03x01 - Dinocoaster

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Blaze and the Monster Machines". Aired: October 13, 2014 - June 12, 2020.*
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AJ is an 8-year-old techie who drives monster-truck Blaze and go on adventures that have them taking on problems involving science and math.
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03x01 - Dinocoaster

Post by bunniefuu »

- ♪ On your mark

♪ Get ready to race

♪ One, two, three,
let's blaze ♪

♪ So buckle your seat belt,
we're gonna scream and yell ♪

♪ When Blaze
goes saving the day ♪

♪ Blaze, Blaze, Blaze

♪ Gimme, gimme,
gimme some speed ♪

♪ Blaze
and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Yeah

♪ Blaze
and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Yeah

♪ Blaze
and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Yeah,
let's blaze ♪

[laughing and cheering]

- Hey, it's me--Blaze!
We're at the amusement park.

all: Whoa!
- Whoo-whoo!

And then we're riding the rides!

- Yeah!

- [laughs]
- That was great!

- C'mon, let's ride another one!
[engine revs]

- Ooh, we can go on the Ferris
wheel or that giant slide or--

- Wa-ha!
- Hey, that sounds like our

friend Zeg, the dinosaur truck.
- Hmm, I wonder where he is.

- Yoo-hoo!

- Where do you see Zeg?

- Whee!

- Oh, yeah, he's bouncing
in the bouncy house.

- [yelps]

- That fun.

both: [laugh]
- Hiya, Zeg!

Looks like you've got
something on your head.

- [laughs]
Oopsie, mwah-mwah-mwah-mwah.

- Hey, Zeg, wanna ride
some rides with us?

- Yeah, we were just deciding
what to go on next.

- Ooh, ooh, Zeg
know what to ride.

Zeg want to ride...
Dino Coaster!

both: Whoa!

- It's a dinosaur
roller coaster!

- Dino Coaster have big drop

and big loop

and big volcano!

- Wow, we've never been
on that ride before!

- The Dino Coaster
looks amazing!

C'mon, let's go
get in line!

- All right!
- Yay!

- Ticket, please!

- Here you go!
both: [laugh]

- [laughs]
This is gonna be so awesome!

- Dino-awesome!
both: [laugh]

- Hmm, looks like we need a
ticket to ride the Dino Coaster.

- Ooh, ooh, Zeg have ticket.

It special ticket,
so we all ride Dino Coaster!

- A ticket for all of us?
- Way to go, Zeg!

- [humming]
Ooh, cool ride.

Oh, no, my ball!

It's bouncing away!

- It okay, little friend.
Zeg get ball for you.

[engine revs and tires screech]
You stay here, ticket.

[tires squealing]

Excuse me, coming through!


[tires screech]

- Nice catch!

- Thank you for getting
my ball back, Zeg!

- [laughs]
You welcome.

[engine revs]

- Good goin', Zeg!
- Yeah!

Now let's go ride
the Dino Coaster.

- Okey-dokey!
[wind blows]

Zeg just get ticket, and--

Wind blow
Zeg's ticket away!

- Gasket!
It's blowing out

of the amusement park
and into Axle City!

- Ticket, come back!

- Oh, no, it's gone.

- But Zeg was so excited
to ride Dino Coaster.

- Don't worry, Zeg, your
ticket's out there somewhere.

- Yeah, and if we
work together, we can find it.

- Zeg not give up.
Zeg and friends find ticket.

Then we all ride
on Dino Coaster!

- Yeah!
- Let's do it!

[engines rev and tires squeal]

- ♪ Ready to take on,
ready to take on ♪

♪ Ready for action,
let's hit the road ♪

♪ This time, we'll show you
what we're made of ♪

♪ This time, no one's
gonna stop us ♪

♪ So give it speed,
c'mon, let's go ♪

♪ Ready, more, take on,
feelin' fine, let's go! ♪

[tires screeching]

- Ticket!
Where you go?

- Help us look for the Dino
Coaster ticket!

Where do you see the ticket?

Yeah, there it is!

It landed on that train
full of piñatas!

- Blaze, look!
It's headed into that tunnel.

- Follow train!

[train whistle]

[tires screeching]

- Hubcaps, this giant piñata
is blocking the whole tunnel.

- [grunts]
Piñata too big.

It not moving.

- How are we gonna
get past it, Blaze?

- Hmm, piñatas are made
to break apart,

so let's break this piñata
with a big collision.

- Collision?

- Yeah!

A collision is when things
crash into each other.

So if we go really fast,
we'll make a collision

with so much energy,
it'll bash the piñata apart!

- Ooh, Zeg like collisions.

- I had a feeling
you'd say that.


[tires squealing]

- Remember: the faster we go,
the more energy

our collision will have.

So let's go a speed of .

- To go that fast,
we'll need to count by tens.

Count by tens with us.

all: , , ,

, !


- Check it out--
We cracked the piñata,

but we didn't break it apart.

- Bash again!
Make bigger collision!

- We can make a collision
with even more energy

by going faster.

- Let's try going a speed of !

Count by tens with us.

all: ,
, ,

, ,

, !


- Yay!
We make bigger crack that time!

- But to break the piñata,
we'll need to go even faster.

- This time, let's make
our speed !

- Ooh, !

- Count by tens to .

all: , ,

, , ,

, ,

, ,




- Now, that was a big collision!

- [laughs]

Piñata go...
[makes expl*si*n sound]

- [laughs]
It sure did.

[train whistle]

But look, up ahead!

There goes the train
with our ticket!

- It's getting away!

- There goes the train
with our ticket!

- Zeg need ticket
to ride Dino Coaster!


- ♪ We're movin' fast,
we're on a mission ♪

♪ Here we go,
ooh, collision! ♪

♪ When two or more things crash
into each other ♪

♪ It's collision,
collision ♪

♪ Exerting some force on one
another ♪

♪ It's collision,
collision ♪

♪ The faster you go,
the greater the energy ♪

♪ When things collide

♪ If you're really movin' ♪

♪ The impact might be
far and wide ♪

♪ When two or more things crash
into each other ♪

♪ It's collision,
collision ♪

- ♪ Do-da-do-do,
do-da-do-da-do ♪

- Pickle, aww,
this line is too long.

I want to bounce
in the bouncy house now!

- Aww, cheer up, Crusher.
Waiting can be fun!

C'mon, let's sing
a waiting song.

♪ Waiting, waiting

♪ Waiting in line
is so much fun! ♪

- Or, instead of waiting, I can
sneak to the front of the line.

- Hoo-hoo-hoo!
I'll just dig a tunnel there

with this shovel.

Don't go waiting for me--
I'll be bouncing in

that bouncy house in no time.

- Whoo!
Looks like I'm here!

The front of the line!

Hey, this isn't
the front of the line.

This is...
a water squirting game?

- [sniffs]

- Bless you!

- [laughs]


[tea kettle whistles]

- The ticket blew that way!

- Ticket--we coming!

- [laughs]
- Ooh!

- [laughs]
Hey, that tickles!

- Oh!

[alarm buzzes]

all: Whoa!

- Hey--

both: Whoa!

- Hey, who turned out
the lights?

[tires screeching]

- Whoa!
- Oh, no, we're trapped!

- Zeg trapped too!
- Help!

- [grunts]
- How are we gonna

get out of here, Blaze?
This box is super strong.

- Hmm, we'll have to bash our
way out with something

that can make a big collision.

- Yeah!
We need...an impact hammer!

- An impact hammer has a part
that sh**t forward really fast

to make collisions
with lots of energy.

- C'mon, let's turn me into
an impact hammer!

First, we'll need to make the
bit--that's the part

that slams into things.
To make the bit, say, "bit."


Now we need the piston--that's
what pushes the bit forward

so it can smash stuff.
To make the piston, say,



Now all we need is

the air compressor--
to give our piston the power

to move really fast.

To make the air compressor, say,
"air compressor."

Air compressor!

Oh, yeah!

I'm an impact hammer
Monster Machine!

- All right!

- Now, to make a big collision,
and break us out of this box,

say, "collision!"


- Whoo-whoo!


- Oh, yeah!

- The impact hammer worked;
we bashed out of that box!

- Blaze?
- Help!

- Come get me out of here!

- C'mon, we've gotta rescue Zeg
and the other trucks!

- Help! Over here!

- Listen!
Sounds like someone's trapped

inside one of these boxes.

- Can you tell us
which box you're in?

- Um, I'm in a red box
on top of two blue boxes.

- Where do you see a red box
on top of two blue boxes?

- Yeah, there it is!

- Time for an impact hammer

[engine revs]


- I'm free!

Thanks, Blaze!

- Help!

- Blaze, I hear someone else!

- I can't--I can't get out!

- Don't worry, I'll help you!

- I'm in a yellow box
between two green boxes.

- Where do you see a yellow box
between two green boxes?

Right there, yeah!


- Phew!
Thanks, Blaze!

- Now there's just one more
truck to rescue.

- Zeg!

- C'mon!

- Zeg--where are you?

- Zeg in green box
under two red boxes.

- Where do you see a green box
under two red boxes?

- There it is!

- One collision coming up!


- Yippee!
Blaze save Zeg from box.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
- [laughs]

- You're welcome, Zeg!

- Guys, look!
It's the Dino Coaster ticket!

- Ticket not get away this time!

[engines rev and tires squeal]

- Ooh, Crusher, I know what we
should do while we wait:

let's play "I Spy."

- [sighs]

- I'll go first.

- I spy...something
that you wait in.

Come on, Crusher, guess!
We're waiting in one right now.

Argh, it's a...

- Line?

- Line, yes!
You guessed it!

Okay, now it's your turn.

- Pff, I don't need to play
games while I wait in line.

- Well, why not?

- Because I'm gonna skip
the line and dig my way

right to the front.


♪ Dig-a-doo-doo-do! No more
waiting in line for me! ♪

♪ Dig-a-doo-doo!

Ooh, this must be it!

The front of the line!

Wait a minute...

This isn't
the front of the line.

This is...
a ball toss game?



- Whee!

- Look!
There goes the ticket!

- Hubcaps, it's blowing
into the pie factory.

- Pie factory?
My, oh my.

[engines rev]

- Check it out--the ticket
landed on that conveyor belt.

- Ticket!

- Oh, Zeg wonder
what that machine do.


- Zeg wonder
what that machine do.


Oof, whoa!

- Zeg!
- Are you all right, buddy?

- [groans]
Machine blast Zeg

with big berries.

- Oh, man, how are we gonna get
past these berry blasters?

[berries thumping]

- Hey, I see a way!

We can use these rolling pins
to make big collisions

and bash the berries away.

C'mon, Zeg, grab a rolling pin,

and follow me!

[engines rev]

[berries thumping]

- Ya--hiya!

- All right!

- Blaze bash berries!

- Be careful, everyone,
sometimes a berry blaster

pops out on my side,
and sometimes

it's on Zeg's side.

- Oh, berry blaster!

- Who's it gonna blast--
Blaze or Zeg?

Blaze, yeah!

Bash 'em, Blaze!

[berries thumping]

- Ya--wa--ya!

- Hooray!

- Nice going, Blaze!

[engines rev and tires screech]

- Another berry blaster!

- Who's it gonna blast--
Blaze or Zeg?

Look out, Zeg!

[thump thump thump]

- Ha--ha--bam!

Berries go...
[makes squishing noises]

- Nice one, Zeg!

[engines rev and tires screech]

- Berry blaster!

Who's it gonna hit--
Blaze or Zeg?


[berries thumping]

- Ka-pow, boom, blam!

- Whoo-whoo!
- All right!

- Look--
there's the way out!

- Uh-oh, two berry blasters!

- Who are they gonna blast?

Blaze and Zeg!

[berries thumping]

[both grunting]

[engines rev]

- Hooray!
- Yippee!

- We made it past
the berry blasters!

- Ooh, look!
Dino Coaster ticket!

It land in pie.

- Uh-oh, but that pie is headed
for the pie machine!

- Ticket!

- We've gotta grab that ticket
before it gets baked inside!

Time for some blazing speed!

To give me blazing speed, say,
"Let's blaze!"

Let's blaze!

[tires screech]
- All right!

- We got it!

- Yay!
Blaze save ticket!

- Here you go, Zeg!

One ticket to ride
the Dino Coaster.

- Ooh, Zeg so excited!

Zeg finally get to ride
Dino Coaster!

- [laughs]
C'mon, buddy, this way.

- Yeah!

- Coaster!

- Ha-ha, whoo!
- Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

- Ticket, please!

- Here ticket for Zeg
and Zeg friends.

- Have a nice ride!

- Ooh, ooh, ooh,
goodie, goodie, goodie!

- Hang on, everyone, because



- Whoa!
- Awesome!

- Zeg love Dino Coaster!

- Whoa!
- Whoo!

- Look, Crusher, we're almost
at the front of the line!

There's just
one truck ahead of us!

Uh, Crusher?

- So long, Pickle!
I'm not waiting anymore--

I'm digging to
the front of the line.


♪ Dig-a-dig-doo, front
of the line, here I come! ♪

I'm here!

I finally made it to--
Hey, this isn't

the front of the line.
This is...

a tomato toss game?


- Yuck, ow, ew, ow!

- Whee!


- ♪ It's Blaze
and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ It's Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ Buckle up, gonna roll

♪ Yeah, we're ready to go
with Blaze ♪

♪ You'll be amazed ♪

♪ It's Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ It's time ♪

♪ For adventure extreme

♪ Gonna kick it in gear

♪ We'll be catching some air ♪

♪ with Blaze

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ It's Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines
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