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08x04 - Knowing How

Posted: 10/01/22 18:05
by bunniefuu
Woman: you're getting
to be a big boy.

♪ I'm just a kid who's four ♪

♪ Each day I grow some more ♪

♪ I like exploring,
I'm caillou ♪

♪ So many things to do ♪

♪ Each day is something new ♪

♪ I'll share them with you,
I'm caillou ♪

♪ My world is turning,
changing each day ♪

♪ With mommy and daddy,
I'm finding my way ♪

♪ Growing up is not so tough ♪

♪ 'Cept when I've had enough ♪

♪ But there's lots of fun stuff,
I'm caillou ♪

♪ Caillou, caillou ♪

♪ I'm caillou ♪

That's me!

- And me!
- And me!

And me!

- Look daddy,
that's our family!

- Wow!

- I'll help you!

- Mmm, I could use a driver.
Are you interested?

- Yes!

- Ok, mr. Driver, point
the way to the flowers,
so I can drop off this dirt!

- Over there!

- Uh-oh look out. No brakes.

- Whoahoahoa!

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Girl: hi, caillou!

Come over. I have
something to show you!

- Daddy, can I go?

- You sure can.

- It's a letter for you!

It says "caillou" right there.

There's a mistake in the
number of the address.

It says pine street.
That's my number.

What's your number?

Narrator: caillou knew there
were numbers on his house, too,

But he didn't
remember what they were!

- Huh! Let's go see!

Uh... And !

- That's !

- Look! I have a letter!

- Wow!

Hmm, mailed to pine street.

- That's my address!

"At , it feels
like a dream!" Ha ha ha!

I made it up so I'd remember.

- Ha ha ha! That's a good
idea, sarah!

Caillou, do you know
what our address is?

- Uh-uh!

Dad: pine street.

Hey! How about we make
our own rhyme:

Jelly bean, .

I am fine. I live on pine!

My family is fine.

The sun likes to shine.

Come here and see us at pine.

- We can write " "
on your house!

Girl: there, .

I better go back home now.

We're supposed to go
to the store soon.


- Jelly bean .

I am fine. I live on pine!

- 'Ine! Hee hee hee!

Caillou: .

Mother: I'm very impressed!

What's this?

"To caillou!" Let's see.

Isn't this pretty?

It reads: "you are invited to
my party, saturday at : ."

And it's from clementine!

- Yay, a party! I wanna go!

- Let's call her to let
her know you'll be there!

Dad: you can also tell
her your correct address.

- Ok sweetie, it's
clementine's mom. You
can tell her our address.

- Hi!

Huh, jellybean . Umm...

- I am fine. I live on...

- Pine!

I live at pine!

Hee hee! Thank you.

Yes, please.

Hi, clementine!
I'm coming to your party!

(Rim shot)

- Rexy, what are you doing?

- Oh! I want to start a band and
to do that, I need instruments.

Oh! And I also need musicians.

Do you want to be
in my band, teddy?

- Sure! I can play the drums.

What about asking gilbert?

Rexy: oh! Good idea!

This is gonna be so much fun!

All we're missing is
a really cool name.

Like uh, oh!
How about "rexy's rock band"?


Oh! Gilbert! Good!

You're not busy. Do you
want to be in my rock band?

- Oh! Well, actually
I am kind of busy. I'm
practicing my tai chi moves.

- But you already
know how to do tai chi.

- Well, even though I know
how to do tai chi, I have to
practice to become better at it.

- Oh.

Do you want to be in
my rock band anyways?

You get to play the guitar!

- Cool!

Oh! But I don't know how to
play the guitar,

So I guess I'll have to
practice. Ha ha!

- Great! Teddy's bringing
down the drums right--


Now. Hee hee hee!

And I'm going to blow some
mean notes on the trumpet.

- Oh! Do you know
how to play the trumpet?

- Um, not really, but uh,
it can't be that hard, right?

- Give us a beat, teddy-o.



- Um, I think there's
something's stuck inside.

- Uh, no, it's all a matter
of knowing how to do it.

Squeeze your lips
together and blow.


- Oh! I think it's broken.

- No! No! No! It's not
broken. You just need to
practice a little.

- We don't always
automatically know
how to do something,

Half the fun is figuring
out how it's done.

- It is?

(Pouah! Pouah! Pouah!) can I have
a rock band if I don't
know how to play?

- Well, I didn't know how to
do tai chi at first either,

But the important thing
is not to give up.

C'mon let's practice some more.
Give it another try.

(Pouah) ♪♪

- I did it! Did you
hear that? I did it!

- Ha ha! Yes!

- That was a splendid note.

Let's put that
to a little music.


- All right rexy! See?
That wasn't so hard.

Now you know how to
play the trumpet.

Rexy: hee hee!

And with a little more practice,
rexy's rock band will be touring

The whole neighborhood soon!

- Oh, my!
- Ha ha ha!


- Pssheeewww! Heeee!


- Hi, caillou!
What are you doing?

- I'm flying an airplane!
My daddy and I made it.

Why do you have your skates?

- Your mom is giving me a ride
to my figure skating lesson.

- Hee hee! You
can't skate in the summer.

Mom: caillou, would you like
to come along for the ride?

- Yeah!

- Hold on caillou.
You better put this on.

It's cool where we're going.

Narrator: caillou's mommy
was right.

Even though it was
warm outside,

Inside it was
cool and frosty.

- Hoo! Mommy,
it's like winter inside!

- I'll see you guys on the rink.

- Why are they wearing
ice skates indoors, mommy?

- Because this is
a skating arena.

People can skate
here all year long.

- Does the ice
melt in the summer?

- No! This is
special indoor ice.

Come, I'll show you.

Narrator: caillou was amazed!

He had only seen ice
outside in the winter.

- Caillou, why don't
you come out and skate
with me after my lesson?

- I only skated once before.

- They have lessons here.

You can learn all
sorts of neat stuff.


- Wow!


- I'll see you
after class, 'kay?

- Mommy, could I skate
like sarah if I took lessons?

- Of course.

Would you like to
come back for a class?

- Yes, please!

Narrator: a few days later,
caillou was ready for his
first skating lesson!

- Hello. You must be caillou!

I'm george, your
skating instructor.

- Hello! I already
know how to skate!

- That's great, we're
gonna have lots of fun then!

Don't forget your helmet!

Caillou: ok!

- All right, who wants
to learn how to skate?

All: me! Me too!

- Then come
out here with me!

- Are you coming, mommy?

- I don't have my skates,

But I'll be right
here the whole time.

- You know, learning to skate is
a little like learning to walk,

And sometimes... Whoa!

All: ha ha ha!

- You fell down!

- Sometimes I do.

But that's ok because
I get right back up!

Ok! I want you
all to kneel like me.

You just lift one foot, push up,
and bring up the other foot.

It's easy, see?

You're learning already.

The next part is easy: we
just walk between the cones
and back to the carpet.

Caillou, would you
like to be first?

- I learned to
skate with a chair.

- You won't
need one, you'll see.

Just walk over to me.

- Wooaah! Huh!

- That's all right. Now
get up like I showed you.

- Woo! Woo!

- Great job, caillou!

Now everyone!

All: hee hee!

- And now back to the carpet.
You, too, caillou.

Girl: wheee!

- Whoahoo! Huh!

Narrator: caillou was
getting discouraged.

Skating was harder
than he expected!

- That's all right, caillou.
You'll get the hang of it.

Let's practice some more, ok?

How did you like your
first lesson, caillou?

- My pants are wet
from falling so much.

- Yes, but you took
the first steps to learning
how to skate today!

And that deserves a special
sticker for your helmet!

I'll see you tomorrow, ok?

- Mommy, how come
I'm not as good as sarah?

- Oh, it takes practice,

I'm sure it took sarah
a few lessons to get
as good as she is now.

- I don't want
to come back tomorrow.

- Don't be discouraged. This
was only your first lesson.

Things will get better.
You'll see.


- Wow! Look at the truck, mommy!
It's driving on the ice!

- It's called a zamboni.
See the water it leaves behind?

It's making a fresh
new layer of ice.

What happened to
your plane, caillou?

- It's not a plane.
It's a zamboni!

I'm making ice. Beep beep!

- You better park it for now.

We'll be late for
your skating lesson.

- Do I have to?

- How about you
give it another try?

If you still don't like it,
then you don't have to go.

We could stay to watch
the zamboni afterwards.

- The zamboni! Yahoo!

- Hello, caillou. I'm
glad you came back today.

Raphaelle is new. Maybe
you can help her catch up.

- Uh!
- Don't worry.

I fall all the time, too,
but I know how to get up.


- I can tell you'll make
a very good teacher, caillou.

Come on, we have
some new games today.

All: yeah! Ha ha ha ha!

Caillou: uh!

- That's it for today,

You all did an excellent job.

See you tomorrow!

All: bye, george!

Narrator: caillou had so
much fun at his second lesson,
he didn't ever wanna leave!

- Do we have to go, mommy?

- We'll be back
tomorrow, caillou.

Besides, there's someone
I want you to meet.

Caillou, this is henry.
He drives the zamboni.

- Hi, caillou!

Your mom told me how much
you like the zamboni.

Would you like to
ride it with me?

- Can I really?

Narrator: caillou thought
that riding the zamboni

Was almost as much fun
as learning to skate.

There was only one other
thing that he wanted to do.

(Honk honk)

♪ We can do it,
we can do it ♪

♪ We can get it done ♪

♪ If we just know how ♪

♪ Then we can do it now ♪

♪ I can do it,
you can do it ♪

♪ Yes, everyone ♪

♪ If we just learn how ♪

♪ Then we can do it now ♪

♪ Some things are hard to do,
like learning to tie your shoe ♪

♪ But in no time, you'll do fine
you'll see it's easy to do ♪

♪ Some things take time to learn
like counting up to ten ♪

♪ But you can do it,
there's nothing to it,
just count along with me ♪

♪ It's real easy,
you'll see ♪


- - , - - , - - And

♪ Yeah! We can do it,
we can do it ♪

♪ We can get it done ♪

♪ If we just know how ♪

♪ Then we can do it now ♪

♪ I can do it,
♪ you can do it ♪

♪ Yes, everyone ♪

♪ If we just learn how,
we can do it now! ♪

Narrator: it was a beautiful
summer day,

And caillou was playing
in the park with rosie.

- Caillou!

Look, no more training wheels!

- Wow!

- Billy taught me.

I like having a big brother.
He teaches me lots of things.

- I teach rosie lots, too!

- Like what?
- Um...

Narrator: caillou tried to
think what he had taught rosie,
but he couldn't remember.

Mom: time to get going!

Caillou, come get your toys!

- Gotta go! Bye, clementine!

- I'll close it!
I'm her big brother!

- You certainly are.

Narrator: caillou wanted to
teach rosie something,

Just like billy
had taught clementine.

- Want to learn how
to ride my bike, rosie?

- Yay! Hee hee!

ok, now push the pedals.

- What are you doing, caillou?

- Billy showed clementine
how to ride her bike.

I wanna show rosie!

- There are some things
rosie's too young for right now,

Just like you used to be
when you were her age.

Rosie: choo choo!

- No, rosie.
Don't take it apart!

Watch, rosie. I'll show you!
You put it together like this.

Both: yay!

Narrator: caillou was very
excited he taught rosie

To put the train track

He wanted to show mommy.

- Look, mommy! Come see!

- Ok.

Caillou: rosie!

- I guess rosie's
not old enough to put
the train set together.

C'mon, you two,
lunch is ready.

- Why don't you show
rosie how to eat spaghetti?

- Rosie, watch!

You take the fork and put
the spaghetti like this!

- Hee hee hee! Pasketti!

- I guess I'm not
a very good big brother.

I can't teach her anything.

- That's not true.

She watches everything
you do and copies it.

That's one of the
ways she learns.

- Really?

- Sure. I know something
you can teach her.

How about that song we
used to sing before bed?

♪ A-b-c-d... ♪

- Oh!

Rosie, let's sing.
It's called the a-b-c song!

♪ A-b-c-d-e-f-g ♪

- ♪ A-b-f-d-c! ♪

- ♪ A-b-c-d-e-f-g ♪

- ♪ A-b-c-d-e-f-g! ♪

- She did it!

- You can't stop there!

There's still the rest
of the alphabet to go!

- ♪ A-b-c-d-e-f-g! ♪

♪ H-i-j... ♪

Boy: hey! A new scooter!

Boy: oh! They're
hard to ride.

Girl: well, you just
have to learn how.

That's all.

Boy: rollerblades.

Girl: when you're doing sports,
you have to wear the right gear.

Gear means stuff like
helmet and pads

To keep you from
hurting yourself.

Boy: even on a bike, you need to
keep safe all the time.

- Right.

Cool streamers!

I hope he holds on!

Scooters are hard to balance.

- Things are always easier
when mom helps, right?

Mom: here you go. That's good!

- All right, alex! Yay!
- Right on!

Mom: you ok?

Girl: oh, no! I hope
she's all right.

Boy: she's ok, 'cause she
was wearing her safety gear.

Daddy says that staying up is
all a matter of knowing how.

- That was a good day
of roller skating, mom.

Mom: yeah, you had fun?

Alex: yep!

Boy: when you're done, you have
to put all your sports gear away

So you'll be ready for next time
when you want to play.

- And if you work at it,
one day you'll find out

That you are doing
it the right way.

Mom: wake up, caillou.
It's time for breakfast.

No dawdling this morning.

We don't have much time before
we meet leo at the park.

- Ok!

- Thank you, caillou!

Narrator: caillou thought
about getting some breakfast,

But when he saw his toy car,

He couldn't help but
stop and play with it.

- Vroom vroom!

- It's about time.

Rosie's already
finished her breakfast.

Rosie: car! Car!

Caillou: not now, rosie.
I have to eat breakfast.

- You'd better hurry. You
still have to get changed
and brush your teeth.

Narrator: caillou was
having such a good time
playing with his car,

He forgot about
brushing his teeth.

- Vrooooom ooom!

- Caillou!
You're still not ready?


- Uh-oh!

- Hmm...

Narrator: caillou was taking
a long time deciding
which shirt to wear.

Mom: caillou!
We're ready to go!

- Coming!

Narrator: caillou was finding
all sorts of interesting things

On the way to the playground.

- A caterpillar!

- It's very pretty.
But we should keep going.

It's not polite to keep
leo and his mommy waiting.

- There he is!

Narrator: caillou wondered why
leo was leaving the playground.

Woman: hello. We waited
for you as long as we could,
but we have to get going now.

- Oh, sorry we're so late.

Leo: bye, caillou.
Maybe we can play later.

All: bye!

- It took so long for you to
get ready and now we hardly
have any time left to play.

Narrator: caillou was
disappointed that he
couldn't play with leo.

- Almost ready for
your bedtime story?

- Can you read me three
bedtime stories, daddy?

- I don't know if he can.
Remember what happened today

When we ran out of time?

It depends how long
you take getting ready.

- I know. How about we make
it a game?

When I turn this timer
upside-down, you've got five
minutes to get ready for bed

Before all the
sand gets to the bottom.

On your mark, get set, go!

- Ha ha ha!

Narrator: caillou really wanted
daddy to read three stories.

- I did it! I went fast, daddy!

- Ha ha! You sure did, caillou!

That deserves three
bedtime stories!

Narrator: caillou was very happy
that he got ready on time.

- I like that game, daddy!

- "Once upon a time, there was
a little boy named caillou,

And he used to take
a lot of time to do things."

Boy: hi, gilbert!

- Oh. Oh, good, you're
just in time.

Today we're going to play
a game called, "musical
instrument sounds."

One of my biggest dreams is to
be a conductor of an orchestra.

But first, I have to know
how each instrument sounds.

Can you help me?

Kids: yes!

- Perrrrrfect.
So let's get started!

I'm going to show
you four instruments.

Can you help me figure
out what they are?

Kids: ok! Yeah!

A guitar!

- Oh! Well I'm sure glad
that I know that now!

How about this one?

Kids: a drum.

- Ah! And the next?

Kids: a harmonica!

- And the last one.

Oh! It has the same
name as its shape.

A triangle!

Now we need to figure
out which sound goes
with which instrument.

Here comes
the first sound.


Now that sounded like
fairies or wind chimes.

Was it the drum?

Kids; no! It's
the triangle!

- Oh! Bravo!
You're absolutely right!

Maestro, play us
another melody.


Cool! Uh, I mean
that's music to
my delicate ears.

Kids: ha ha ha!

- You think that
was the guitar?

Kids: no!

- Oh? Oh, right.
I--i knew that.

It's the drum,

Kids: no! It's
the harmonica!

- Ooh, that's a lot
of sound for such a--
a tiny little thing!

Now, onto the next.

(Thump thump
thump-thump crash)

Oooh, I like that!
It's got a good beat.

What do you think?

Kids: the drum!

- Oh! Now we only have one
instrument left.

I'm going to give you two
sounds and you tell me which
one is the guitar, ok?

Is it this one?

(Elephant trumpets)

Kids: ha ha! Noooo!

- Or is it this sound?

(Strum strum
strum strum strum)

Kids: yes!

- You're absolutely right.

Girl: yay!

- And now that I know how
each instrument sounds,

I'm going to invite
you all to be in my orchestra!

See you next time!

Boy: bye bye!

Girl: see you
later, gilbert!

Caillou: daddy!

My daddy shows me how
to do lots of neat stuff.

We like skating, except
it's not that easy at first.


And sometimes daddy acts silly.

But he always knows
how to take care of us.

When I grow up, I wanna
be just like my daddy.

-I like playing with my grandpa.

One time we looked at
the moon way up in the sky.

Grandpa knows
how to make things...

We even made a tent once,

And my grandpa
gives the best hugs.