03x13 - Falcon Quest

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Blaze and the Monster Machines". Aired: October 13, 2014 - June 12, 2020.*
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AJ is an 8-year-old techie who drives monster-truck Blaze and go on adventures that have them taking on problems involving science and math.
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03x13 - Falcon Quest

Post by bunniefuu »

- ♪ On your mark,
get ready to race ♪

♪ One, two, three, let's blaze

♪ So buckle your seatbelt

♪ We're gonna scream and yell

♪ When Blaze
goes saving the day ♪

Blaze! Blaze! Blaze!

- ♪ Give me, give me,
give me some speed ♪

♪ Blaze
and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Go, go

♪ Blaze
and the Monster Machines ♪

- ♪ Go, go
all: Blaze!

- ♪ Blaze
and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Go, go
all: Let's Blaze!

[rock music]

- Yah-hoo-hoo-hoo!

Swoops up!



- Hey, there.
A.J., Stripes, and I

are catching a ride
with our friend, Swoops.

- He brought us
to Animal Island.

It's an amazing place
where everyone's an animal.

- Whoa! Look down there!

Looks like there's about to be
a really big race.

- Hello, animals!

Welcome to the fiercest,
fastest, furriest

race of all time!

It's the Animal Island

Today's race goes all the way
across Animal Island.

Over a treetop track,

through a mountain cave,

and across a raging river.

And the first animal
to make it

to the finish line

will win the ultimate prize,

the legendary Animal Trophy!

[crowd cheering]

- Whoa!
- This race looks incredible!

- Hey, Swoops?
Can you take us down

for a closer look?

- You got it, Blaze.


Both: Whoo-hoo!
- Yeah!

- Have fun, fellas!

- Thanks, Swoops.

- See you around.

- Blaze, look!


- Ladies and gentletrucks,

it's time to meet
your animal racers.

- Whoo-hoo!
- Whoo-hoo-hoo!

- Hey, hey!
- Yeah-hoo-hoo!

- [laughs]
- Oh, yeah! [laughs]

- Look!
It's Blaze, A.J., and Stripes!

- Whoo-hoo-hoo!
- Yeah!

- You made it!
- [roars]

- Hi, everyone.
- Bring it in, little buddy.

[both laughing]

- We can't wait to watch you
guys in the championship race.

- We'll be right here,
cheering for you all the way.

- Wait, don't tell me you're
here to just watch the race.

- Yeah!
You should be in the race.

- Race with you guys?

That'd be awesome!

- Hey, if we're gonna be
in a race with animals,

I should be an animal, too.

- But Blaze, what animal
are you gonna turn into?

- Hmm.
We need an animal that's perfect

for a race this big.

We need a lion!

- Yeah!

Lions are really fast.

They're amazing jumpers.

And they've got
super sharp claws.

- Come on,
let's build the parts

and turn me into
a monster machine lion!

First, let's build the mane.

That's the long hair
that goes around a lion's head.

To make the mane, say, "Mane."


Now let's make the tail.

A lion's tail helps
with balance

when it's running and jumping.

To make the tail, say, "Tail."


Now we just need claws.

Lions have protractile claws

that pop out whenever
they need them.

To make the protractile claws,
say, "Protractile claws."

Protractile claws!

Oh, yeah!

I'm a lion monster machine!

Now it's your turn, Stripes.

- Oh, oh!

I'm Super Tiger Stripes!

[both roaring]

- Whoa!
- Oh, man!

- Wow!
- You two look amazing!


- Come on, everyone.
Let's get to the starting line.

both: Yeah!
- All right!

- [laughs]

I can't believe I get to see
all these animals race.

Oh, there's a crocodile.

Ha! And a zebra!

And--and--ah, oh!

Some kind of spotty cat guy.

- [laughs]
Pickle, it's me, Crusher.

I'm Crusher the cheetah!

- Ohh!

I bet you're pretending
to be a cheetah

because they're the fastest
land animals in the world.

- Nope.
I'm pretending to be a cheetah

because I like to cheat.

Get it? Cheetah?


- Hey!
- Outta my way!

- Huh?
- Cheatin' cheetah,

coming through!

Hey, monkey, look.
There's a banana!

- Hoo-hoo! Where?

- Ha! Fooled ya!

- Hey, Crusher.
Nice animal costume.

- Blaze?
You're in this race?

And you're a lion?

Well, that's just great.


- Animal racers,

on your marks...

[revving engine]

Get set...
[revving engine]

[tires squealing]


[engines roaring]

- ♪ Wild wheels

♪ Here we go

♪ Animals, mountains
to the ocean floor ♪

♪ Hibernate and migrate
all over the world ♪

♪ A big stampede
soaring, swimming ♪

♪ Hear them roar
reptiles, mammals ♪

♪ Insects and birds

♪ Wild wheels
ooh, hoo, hoo ♪

♪ Animals

♪ Oh, yeah

♪ Wild wheels
ooh, hoo, hoo ♪

♪ Wild wheels
I'm talking wild wheels ♪

♪ Wild wheels

[rock music]

- Whoo-hoo! Yeah!

- Oh, Blaze and Stripes
are still behind me.

Looks like it's time
for this cheetah

to do a little more cheating.

They'll never get past...

Chompy, the chomper robot!
- Chomp, chomp, chomp.

Chomp, chomp.
- That's it, Chompy!

Gobble up the track
so no one can follow me.

Chomp, chomp, chomp!

- Whoa, look out!

- Chomp, chomp, chomp.
- Hubcaps!

- Mmm!
- That chomping robot

is eating the racetrack.
- Chomp, chomp!

- Oh, man!
We'll never finish the race

if we can't get
to the other side of the track.

- Whoa! Look out!


- Hubcaps.
- Mmm.

- That chomping robot
is eating the racetrack.

- Chomp, chomp!

- Oh, man!
We'll never finish the race

if we can't get
to the other side of the track.

- Don't worry, Stripes.

That chomping robot
can't stop us.

We've got lion and tiger
jumping power!

- Yeah! Lions and tigers
are both great cats.

And great cats have
super strong leg muscles

that let them jump
really far.

- Ready, Stripes?
- Ready.

- Great cats...
both: Jump!

- Whoo-hoo!
- Yee-haw!

- All right!
- We made it!

- Now, let's keep going.

But be on the lookout,
Chompy the chomping robot

is still out there somewhere.

- Chomp, chomp, chomp, chomp.

- I hear him.
- Help us look for Chompy

so we can jump over him.

When you see Chompy up ahead,
say, "Chompy."

- Chomp, chomp,
chomp, chomp, chomp.

all: Chompy!

- Whoo-hoo!
- Yeah!

- Huh? Chompy! Mmm.

- Whoo!
- Yeah!

- Nice jumping!
- But be careful, everyone.

Chompy is still
out there somewhere.

If you see Chompy again,
say, "Chompy."

- [munching]

all: Chompy!

- Whee-hee!
- Ha!

- Chomp, chomp, chomp!

- Keep on the lookout.

When you see Chompy,
say, "Chompy!"

- [munching]

all: Chompy!
- Chomp, chomp, chomp!

- Whoo-hoo!
- Yeah!

- Chomp, chomp, chomp!

- Almost there, guys.
Just a little farther.

- If you see Chompy again,
say, "Chompy."

- Chomp, chomp, chomp.

Chomp, chomp, chomp, chomp.

all: Chompy!

[horn blaring]

- Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
- Yeah!

- Chomp, chomp--

- All right!
- Yeah!

- [laughs]
We're back in the race!

- It's gonna take more
than a chomping robot

to stop us great cats.

[all cheering]

[rock music]

- ♪ Hear the loud roar

♪ Miles away
- [roaring]

- ♪ The great cats
the great cats ♪

- ♪ They jump far and high

♪ With powerful legs

- ♪ The great cats
the great cats ♪

- ♪ They run so fast
it's hard to beat 'em ♪

♪ Their super sharp claws

♪ Pop out when they need 'em

♪ They're bigger
faster stronger ♪

♪ The great cats
the great cats ♪

♪ Running jumping farther

♪ The great cats
the great cats ♪

♪ Prowling chasing
roaring racing ♪

♪ Leaders of the pack

♪ They're bigger
faster stronger ♪

♪ The great cats
the great cats ♪

- ♪ No one is gonna beat-ah

♪ Crusher the cheating cheetah

♪ Winning will be so sweet-ah

- ♪ Gloopy glop
glurpy gloop ♪

- Aah!

Is that you?

- Oh, hey, Crusher!

Since you're pretending
to be a cheetah,

I thought I'd pretend
to be an animal, too.

I'm pretending to be a squid.

- Blech!

- Why not?
Squid's are so cool!

They've got
squishy, pointy heads

and long, wriggly arms

They can squirt ink.
Like this.

- Whoa--aah!


[elephant trumpets]


[all cheering]

Oh, no.
Those other animal racers

are right on my tail.

Ooh, I've got to do something
to stop them.

Ooh, I know.

It's time for another
cheating cheetah cheater cheat.

I'll make twisty tangler vines!


[playful music]

- Whoa!


[rock music]

- Hey, let go!

- Huh?

- [laughs]
Looks like those animal racers

got a little tied up!

Tied up!

- Blaze, watch out!

- [screams]

both: Whoa!

- Blaze, A.J., are you okay?

- We're stuck!

- This vine is too strong.

I can't break free.

- Huh.
That vine is really tough.

But I know something

that can cut through it:

protractile claws!

Hang on, Blaze!


- Whee!
- Whoo-hoo-hoo!

Thanks, Stripes.

Using your claws
was a great idea.

- Help!
[both gasp]

- Listen.
- Sounds like another racer's

in trouble.

- Follow me.

- [straining]

Up here!

- It's Bam the gorilla.

- Hang on, Bam!

We'll get you down!

- Help us figure out
which vine we should cut

to set Bam free.

There's a vine with red leaves,

a vine with purple leaves,

and a vine with yellow leaves.

Which vine is Bam tangled in?

The vine with red leaves, yeah!

- Great cat...

Both: Claws!

- Whoo-hoo!

I'm free, thanks to you guys.

- Blaze!
[all gasping]


- That sounds like
Nelson the rhino.

- Come on!

- [straining]
I can't break free!

- Sit tight, Nelson!

We'll get you out of there.

- Which vine should we cut
to free Nelson?

The vine with blue leaves, yeah!

- [laughs]

am I glad to be out of there.

- Hey, has anyone seen Bunk?

- Help!
- This way!

- Look, there he is.

- [straining]

- We'll get you down, Bunk!

- Now there are four vines.

To save Bunk,
which vine should we cut?

The vine with orange leaves,

- Cannonball!

[all cheering]

- All right!

- Aw, thanks, fellas.

- We're just glad we got
everyone out of those vines.

- And now we can get back
into the race.

- Yeah,
but we're really far behind.

- Don't give up, guys.

If we do our best,
we can still win.

[all cheering]
- That's right!

- Now, come on, follow me.

[all cheering]

- ♪ Tweet tweet tweet tweet
tweet tweet tweet tweet ♪

♪ Tweet tweet tweet tweet
tweet tweet tweet tweet ♪

♪ Quack quack
- Pickle!

What are you doing?

- [laughs]
Oh, hey there, Crusher.

Now, I'm pretending to be
an oxpecker bird.

Did you know that oxpecker birds
clean other animals

by eating the bugs off of them?

- Bugs?

- Hold still.
I'll show you.

- [laughing]

- Mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm!

- [laughing]

[elephant trumpets]

[engines revving]

Wait, what was that?

[cheering, trumpeting]
Oh, no.

Here come those other racers.

- Oh, oh!
More animals for me to clean!

- [groans]

Those guys aren't gonna beat me.

It's time for this cheetah
to cheat his cheatiest cheat-ah

cheat ever!

I'm gonna make...

a super sleepy lullaby machine!

[machine playing lullaby music]


The music from
my lullaby machine

will make all those racers fall
fast asleep.

- [yawns]

Where's that music coming from?

- I don't know.

But I feel awfully sleepy
all of a sudden.

- Me too.


- I think
I might take a little...


[musical car horn honking]

- Blaze, watch out!

[lullaby music continues]

- Hubcaps.

The music from
Crusher's lullaby machine

is making all our friends
fall asleep.

- Too bad, Blaze.

You snooze, you lose!


- Stripes, Bam, Nelson!

Wake up!

[lullaby music playing]

- It's no use.
That machine's lullaby music

is too loud.

The only way
to wake up our friends

is to make a noise
that's even louder

than Crusher's machine.

- Wait a second.

I know something
that's super loud:

a great cat's roar!

- Yeah!

Great cats have a special roar

that they use
to call other cats.

And a lion roar is so loud...

[lion roars]

You can hear it
up to kilometers away.

[roar continues]

- Okay, lullaby machine.

Let's see if
you're louder than this.


- Blaze is roaring
at a volume of three,

and the lullaby machine
is at two.

Which number is bigger:
three or two?

Three, yeah!

That means
Blaze's roar is louder

than the machine.

[lion roars]

[all yawning]

And look,
our friend are waking up.

- [yawns]
Morning, everyone.

[machine beeping, whirring]

- Oh, man.

[lullaby music playing]

The lullaby machine
is getting louder.

Its music is at six,
and Blaze is at three.

Which number is bigger:
three or six?

That means the lullaby music

is louder than Blaze's roar.

- Nap time.
- Nighty night.

- And now the animals are
falling back asleep.

- To wake up our friends,
we need our loudest roar ever.

Help me roar super loud.

Shout, "Roar!"


- Whoa, now we're roaring
at a volume of ten,

and the lullaby machine
is at six.

Which number is bigger:
ten or six?

Ten, yeah!

That means Blaze is louder.

[lion roars]

[machine babbles]

- Whoo-hoo!
- Yeah!

[all yawning]

- I had the strangest dream.

- Glad to see
everyone's awake again.

- Thanks, Blaze.

- You saved us
from that lullaby machine.

- Well, I hope
everyone got a good rest,

'cause we're gonna need
all the energy we've got

to catch up with Crusher
and win this race.

[all cheering]
- Let's do it!

- Animals, follow me!

[all cheering]

[rock music]


[triumphant music]

- What a race we've had so far,

And the best part is,
it's not over yet!

[all cheering]

Let's go now to the finish

and find out who will
come in first and win...

the Animal Trophy!

[rock music]

- Look, it's Crusher.

- Uh-oh, he's so far ahead.

- [laughs]

That trophy's gonna be mine!

- We gotta do something.

- Hang on, everyone.

I know a way
we can catch up with Crusher.

We can use blazing speed.

- Whoa!
- Ah!

- Whoa!
- Nice!

- To give me
and my animal friends

blazing speed,
say, "Let's blaze!"

all: Let's blaze!

[all laughing, cheering]

- [laughs]
I'm almost at the finish line.

Nobody can beat me now...
[all cheering]

Especially not those five racers
speeding up behind me.


- Whoo-hoo!
- Whoa-oh!

Did I win?

[dramatic music]

[musical car horn honking]

[all cheering]

- Hoo-hoo!

I can't believe it.

An incredible finish
to an amazing race!

[all cheering]

- Roar!

Way to go, everyone.

- That was some race!

- Ladies and gentletrucks,

here they are,

your Animal Island champions!

[all cheering, roaring]

- [crying]

- [laughing]

- Pickle?

- Oh, hiya, Crusher.

Can you believe it?

I'm pretending to be a snail.


Snails are so interesting.

They've got big shells
and--and googly tentacles.

And they slide around

on their bellies
with slippery slime!


- Yuck!

I would never touch something
so slippery and slimy and--


- Oopsie.

Here, I'll cheer you up
with a nice, big hug.

- ♪ It's Blaze
and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ It's Blaze
and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Buckle up gonna roll

♪ Yeah we're ready to go

♪ With Blaze

♪ You'll be amazed

♪ It's Blaze
and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ It's time
for adventure extreme ♪

♪ Gonna kick it in gear
we'll be catching some air ♪

♪ With Blaze

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ It's Blaze
and the Monster Machines ♪
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