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08x07 - I'm Learning

Posted: 10/01/22 18:07
by bunniefuu
You're getting to be a big boy.

♪I'm just a kid who's four

♪Each day I grow some more

♪I like exploring - I'm caillou

♪So many things to do

♪Each day is something new

♪I'll share them with
you - I'm caillou

♪My world is turning,
changing each day

♪With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way

♪Growing up is not so tough

♪'Cept when I've had enough

♪But there's lots of
fun stuff - I'm caillou

♪Caillou, caillou

♪I'm caillou.

That's me!

And me!

And me!

And me!

- Gilbert! Wait for me!


- What was that loud sound?

Caillou wanted to find out.

- Daddy! It smells
stinky in here!

- I know!

My toast burned and
set off the fire alarm.

- The idea of a fire
was scary to caillou.

He was worried.

- A fire?

- We were very lucky, it
was only a little one.

It's out now.

Hmm, I think we should
get mommy and rosie to

Practice a fire drill.
That way, we'll all know

What to do if the fire
alarm goes off again.

- A fire drill sounded
exciting and important.

Caillou wanted to do it!

- I'll get mommy and rosie!

Gilbert, come on.

- Caillou knew that
fire fighters were there

To help when
there was a fire.

- Whoooooooo!

Gilbert, I'm a fireman.

Come back!


- Wheeeeeeee!

- Okay, we're going
to have a fire drill.

First, let's listen to the
alarm again to recognize it.

- Good idea!

- I wanna do it!


- Daddy explained that when
the fire alarm goes off,

The first thing to do

Is to get out of the house
as quickly as possible.

- Got it? Ready to try?

- Let's go outside!

Come on gilbert.

- There, now remember,
if there's ever a fire,

Once you're outside do not
go back in the house. Right?

- Right.

- Okay, now we make
sure everybody is here.

Then we call the
fire department

From a neighbor's house!

- Caillou decided
to pretend

He was a fire fighter
coming to help.

- Whoooooo!

- Caillou imagined the
flowers were on fire.

He loved playing his
fire fighting game.

- Look! I'm a fire fighter!

- And a great one too!


Watch where that water
goes mr. Fire fighter!

- Ha ha ha ha!

- Caillou and
his family

Finished their
first fire drill.

- Ahh, I see! Mm-mm!

- Oh, hello gilbert!

- Oh, bonjour rexy!

- Hunh?!

Bon what?

- Bonjour!

It means good
day in french.

- Oh!


- Ah, buenos dias teddy.

- Oh! Hola gilbert,
como estas ?

- Hunh? But-but
i-i thought...

- Oh, well, we're
speaking spanish.

Buenos dias means good day.

- And hola means hello.

- Oh wow!

Well what about,
hum, como es ...

- Como estas ,
means how are you?

- Ho ho! Wow! I just
learned something new!

Ok, ok, ok!

Now, it's my turn to
teach you guys something.

- Oh alright!

- Ok, let
me think, hmm,

Oh, I'm sure I
know something,

But what can I teach you?

Oh! Oh! I got it.

Can you do this? Huh?

- Jump up and down?

- Oh well, uh, yeah!

- We kinda already know
how to jump up and down.

- Just like that!

- Oh?

Oh, wa-wa-wait! I know!

I can teach you how to count!

- Oh! Well, uh, we already
know how to count rexy.

- Maybe, but I learned
a whole new way to count

And I'm going to teach you.

Hey! Let's all sing
rexy's counting song!

♪ ♪ ♪

♪Two, four, six, eight♪

♪Rexy's counting
song is great♪

♪One, three,
five, seven, nine♪

♪Let's all sing
it one more time♪

♪Two, four, six, eight♪

♪Rexy's counting
song is great♪

♪One, three,
five, seven, nine♪

♪Now let's find
a silly rhyme!♪

♪One, one, one, one, in
the sky I see the sun♪

♪Two, two, two, two,
I like going to the zoo♪

♪Three, three, three, three,
I just saw a bumblebee♪

♪Four, four, four, four♪

♪My dog is scratching
at the door♪

♪C'mon everybody sing along♪

♪Two, four, six, eight♪

♪Rexy's counting
song is great♪

♪One, three,
five, seven, nine♪

♪Let's all find
another rhyme♪

♪Five, five, five, five♪

♪That bumblebee
went to his hive♪

♪Six, six, six, six♪

♪Broken stuff my dad can fix♪

♪Seven, seven,
seven, seven♪

♪Can you count
up to eleven?♪

♪Eight, eight,
eight, eight♪

♪Hurry up and
don't be late!♪

♪Nine, nine, nine, nine♪

♪Gee, I think you
did just fine♪

♪One, three,
five, seven, nine♪

♪That was so much
fun to rhyme♪

♪That was so much
fun to rhyme!♪

♪That was so much
fun to rhyme!♪

= Ha ha ha ha ha!

- That was great rexy.

- Learning can
be so much fun!

= Ha ha ha ha ha!

- Yeehaw!

Giddy up horsie! Faster!

- Whoaah there, caillou!

- Daddy!

- You know, my friend
jonas lives on a ranch

With lots of horses.

Would you like to meet him?

- Is he a cowboy?

- He sure is!

- I want to go!

- Okay.

First thing
tomorrow morning.

- Oh boy!

- Meeting a real cowboy
sounded so exciting

That caillou could
hardly wait for tomorrow.

- I'll go find jonas.

- Here caillou, take
these carrot sticks,

You might want
them later.

- Caillou wasn't
interested in the carrots.

All he could think about
was meeting a cowboy!

- Caillou, this is
my friend, jonas.

- Hi.

- Hi there, partner.

Would you like a
tour of the ranch?

- Yes, please.

- Caillou had never seen
a real cowboy before.

He was very impressed.

- Why thank you,
little lady.

- Ha ha ha!

- I think rosie would
rather look for flowers.

We'll leave you cowboys
to your business.

- Have you ever seen a
lasso before, caillou?

- Wow!

- Caillou was amazed

By the tricks
jonas could do.

- Ah! Gotcha!

Good thing we caught that tree
stump before it got away!

- Look caillou!

- That's a big
horse, daddy!

- That's a pony.

Horses are even bigger.

I'll bring one out
from the stable.

- Caillou
couldn't imagine

How much bigger
a horse could be.

- Look out! It's raining hay!

- Ha ha ha ha!


- The sound of the
horse startled caillou.

- Maybe he doesn't want
us playing with his food.

- Really?

- No, caillou. Only joking.

- Here comes the
horse, daddy!

- Caillou couldn't believe
how big the horse was.

He felt a little scared.

- Caillou, this is lucky.

- Come on.

We'll meet him together.

- H-hi lucky!

- I think he likes you!

What's this?

- Carrots!

- You know, lucky
loves carrots.

Do you wanna give him some?

- Yes!

I like carrots too!

- A cowboy's
number one job

Is to take care
of his horse.

- Ow! It's prickly!

- That's because it's

Especially made
for horse hair!

- Ah!

- Good work.

Let's check his shoes.

- Shoes?

- Caillou thought
it was funny

That horses
wore shoes too.

- Sometimes, they
need to wear them.

I keep a few extra
pairs over there

If you wanna take a look.

- Caillou decided he
liked his shoes better.

- Hear that?

- Caillou pretended
he was riding a horse.

- Faster horsie!


- That gives me
an idea, partner.

I'll be right back.

With a surprise.

- Why don't we find
mommy and rosie

So they can see
the surprise too?

Hmm, I wonder
where rosie is?

- She was here
a minute ago!

- Peek-a-boo!

= Ha ha ha ha!

- Wow!

- I thought you'd like to
go for a ride, caillou!

- Hang on caillou.

Come on, rosie.

- No, horsie!

- Don't be scared rosie,

Lucky is a nice horse.

- There you go, lucky!

- And we're off!

- Caillou thought
lucky was very strong

To be able to
pull everyone.

- Would you like
to drive, caillou?

- Okay.

- Caillou was a
little nervous,

But he really wanted to
try driving the wagon.

- I'm driving, daddy!

- Now you look
like a real cowboy!

- Yeehaw!

- Hope you had
a good time!

Here's a souvenir.

- Wow! Thanks!

- Bye partner!

- Bye partner!

- Bye bye lucky!

- Whoaaaah horsie!

Now you can have
some carrots.

- Neigh !

- Yeehaw!

♪ Learning things is fun to do♪

♪Learning while we play♪

♪Telling time is fun to do♪

♪That's what we'll learn today♪

♪Tick, tock,
watch the clock♪

♪Tick, tock,
watch the clock♪

♪Tick, tock, watch the clock♪

♪Watching the
hands go round♪

♪When both the hands
are on the twelve♪

♪We start the afternoon♪

♪Eat our lunch and
play some more♪

♪Nap time's coming soon♪

♪Tick, tock,
watch the clock♪

♪Tick, tock,
watch the clock♪

♪Tick, tock, watch the clock♪

♪Watching the
hands go round♪

♪When the little
hand is on the six♪

♪Evening has begun♪

♪Eating dinner, bedtime's near♪

♪The day
is almost done♪

♪Tick, tock,
watch the clock♪

♪Tick, tock,
watch the clock♪

♪Tick, tock,
watch the clock♪

♪Watching the
hands go round♪

♪Tick, tock,
watch the clock♪

♪Tick, tock,
watch the clock♪

♪Tick, tock, watch the clock♪

♪Watching the
hands go round♪

♪Watching the
hands go round♪

♪Watching the hands go round♪

- That's odd?

The jackets
are giggling!

- Shhh! I'm hiding mommy!

- Caillou!

Caillou, I found you!

I found you!

- I don't wanna
play anymore!

- Caillou thought
it was unfair

That rosie had found him.

- I didn't tell where
you were hiding, sweetie.

I came here to
take my jacket.

- Look who I found hiding
under the kitchen table.

Rosie must know that
it's her nap time.

- Where are you
going mommy?

- I'm going to
the grocery store.

Would you like
to come with me?

- Caillou loved going
grocery shopping

With his mommy.

- I'll bring
something back rosie.

- That was very
sweet of you caillou.

- Caillou remembered
that he had

Lots of money
in his piggy bank!

- Shhh! Caillou, I just
got rosie to sleep.

I thought you were going
to the store with mommy?

- I am...

But mommy said that
we needed money.

- There you are!
Are we ready to go?

- Look mommy,
I have money!

- You better put
yours in your pocket
so you don't lose it.

- No mommy!

- Caillou felt that
he was much too big

To ride in the
grocery cart.

He much preferred having

His very own cart to push
around, and to fill up!

- Whoa! Sweetie, slow down.

I have a list of
things we need to buy.

Why don't you help me
find some of them, okay?

Let's start with some fruit.

- Caillou was good
at finding things

In the grocery store.

It was like a hide
and seek game.

Only you had to find food!

- Good work caillou,
you found the apples.

I'll get a bag
to put them in.

- I wanna do it!

- Here, let me show you.

- Caillou really liked
how the girl's face

Was all made up with
sparkles and swirls.

He wanted to have
his face painted too!

- You can get it done too.

There's a lady that does
face painting, over there.

You better ask
your mom first

Because it costs money.

- Mommy! Mommy! Can
I have that done too!

I have money, look,

Can I please?

- Caillou was happy to have
his face painted and he

Was proud to be paying
with his very own money!

- Beep!

- Here's your change,
have a nice day!

- This can be for rosie!

Ready or not here I come!

- Caillou and rosie played
a new game of hide and seek,

But this time,

Rosie was the one
that was easy to find!

Can you guess why?

- She has to put all the
same colours together.

- She has to put all the
same colours together.

- Match them up
colour to colour.

- The block is blue!

- I love blue!

- That's a big
fat yellow lemon!

- And a red apple!

- And the school
bus is... Yellow!

- Blue..



- Well done!
- Yayyy!

- What is she doing here?

- She's matching shapes!

See? A circle goes
with a circle.

- A tambourine
is a circle.

- That's a sandwich and it
goes with the triangles.

- The wallet
is a square.

- So is the block.

- Circle,



- Good work!
- Yayyy!

Some tubes are tall

And some tubes
are small.

- She has to put
them all in a row

From the shortest
one to the tallest.

Look! Only three
tubes left!

- The tallest
one! The red one!

- One, two, three,
four, five, six!

- Wow!

- Perfect!

- This is my favorite
juice, mommy!

- There! We're all
set for our picnic.

- Let's go mommy.

- Not yet, caillou.
We'll go later.

I have things to
do before we leave.

- Caillou wanted to go
on the picnic right away!

He did not understand why
his mommy wanted to wait!

- Can we go on our
picnic now, daddy?

- Now?

But it isn't lunch time yet!

- When's lunch time?

- By the time I finish
doing the laundry,

It will be lunch time.

- Awww!

- Vroom! Vroom!...


- Yes!

See, there's a
button missing.

We'll find a new one

And you'll have your
jacket for the picnic!

- You said picnic!

Is it lunch time mommy?

- No caillou. Not yet!

- Aww!


Ha ha ha ha!

- Caillou! You
surprised me!

- Are you finished?
Can we go?

- You know, time
occasionally feels like

It's going by...
Verrry slowly.

Hey, how would you like
to be a timekeeper?

You could be the
one who tells

Us when it's time to go!

- Really?

- I have just the thing!

When the big hand and
the little hand are both

Pointing to number ,
it will be lunch time.

And I'm going to set
the clock so that the

Alarm rings at lunch
time, just like this.

- Ah!

Thank you, daddy.

- Caillou was
having a lot of fun

With the alarm clock.

He was very proud of
his timekeeper job!

- It's not time yet!

- Me too.

- No rosie!

- Daddy had given
the clock to him.

He didn't want to let
rosie play with it.

- My clock!

Rosie did you take it?

- No.

- Caillou could
not believe it!

His timekeeper clock
had disappeared.

- My timekeeper
clock is gone.

- Do you know where
the clock is rosie?

- No!

- It must be around
here somewhere!

Let's look.

Caillou has lost his clock.

- It's not here!

- Could it be in here?


- Try to cheer up caillou,
we'll have a great picnic!

And maybe we'll find
the clock later.

- No! I don't
want to go.

I want my timekeeper's clock.


My clock!


It's lunch time!

Now we can go
on a picnic!

- I'm so glad you're here
because it's game time!

Today we're playing a game
that your mommy and daddy

Play all the time at home,

And it's one that you'll
be able to play too!

It's called the
"the put away game."

We'll need to find
just the right place

To put a whole bunch
of things away.

Are you ready to play?

- Ready!
- Yes!

- Alright, I'll show you
three pictures of things

That you probably
have around the house.

You tell me what they are.

Here's the first one.

- Fruit basket.

- That's right,
it's a fruit basket.

Looks yummy doesn't it?

Here's another.

- A laundry basket!

- Exactly, it's a basket
full of clean laundry.

Here's the third.

- A toy box!

- Lots of toys and
a great big toy box.

Okay, here comes three more
pictures, and your job

Will be to put them
away where they belong.

Are you ready to clean up?

- Ready!

- A doll.

- Mm, if I had a pretty
dolly like that,

I sure wouldn't want to
leave her lying around.

Where do you think
the dolly goes?

- In the toy box!

- You're such good

Here comes something else

That needs to be
put in its place.

- A banana!

- Mm, it looks all nice
and clean, maybe we need

To fold it and put
it with the laundry?

What do you think?

- No! It goes in
the fruit basket!

- You're right.

We'd look pretty silly
wearing a banana!

Bye bye banana!

Alright, we're almost
done cleaning up.

Here's the last thing
that's lying around

And needs
to be put away.

Eww! A smelly sock!

- It's not dirty. Where
do you think it belongs?

- In the
laundry basket!

- Good guess! Bye bye socky!

- He's funny!

- There! All put away!

You're so good at
this I think you can

Help your parents put
things away at home.

Thanks for
playing! Bye. Bye!

- Bye bye!

Captioning perform
- daddy!

My daddy shows me how to
do lots of neat stuff.

We like skating, except it's
not that easy at first.


And sometimes, daddy acts silly.

But he always knows how
to take care of us.

When I grow up, I wanna
be just like my daddy.


Mommy is great!

She takes me to
fun places like the beach.

Mommy says it's
fun to try new things.

She likes it when
I draw her pictures.

-It's beautiful
caillou! Thank you!

-And I like it when
she tucks me in at night.