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01x09 - Circus Stars/Limelight Fright

Posted: 10/01/22 17:40
by bunniefuu
Hi. My name is
emily elizabeth,

And this is clifford,
my big red dog.

♪ Clifford needed emily ♪

♪ So she chose him
for her own ♪

♪ And her love made clifford
grow so big ♪

♪ That the howards
had to leave their home ♪

♪ Clifford'’s the best friend
anyone could know ♪

♪ He'’s the greatest dog ever ♪

♪ I really think so ♪

♪ Clifford'’s so loyal ♪clifford!

♪ He'’s there when you call ♪

♪ I love clifford,
the big red dog ♪

♪ So they packed up
the family car ♪

♪ And the howards
left the city ♪

♪ They moved to birdwell island
and found many new friends ♪

♪ There to greet
clifford and emily ♪

♪ Clifford'’s so much fun,
he'’s a friend to us all ♪

♪ I love clifford,
the big red dog ♪



Captioning made possible by
the u.s. Department of education

Gordo the great!

Isn'’t he one
of your favorite
stars, clifford?


Hee hee hee.
I thought so.


There'’s charley.

I wonder if he knows
the circus is in town.


Your own poster
of gordo the great.

He really is
the greatest.

He'’s just an elephant...

With a cape.

He'’s not
just an elephant.

He'’s the greatest
elephant ever.

What makes him so special?

He can walk
on his front legs
and lift a ton,

And he'’s
been everywhere
in the entire world.

Wouldn'’t it be great
to actually meet him?

Meet gordo?

Emily: clifford!


Charley says the circus camp
is at birdwell park.

Yeah, and if we hurry,

We can watch them
set up the big tent.


There it is.



What'’s going on?

Not much, it looks like.

[Elephant sneezes
and trumpets]

What was that?

Let'’s go see.

Dr. Dihn.

What are you
doing here?

Is one of
the animals sick?

I'’m afraid so.

[Elephant trumpets]

Gordo the elephant
has a terrible cold.

Oh, no!

He'’s the star
of the show.

Will he be ok?

With medicine
and a little rest,
he'’ll be just fine,

But there won'’t be
any circus tonight.


oh, no.

I'’m afraid
dr. Dihn is right.

Gordo'’s the only one
big and strong enough

To raise
our big top tent.

No tent, no circus.

Hey! Clifford
could raise the tent.

Who'’s clifford?


Clifford is
my big red dog.

Wow! He is big.

Yeah, and he'’s
really strong, too.

Do you think he'’d like
to help us out?



I think he'’d love to.


Let'’s put up a circus!


Oh! Oh.

Ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Hee hee hee hee.

Thank you, everyone,
for a job well done.



come on, everyone!

Gordo wants to meet ya.

Look, clifford.
He'’s almost
as big as you are.


And he sneezes
just like you, too.

Come on over, you guys.

Hello, mr. Gordo.

I'’m clifford, and
these are my friends

T-bone and cleo.

Clifford says
he'’s your biggest fan.

I can see that.

We'’re sorry
you don'’t feel
so well, mr. Gordo.

Oh, I'’ll be ok.

I just wanted
to thank you, clifford,

For helping set up
the circus tent.

We all helped.


[Sniffling] well,
then thank you all,

But I wonder
if you could

Do me another favor,

Sure, mr. Gordo.

Well, we usually
do a big finale
every night,

And I do some things
with boomer.

The clowns goof around
and the acrobats
do some tricks.

Hee hee hee hee!

[Sniffling] would
you mind--ah-ah--

Doing that--ah-ah--

For me--ah-ah--



Well, sure!
I'’d love to.


Wow! Clifford'’s gonna
be in the circus.

You lucky dog,

Gee, cleo and t-bone
really love
the circus, too.

Can they be
in the show with me?

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Well, ok.

Why don'’t you all
perform tonight?


That would
be great,
mr. Gordo.


[Sniffling] oh.

Boomer will show you
all what to do.

Oh, and one more
thing, clifford.

Yes, mr. Gordo?

Just call me
plain old gordo, ok?


Ladies and gentlemen!

Welcome to the greatest show
in the cosmos!

The zigarini circus!

I can'’t believe
we'’re gonna be part
of the circus, clifford.

It'’s my dream come true,

This is going to be
the best circus

Birdwell island
has ever seen.



It'’s almost time
for our big finale, guys.

You really practiced hard,

You'’re gonna be great!

[Gordo trumpets]

Hey there, clifford.

Hey, gordo.

You'’re up!

Yep. Dr. Dihn says
I'’m completely recovered.


That'’s great!

So I can go on
with the show after all.


not so loud, big guy.

Gordo can'’t wait
to do the finale

With you and t-bone,

Hey, what about

He worked hard
to learn
the act.

It'’s ok, cleo.

I loved
just learning the stuff.

You mean clifford
doesn'’t get
to perform?

But that'’s not fair.

You wanted
to be in the circus
more than anybody.

That'’s right,

If clifford
doesn'’t go on,

We don'’t go on.


Well, well.

You certainly do have
loyal friends, clifford.

but it'’s really ok.

No. They'’re right,

And I was
really looking forward
to performing with them,

With all of you, really.

Heh heh. Oops.

You mean
all this time

You were
gonna let clifford
perform with you?

That was the plan.

Well, then,
what are we
waiting for?

Let'’s go!


Let'’s go!

[Drum roll]

Ladies and gentlemen,

Presenting the astounding,
the amazing,

Gordo the great

And clifford
the big red dog!

[Laughing and cheering]

Look at clifford.
Isn'’t he great?

[Arf arf arf]

[Arf arf arf]

[Arf arf arf]

[Arf arf arf arf arf]


[Ruff ruff ruff]


[Ruff ruff ruff]




Thank you, gordo.

This is one of
the most exciting days

In my whole entire life.

Me, too, clifford.

You know, everything
is more fun

When you do it
with good friends.

Emily: clifford!

It'’s story time!

You want to hear
a speckle story,

Don'’t you?
[Woof woof]

Hee hee. I thought so.

He'’s your favorite.

Today'’s story is "speckle
and the little big snack."

One day, speckle
headed for the kitchen
to make a snack.

He started with big slices
of pumpernickel bread

And some cheese.

Then he added
some lettuce and tomatoes

And pickles and more cheese

And green olives
and black olives
and red olives

And everything else
he could find

In the refrigerator,

Speckle had created
the biggest sandwich

In the whole wide world.

A huge, colossal, enormous,

Way too big
to get in your mouth
kind of sandwich.

Speckle tried
every which way

To eat
his beautiful sandwich,

Until he finally realized

That the best way
to enjoy such a big snack

Was to share it,

So speckle invited
his friends over,

And together they shared
the best big sandwich

In the whole wide world.

The end.

That was a great story.

Isn'’t reading fun?


Hee hee!

[Rattles shells]

It figures the ferry
would be late

Nothing'’s ever
fast enough when you'’re
waiting for a surprise.




Ha ha hee hee hee![Rattling]


[Caribbean rhythm plays]

[Gasps] hey, look!

They'’re playin'’! Ha!

Woman: look
at that big dog!

Ha ha ha ha!

Hee hee hee!

Ha ha!

Ha ha ha
heh heh heh!

[All playing faster]

[Music stops]

Crowd: whoo-hoo!
Bravo! Just great!


Wow. Ahem.
Thank you.

Thank you
very much.

Oh, wasn'’t
that great?

Did you see
that dog?

Did you hear
that applause, guys?

They love me!

Emily: look, charley.
There it is!


It'’s my surprise
from my father.

He sent away to jamaica
for something,

But I don'’t know what.

Hurry and open it,

[Arf arf][ruff]

[Both gasp]

It'’s incredible.

A steel drum!

Your dad knew
how much
you wanted one.

Wait till you hear
how it sounds.

[Playing a tune]

You kids
are just wonderful.

When'’s your next show?


We'’re not really
doing a show.

But you'’re so talented,

And your dogs
are, too.

You really must
do another show.

Well, what
do you think,

Sounds like fun.



They love me.

[Playing steel drum]

So, you like the gift,
eh, charley?

It'’s unbelievable.

He'’s not the only one
who likes it, samuel.

Everyone does.

That'’s why we want
to do this show, dad.

To give everyone
a chance to hear it.

[Playing steel drum]

This show is really
gonna be fun.

Yeah, I can'’t wait.

Me neither.
I just love to dance,

So let the show begin!


The show'’s
about to start.

And now,

the big red show!

And now, cleo
the dancing dog!



she'’s not moving.

Emily: go, cleo!

[Crowd whispering]

Woman: come on, dance.

Emily: now, cleo!


Woman: she'’s not moving.
Is she all right?

[Steel drum playing]

[Ruff ruff ruff]


Woman: oh, that is great!
I loved that!

Thank you.
Thank you.

Thanks for coming,

We'’re glad
you liked it.

You kids
were fantastic today.

Thanks, dad.

It'’s fun making
your own music,
isn'’t it?

It'’s great!

Yeah, but what
happened to cleo?

I think she got
stage fright
or something.

I know.
It was weird.

What should we do?

We want to do
another show
this afternoon.

It seems like cleo
really loves to dance.

I bet she finds a way
to work it all out, huh?

Hey, cleo,
come help me.

I'’m covering
clifford in sand.

No, thanks.

I don'’t really
feel like playing.

What? Quit jokin'’,

Want to do
something else, cleo?

Not really.

Want to practice
your part for the show?

Emily says we might
do another one
this afternoon.

No! Uh, I don'’t
need practice.

I know what
I'’m supposed to do.

So how come
you didn'’t do it
this morning, cleo?

Oh, that.
Well, the, uh...

Sun was in my eyes,
and, uh,

I got a splinter
in my foot,

And, uh, a bug
flew into my mouth.


Well, I just love
the way you do
that dance thing.

♪ La la la da ♪

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Nice moves, t-bone.

Thank you,
thank you.

You know, cleo,

We don'’t have to
be a part of the show

If you don'’t want to.

Emily and charley
would be great
all by themselves.

Of course I want
to be a part
of the show.

I'’m the best part!

You'’re great!

You really
are good.

You'’re right.

I'’m gonna do it,

I have to.

It just wouldn'’t be
as good without me.

I hope cleo'’s gonna
be ok this afternoon.

I hope so, too.

She looks so cute
when she dances.


Think cleo'’s gonna dance
this afternoon, clifford?

She'’ll be fine.

Uh, see you later,

I'’m goin'’ home.


Please don'’t go, cleo.

Everyone loves it
when you dance.

Cleo, are you afraid
to do the show?

not afraid exactly.

More like...

Totally terrified!


Uh...i don'’t know.

There'’s just so many
people out there.

I mean, I didn'’t
even notice
the people

When we were
just having fun

Playing music and
dancing at the dock,

But now they'’re
all just sitting
out there

Waiting for me.

What if they
don'’t like me?

What if I forget
how to dance?

They'’re gonna
like you, cleo,

No matter what you do.

you love to dance.

You said so yourself.

You'’re not gonna forget.

Remember dancing
on the ferry dock?

It was so much fun.

It was, wasn'’t it?

And everyone
loved you.

They did,
didn'’t they?

So what do you say?

Want to go out there
and dance?

We'’re all here for you.

the big red show!

And now...

Cleo the dancing dog!

[music stops]



[Music starts]

And now...

Cleo the dancing dog!


[Woof woof woof]

[Ruff ruff ruff]

Man: it'’s amazing.


[Music stops]

Think she'’ll
ever stop, clifford?

She'’s got to
get tired sometime.

Let me help you
with that.

Thanks, t.

[Ruff ruff ruff]

Thanks, guys.

That was really a terrific
show we all did, wasn'’t it?

Yeah. Too bad cleo
doesn'’t know that it'’s over.



Ha ha! She knows
it'’s over now.

Ha ha!
Come on, emily.

Let'’s take these tablecloths
back inside the shack.

Oh, clifford.
Today was so much fun,

And I think everyone
really liked my dancing.

Of course they did,

It'’s fun to watch
someone doing something
they really love.

Thank you, guys,
for being there with me.

It really
helped to see your
smiling faces backstage.

No problem, cleo.

what friends are for.



[Steel drum
and maracas playing]

Whoo-hoo! Whee!

Playing fair makes playing
fun for everyone.

That'’s why clifford'’s
big idea for today

Is play fair.

Hurry, t-bone.
My turn is next.

Ok, cleo!

I'’m next,
I'’m next, I'’m next!

And then
it'’s mac'’s turn.

Ok, cleo. Your turn.

Oh, boy!


Whoa! Whoo!

Yeah! Ha ha ha!

That wasn'’t fair.

You'’re right.
We'’re supposed to take turns.

That'’s the fair
way to play.

Oops. Sorry.

It'’s your turn, cleo.

Hee hee! Thanks, mac.

You'’re welcome.

Playing fair
makes playing fun.

That'’s why clifford'’s
big idea for today

Is play fair.