI think he wanted to be the one to tell you but he was worried that it would cause a problem between you two.

I see How long are the two of you been seeing each other? Three months.

I really care for him dad.

So what do you think? I don't know what I think.

I'm really surprised.

And, I'm sorry, I'm a little bit distracted with everything that's going on today but I know but Forget it.

I just had to let you know.

No, no, I'm glad you told me.


- I love you.

- I love you too.

I told him.

What did he say? Nothing.

- Dessler.

- Michelle, it's Sunny.

I think I found something that might be helpful to your guys.

What's that? I told you I found something odd in Goss's system We found an unmetabolised virus particule.

I'll skip techno - babble.

Bottom line: It looks like the virus was delivered in a crystalline form.

I mean, maybe what you're looking for is a white powder.

So, it would look like a bag of cocaine or heroine? Yeah, that may be the strategy.

Someone thinks that they're selling a bag of coke well in fact they're handling a virus.

Look, Kyle, I'm not gonna do it, ok? I don't care how much you pay me, it's stealing dr*gs.

Tim, you're my best friend.

Come on, you've gotta come.

Do it for me.

Well, look Kyle, you should talked to me before you went down to Mexico and bought a bag of coke! I'm notI'm not asking you to do anything but wait in the car.

I'll make the delivery.

I'm not gonna do it.

I'm not gonna go with you.



Kyle, it's Zack.

Zack, hey! What's up? - We need to talk.

- Hold on a second, man.

Who's Zack? It's nobody.

What's with you guys today? Everything is a secret.

He's got family stuff going on.

What's going on, man? You tell me! You've got the powder? Yeah, yeah, of course I do.

Just tell me when to drop it off.


Come by around 7:30.

Can we just go over one more time? I'd likehow this all thing is gonna go down? Go over what? You drop off the coke, I give you the money.

Is that too much for you to handle? No! No, that's totally cool, man.

It'd better be.


Jack, it's Michelle.

We've got the last known address on David Goss, the infected body that was dropped off at Health Services.

How recent? Two months.


Have LAPD send over perimeter team.

Tell them hands off until Chase and I get there.

Got it.

Chase, let's go around.

You get an address? Yeah.

Make sure they understand.

They are not to go in until Jack gets there, ok? Hey! Peter just told me you've got an address on Goss? Yeah.

I'm bringing it over to Jack now.

You're sure there's nothing more recent? We could spend another hour looking, but there's no guarantee we find anything better.

Yeah, we don't have one hour to waste, do we? Look, put transmitters on Jack and Chase.

I wanna be analizing all their interactions so we can work it up in real time, all right? Ok.


What have you got? This is everything we have on Goss.

Here is the address where he was arrested for dealing.

How recent? Two months ago.

It's all on the file, you can check it on the way.


- Medical kit that health services has put together for you.

- Thanks, baby.

Be careful.

Let's go, Chase! We've gonna have to wait until we get there to see what the set- up is.

LAPD is locking it down now.

And I know Kim told you about us.

I was going to tell you myself, I just couldn't find the right time.

I thought you should know.

It's getting serious.

That's what she said.

What does the CTU have to say? That it could be a very dangerous situation.

Almeida sent me a breakdown of what could happen if this virus is released and it's not good.

Give CTU carte blanche.

- Whatever they need, make sure they get it.

- I did.

We should cancel the debate.

What? It's a mistake to continue preparing for tonight while there is an imminent bio- t*rror1st threat against this country.

First of all, we don't know that is imminent, David.

And you know just as well as I do that we get threats everyday.

Not like this one.

They said the body was infected with a weaponized virus.

Ok, let's say you're right.

What do really think you could do if you put your full attention on it? I just wanna make sure that you're not advising me how to fear that my image will suffer if we cancel.

Oh no, it will suffer.

But I still think the best thing to do is to procede as planned and respond when we have more information.

Keeler's here.

Come on, let's go this way.

Don't worry, Wayne.

John! Mr.


You don't have to come away down here just to welcome me.

No, it's no trouble.

I spoke with your old friend Jacob Weisz yesterday at a fund raiser.

You stopped at South Dakota? Just for dinner.

How is he feeling? Better.

Much better.

He's even playing a few rounds of golf.

That's him.

Well, I don't wanna keep you John.

I know you have a lot of last minute cramming to do if you wanna survive this debate.

I woon't argue with you there, Mr.


Your resource staff - compliments of the tax payers - outnumbers mine, three to one.

I actually have to pay some of them myself! Touché! I'll see you inside, sir.

You certainly will, sir.

Wayne, we're ready.

What were you talking to him about? I think we may have a opportunity.

What kind of opportunity? Not now, after.

I'm sorry if you think I'm not good enough for your daughter.

Ok? But I can't help the way I feel.

Chase, what do you think I put Kim at CTU? Behind a desk, working on a computer? So I can keep an eye on her, make sure she's safe! Not so she can start dating some field agent! Safe? You know you're talking about her like she's 12 years old.

She's a grown woman.

Damn it Chase, you've seen what this job can do to you.

You've seen what it's done to me.

It ruined every relationship I ever had! - That's you, Jack - No! No, it's the job! I don't think so.

You don't think so What the hell do you know? My wife died because of this job.

And I almost lost Kim too.

I'm not gonna let that happen again.

I will do everything I have to to protect her.

Do you understand me? Everything! Damn it Chase, you cannot have a normal life and do this job at the same time.

So, you're saying that I shouldn't have any relationship with anyone? That's exactly what I'm saying.

And especially with my daughter.

Agent Bauer? Jack, it's Luis.

What's up? You tell me.

I've tried to move Salazar back to solitary but there is a lockdown from Division.

What's that all about? I can't tell you right now.

Jack, the bastard m*rder*d his attorney right in front of us.

What the hell is Division doing protecting him? They're not protecting him.

Then what? I can't get into it right now.

Can't get into it? You're not the only one who gave up a chunk of his life to put this guy away! I need to be in the loop Jack! This information doesn't go anywhere after you hang up the phone.

What? Salazar might walk.

Walk? What are you talking about? Look, I don't think it's gonna get to that.

But someone on the outside has got a lot of leverage.

Who? I think it's his brother, Hector.

I don't believe this! - Just hang tight.

I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

- Yeah.

All right.

You'd better star thinking about what we're gonna do when we get there.

We'll talk about this later.


Open the door.

Let's go.

- Open 12.

- Copy that.

¿Luis, me hace encontrado nuevo abogado ya? No, I haven't found your new lawyer.

About an execution day? Uh! Someone's not happy? What do you know, Ramón? About? - Talk to me.

- Talk to you about what? What is your brother trying to do? Hector? Have you heard from him? How is he? His birthday's coming up next week.

I don't even know what to get him.

You keep talking trash, man.

You're not going anywhere! Maybe not! But let me insure you of one thing: If something does happen and I am unexpectedly allowed to go free, I have no doubt that you'll come looking for me.

Especially after the death of your wife, Elise.

And your two boys, what are their names? Thomas and Luis Junior? - Any follow- up phone calls from the t*rrorists? - No.

So basically, there's nothing new to report to the President? Not until I hear from Bauer.

He's following a lead right now.

All right, Tony.


So, if you excuse me until this evening's debate? Thank you.

That went well.

Yes, it did.

So, what's the latest? Nothing yet.

CTU is working a lead.

Trying to figure out who dropped off the dead body.

So, they still don't know who's behind this threat? No, they're still speculating on Salazar's brother, Hector.

What they don't is if it's a bluff staged to release Salazar.

And how can it be a bluff? The virus has been confirmed.

Yes but dropping off a dead body is one thing, David.

Being able to infect an entire city, that's something different.

All right.

I guess we'll know soon enough.

Hey! Wayne.

You spoke earlier about an opportunity.

YeahYeah but I'm not really sure that's something we need to discuss right now.

Which means whatever it is fell through or you know I'm not going to like it so you're proceding without me.

No, that's not it.

I just think that because of this threat, I don't wanna divert your attention.

Like walk and chew gum at the same time.

What is it? Keeler's playbook.

What if I can get us a copy? What exactly do you mean by "playbook"? His entire prep for tonight's debate.

How's he gonna answer the questions, what issues he's gonna try to review up on.


And how would we get it? You don't need to know the details.

I'm surprised.

About what? The question.

You know there's no way on Earth that I would ever agree to this.

David I'm notI am not talking about pulling a Sherry and stealing it.

Now it may just drop in our laps.

And if it does why shouldn't we look at it? Wayne, you are not in the private sector anymore.

You have to get use to how my administration works.

And I'm just trying to give your administration 4 more years.

OkOk, if that's how you want it.

That's how I want it.

Hey! Kim, you are all caught up? Pretty much.

I just have to refresh the data of my dad's panel.


Can I ask you a question about you and Tony? Me and Tony what? I don't know, I was just wondering is it a problem working with your husband in the same office? No, no, it'snot a problem.

Why do you ask? It's not a big deal.

No, it's ok, we have a minute.

Well, I've been dating Chase and I don't think my dad's too happy about it.

I see.

Well I'm sure your dad is just trying to protect you but ultimately, it's just between you and Chase.

Yeah, I know.

Right, let me know when you finish those panels, ok? Sure.

Analysits just called.

They determined that if Hector Salazar is orchestrating this bio- threat, he's probably operating in the Northen Mexico.

So, we're gonna need a list of his properties down there.

Chloe's working on it, she's going through the brief files that Jack turned in after the bust.

All right.

I'll talk to her.

Also Fire up all our contacts and just in case Hector was stupid enough to show his face in the last couple days, all right? Ok.

Is the boy still in place? Yeah.

And the President has been informed? Yeah and he's not cancelling the debate.

He's got some'cojones', I'll give him that.

Let's see what kind of tough guy he is when there's a couple of million lives in the line.

¡Sólo quiero lo mejor para ti! ¡Y no quiero preocuparme! - Papa, no tengo miedo.

Sé lo que estoy haciendo.

- ¡No sabes hija! Soy suficiente grande para hacer mis proprias decisiones! Claudia! - What's going on? - Nothing.

Everything's fine.

Don't tell me nothing! Why are you arguing with your father? Please, Hector, it doesn't matter.

He's not happy with how I live my life.

You mean he doesn't like you being with me? ¿Piensa que su hija es muy buena para mi? Por su puesto que no, señor.

Don't raise your voice to your father ever again.

Claudia, no! How I conduct myself with my father is my concern.

Not yours! Good.

Now that's said.

Tell Lucia and to prepare supper, ok? Ok, I'll tell him.

- Almeida - Tony, it's Chloe.

I just get off the phone with Jack.

They've just arrived.

All right, is there a problem? Jack's not going to use the transmitters.

Why not? He says that would take too long to wire them up.


Look, you're learning point from his side, any information he digs up I want it right away.

You got it? Ok, you don't have to yell.

No one's yelling, Chloe.

Look, we got a body infected with a deadly virus.

Somehow, we have to tie it to Salazar in the next 3 hours.

Right now, Jack's location is our only lead.

So, I need you to keep me up to the minute.

Understood? - I already said ok.

- Good, then get on it.

Detective Fisher.

Yeah, you're Bauer? Yeah.

He's my partner, Chase Edmunds.

What's the activity? No one's get in and out since we got here.

How is the inside layout.

About 30 people total, spread out on all floors.

The apartment you asked the case is the corner one there on the third floor.

You didn't go in there, right? I was ordered to stand down until you got there.

- Good.

- How much back- up you want? None.

Right now I want your men just to cover the exits.

None? There's 30 scumbags in there.

Yeah, we don't want to set off any alarms.

Two of us can sneak in without a fight.

You're sure about that? Yeah.

Get this open on channel 1, we'll let you know when we want you to come in.

You're ready? Let's go.

You got it.

The stair is not open to the public? Just take it easy, sport.

We're not here to take anybody down.

We just want a little information.

They come! Chase! Get back! Come on! Chase, we got a runner! Don't even think about it! I'm clean, I've got nothing on me! Shut up, stupid! You've just fired a federal agent.

You'd better start talking to me.

Or I will let you bleed to death right here on this landing.

Chase! I got him, we're down there! Hey Fisher, we got him.

We got our suspect.

- Who is David Goss? - Goss is a dealer, I just score for him sometimes.

Well not anymore.

He's dead.

Ok, he's dead.

Don't be a smartass.

Who is his supplier? Who is his supplier? Chase! A guy Carlos Corretja, he works in Tijuana! Corretja is one of Salazar's mid- level distributors.

You're doing business with him? I'm supposed to call him tonight.

Corretja wanted me to find a mule, someone clean without a record.

What for? He wanted to move a small bag of coke across the border.

- It didn't make any sense to me! - Why not? He payed $10, 000 to bring it up.

Coke isn't even worth that much.

- Where's the bag of coke now? - The guy who brought it across still has it.

- What's his name? - His name is Kyle, Kyle Singer.

Sorry Helen, it's business What isWhat is this? It's a final announce.

If you don't pay the rent by tomorrow morning 8 am, I'm calling city services and they start the eviction process.

DonDon't do this, no please! I'm gonna have it in a couple of days.

I can't take care of you.

I'll get back.

How much you own him, 'ma? - Stay out of this.

- How much? $800.

But don't you worry about it because your father is gonna talk to uncle Stanford.

Hey! $800, right? And frpm now, if you have a problem, talk to me or my dad.

Ok? Leave my mum out of it.

I expect your receive in the mailbox.

Where did you get that money? It doesn't matter.

Ok? We needed it.

I got it.

Can I have everybody's attention, please? Everyone should be working on the name Kyle Singer.

All right, I want points chief from department's heads on my desk in the next 5 minutes.

Everything there is to know about Kyle Singer, I want it.

Where he lives, where he works, and most importantly, where he's likely to be right now.

Also, keep an open channel to Fields Ops so that Chloe can forward anything that comes in back to Jack.

All right.

Let's go! - What are you doing? - Narrowing the search space.

I can't believe you're so stupid, Kyle.

So, this is how you're gonna your family? By dealing dr*gs? I'm not dealing them.

Stupid delivery.

It's quick money which my folks need right now.

But where they're gonna get the money to bail you out of jail, Kyle? Ok, you're right.

It's stupid.

I know that.

But I did it.

And I'm in this now.

I'm in the middle of this Look, I'll make this delivery tonight.

All right? I promise, it's gonna be over.

I promise you! I'm not waiting until tonight, it's over now.

What are you talking about? I can't be with someone who does stuff like this.

I'm sorry.

Linda! Linda, please.

Over, Kyle.

Are you gonna tell me what's going on? We just have a little disagreement, that's all.

Where did you get the money to pay Don? Mum, forget about it, please.

What's your dad gonna say when he finds out? He's not gonna take "forget about it" as an aswer.

I don't know.

Would you excuse us, please? I'm sorry, Anne.

Our schedule has been way off today.

No! I think you were unable to join me so I am not.

I have a couple of minutes.

I'm having your security level upgraded.

I'm gonna need your advice today.

What's going on? What do you know about type 3 immuno- viruses? Not a lot, they're fairly new.

As far as I know there are several strains, most of them fast acting and all are deadly.

Someone's threatening to release a virus here in L.


Oh God! I need to talk to a Doctor Sunny Macer at National Health Services.

Yeah, I knowI know Sunny.

But David, don't you think there's a remote possiblity that this thing is for real? You need to get out of Los Angeles.

That's not possible.

The debate is in little over two hours.

No, don't tell me about the debate.

We're talking about an outbreak here in the city.

This isn't something the Secret Service can't protect you against this.

I knowI know Anne.

We are prepared to leave if the situation warrants it.

But right now, I need you to talk to Dr.

Sunny Macer and learn everything you can about this thing.

I will.

That's ok, that's all right.

Your brother would like to speak with you, sir.

Well, send him in.

He's downstairs.

He requests that you come see him.

Come see him? Yes, sir.

He has something to show you down there.

You go ahead, I'm gonna call Sunny.

See you later.

No, I'm gonna check that out myself.

Chase is bringing the suspect in the CTU.

I want you to set up a wait room for him now.

I need you to take Parker down to CTU.

What about Kyle Singer? I'm gonna take care of Singer.

I want you to take care of Parker.

Anybody can take him at CTU and set him up, I'm going with you to get Singer.

No, you're not.

Why are you trying to get rid of me? I'm not trying to get rid of you.

I still think that Parker's got more information and I want you to get it out of him.

Is this about Kim? Are you punishing me for dating your daughter? You listen to me.

That kid is walking around a bag of cocaine that's got the virus and he doesn't know it.

I need to find him and stop him from putting it into circulation.

~ Yeah, I know.

That's why I wanna help you.

But you can't, it's too dangerous.

Too dangerous? You can have a both ways, Chase.

My daughter loves you, you wanna be with her? Then, I have to stop putting you in harm's way.

You're kidding, right? Take Parker to CTU, that's an order.


I call you right back.

Excuse us for a minute.

What is it, Wayne? Don't be angry, David, but I got a copy of Keeler's playbook.

Damn it! I told you to drop that! You just listen to me.

If you don't wanna use it then don't.

But there is something you need to see.

There's nothing I need to see.

It's about Anne.

Keeler is too smart to play the race card or the girlfriend card.

It's not the one of those which is why I'm bringing this to you.

It's something that we didn't know about her.

Something that, if true, could David, it could damage all of us.

Just take a look at it.


Give me an update.

Kyle is still in his house.

What about the package? It's with him.

And Ramón? Just waiting to come home.


Gael, there you are.

Chloe has been looking for you.

Where is she? She's in I.


All right.
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