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Sx03 - The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About Camping!

Posted: 09/30/22 19:03
by bunniefuu
Oh, Cat?
It's almost time!

Why, Fish!

Don't you look


Come along for the ride!

We mustn't be late.

We've got to get Fish
to this most important date!

Aha ha!


* Hey


* Come over here

* The Cat in the Hat
is about to appear *

* He's whizzing over
to whisk you away *

* On a fabulous
journey today *

He's coming!

* And now he's arrived
in the Thingamajigger *

* The thing that he drives

* He's a cat
and he's oodles of fun *

* With his hairy helpers,
Thing and Thing *





* Can't stop
the Cat in the Hat *

* All of our
adventures start
like that *

* Wherever you're going,
wherever you're at *

* The Cat in the Hat
knows a lot about *

* He knows a lot about,
he knows a lot about *

* He knows a lot about camping

(Children laughing)


(Squirrel chattering)

(Chattering, sniffing)

The water's getting rough,

Watch out for rocks!

(Both grunting)

We've got to get
through these rapids.

Paddle closer to shore,
it's calmer there.

(Both grunting)

(Chattering, sniffing)

The first day of summer vacation

and we've already conquered
a wild river!


(Sally gasping)


Nick, I think I see
a rare bird!

Yes! A red-bellied

(Car horn honking)

Hey, I heard a moose!


A moose driving a truck!


(Clattering sound)




(Squirrel chattering)



That squirrel took my snack.

Well, we are camping
in his living room.

Hmm, I never thought of it
like that.

And he may be the only real

we see on this camping trip.

(Birds chirping)


More wildlife!


Sally, wouldn't it be great to
go on a real camping adventure?


In the wilderness, we'd see
lots of plants and animals

we've never seen before!

(Both gasping)

(Cat munching)

Trail mix, delicious!


Thank you so much.

It's the Cat!

The Cat in the Hat!


The raisins are my favourite!

Or is it the sunflower seeds?

I can't quite recall!


Ah! Oh, ah!

Pardon my manners.

So nice to see you again,
Nick and Sally.

Same here!

Nice to see you too, Cat!

I was just flying by
and needed some water,

then noticed that hose
by that teeter-ma-totter!

Oh, of course, but I could get
you some lemonade.

Would you like that?

Hmm, oh, Fish!

Water or lemonade to top up
your fish bowl?


No, that'll make me feel sticky.

Just water, please!


Nice, huh?

Jet-burst bubble action,
hot tub controls,

dual cup holders!

(Music playing)

And it's totally wired
for tunes!

Cha cha cha!

(Kids giggling)

Cha cha!



Oops, sorry!

(Cat laughing)
Didn't mean to get you wet.

I was going to have a shower
before the family reunion,

but not with my jacket on.

Family reunion?

What's that?

A reunion is a big celebration

when families get together
with all their relatives.

Huh, cool!

Are there a lot of fish
in your family?

Oh, yes!

Aunts, uncles,
great aunts and uncles,

cousins, second cousins,
third cousins,

second cousins once removed.

That's Grandpa Gill
and Grandma Goldie.

Grandpa Gill was
a gold-medal swimmer.

Grandma Goldie rescued sharks.


How exciting!

Aw, wasn't Fish an adorable
little squirt? Ah!

Aw, that's you?

Yup, with my folks!

Mom teaches Fish Ed
at a minnow school,

and Dad is the president
of Big River Bank.


You must be really proud
of them.

I am.

I hope they'll be proud of me,

Are you kidding?

Dressed like a movie star fish

and arriving in a luxury
fish bowl?

You are going to make a big
splash at this party, haha!

That's what it's all about!

Where is your reunion?

Tickle Drop Falls.

Oh, how do you get there?


By Thingamajigger Express!

The rest of the clan swim
upstream for days,

through the heart of
the wilderness!

The wilderness?

With big forests!

And cool wildlife!


All that and more!

It's a camping adventure
in the big wild outdoors.


Uh, Fish?

What do you think about bringing
along two guests

to Tickle Drop Falls?

Of course,
the more, the merrier!


We can go, too?


Your mother will not mind
at all if you do!

Let's go and ask!


Can we go to Fish's family
reunion at Tickle Drop Falls?

A fish family reunion?


Sounds like a splashy good time
to me!

Yay! Thanks, Mom!

We can go! We can go!

Oh, I know! I know!

Oh, we'll all have
a stupendous time!

Better get packing!



* We're packing to go camping

* Camping with one and all

* So gather your gear
and pile it up here *

* We're gonna have a ball

* So let's go on a great
outdoors adventure *

* Pack up your things
and come along with me *

* Pack up the tent
nice and tight *

* So when we sleep,
the bugs won't bite *

* And don't forget our sleeping
bags to keep us warm all night *

* We'll need a light
for nighty-night *

* Water and food
to have a bite *

* Picnic plates,
saucers and cups *

* Get 'em together,
we'll pack 'em all up *

* Let's go on a great outdoors
adventure *

* Pack up your things
and come along with me *

* Let's bring heavy clothes
to stay warm on a chilly night *

* And for hot days
we'll need clothes

that are nice and light *

* Great job, Sally

* That's it, Nick

* So pack everything you need

* But leave your smiles out

* 'Cause when we're on
a camping trip *

* Fun is what it's all about

* Fun's what it's about

(Kids giggling)

(Fly buzzing)

Oh, bug spray and sunscreen,
thanks for the reminder!

* Let's go on a great outdoors
adventure *

* Pack up your things
and come along with me *

* Let's go on a great outdoors
adventure *

* Pack up your things
and come along with me *

(Animals whistling)

* Pack up your things
and come along with me *



To the Thingamajigger!

Make room for Nick
and Sally, Fish.

(Grunting, groaning)

Is this thing ever... heavy!

Moving this when it's full
is not recommended!


Oh, I couldn't agree more!


Uh, hi!

Uh, hello!

(Cat laughing)

I almost forget to introduce
my cousins.

Your cousins?

Nick, Sally,

I'd like you to meet
Little Cat A,

Little Cat B,

and Little Cat C!

Hey, what's up?

How's it going?

Nice to meet ya!

Where are we going,
Cousin Cat?

We're going camping!


All right!


What's camping?

Camping is when you get back
to nature,

hiking through the forest,
cooking over a campfire,

sleeping under the stars!

What do you say?

All right!

Sounds good!

Okay, hee hee!

Well, that's wonderful!

Climb aboard,
happy campers!

(Little cats grunting)

(Sound of computer games)

Allow me to take
your luggage.


What do you have in here?

(Cat purring)

Oh, don't you just love
heading out

on a summer adventure?

Buckle up!

(Thingamajigger honking)


Flick the Jiggermawhizzer!

(Sally giggling)

(Horn honking)

Isn't this fun?


* Here we go, go,
go, go *

* On an adventure

* The Thingamajigger
is up and away *

* Go, go, go, go

* On an adventure

* We're flying with
the Cat in the Hat today *

* We'll set up our camp
at Tickle Drop Falls *

* And meet Fish's family
and chat with them all *

* Here we go, go,
go, go *

* Summer adventure

* Go, go, go,
go, go *


(Horn honking)

What a beautiful day
for flying!

We should be at that fishy
reunion in no time!


Tickle Drop Falls,
here we come!

Actually, could we make
another stop?

I need to top up my fish bowl.


My, you do spill a lot
when you're splashing about.

But I haven't been splashing
at all!

I don't know why we keep having
to add more water.

Hmm, there is a puddle
around my feet.

Hmm, ahh!

Well, now that you mention it,

I'm feeling a little dampness
up here, too.

(Water trickling)

Then, that must be
the problem.

My brand-new, deluxe,
fancy fish bowl is leaking!


And so is the Thingamajigger!

Oh, why now?

Things were going just the way
I planned,

and now this happens.

Don't get your fins
in a flap, Fish.

There'll be lots of time
to patch the problem

before your family reunion.


(All shouting)

All right, Fish.


Now you can get
your fins in a flap!

Ah! What are we gonna
do now?

I got it!

You do? Tell us!

I got it, I got it!

I beat level ! Whoo-hoo!

(All screaming)

Hmm, any idea what button
I should press?

Push the one for the brakes!

Nope, not working!

The big pillow button,
for a soft landing!

Dear me,
it's waterlogged too!


Can I remind you that
my fancy fish bowl

is not built for hard landings?

Hold on!

This might work.

(Kids cheering)

Ah, phew!

Don't you just love
a nice parachute?

(Cat laughing)

It's a good thing we brought
along your old fish bowl.


Yes, such as it is.

At least it doesn't leak.

Yeah, I hope we can fix
your new fancy one.

We have to!

How can I make a big impression
in this old thing?

I'll have this fixed
in a jiffy.


No, no, no!

Oh, cat video.



Here's the problem.

A disconnected swirly
curly hose.

I'll just shove it back in,
and we'll be on our way!


But the Thingamajigger
is soaking!

(Cat whistling)

Will it be all right?

Of course it will!

* Ya da da da

(Engine sputtering)

(Laughing nervously)


Uh, ah...

After it dries out completely.


Well, how long will that take?



Sunny skies,

southerly breeze.

I'd give it a day!

(Smacking head)

A day?

No, that can't be!


It is quite soggy.

You're right,
make that two days!

(Smacking head)

Two days is too long!

I have a family reunion
to get to!


When your aircraft gets soggy

and your plans might
fall through,

who better to call
than Thing and Thing ?



(Giggling, chattering)


The Thingamajigger is soaked
and won't start.

Could you please help us out
and dry all its parts?



(Chattering indistinctly)


This might take longer
than I thought.

How long does it take to get
to Tickle Drop Falls?

Oh, it's only minutes
from here.

That's all?
We can hike there!

With my fancy fish bowl?

That's minutes
by the Thingamajigger!

Two days on foot.

(Fish groaning)

(Rattling sounds)

We are here.

We'd have to hike through
a long, winding trail

through Fickle Fern Forest.


Climb up and over the rugged
slopes of Mount Weewobble.


Then, cross the wild, untamed
waters of Tickle Drop River.


And? And?

And we're there,
Tickle Drop Falls!


I can't wait!

Let's go for it!



I'm up for a hiking adventure,

B-B-But I'm not dressed
for hiking,

and what about your cousins?

Are they ready for this kind
of challenge?

Hey, little cat cousins.

Who wants to hike to
Tickle Drop Falls?

Imagine feeling the wind
in your fur,

hearing the birds sing,

smelling the big pines.

Pines? What are pines?

Pines are like big Christmas
trees, but without decorations.

You'll love 'em!

All right, I'm in.

Hmm. Sure, why not?

Hmm, okay!


Fickle Fern Forest,
here we come!


I guess I'll wait around here

for the Thingamajigger
to dry out.


Oh, don't be a fish
in the mud, Fish!


You'll have fun on this

Oh, all right.

But let's hurry,

and I can't get my outfit


Now, come along,
it's time to go.

Adventure seekers,
line up in a row.

Here we go,

on a fabulously fun
Fickle Fern Forest hike.

Try saying that
three times fast.


Can't be done.

Fabulously fun
Fickle Fern Forest hike!

Fabulously fun
Fickle Fern Forest hike!

Fabulously fun
Fickle Fern Forest hike!


Follow me!

One, two, three, four!


One, two, three, four!

Bring my fancy fish bowl
as quickly as you can!



Oh, no!

(Both screaming)



I know!

This forest is awesome!

So many different trees
and plants!

Back to nature,
don't you just love it?

(Bird squawking)

Oof, sorry!

Whoops, pardon!

Oh, ow!
Excuse me.

Did you hear that?

Hear what?

What did you hear?

It was a whistley, twittery,
tweeting sort of sound!

And it was so pretty.

Oh! It's one of nature's songs
that sets my heart a-flutter.

I don't want to rush everyone,

but maybe it's time for us
to move along?

Hmm, hmm?

Right you are, Fish.

We have a lot of ground
to cover,

and that's not a lie!

Onward ho!

(Video game beeping)
Eh, uh, come on.

All right, jump.

Jump, jump!




(Video game song playing)

(Little Cat B scatting)


There's so much to see
when you look all around,

but you must look ahead first
to avoid falling down!

That's right!


(Little Cat B scatting)

Whoa! Ugh!


Hikers down!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Oh, dear.

Anything bruised,
bumped or broken?


What kind of plants
are they?

Why, those are the Fickle Ferns
of Fickle Fern Forest.

I guess we should watch
where we're walking.

Keep your eyes on the trail!

For sure!

We will!


Huh? Oh!

Argh, no music!

I think your cord
came unplugged.

Huh? Oh!

(Music playing)

(Humming music)

Yeah, all good! Thank you!

You're welcome!



Did you see that?

Huh? See what?

That amazing butterfly!

Wasn't it spectaculous?


Friend saw butterfly.

Sure, cool, super, awesome!

Why, I totally agree.


Oh, no!

My carnation, it's ruined!


Why, it's just a little wet,
that's all.

We'll simply shake off
the water, and--

Oh, it does look like
it's had a bad day.


It made my outfit look
so classy.

We'll find another nice flower
for you, Fish.

Yeah, something even

What a great idea.

Keep your peepers open
for pretty posies, haha!

Follow me!


I knew I should have stayed back

and waited for the

(Humming song)




Beauty abounds around
every bend.

It's got me wishing
this trail never ends.


Not me.

I wish I was already
at Tickle Drop Falls

floating in my fancy fish bowl,

surrounded by my adoring family.


Ah! Look at that!


Didn't I tell you there's beauty
around every bend?



What kind of flowers
are they?

The kind that look great
on the lapel of this jacket.

My Snaperama Camera
will tell you

exactly what kind of flowers
they are!

(Camera clicking)

Pink lady slippers.

For very little ladies
with very petite feet.



What a beauty!

(Camera clicking)

All right!

(Fish sighing)

Well, what are we waiting for?

Let's pick a pink lady slipper
for my jacket.

(Bee buzzing)

Excuse me.


Before you pick that,
may I?

I believe that's the sweet smell
of flower nectar.

Savour that delicious flowerful
food, you itty-bitty bee.



Where's the nectar?

A flower with no nectar?

Hmph, I'm out of here!

(Buzzing, grunting)

Oh! Hey!

I can't get out!

What's going on?

I don't know, little bee!

But perhaps I can find out!

(Camera clicking)

Bees are tricked into entering
the flower,

in search of nectar.

Oh dear,
tricked and trapped!

(Bee grunting)

The bee must exit
the lady slipper

by climbing out the hole
in the top.

Doing so, the bee helps
pollinate the flower.

Now, it can produce seeds

so that new pink lady slippers
can grow.

Okay, now that Buzzy Bee
is gone,

that flower is up for grabs!

And I'll do the grabbing!

Wait, Nick!

You can't pick it now.

It has to make seeds
to grow more pink lady slippers.

But what about a flower
for my jacket?

Sally's right.

The more pink lady slippers
in this world, the better!


Yes, I suppose you're right.

Cheer up, Fish.

We'll find that special flower
for your jacket!

Yeah, we still have
a long way to go.

I know.

Come along, cousin cats,
all in a row!

A, B, C, and off we go!


I forgot to mention
another cousin!

She's a firefighter.


And an uncle who's a doctor,

a "sturgeon," actually, heh heh!

I can't wait to meet everybody.

They sound so important!

Yes, indeed!

And I'll fit right in with the
family wearing these fancy duds.

Ah, more flowers!

And aren't they bloom-tastic?
Ha ha ha!

Yes, that's bold,
I like it!

Let's have a closer look.

That's just the splash of colour
this outfit needs.

I'll take it!



Let go! Let go!


(Little cats shouting)




(Fish panting)

That plant is ferocious!

Maybe it was just
protecting itself?

Because Fish was going
to pick it?

When you think about nature,
it makes perfect sense

that nipping and snapping
could be a defence.

Thistles have prickles
and roses have thorns.

Plants have their ways
of keeping us warned.


Let's find out what kind
of plant it is.

(Camera clicking)

The Venus flytrap,

a plant that catches insects
for food.


That plant wasn't ferocious.

It was just hungry!

Well, my necktie isn't food,

Ah, let go!

No! Whoa, whoa!

Jump, jump!



(Nick giggling)

For a second, I thought a Venus
flytrap got Little Cat A, too!

No, it's just a computer game
that won't let him go.


Oh, Cat!

* The cats go marching two
by two, hurrah hurrah *

* The cats go marching
two by two, hurrah hurrah *

* The cats go marching
two by two *

* The little one stops
to tie his shoe *

* And they all go marching down
to the ground *

* To get out of the rain

* The cats go marching three by
three, hurrah hurrah *

* The cats go marching three
by three, hurrah hurrah *

* The cats go marching
three by three *

* The handsome one stops
to climb a tree *

I love that verse!

Oh, Cat!

Oh, brother.

Hmm, if the cats go marching
three by three,

can someone please tell me
where's Little Cat B?

There he is,
way back there!

Oh, I hope nothing's wrong.

Our hiking adventure's been
going so well.

Going so well?

Did you notice my tie?

Huh? Argh!

What's the matter,
Little Cat B?

No charger.


No tunes!

No problem!

Stick with us, and we'll give
you plenty to listen to.

How many marching cats
are we up to?

I lost count.


The handsome cat
that climbed a tree!

Of course!


* The cats go marching four
by four, hurrah hurrah *

* The cats go marching four by
four, hurrah hurrah *









(Thing shouting)



(Bird squawking)

(All gasping)

Oh, what's that?

It's that bird singing again.

Yeah, the same one
we heard before.

We did?

Look, there it is!

(Wings flapping)


Ah! Ha ha ha!

Oh, my, isn't it spectaculous?

And awesome!

I wonder what kind it is.

Allow me.




Nimble little kitty,
isn't he?



(Camera clicking)

He did it!








The purple swamp hen,

a bird that is a clumsy flyer,
but a very good swimmer.


It's beautiful.

And we were lucky enough
to see one!

And hear one.

While the rest of you
were bird-watching,

I nearly got clobbered by this!

Good find, Fish.

Isn't it remarkable how
the tiny seeds in a pinecone

can grow into mighty trees
like this?


It sure is!

The wonders of nature
just keep on coming.

Ah, oh!


(Fire crackling)

Ah, I'm nice and warm now.

Me too.

From my head down
to my toasty toes!


Ah, there's nothing like
a cozy campfire

to chase those chills away.

(Little Cat B grunting)


Thanks for pitching our tents,
Little Cat B.

No problem!

(Strumming rope, humming)


* Do do do

Ah, all right!


I think Little Cat B is having
as much fun as we are!

Yeah, but I'm not sure
the other two have noticed

that we're camping here


(Little Cat C laughing)

Oh, okay, so then what happened?

Oh, wait, I can't hear you!


Tommy John, are you there?


(Power draining)

No signal?

I can't hear them,
and they can't hear me!

Oh, um...

Ahhh! Ahhh!

Up this log!

Oh, no, still no signal.

I-- nope, okay.

Let's try over here!

This is a big rock, heh heh!


(Teeth chattering)

Oh, how about all the way up
this tree?


What's Little Cat C


Maybe he's taking a picture
of the sunset.


(Branch cracking)



(Crashing, groaning)


Little Cat C,
are you okay?

No cell phone!

No problem!

You don't need a phone
to chat with friends.

(Phone ringing)

Hey, what's up,
kitty cousin?


(Phone ringing)

Ha ha, not much,
how 'bout you, Cousin Cat?

(Branch cracking)


Falling tree limb!

Gotta go, bye.



Oh, no, look at our tents!

They're wrecked!

It's going to be dark soon.

Where will we sleep?

Hmm, well...

We'll do what the rest of the
wildlife does around here.

Make our own cozy shelter.

Animals make shelters?

Why, sure!

Beavers build lodges
and chipmunks dig holes.

Some build with grasses like
a white-whiskered vole.

Ants make an anthill,
and birds build a nest.

They know what they're doing
'cause nature knows best.


Then, let's get to it!

What are we building?

Let's go rustic!

Wouldn't that be fun?

I'm thinking open-concept
in a forest colour scheme.


(Dialling phone)

Hello, Little Cat C?

I'd like to have some
building materials delivered.

Sure thing!

We're on it!

(Both laughing)

Before we build, there's
excavation work to do.

Can you dig it?




(Branch breaking)


(Beaver chomping)


(Fish bowl clinking)

(Leaves rustling)


I love our camping shelter!

Isn't it a cozy
little abode?

Nothing fancy,
that's all you need!

Speak for yourself.

I'd like to have my fancy
fish bowl right about now.


It's the Big Dipper!

Oh, how I love a sparkling

And the soothing sounds
of the wilderness nightlife.

(Owl hooting)


I beat level !

(Video game beeping)

Hark! It's the happy call
of Little Cat A!

(Kids giggling)

Look, a sh**ting star!

Make a wish!

I wish we'd hurry up
and get to the reunion!

We'll get there, Fish,
but in the meantime,

let's enjoy all this nature
around us.

* A forest full of wildlife

(Owl hooting)

* Wildlife, wildlife

* A forest full of wildlife

* It's the wild life for me

(Animals chattering)

* One moose call

(Moose calling)

* Two owl hoots

(Owls hooting)

* Three cricket chirps

(Crickets chirping)

* Four bat squeaks

(Bats squeaking)

* Animals aplenty
in the forest *

* Listen to the animals
awake tonight *

(Owl hooting)

* Awake tonight

* Awake tonight

(Crickets chirping)

* Listen to the animals
awake tonight *

(Loon calling)

* And we all say good night

(Bear yawning)

Big animals!

Small animals!

Gargantuan and tall animals!

* All sorts of creatures
roaming through the night *

* Oh what a marvellous
splendiferous sight *

* One moose call

(Moose calling)

* Two owl hoots

(Owls hooting)

* Three cricket chirps

(Crickets chirping)

* Four bat squeaks

(Bats squeaking)

* Animals aplenty
in the forest *

* Listen to the animals
awake tonight *

(Owl hooting)

* And we all say good night

* Good night to the creatures
who are tucked in their beds *

* Drifting off sweetly

* Such little sleepy heads

* Good night to the trees

* And the sky and the stars

* How lovely is nature

* How lucky we are


Good night.

Good night.

Good night!

Thanks, Cat, for making
our camping dream come true.

Yeah, thanks, Cat!

You're welcome.

Good night.

Good night.

Good night, everyone.

(Birds chirping)





Yeah, ha ha!

Ho! A-one, two, three, go!

(Clattering, drumming)

A little
heavy cheese!

What's all the racket?



Who needs an alarm clock if
you've got Little Cat B?

(Scatting, drumming)


I had a great sleep!

Same here!

I'm refreshed and ready
to hike to Tickle Drop Falls!

Tickle Drop Falls!

Right, my family reunion.

It's today!

Hurry up, everyone, we've got
a lot of hiking to do!

Let's go, let's go,
let's go!



Ah, there it is,
Mount Weewobble.


And we're going
to the top of that?


You better believe it!

And down the other side
to Tickle Drop Falls.

I don't suppose there's a
dry-cleaners on the way?

Don't worry, Fish!

You look good!

Before we started this hike,
I looked great!

Line up, campers,
all in a row!

Off to Mount Weewobble,
onward ho!

Now, which way do we go, Cat?

Hmm, we can go
either direction.

Both paths will lead us
to the top of Mount Weewobble.

I won!

I am the champion!

I am the champion, yeah!



(Beeping triumphantly)


What's the matter,
Little Cat A?

Um, game's over.

What do I do now?

Well, you can't get bored
in the great outdoors!

I've got a fun challenge

that will make that computer
game look like a toy.

It is a toy.

How about a race
to the mountaintop?

Kitty cousins versus
kid campers, haha!

I'm in!


Oh, you're on!

All right!

Climbers, to the starting line!

Are you ready?

Steady, go!

(Cheering, shouting)

And they're off!

It's a strong start.

Go, kitty cousins.

Go, kid campers!

Shouldn't we be
going soon, too?

Oh, right!


I just got caught up
in the excitement, sorry.

And we're off!

Go, go, go!



Uh-oh, the kitty cousins
have come to a standstill.

(Little Cat A murmuring,






Now, that's how to overcome
an obstacle.

Go under it, haha!

(Kids giggling)

Kid campers have been forced
to take a different route.

And it's more fun!

(Grunting, groaning)

It's the ABCs of teamwork
in action!

(Grunting, groaning)

Demonstrated by Little Cats
A, B, C!


(Kids grunting)

Kid campers pull through
in a tight squeeze!

Good thing they didn't eat
a big breakfast.


(Cats grunting)

The kitty cousins are facing
the last part of the climb.

And they're hopping to it,

Kid campers are closing in
on the summit.


This is more fun than climbing
the jungle gym at home!

Yeah, way more fun!

(Both grunting)

Do we have to stand
right here?

Ah, you're right, Fish!

We have to get up
to the finish line.


(Cats grunting)

Come on, Sally!

We're almost there.

The kitty cousins
are clamouring to the top.

Kid campers are climbing
like crazy.

It's too close to call!


We won!



I guess it's a tie.

The fun was in the challenge.

Nothing wrong with a tie.

Unless it looks like
the tie I'm wearing.

Ah, the top of Mount Weewobble!

Isn't it spectacular?


Oh, wow!

So, Cat, why is it called
Mount Weewobble?



Because the top has
a wee wobble to it, see?


(All shouting)

Weewobble! Weewobble!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

You're rocking the rock!

(All shouting indistinctly)





Mushy moss!

(Nick giggling)

It feels like a wet sponge.

Which is much better to land on
than a wet rock.

So, where is Tickle Drop Falls?

And the fish family reunion?

That's what I'm wondering

Let's see now.

We're here at the other side
of Weewobble Mountain,

and Tickle Drop Falls
is wa-a-a-a-y down here.


Looks like I took us
too far north.

Ha, oh, dear.

So, how are we gonna
get there?

Ah, haha!

There's the answer floating
right in front of us.

A log?


We'll travel by log.


Oh, whoa!



Well, I did learn something,
so it wasn't a complete failure.

Oh? What did you learn?

We are not going
by log.

Hmm, what if we use
more logs?

Oh, hahaha!

Oh, Nick, I love it
when you have a plan!

Hmm, wait, what is the plan?

We could put logs together
and build a raft!


That's an excellent idea.


Little Cats A, B and C,

we'll need some building
materials for this project,

mainly logs.

Can you handle that?


No problem!

Of course!

Beaver teeth!

Beavers, get busy!

(Cats cheering)





(Kids giggling)


(Beavers chattering)


Yay, beaver teeth!

(All laughing)

* Row row row your raft
gently down the stream *

* Merrily merrily merrily
merrily *

* Rocky road ice cream

(Kids giggling)

Still no sign of
the Thingamajigger

and my fancy fish bowl.

Maybe Thing and Thing

are already at Tickle Drop Falls
waiting for us.

In that case, could we paddle
a little faster, please?

Of course.

(Cats panting)

And we'll help!

And a-one, and a-two and a...

* Row row row your raft
gently down the stream *

* Merrily merrily merrily
merrily *

* Rocky road ice cream

* Row row row your raft
gently down the stream *

* Merrily merrily merrily
merrily *

* Rocky road ice cream

* Row row row your raft
gently down the stream *

* Merrily merrily merrily
merrily *

* Rocky road ice cream

Ooh, ooh, too fast!
Too fast!


Stop paddling!

We did!


By the look of things,
we've come upon some rapids.


These rapids are too rapid!

Ah, yes!

The map does show a stretch
of rapids,

right before the water

suddenly drops over
the Tickle Drop Falls.

Tickle Drop Falls?!


Oh, dear.

Change of plan!

Paddle the other way!
Row, row!



It isn't working.

What should we do?



Yeah, let's do it.

Here goes!


How was that?

Good panicking,
little cats,

but I have a better idea.

Just call me Cowboy Cat.


Cowboy Cat!

Yee-ha! Ahaha!

Let's try that again.

Hurry, Cat!



How embarrassing is that?

Ugh, I'll do it.


What are you doing?

(Murmuring, grunting)

Looks like the sidestroke.

I didn't know Fish
was such a good swimmer.

(Fish grunting)

(All cheering)

Fish! He did it!
He did it!

Uh, where is he?

(Grunting, groaning)

I'm stuck!



I see Fish!

Here he comes!

Upsy daisy, Fish!

(Fish groaning)

Way to go, Fish!

Yeah, you stopped the raft
in the "Nick" of time!


Get it?
That's my name, Nick!

Yes, but now what?

We're still stuck here!

(Horn honking)

Ah, that sounds like
the Thingamajigger!

Whoo-hoo! Yay!

It is the Thingamajigger!

They're here!

And so is my fancy fish bowl!

(Thing panting)

(Thing chattering)

Thank you!

Thank you, Thing and Thing !



Oh, no!

Oh, goodness me!


Fish, are you okay?


Ah! Thank goodness
you're all right!


To the Thingamajigger!


Let's go!

A safe rescue is an orderly one.

Nick and Sally first,

then Little Cats A, B and C.

(Sally grunting)

(Nick grunting)

(Cats grunting)

(Thing chattering)


Upward and onward, Fish!

(All shouting)

(Thing chattering)

(Engine sputtering)




Like I said before,

it's a good thing we brought
along your old fish bowl,

isn't it, Fish?

(Fish sighing)

(Engine sputtering)

(Fishes talking)

Oh, it's a beautiful

I'm have a great time
over here!

Oh, this is fun!

I haven't seen my uncle
in so long!

(Horn honking)


We have reached our destination!

Looks like a big turnout,

Yeah, I can't wait
to join the fun!

You go enjoy yourselves.

I'll wait here.


Huh? Wait here?

But you've been really looking
forward to seeing your family.

And they're looking forward
to seeing you.

I can't face them like this.

I look like some kind of
low-tide wash-up.


Son! Is that you?

Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad.

Good to see you-- whoa!

Fish, parents need a hug
and so do you.

That's the best thing about
being in a family.


Sorry I'm late.

The important thing is,
you made it.

That's right!

(Mother giggling)

Oh, dear. Ah!

What happened to your eye,

Oh, that.

My friends and I had
a bit of a mishap

at the top of
Tickle Drop Falls.

Fish saved us from going
over the edge!


He tied our raft
to a boulder!

Mr. and Mrs. Fish, that brave
son of yours is our hero!


So true!

That's right!

Look who's here!

It's Uncle Fish!

What a nice surprise!

Hey, Fish,
how are ya, buddy?

Now, why would you be coming
from that direction

above Tickle Drop Falls?

We hiked here through
Fickle Fern Forest.

(All exclaiming)

My word!

You hiked through
Fickle Fern Forest?


Now, that there is
a real accomplishment.

No one in the Fish clan
has ever done that before.

Heh heh heh!

Well, that is something
to be proud of.

That's my boy!

He was always the adventurous
one in the family.

Heh heh, I suppose.

Wow, can I have
your autograph?

Heh, why not?

You and your friends
must be starving!

And I brought you
your favourite!

Jellyfish jellied salad?


Come on, guys!

You've got lots of family
to meet! Whoo-hoo!

Ah, splendid!

Here we go to Fish's
family reunion.



(Splashing, kids giggling)


* A great outdoors adventure
is exactly what we've had *

* Though the Tickle Drop River
makes some shiver *

* It makes me feel quite glad

Yay! Whoo-hoo!

* There was hiking and camping
all along the way *

* Makes for one splendiferous
holiday *


* And a family reunion
is icing on the cake *

* All of those aunts
and uncles *

* Wow, for goodness sake

* Oh such magniferous music

* To make the party grand

* Ring-a-ding
and hoot and sing *

* Now that's what I call
a band *

(Band playing)


* Cast your eyes right
on the feast *

* Oodles of food
to say the least *

* Algae a la mode,
green goop *

* And my personal favourite,
frog cod soup *

* That's it,
Thing and Thing *

* Help yourselves,
you're invited too *


* A great outdoors adventure
is exactly what we've had *

* Though the Tickle Drop River
makes some shiver *

* It makes me feel quite glad

* There was hiking and camping
all along the way *

* Makes for one splendiferous
holiday *

* Makes for one
splendiferous holiday *


We need one last photo
to capture the moment.


Hit the picture-mawhizzer
button, Sally.


(Camera beeping)

One big happy family.


Thanks again for taking us
on such a great trip, Cat.

I can't believe all
the exciting things we did!

Yeah, thanks, Cat!

Best trip ever!

I'm so glad you both
enjoyed it.

Nothing beats getting back
to nature,

wouldn't you agree, Fish?

I have to admit that's true,

and now we'll have that great
outdoor pine smell

no matter where we go!


Are you going to get one
for your fancy fish bowl, too?


As soon as Little Cats A, B
and C are done fixing it.

(Cats grunting, groaning)



Mm, ah!

I think that I shall never see

anything as lovely as a tree.

Pine trees, maples,
birch and cherry.

Some grow fruits or nuts
or berries.

Some have needles,
others a leaf.

Such variety beyond belief!

But my favourite has got to be

the one and only family tree!

It shows moms, dads,
sisters, brothers.

Wait, wait!

There are many others.

Grandmas, granddads
and cousins, too.

Where on your tree
will I find you?

Go ask a grown-up
to help you see

your family genealogy.

Trees are the greatest things

rooted firmly into the ground.

It's all relative,
but if you ask me,

nothing roots you like
your family tree.


Hi, everyone!

Enjoying the great outdoors

gave me a great question
for you.


What's the best thing
to leave behind

after a camping trip
or a hike in nature?

(Clattering noises)

That's right, little cats,
you've got it!

The best thing to leave behind
is nothing at all!

Nature deserves to be left
just like you found it.

We got it this time,
but next time,

I'll stump you for sure. Bye!
