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08x01 - Vacations

Posted: 10/01/22 18:02
by bunniefuu
You're getting to be a big boy.

♪I'm just a kid who's four

♪Each day I grow some more

♪I like exploring - I'm Caillou

♪So many things to do

♪Each day is something new

♪I'll share them
with you - I'm Caillou

♪My world is turning,
changing each day

♪With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way

♪Growing up is not so tough

♪'Cept when I've had enough

♪But there's lots
of fun stuff - I'm Caillou

♪Caillou, Caillou

♪I'm Caillou.

That's me!

And me!

And me!

And me!

Forgotten on the steps.

I can't believe Caillou went
on vacation and left me here!


It's the most
beautiful day and I feel
like hiding under the bed.

-Hello Teddy!


-Ha! This is the most
beautiful Spring day ever!

Do you want to play with me?

Huh, Teddy? Want to?

Uh oh, do you need a hug, Teddy?

-A hug would help,

but I don't think anything
is going to fix my broken heart.


you broke your heart?

-I really didn't break it, Rexy,
it just means I'm very very sad.

Caillou and his
family went away on vacation.

-I know.

-And Caillou's Mommy
made just enough room for me

in Caillou's suitcase and she
washed me and got me all ready.

-I know.

-Then she put me
out on the steps to dry off

and... and...

forgot me here!

-Uh oh.

that feels sad.


Very sad.

Caillou was going
on vacation with his family,

and this was the first
time he'd ever been on a plane.


-There you go.

-Caillou was curious
about everything.

-Leave that alone, Caillou.

We'll be taking off very soon.

Just sit back, please.

-Are you two
behaving yourselves?

-Mommy. You have to sit back.



-The plane was taking off.

Caillou loved looking
out of the window at the
disappearing ground below.

-Those little white
things are houses, Caillou.

-Daddy, are we there yet?

-No. Not yet.

-Would you like some breakfast?



-Caillou had never had
breakfast on a plane before.

After breakfast, Caillou's Daddy
was listening to some music.

Caillou was very curious
about how it worked.



-Good morning, young man.

How are you enjoying the flight?

-Say hello to
the pilot, Caillou.


-Would you both like to come
and see how I fly the plane?

-Ooohhh yes.

-We'd love to.
Thank you very much.

-Welcome to the flight deck.

This is Caillou.

-Hi, Caillou.



Daddy What's that?

-Those are clouds, Caillou.




Are we in the clouds now?


-I like being in the clouds.

be landing soon, so you'll
have to go back to your seats.

Oh, I almost forgot.

All our junior
pilots get one of these.


-Caillou was very excited to
have this special pilot's badge.

Pretty soon the plane
was landing at the airport.


We're on the ground.

-Thank you for
flying with us today.

-I hope you have a
wonderful vacation, Caillou.

And I hope we'll
see you again when it's
time for you to fly home.

-Gilbert! Gilbert!


-Wha? I didn't
lick the anchovy off the-


-Gilbert, we've
got Teddy trouble.

-We do?

-Caillou forgot Teddy
here on the porch steps,
when he went on vacation.

-Oh no! That
would break his heart.



-It already did.

-Oh. Teddy trouble for sure!


-Caillou's family
was on vacation.

It was his first trip
to the ocean and the beach.

♪The beach. The sea.

♪We're off to see the sea.

-Caillou. Rosie.
Do you hear that?

-What is it?

-That's the sound of the ocean.

-We're here.

was so excited he couldn't
wait to get to the beach.


Look, Mommy, the ocean.

-Yes, and look Caillou, the sun.

And that means sunscreen.


No, no it tickles.

-Bye, bye!

-There. That should do it.


This is a nice spot.

-Who wants to go in the water?

-I do! I do!

-Caillou hadn't
had swimming lessons yet,

so he held his Daddy's hand
tightly as they ran into the-

-It's cold.

-Oh, it's all right
once you get used to it.




-Caillou loved any
kind of picnic, but a picnic
on the beach was best of all.

Caillou's sandwich
had sand in it.

-Look, Mommy.



-Hey. That's my sandwich.


-Caillou followed
that strange little crab
that lived in a shell.

all the way to a tidal pool
full of creatures from the sea.

There were starfish

and sea horses

and sea urchins.



-Who wants to help
me build a sand castle?

-I do. I do.

Go away.

Look Rosie, like this

and like this.



Mommy. Daddy. Look.

-When the tide comes
in it's time for us to go.

-My castle.

-Well, we'll
have to come back tomorrow
and build another castle.

-And we'll come back the
next day, and the next day...


Ha ha!

-I found this mask and snorkel!

-Oh purrr-fect!

I think that's everything.

-But Gilbert,
those are summer things.

There's still snow outside.

-Well I know,
but the family was going to
a warm place with a beach.

-But it's not warm here.

know that too, but we're going
to have to... make-believe.

You're good at that!

-Yes I am!


C'mon we've got to
take a bear on vacation.

Oh this will be so much fun!

-This will be so much fun!

-C'mon Rexy!

-I'm coming!

Caillou, can you guess
which one goes in front

of the birdhouse and
which one goes in the back?

-I know! This is where
the birds can come in!

-Could you hand
me that piece of wood?

Now, I'm gonna glue
the floor on before I nail it.


-I'll get it!

Hi Sarah!

-Hi Caillou!

-What's that Sarah?

-It's the key to my
house and a note from my Mom.

We're leaving
today on our vacation.

-We're going to
take care of Sarah's house
while her family is away.

Let's see.

It's a list
of reminders of things to
check around Sarah's house.

-You're leaving?

-Yeah, I'm gonna
be gone the whole summer!

But, I'll be back!

-Come and see
what we're building.

-OK, but I can't stay long.

-Look Sarah! The
birds come in through here!

-Hi Sarah! Do
you want to help too?

-Can we paint it daddy?

-Sure! I'll bring it upstairs.

-I'll get my paint!

I'm making a snake!

-Look! Your snake
has chicken pox now!


That was your mom
on the phone, you have to
go home and finish packing.

-Caillou didn't
want Sarah to leave.

He wanted to continue
painting the birdhouse with her.

-Have a great trip Sarah!

-Have a wonderful vacation.


-Bye Caillou, I'll
see you when I get back!

-Caillou was
already looking forward to
when Sarah would come back.

-Me too!

-No Rosie, this
is mine and Sarah's.

Mommy I want to paint
the birdhouse with Sarah.

-I know Caillou, but Sarah will
be gone for a couple of weeks.

Why don't you go ahead
and finish painting it.


-That looks great Caillou.

-Sarah helped too.

-You two did a great job.

I bet she'll be happy
to see it when she comes back.

-I'm leaving to
go check on Sarah's house,
would you like to come too?


-Look at all this! We'll
take it inside the house.

-I want to do it!

-All right.

Now let's see, where's that
check list that Sarah gave me?

-The house was very quiet and
Caillou thought it was strange

to be in Sarah's house
when she wasn't there.


-Oh Caillou.
It's only Sarah's cat.

Come on Ollie! Supper time!

Only one scoop, Caillou.

I'll take care of his water.

-Ollie ate all his food mommy.

-Let's see... we brought
in the mail, fed the cat.

Now we have to water the plants!

-Can I do it?

...and so Caillou
toured the house to water
the plants with Mommy.

-We're all done!

-When is Sarah
coming home Daddy?


It's a postcard for
you, all the way from China!

It's from Sarah!

-From Sarah?

-It says: Dear Caillou,
I am visiting lots
of relatives in China.

I'm having alot of fun.

-Then it says: I can't
wait to show you pictures!

Please give
a hug to Ollie for me.

I miss you all. Love Sarah.

-When is Sarah
coming back Daddy?

-Not for another
few weeks Caillou.

-Rosie! Rosie! I
got a postcard from China!

-I'll be right back Caillou,
I have two more plants to water.

-Hi, Ollie. Here's
a hug from Sarah.

-Caillou thought
it was taking a very long
time for Sarah to come back.

He missed her very much.

-Ready to go?

-Birdie! Birdie!


-I'm going to
Sarah's house Caillou.

Want to come and help me?

-Rosie too!

-Why don't we all go!

-Mommy! The door is open!

-Ollie, where are you going?

Aren't you happy to see me?


-Sarah was finally home!

Caillou was
very happy to see her!

-Caillou. "Nee - how!"


-Nee - how! It
means hello in Chinese!

-Oh Hello!

Thank you so much for
taking care of everything!

-We were glad to help!

Did you have a nice trip?

-It was great!

-Sarah! I have to show
you our bird house, come on!

Real birds live in it now!

-Wait! I have something for you!

-What is it?

-Here, let me help you.

It's a fan!



-Caillou was very
happy to see Sarah again.

♪Pack up your bags,
Bring your new hat,

♪We're off on
a holiday, Imagine that!

♪Let's get in the
car, Bring teddy bear,

♪If you leave him
here, He won't be there!

♪Va-ca-tion, a week away!

♪Family time to laugh and play!

♪Va-ca-tion, a week of fun,

♪For you and me and everyone!

♪New things to
do, swim in the waves,

♪Build castles
of sand, explore a cave,

♪Buy some postcards,
be sure to send,

♪Each one back
home, to all our friends!

♪Va-ca-tion, a week away!

♪Family time to laugh and play!

♪Va-ca-tion, a week of fun,

♪For you and me and everyone!




There we go.

Oh Teddy?


-Rexy told me the bad news.


Sad news.


Sad news.

-Oh yes.

-We don't want
you to be sad, Teddy.

-Oh. I know,

but it's hard to be
happy with a broken heart.

-Yeah, it's broken, Gilbert.

-Well we have a wonderful idea.


Don't waste your time.

Nothing will cheer me up.


-Oh, I'm sorry, Gilbert,
but Caillou forgot me.

I'm a bear with a broken heart.

-Oh I know,

and Rexy and I aren't Caillou,

but we want you to
come with us on vacation.

-A vacation?

-Uh huh!

With us!

-Oh, thanks, but...

it just wouldn't be the same.

-There's more than one
way to cheer up a teddy bear.



I found you, Grandpa.

-You have to catch me first.



-Hi guys. That looks like fun.

Why don't you come
and join us in the garden?

-OK, Daddy.

Giddyup horsie.

Giddyup horsie.


Oh, that reminds me of the
time I took your Daddy camping,

when he was a little boy.

-Camping? With my Daddy?

-Oh, you bet.

We saw a big raccoon.

And we went swimming
in a waterfall.

-I want to go camping with you.

-A camping trip
takes planning, Caillou.

-Well, it does sound like fun.

And it needn't
take a lot of planning.

Do you still have that tent?

Because I think
I know just the spot.


-Hey! Caillou? Where'd you go?

-Here I am, Grandpa.

-This time you go inside
while I hold the front up.

Now, you see
that pole in the back?

-A pole?

-I'd better show you.

-Look, Grandpa - bugs.

-Oh, someone
else has seen them too.

Come and see.

-Grandpa. I saw a
nest and it had baby birds.

-Well we'd better
get that tent set up,

or we'll be sleeping
in the trees tonight too.

Not too close now.

They look perfect.

Mmm. Deliffush.


You wook like a chipmunk.

-Camping with Grandpa
was going to be a lot of fun.

-Look at all the stars, Grandpa.

-Ohhh. It's getting late.

I'll get the
sleeping bags ready.

-Grandpa. What are
those lights in the bushes?

-Those aren't lights,
Caillou. They're fireflies.

Let's see if we can catch one.

-I did it, Grandpa.

I caught one.


-You sure did.


-All these noises
were making Caillou nervous.

But Grandpa found a solution.

-Are you two campers awake yet?

Breakfast is ready.

Good morning. What happened?

Did it get too cold last night?

-It got too noisy, so we decided
to go camping inside the house.

-I was camping with Grandpa.

-Next time we
go camping, we'll tell all the
animals and birds to be quiet.


You don't have to go far away
from home to enjoy a vacation.


-All you have to do is have fun!

Try new things.


Eat lots of yummy food

play games

get lots of rest.


And the best part
is you get to spend lots
of time with your family,

and they get
to spend time with you.

-Here it comes!

-Oh, good try!


-Oh nice throw!

-I'm not really good
at catching things Gilbert.

-Oh, you'll get better.


-Now we're going to
invite Teddy on our vacation.

-But Gilbert,

Teddy said no.

-Well true, but we're going to
invite him in a different way.



A beach ball?

-Come join us on our vacation.


-My silly friends.

They look so silly,

it's impossible not to laugh.

Even with a broken heart.


I'm sad about Caillou
forgetting me, and

I guess Caillou is sad too.

But I would hate it
if Caillou was so sad he spent
his whole holiday missing me.

He wouldn't be having any fun.

I want him to have
a good holiday, so...

I should have
a good holiday too.


-It's working.

-You two are terrific!

All right, a little silly.

-Gilbert says silly is good.

-It most certainly is.

-Now that we're all
here, let the vacation begin!

-Okay, who has the sunscreen?

-But Teddy. Teddy it's not-

-Oh I know. I know!

I'm just pretending.

Come back and see me soon!









We have loads of fun together.

Like bird watching
with real birds.

Grandma's real
good at arts and crafts.

And we love playing music.

I love staying
over at Grandma's house.