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03x20 - The Hard Weigh/The Song Flower Solution

Posted: 09/30/22 18:56
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music]

- ♪ Hey
- What?

- ♪ Come over here

♪ The Cat in the Hat
is about to appear ♪

♪ He's whizzing over
to whisk you away ♪

♪ On a fabulous journey
today ♪

- He's coming!
- ♪ Now he's arrived

♪ In the Thinga-ma-jigger,
the thing that he drives ♪

♪ He's a cat
and he's oodles of fun ♪

♪ With his hairy helpers,
Thing Two and Thing One ♪

- Whoo-hoo!

- Whoa!


- Whoa!
- Wahoo!

- ♪ It's the Cat in the Hat

♪ All of our adventures
start like that ♪

♪ Wherever you're going,
wherever you're at ♪

♪ The Cat in the Hat
knows a lot about... ♪

- ♪ He knows a lot about,
he knows a lot about ♪

all: ♪ He knows a lot
about that ♪


[mellow music]

- Two glasses of cold juice
coming up.

Which one do you want, Sally?

- The tall one, of course.

It has more juice in it.
- Uh-uh.

Mom said
she poured the same amount

from juice boxes that
were exactly the same.

- I'm sure there's
more in this one.

- And I'm sure there isn't.

- You can't both be right.

- Who's right?
kids: Cat!

- I say there's
more juice in this glass.

- And I know Mom poured
the same amount of juice

in both glasses.

- So, who's right?
- Hmm...

Well, I don't know that,

but I do know where we can go
to resolve this disagreement.

- Where?
- On a fact-finding mission!

It's in Point-o-view,

where changing your mind
is a fun thing to do.

- But which one of us
is gonna change our mind?

both: You!

- Your mother will
not mind at all if you do.

- Let's go!


Can we go to Point-o-view
with the Cat in the Hat?

Nick needs to have
his mind changed.

- Or maybe Sally needs to have
her mind changed...[laughs]

- Well,
it's always a good idea

to see another point of view.

- We can go!
We can go!

- I know!
I know!

- To the Thinga-ma-jigger.

Buckle up.

[horn honks]

[playful music]

[whirs, clicks]

Flip the Jigger-ma-whizzer!


[exciting music]

Isn't this fun?

both: Whoo-hoo!

- ♪ Here we go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ The Thinga-ma-jigger
is up and away ♪

both: ♪ Go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ We're flying
with the Cat in the Hat today ♪

[rousing music]

- So Cat, how is this place

going to change our minds
about who's right?

- What you see with your eyes
and you think must be true,

could be quite a surprise
when you're in Point-o-view.

- Whoa,
those flowers are so pretty!

They're butterflies.

- It's all about

what you think you see
and what you really see.

[doorbell rings]

Why, this must be the message
I've been expecting.



We've arrived just in time for
the Fun Fact-finding Festival!

It's like a scavenger hunt,
but you're finding facts.

- Where do we start?

- At the starting point,
of course.

This way.

[upbeat music]


This must be
the starting point.

[gasps] And here's our first
fun fact-finding mission.

Your mission is to look at
these two sticks in the middle

and tell me which one
is longer.

- That's easy.
- Easy peasy.

- Even I can
figure this one out.

- That one is longer.

- Yep, that's right.

- So you both agree
it's longer?

- Yeah.
Right, Nick?

- It is longer, isn't it, Cat?

- Hmm, well, there must be
some way to know for sure.

- Hmm...

I know!
We could measure both sticks.

- You mean, get evidence?

- If getting evidence means
measuring both sticks,

I guess you could do it.

- Getting evidence is what
fun fact-finding is all about.

Lucky for you,

I brought my handy dandy
candy stripe measure.

- Okay, let's check it out.

This stick is one,
two, three, four--

four stripes long.

- Now we'll measure
the other stick--

the longer one.

This stick is one,
two, three,

four stripes long--what?

- It's exactly the same length?

- But if they're the same,
why does one look longer?

- Hmm...[gasps]

Maybe 'cause they are
not exactly the same.

- You're right!

The arrows on this one point
away from the middle stick.

And the arrows on this one
point towards the middle stick.

- Do you think that
makes it look like

one is longer and
one is shorter?

- That must be it.

- So now that you've found the
facts and you have evidence,

have you both
changed your minds?

- Uh-huh.

We thought
one stick was longer,

but now we know it wasn't.

- Aha!

Thinking and knowing
are two different things.

Let's see what surprises
our next fun fact brings.

This way!

Whoop--this way!

For this
fun fact-finding task,

you each have to look at the
two orange dots in the center

and tell me
which one is bigger!

...And which one is smaller.

- This looks too easy, Cat.

- Yeah.

The orange dot in this one
is definitely bigger.

- Right,
and this one is smaller.

- So you both agree that
this dot is bigger?

- Yes, but just to prove it,
let's measure.

Bring that dot over here, Nick.

- Huh?
They're the same size!

- That's impossible.

- I knew there was a catch,

but what was it?

- There's something different
about these two pictures.

- The gray dots in
this picture are all big.

- And the gray dots in
this picture are all small.

- So maybe the
small dots in this picture

make the orange dot
look bigger,

and the big dots
in this picture

make the orange dot
look smaller.

- Another fun fact
you were able to find.

And now that you know,

have you both
changed your mind?


- Yes.
- I have.

- [mumbling]

Ah, one more
fun fact to find.

- Let's go!

- This looks like
the next one, Cat.

What do we do?

- For this
fun fact-finding mission,

you have to find
which door is the tallest

and which is the shortest.

- The door closest to us
looks like the biggest to me.

And the one that's farthest
looks like the smallest.

- But now we know
we can't trust our eyes.

- There's only one way
to know for sure.

- Get evidence by measuring!

- All those doors?
You're gonna need help.

- When all kinds of measuring
needs to be done,

it's time to rely on
Thing Two and Thing One.


- Whoo-hoo!
- Whee-hee-hee-hee!

both: Hello!
- Why, hello, Things!

We need you to
measure all these doors

and find out
which one is the tallest

and which is the shortest.

You can use my handy dandy
candy stripe measure.

both: Ooh!

[measure crackles]


- Hmm.

It's not handy
or dandy anymore.

- We need something else
to measure with.

- But what?

Thanks to the Things,

we don't have the
measurer anymore.

[guilty chattering]

- But we do have the Things.

both: Huh?
- [gasps]

Both Things are
the same height.

- That's totally true,
so what can you do?

- We can measure the doors
using the Things.

- Thing One, go stand
in front of the closest door.

- Uh-huh.

♪ Doo, doo-doo,
doo-doo, doo-doo ♪

- Thing One is as tall
as the first door.

- Thing Two, you go stand
in front of the last door.

- Mm-hmm!
♪ Doo, doo-doo...

- He'll be way taller
than that door.


- He's the same height
as the door!

- And look--Thing Two looks
a lot shorter than Thing One.

- Thing Two!
Did you shrink?

- Wha?


- We better check again

and make sure
they're the same height.

- Come back so we can
measure you again.

both: ♪ Doo, doo-doo,
doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo ♪

- Hmm, they're exactly
the same height.

But the door down there
is way smaller.

- This doesn't make any sense.

- Maybe we have to
look at this a different way.

- A different way?
What's that, you say?

- Thanks.
Can you go back to the doors?

- Uh-huh!

- I wonder if the doors
would look different

if we go over here
in front of the houses.

That's amazing!

- What do you see?
Explain it to me.

- From here,
we can see that

all the doors are
exactly the same height.

- So?

- So I guess the last door
just looked smaller

because it was farther away.

- And what final fun fact
did you find?

- I think
things can look different

depending on where
you're standing.

- Ah, you've discovered the
secret behind Point-o-view.

You must look from all sides
before knowing what's true.

- So there are lots of
different ways to get evidence,

and you can't really know
what's true till you've got it.

- You answered
all the questions.

How clever of you two.

- So what's next, Cat?

[doorbell rings]

- [gasps]
- Awesome!

- Hey, what's going on?
I wanna see.

It's the Thinga-ma-jigger.

- Okay, so now tell me.

Who was right?
Which glass has more juice?

- We don't know yet.
- What?

We went through
all that fact-finding,

and you still don't know
which one of you was right?

- We won't know till
we get all the evidence.

- I've got two measuring cups
exactly the same.

- Okay, let's pour the juice.

- Now we'll measure.

- They do have exactly
the same amount of juice.

- [laughs]

So I guess this one
looks like it had more juice

because the glass
is taller and thinner.

- And this glass
is short and wide.

- So now you both know facts
can help change your mind.

Just imagine how many more
fun facts you will find!

[glasses clink]


- What's up, you two?

- Look,
there's a monkey in the tree.

Do you see it?

- I see it,
but it doesn't make any sense.

- Maybe you just
think you see it.

- How can I think
I see something I know I see?

- Well, sometimes it helps
to get another point of view.

- How do we do that?

- ♪ Take a closer look
before you make up your mind ♪

♪ Take a closer look
and see what you find ♪

♪ Look at it
from where you are ♪

♪ Look at it
from near and far ♪

♪ Look at it from every side

It's only then can you decide!

- Wait a second,
where did the monkey go?

- It couldn't just disappear,
could it?

- I don't know.
What do we do now?

- ♪ Take a closer look
before you make up your mind ♪

♪ Take a closer look,
my friends ♪

♪ And see what you find

♪ You could find that
what you thought ♪

♪ May be true or may be not

♪ You can only really know

♪ After you've
looked closer though ♪

- This is where the monkey was
but all I see is the tree.

- Wait, Sally, look closely
at those branches and leaves.

- Oh, now I see it!

The leaves and branches
make it look like

there's a monkey in there.

- You were right, Fish.

We needed to
take a closer look.

- ♪ Take a closer look
before you make up your mind ♪

♪ Take a closer look,
my friends ♪

♪ And see what you find

♪ Get up close,
that's the key ♪

♪ Find out what
there is to see ♪

♪ You've got to take a closer,
got to take a closer ♪

♪ Got to take a closer look

kids: Take a closer look.

[rousing music]

- There...[sighs]

Look, Sally.

It's me and you
walking on a cloud.

- [laughs]

I don't think we can
walk on clouds, Nick.

- Have you ever tried?

- No,
because clouds are too high up.

- Then you don't really know
that you can't.

- Hmm, but if you
haven't tried either,

then you don't really know
that you can.

- If you don't know that
you can,

and you don't know that
you can't,

then we don't know
if you can or you can't.

Oh, brother.

- There's gotta be a way
we can know for sure.

- What do you wanna
know for sure?

kids: [laugh]

- Cat,
what are you doing upside down?

- Upside down?


That's better.

Now what do you wanna
know for sure?

- If we can walk on clouds.

- Or if we can't.

- Well, Cat,
is it "yes" or is it "no"?

- Walking on clouds--

I don't know.

But I do know a way
for us to know more.

- How?

- By hiking to the top
of Mount Know-more.

It's very high!

- If we climb Mount Know-more
to see real clouds up close,

we'll know for sure.

- And find out for yourself
is fun, fun, fun!

Your mother won't mind at all
if you do.

- Mom,
can I go up Mount Know-more

with Nick and
the Cat in the Hat

to know more about clouds?

- It's good to know more
about everything.

Have fun!

- We can go!
We can go!

- I know!
I know!

To the Thinga-ma-jigger.

Buckle up.

[horn honks]

[playful music]

[whirs, clicks]

Flip the Jigger-ma-whizzer!


[exciting music]

Isn't this fun?

both: Whoo-hoo!

- ♪ Here we go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ The Thinga-ma-jigger
is up and away ♪

both: ♪ Go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ We're flying
with the Cat in the Hat today ♪

[gentle music]

- When your head's
in the clouds,

and you wanna know more,

Mount Know-more is the summit
you have to explore.

- Cool.

We get to be
real mountain climbers.

- And there's no better
mountain to climb

than Mount Know-more.

kids: Wow.

- This is amazing!

- That looks pretty high.

But why do they call it
Mount Know-more?

- Well, the higher you climb,
the more you know.

- Then let's get going so
we can know more about clouds.

Uh, which way?

- Trying things out
and asking questions

is what Mount Know-more
is all about.

- Well,
let's try this one and see.

[mud sloshes]

This trail is kinda squishy.

My foot sinked right into it.

- Then we don't wanna
take that trail.

- Good call.

It's like marshmallow goo--

not hard enough to walk on.

- Let's try this trail.
It looks okay.

[firm thudding]

- It looks good and solid.

- Hiking up this path
is the way to go.

- See?
You already know more.


- Wow.
- Incredible!

- This magnificent place
is called Look-out-below.

- Now, that's a view!

- Things look so clear up here
on Mount Know-more.

- And the more you see,
the more you know.

- What I know is that we're
even closer to the clouds.

- Maybe we'll find out that
clouds are like cotton candy.

- If clouds are like
cotton candy,

then they can't hold us up.

- Why?

- Remember the time
I sat on my cotton candy

and it squished flat?

- Yeah.

That was one sticky mess.

- Cotton candy's too fluffy
and soft to hold us up.

- I never thought of that.

Now I hope clouds aren't
like cotton candy at all.

- But they still might be.

- There's only one way
to find out.

- Get all the way up and
find out for ourselves.

- Let's go!

Welcome to Lake Liquidity.
Isn't it beautiful?

- Yeah, but how are
we gonna get across?

- And we know
we can't walk on water, right?

[rock plops]

- We'd sink to the bottom
like that stone.

- If only
we had something solid

that we could walk on
over the water.

- Like a bridge or something?

- Well, I must have something.



- Cat, you're amazing!

- Hmm, it looks
solid enough to walk on.

- Wait.
Maybe we should check.

- How?

- When testing for solidness
needs to be done,

just whistle real loud
for Thing Two and Thing One.


- Whoo-hoo!
- Whee-hee!

both: [panting, laughing]

[playful music]

- Hello, Things.

Would you kindly
test our bridge

to see if it's solid enough
to walk on?

Things: Uh-huh!

- [nervous chattering]

- Aha!

[excited chattering]


- Oh no!
- Thing overboard!

- [chattering]
- [grunting]



Things: Yay!

- Thanks, Things.

Things: [shy chattering]

- While we know
it's solid enough,

but it's too short to reach
across to the other side.

- You wouldn't happen to have
another bridge in your hat,

do you?

- Another bridge
in this little hat?

Don't be ridiculous...

Of course I do!

- We can cross!
Thank goodness.

- Shall we go?
- Yeah!

- Yeah!

- Ya-hoo!
- Whoo-hoo!

- We're on solid ground again.

- Now that's what I call
bridging a gap.

- Let's go!

- [gasps]

We're a lot higher.

We must be getting closer.

Come on!
Let's keep going.

- Right behind you, Nick.

[wind whooshing]

Hey, Nick!

Where are you?
- Right here!

- He's this way, Cat.
Wait up, Nick!

- I can't see
through all this fog.

kids: [grunt]
- Oh, here you are.

- Huh.

Where did all this fog
come from?

- Here's a bigger question.

How are we going to
find our way through it?

We can't see a thing.

- Just our luck.

We came all this way
to see clouds up close,

and now we're lost in this fog.

- It's damp too.
It almost feels like rain.

Should we turn back?

- I am not going to
let some silly fog

stop us from knowing more.

If we just stay on this path,

we can walk
right through the fog.

- Yeah, and if we just
go a bit higher up,

we'll reach the clouds.

- That's the spirit.

- Lead the way, Nick!

[anxious music]

kids: [grunt]
- Whoops.

- [laughs]
This way.

- I can see you better now.

We must be
getting out of the fog.

- I think you're right, Sally.

Come on!
We're almost out!

[energetic music]

It's clear again!

We must be getting so close
to those clouds now.

They should be right--huh?

We're at the top,
but where are the clouds?

- Have they blown away?

- [gasps]
Look, Sally!

I think those are
the clouds down there.

- Down there?

How did we miss it
when the clouds

are right beside the mountain?

- Maybe we couldn't see the
clouds when it was foggy

because the fog was the clouds!

- [gasps] You can see the path
right through them!

So when we were
walking through the fog...

We were walking through clouds!

- There's no more
of Know-more to climb.

So do you know more
about clouds now?

- Do we ever!

If walked through the clouds
without bumping into them,

that means they aren't solid.

- And if clouds aren't solid,
then we can't walk on them,

just like we can't
walk on water.

- Let's try one more test.

You're right, Nick.

We would drop through the
clouds like that stone.


Remember how damp
we felt in the fog?

Maybe that's because
fog and clouds

are both made of water.

- Wow, I never thought of that!

- Doesn't it feel great
to know more

at the top of Mount Know-more
than you knew at the bottom?

- You're right about that, Cat.

- Curious minds
lead to answers galore,

and though we know a lot,
we can always know more.

[engine whirring]

- [gasps]
What's that sound?

- That sounds like
the Thinga-ma-jigger.

Things: Hello!

- It is the Thinga-ma-jigger,
come to take us home.

- Whoo-hoo!
- Yay!

Let's go!

- Those clouds still look like
we can walk on them.

- Yeah,
but we know that we can't

because clouds aren't solid.

- Look,
I see an elephant up there.

- An elephant?

If you can't walk on clouds,
how's an elephant going to?

- It's not on the cloud, Fish.

It is the cloud.

- Oh...

I knew that.
I was just testing you.


- Good game, Nick.

Let's see what else
we can find in the clouds.

- Whoa, look, it's a rabbit!

- Look, it's a pony!

- Wow, that one's beautiful!

[upbeat music]