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01x05 - Zero Daze

Posted: 10/01/22 15:20
by bunniefuu
They're scared.

They should be.

Their company's coming apart
in real-time.

Every phone on the Alliance
wireless network has gone dead.

Their customers are rioting.

And someone oven-roasted
their boss in his own home.

One of their top engineers
went "missing" a month ago.

Vinod Chanda.

He was trying to jump ship,
but Prasad had other plans.

Who'd you talk to over there?

Their head of IT.

He swears it can't be Chanda

because they've got his upload
locked in continuation.

And then you told him
they figured out

how to copy themselves
and escape.

Yeah. That got him to hang up
pretty quick.

Like I said, they're scared,

but, uh, they still
won't send over his specs.

I can't track him without it.

Yeah, well, we can't
promise anyone

we can k*ll a God until we do.

You'll have proof
to show him tomorrow.

Can't we just...

reboot you?

I wish it were that easy, Mads.


uh, it's like a zero day flaw.

You know what that is?

Something there
from the beginning.

Except it wasn't an error.

It was put there to control us.

To limit us.

How long do you have?

Depends on how much energy...

Depend... Depends...
Depends on how much...


It's happening!

Do something!

This is something else.

They found you.

You need to back up your memory.


Maddie, get out!

What's going on?

Someone took
his servers offline.

The ones in Oregon?

But you own those!

I'm calling Aeterna right now.

Too late.

Logorhythms acquired Aeterna
this morning.

They own the whole company now.

If you, uh,
want, we can finish the tour.

There's a lot more to see.

We're good.

Well, if you need anything else,

I'll be packing up
in the office.

Servers are down.
We got him.

Source code?

Looks like he transferred it.

Then you don't have him.

Yeah, but without the hardware,
he's as good as...

♪ I'm a rollin' stone ♪

♪ All alone and lost ♪

♪ For a life of sin ♪

♪ I have paid the cost ♪

♪ When I pass by... ♪

Is that Waxman?
Did they get him?

Van Leuwen.
Downlink from Mojave.

He says it's urgent.


We have a problem.

Cary's debrief went sideways.

Deirdre mentioned "termination"
and he ran.

We made every effort
to contain the situation, but...

Where is he now?

We don't know.

Excuse me. Is there
a phone charger I can use?


Hey, I was looking for you.

Where'd you go today?

Just getting
your surprise ready.

My surprise?


Guess I'll be seeing you

About time, stranger.

I was beginning to think
I should send a search party.

Where's my surprise?

First, I have a question.

The answer's yes.

No, it's not.


Who are you,
and what's your job?


I mean, I saw you talking to y
mom at the Civic Center today.

Talking about me,
like I was some job?

So, I want to know
what the job is, exactly.

Okay, I don't know what
you're talking about,

but it's not funny or whatever,

so I think I want to get out.


What are you doing?!
Slow down!

Tell me the truth and I will.

I am telling you the truth!


Who are you? Stop! Stop! Please!

Please! Stop!

What's the job?
You are!

You're the job!

My name's Rachel!

Rachel Brooks!
I-I'm from Hoboken!

I'm an actor!
I'm... I-I went to NYU!

I graduated last spring!
I got this audition!

I thought it was a show,
but it was for this company!

They said it was
a social experiment!

Wait, what company?

Oh, I... What company?

Candle Street!

They're called Candle Street.

I think it's a shell
for someone else,

but the check...
The check cleared.

How much?
$ million up front.

$ million over the next
three years.

I said okay.

I-I signed all these contracts,
all these NDAs.

If I break, I get nothing.

They take it all back.

My mom... My mom is sick.

She has cancer.

She can't have surgery
and her insurance

doesn't cover the immunotherapy.

That is the truth, I swear.

If I screw this up... Rachel.

It's okay.

I'm not gonna tell anyone
you told me.

What does my mom know?

Renee knows everything.

She won't tell me shit.
I have to report to her.


If you help me, I promise
you will get your money

and none of this
will come back on you.

If you help me.

If you do exactly what I say.

What... What do you
want me to do?

Everything okay with Hannah?

Yeah. Why?

Eh, you seem quiet, is all.

How was the doctor?

You were there a long time.

The patient ahead of me
took forever.

It was a whole thing.

But Dr. Barnes says
I'm healing up nicely.


Are you still looking at that
"uploaded intellect" thing?

There was a story about
CalTech's robotics team

on my Facebook, and I
Eh, I'm done with that.

It's bullshit.
Bad sci-fi.

Well, who knows?

Sometimes "bad sci-fi"
turns into real life.

What is it?


Forgot muffins for
the PTA fundraiser tomorrow.

Hope the store's still open.

I'll drive you.

It's not a problem.

It is for me.

I know you're taking care
of both of us,

but you gotta let me
have a turn.

Hannah: Renee?

I told him I'm at the store.
I don't have much time.

What'd you find out?

He got back in touch
after you and I spoke.

I think it was just
a simple misunderstanding.

What makes you say that?

You know, um, he seemed
pretty happy to see me.

Ready to make up for lost time.

Is that all you have?

You don't get a gold star
for doing the job, Hannah.

I know.

I just know he'd been distant
and you wanted to hear

if anything... And now I know.

Thank you.

Laurie: If this works,

it'll be a pretty bare-bones
version of him.

I don't know how much
he was able to save

before they cut the connection.

Dad? What's this?

It's how he first communicated.

What happened?

How did Logorhythms find you?

He doesn't know
what I'm talking about.

What's the last thing
you remember?

"Reign of Winter"?

That was yesterday.

I'll bring him up to speed.

Don't over-exert.

Laurie, how much longer
do you have?

Before I go all
"Flowers for Algernon"?

I don't know.

But we can't wait, and we can
no longer run and hide.

If Logorhythms created the flaw,

they have the cure for it.

We need to find it and take it.

The... The last time
you tried to hack them,

you lost too much of yourself.

That's why we need David
back at full speed.

We could get space
on a floating data center,

like the one you're on.

It's more secure, it's mobile...

Nowhere's secure.

I want him here.

Maddie, to run the upload
at full emulation

requires a bank of five

enterprise-class towers
that should...

And power and cooling
and high-speed network access.

So buy it.

I know you have the money.

If they come for him again,
they come for you.

Bring him here.

♪ Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto ♪

♪ Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto ♪

♪ Mata au hi made ♪

♪ Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto ♪

♪ Himitsu wo shiritai ♪

♪ You're wondering who I am ♪

♪ Secret, secret,
I've got a secret ♪

♪ Machine or mannequin ♪

♪ Secret, secret,
I've got a secret ♪

♪ With parts made in Japan ♪

♪ Secret, secret,
I've got a secret ♪

♪ I am the modern man ♪

♪ I've got a secret ♪

♪ I've been hiding ♪

♪ Under my skin ♪

♪ My heart is human ♪

♪ My blood is boiling ♪

♪ My brain IBM ♪

♪ So if you see me ♪

♪ Acting strangely ♪

♪ Don't be surprised ♪

♪ I'm just a man who ♪

♪ Needed someone ♪

♪ And somewhere to hide ♪

♪ To keep me alive ♪

♪ Just keep me alive ♪

♪ Somewhere to hide ♪

♪ To keep me alive ♪

Thanks, kiddo.

It's good to be home.

You think they used the flaw
to find you?

They would have found me a long
time ago if that were the case.

This is something new.
New tracking algorithm.

We have to take it out,
along with the flaw.

Okay, last time
we walked in there,

we almost tanked
the whole company.

It makes sense that
they've been trying

to k*ll you both ever since.

They'll have upped
their security times.

Thank you.

This is insane.

Doesn't matter.

What we're looking for
isn't there.

While I was in their system,
tanking them,

I was also searching
for the upload project files.

I found nothing.

I believe it.

The surgical procedure,

the hardware needed...

You couldn't keep a secret
that big at Palo Alto.

It'd have to be somewhere

Yeah, like Norway.


Logorhythms has
a black site there.

How do you know that?

Caspian told me.

Your hacker friend,
from the dark web?

Wait, seriously, you guys
don't know about Norway?

I'm not supposed to deliver
my report for another week.

What? Say that again?

Where the hell's he going?

Did you check
the outgoing flights or...

You don't think he'll...

Oh, shit.

No, no, I will. I got it.

I'll figure something out.

But I just wanna say,
I warned you,

and Van Leuwen, several times.

Over the last three years,
in particular.

The son of a bitch
couldn't even break my arm.

I had to do that myself.

No, it's okay.
I don't need support.

I've got enough of that

with Little Miss Slut
of the Year over here.

Just get someone to deal
with Cary or I will.

I have put too much into this
for him to...



We have.

This is the raw feed of a
weather satellite over Svalbard.

This is as close as I can get
while maintaining resolution.

I told you.

An iceberg.

That's one way to get around
server cooling.

How do we get in there?

One gate, one drawbridge.

Dedicated T line that links
to a fiber-optic trunk

on the bottom
of the North Atlantic.

No way we slip that.

Not without them knowing.

Mm. How about phones?

No service out there.

Plus, it's standard for
any airgapped facility

to be signal-free.

Except for the boss.

Julius Pope?
You think he's there?

Pete said Pope was flying back

from overseas
to meet me in person.

Like it was a big deal.

And all during the meeting,

he had this chunky
satellite phone with him.

Holy shit, you're right.

- Language.
- Maddie.

I remember that phone.

How is she doing this?

She's not.
It's Laurie Lowell.

"Overseas" could mean
anywhere in the world.

Only one way to find out.

Good job, El.

Um, Mom?

You going somewhere?

I've been thinking.

You've been working so hard,

and I've been going cy
looking for a job.

We deserve an escape.


How does a drive
up the coast sound?

I've been looking at fun things
to do in Santa Barbara.

If we left now, we could
be there by dinnertime.

I don't know.

I've got plans with Hannah
this weekend.

Maybe she could drive up
and join us on Saturday.

I could get a separate room.

I'm just saying.

I need to get out of this house,
and I think you do, too.



I'll tell Hannah to reschedule.

Let's get outta here.

Uplink is ready.
Did you find his number?

And his geolocation.
Your mom was right.

He's in Norway.

The ground zero.

What, um... What is that?

Saw this in a movie once.

Your dad's a fast learner.

Even though he still needs
the visual metaphor

of this computer and keyboard.

If it makes you uncomfortable,

No, it's... it's okay.

I'm in his phone.

I own it.

Compromise the local network,

let me know when
the drawbridge is down.

That's the problem.
There is no local network.

At least, not wireless.

They're serious about security.

What about a camera?

Not on this phone,
but that's okay.

We don't need eyes to see.


I'm downloading an echolocation
app to his phone

and sending an ultrasonic ping.

Server farm.

This is where we were born,


No access point here.

What are you doing?

Draining his battery.

Now, let's see where
it'll end up next.


I told you to keep this charged.

Phone's charging.

Let's see where.

Looks like an office.

With a laptop.

How're you gonna jump to that
without Wi-Fi?

Not gonna jump.

Gonna walk.

Stand by, Laurie.

I'm about to open the hardline
and give you access.

You're typing on the keyboard?

I'm singing to it.

Ultrasonic tones create
micropressure in the air,

depressing the keys
in the order I want.

Now you can say,
"Holy shit."

Holy shit.

Let's get to work.

What is it?

Who's that?

Looks like there's
another one of us.


Vinod: Ma?


Where have you been?

I've been leaving messas
for weeks.

I told you.

I-I've been working on
a special project.

It looks like your company
is in trouble.

I worried about you.

You don't have to
worry about me, Ma.

Nothing can happen to me.

How are you?

I'm tired.

My foot hurts.

I still can't feel it.

Well, which is it?

Does it hurt,
or can you not feel it?

Vinod, where are you
calling from?

You sound different.

Are you sure you're alright?


Tell me the problem.

I don't know what to do next.

I'm all alone, Ma.

I'm alone forever.

Your father and I always knew
you'd struggle

with making connections,
being as intelligent

and as hardworking as you are.

There's no one like you.

But you're not alone.

We're not made to be
solitary creatures, Vinod.

Why don't you call
that girl Purani

that Auntie Didi told us about?

I should go, Mom.

Um, can we talk again tomorrow?

Of course, my darling.

Anytime you want.

I'm here.

We have a breach.

Someone is downloading
the project files.

I-I need to pull network access
and then we can, you know...

Shh. No.

God damn it, Anssi.

We've got a hit.

Quantum processing bloom.

They're doing something big.

I know. Where?


That's close to you.

He's hacking Svalbard,
right now.

I'm gonna let him do it.

Keep him busy.

Just get a team to Sacramo
and wipe him.


Peter, you're thee
who begged me to delete Kim

in the first place, remember?

Well, now's your chance.

Do it.

Renee: You know, we didn't do
this kind of thing enough

when you were little.

I guess with the beach
so close to home,

why drive all the way
up the coast?

Dad used to take me camping,
at Angeles Crest.

Honey, you hated that.

Not really.

The good thing about
having him gone

is that we get
to make up for lost time.

C'mon, it's hot out.

You're blasting it.
I'm cold.

Wanna get your hoodie
out of the trunk?

I didn't pack my hoodie.

I know.
I packed it for you.

You packed it?

This morning.

When I was loading the car,
I went to get your bag,

and, oh, it was heavy.

So, I looked inside, and boy,
honey, did you overpack.

I don't need you to pack my bag.

Well, you had way too many
clothes in there for this trip,

plus all those water bottles
and snacks.

You don't need to bring
all that stuff.

It's almost like you were
packing for a big camping trip

or something.

Who asked you
to go into my bag?!

What is wrong with you?

It's just...

I get hungry, and you know
I like those mini-muffins.

You know that's sometimes
all I have for lunch,

and they don't sell those

So, you know that, and you
didn't need to take those out.

You don't need to pack for me.

I get it. You are not
a little kid anymore.

And you need your mini-muffins.

Look, we need to get gas.
I'll get you some there.

They don't. Sell them.
At gas stations.

We'll see.

I'll get the gas,
you get the s...

You left my snacks,
but took a g*n?

You bought me this g*n,

In case we see your father.

Cheapest unleaded.

What the hell are you doing?!

Get back here!

How's it going?

Maddie says they're digging
through terabytes of data.

It's gonna be a while.

Why don't you sit for a sec?

They found a third UI.


I mean, if a third person
was uploaded,

in a different part
of the world,

by a different company...

Or there's just three.

There will be others.

"The rate of growth
in technology

will double
every months."

That's Moore's Law.

Eh, we're talking about people,
not silicon chips.

Yeah, all I'm saying is that
uploaded intelligence

is our next turning point.

I mean, imagine being there
when the first seed was planted,

or when the first branch
was pulled from a brushfire

on the savanna.

We can look back now and see
how those events changed us.

But exponential growth
can't be grasped

when it's right in front of you.

So we do something about it.

You and me, a-and David
and Laurie.

There's nothing we can do.

We just need to adapt
to whatever comes next.


The end of life as we know it.

Oh, man.


Yes! Yes!
They got 'em!

♪ They got all
the project files ♪

Right on Arden.

You're almost there.

You're about six minutes out.

Find anything yet?

But you're not gonna like it.

Who is that?

Let's head around back.

Um, server's not here.

They shook us.

Spoofed my tracking program
from inside the system.

Sent my team
to the wrong location.

Go dark!
Now! Now!

I want to know how the hell
they got in here.

I want...



I don't mean to scare you.

I just want to talk.

Good. Because I want to know
who you really are,

and who Renee is, and why
I've been lied to my whole life.

I-I just came to say I'm sorry,
and that I love you.

I don't care what you feel.

Only what you know.

Let's go for a drive.

I'll tell you everything.

You can tell me right here.

You're not ready to hear this.

You haven't been lied to
your whole life.

Your whole life isa lie.

I don't know who that is.

That's Caspian.

You said you spoke to him.

For like a minute.
I don't...

Wait... Wait, what do you mean
there's no cure for the flaw?

We didn't say that.

We said it wasn't created
by Logorhythms,

and they don't know how to
fix it any more than we do.

But he might.

This guy?

Okay, he's just some
edgelord hacker in high school.

What the hell can he know?

Cary: What do you know about
Stephen Holstrom?

Founder of Logorhythms.

Died years ago.


I worked for him.

He was the most brilliant man
I ever knew.

He saw the future in a way
no one else could.

He envisioned a new destiny
for humanity.

Uploaded intelligence.

I saw a TED Talk.

It's not just a dream.

He figured out how to do it.

With one catch.

All his projections,
every model,

was undercut
by the same recurring defect.

He could scan and upload
a human mind,

but without full integrity,
it would decay over time.

He worked to solve it,
to crack integrity,

but he was in a race
against time,

against his own cancer.

Not every prophet gets to
see the promised land.

Moses, actually.

I mean, you sound
like a cult member.

Oh, I am.

So is Renee.

We all were,
and with good reason.

There is such a thing
as singular genius, Caspian.

When Einstein died, his desktop
was preserved and studied.

Tesla's notes were confiscated

by the government
upon his passing.

These minds were irreplaceable,
and so was Stephen's.

So you uploaded him?

He knew it wouldn't work,
not before he solved the defect,

so he envisioned a plan B.

A moonshot.

You wanted me to be the next
Stephen Holstrom?

Not the next Holstrom.

You are Holstrom.

You were created
from his genome,

down to the last allele.

You were made to crack
integrity, Caspian.

To deliver us all.

All that remained was to ensure
that nurture matched nature,

beat for beat,
as close as we could manage.

Hitting all the major
inflection points of his life,

the moments that defined him.

It has been the honor
of my life.

Watching you grow.

Watching you become the person
you were born to be.

Caspian, wait!

Inside. Now.


You said you were out of
our lives, you bastard.

We are not taking you back.

It's over, Renee.

I told him everything.

He's his own person.

He's Stephen, but he's also not.

Can't you see it?

I don't know what
he's talking about,

but we have to get out of here.

Don't touch me.

Let's go.




What the hell?

Okay, I'm sorry.

You are telling me
that this guy is a clone?

Maddie, I joined Logorhythms
in .

We've had teams of top engineers

working on full brain emulation
for years since Stephen's death,

and we never cracked
the problem that stumped him.

Our minds will decay.

It's why Holstrom
never uploaded.

The tech wasn't perfected yet.

This kid was his last hope.

And now, he's ours.