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03x19 - Batteries Not Included/Checking the Boxes

Posted: 09/30/22 18:55
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music]

- ♪ Hey
- What?

- ♪ Come over here

♪ The Cat in the Hat
is about to appear ♪

♪ He's whizzing over
to whisk you away ♪

♪ On a fabulous journey
today ♪

- He's coming!
- ♪ Now he's arrived

♪ In the Thinga-ma-jigger,
the thing that he drives ♪

♪ He's a cat
and he's oodles of fun ♪

♪ With his hairy helpers,
Thing Two and Thing One ♪

- Whoo-hoo!

- Whoa!


- Whoa!
- Wahoo!

- ♪ It's the Cat in the Hat

♪ All of our adventures
start like that ♪

♪ Wherever you're going,
wherever you're at ♪

♪ The Cat in the Hat
knows a lot about... ♪

- ♪ He knows a lot about,
he knows a lot about ♪

all: ♪ He knows a lot
about that ♪


[mellow music]

- I don't get it, Nick.

Why did you
dump your sand pail over?

- 'Cause when
I pull the pail off,

I'll have a perfect tower
for our sand castle.


Aww, it worked when Sally
and I did it at the beach.

- You're forgetting
one little thing

we had at the beach, Nick.

- Oh, right.

At the beach,
the sand was wet,

and it held together.

Oh, this isn't
like the beach at all.

How much water do we need?

- I agree.

This isn't anything
like the beach.

- Oh, Cat!

We're trying to
build a sand castle,

but the sand's
not holding together.

We need water,
but we don't know how much.

- Don't worry.
Every problem has a solution.

And I know exactly
where we can find yours.

- [gasps]
You do?

- Yes, from the
Song Flower Sisters.

- I don't know how song flowers

are going to help us
build a sand castle.

- But let's go anyway!

- Your mother will
not mind at all if you do.

- Mom, can I go with Nick
and the Cat in the Hat

to see the song flowers so they
can help us build sand castles?

- I've heard of "sunflowers,"
but never "song flowers."

I can't wait
to hear all about it.

Have fun!

- We can go!
We can go!

- I know!
I know!

To the Thinga-ma-jigger.

Buckle up.

[horn honks]

[playful music]

[whirs, clicks]

Flip the Jigger-ma-whizzer!


[exciting music]

Isn't this fun?

both: Whoo-hoo!

- ♪ Here we go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ The Thinga-ma-jigger
is up and away ♪

both: ♪ Go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ We're flying
with the Cat in the Hat today ♪

[rousing music]

- Cat, what is this place?

- This is the place where
the song flowers live.

Just wait till you hear the
great concert they give.

- But what do song flowers
know about sand castles?

- You're about to find out.

Allow me to introduce
the Song Flower Sisters.

- Hi.
- Hello.

- How do you do?

- Oh, we do very well.
Thank you.

- Only we do much better
if we were planted.

Right, Sister?

- Oh yes, Sister!

Who knows?
We might even burst into song.

- I'd do anything to hear that!

- How do we help?

- Well, you can plant us,
for a start.

These pots are terribly tight.

- Yes, they fit when
we were seedlings,

but now that we've grown,
they're a bit snug.

- Mm-hmm.

- Just like we grow too big
for our clothes or our boots,

when these flowers get big,
they need room for their roots.

- We can help!

Uh, where do we plant you?

- Not just one home, but two.
Do you think these might do?

- Oh, yes.

We've been waiting all day
to get planted in those holes.

- Yes, I'm so happy I could--

- Sing?

- You know, Sister,

I think we'll sing better
after we're planted.

- I think you're right, Sister.

- Getting planted's the thing
that will make them both sing.

- Oh...

- Careful.

Don't drop her,
or we'll never hear them sing.

- There's one
song flower moved.

- Oh.

This feels nice.

- There.
How's that?

- Whoa!

it's nothing to sing about.

- We need more soil
in the holes

to hold the song flowers up.

- Where do we find that?

- [clears throat]

- Hey, what's that?

There's no soil here.

- I wonder what these taps do.

- That is definitely not soil.

- Water!
You can always use that.

- Except it's not what
we're looking for, Fish.

- Huh?

This is what we're looking for.

- Bingo!

- Come on, let's go.

This will help you stand up.

- Is that something
to sing about?

- I'm afraid
it's a little dry...

- [clears throat]

What was I saying about water?

- Now we need water.

[mellow music]

- Brr!

Oh dear.
Now it's too wet!

- I think Sister
needs drier soil.

- Mm-hmm.

- Sally, scoop up
some wet soil to make room.

I'll get more dry soil.

- Boy, these sisters
sure are picky.

- Wait, Nick.

Just pour a little bit
and see if she likes it.

- But how will we know when
we've got the right mix?

- Trust me.
You'll know.

- Too dry.

Too wet.

Ooh, too dry.


- Well?

- ♪ We need water,
soil, and food ♪

♪ To get us in the mood

- That's it?

- Well,
Sister sings the next line.

- [gasps]
Of course.

We need to give her sister
the same mixture.

- Uh, do you remember how much
soil and water we mixed?

- No.
We'll have to start over.

- Uh, too dry.

Too wet.


- [gasps]
She's starting to dance!

Is it time for a song?

- ♪ We need water,
soil, and food ♪

♪ To get us in the mood

- ♪ Yes, without all three
we cannot do a thing ♪

- Now what?

- We didn't get food.

- [laughs]

We always sing better
after a snack.

- We didn't bring any snacks.

- When there's two hungry
flowers and no food to chew,

who always delivers?

Thing One and Thing Two!


- Whoo-hoo!
- Whee-hee-hee-hee!



- Hello, Things.

The Song Flower Sisters
need food or they won't sing.

Can you find them
something to sing about?

both: Ooh.




- Not that kind of food.
We get food through our roots.

- Right.

You have to put food
in the soil to feed us.

both: [sad chattering]

- Put food in the soil?
What kind of food?

- Green plant food!

- Oh yes,
and blue plant food!

- Mm-hmm.
- Yum, yum, yum!

- [gasps]

Sounds like what comes out
of those other two taps.

- Oh, yes.
- Please!

- To the taps!

- Would you like
green plant food?

- Or do you prefer blue?

- Well...
- Ah...

Song Flower Sisters:
We like a mix.

- Wait, Sally.

Let's keep track
of what we're mixing.

Then if we need more,
we can mix it again.

- That's a splendid idea.Fish?

- I'm on it, Cat.

I'll keep track of how much
blue and how much green.


One scoop green plant food.

One scoop blue plant food.

- Let's try this.

- Oh, not blue enough.

- Okay, this time
we'll add more blue than green.

- One scoop green.

Two scoops blue.

- Try this.

- Mm, it's getting better...

- One scoop green.

- And three scoops blue.

There you go.

- Get ready.
I feel a song coming on.

- Ooh,
I've been waiting for this!

[upbeat jazzy music]

- You ready, Sister?
- Ready.

both: ♪ You got the right mix

♪ You fixed the right fix

♪ And with the right mix

♪ We're gonna sing,
sing, sing all day ♪

♪ You got the right fix
- [laughs]

♪ You picked the right picks

♪ And with the right mix

♪ We're gonna sing,
sing, sing all day ♪

♪ Sing, sing, sing

♪ They're gonna sing,
sing, sing all day ♪


all: [cheering]

- Thanks, you all.
- That was amazing!

- Thank you for helping the
Song Flower Sisters sing.

- Thank you, Cat.

Now I know what to do about
our sand castle problem.

The solution is
to find the right mix.

- You've got the materials
right here at hand.

Can you get the right mixture
of water and sand?

- We'll see.

- You ready to keep track,

- Ready!

One scoop sand
and one scoop water.

- That's too wet.
We need more sand.

- That's three scoops sand
and one scoop water.

- Better,
but it's still too wet.

- Picky as
a Song Flower sister.

Cat and Nick: [laugh]

- That's four scoops of sand

and one scoop of water.

- We did it!

We found the right mix
for making a perfect tower.

- And because we kept track,

we can make
sand castle towers all day!

- You found the solutions
to make flowers sing

and to make a sand castle
that's fit for a king.

- Yay!
- Yippee!

- Whoo-hoo!
- We did it!

- Whoo-hoo!

Introducing a thing...
- [chatters]

- Or two.
- [chatters]

- About mixing!
Things: Whoo-hoo!



- There are all kinds
of mixing a person can do.

Are you ready to show us,
Thing One and Thing Two?

Things: Uh-huh!

- Now, solids and liquids
behave differently.

So let's mix them together
and see what we see.

We'll start with some solids--
these balls, red and blue.

Thing One, you take red,
and Thing Two, you take blue.

Now please mix them together
and see what they do.

The red balls stay red
and the blue balls stay blue.

And to separate them
is quite easy to do.

Thing One takes the red balls.
Thing Two takes the blue.

Now what if we try
mixing liquids instead?

Thing Two, you take blue paint.
Thing One, you take red.

If you mix them together,
let's see what we see.

Things: Oh!

- The red and blue mix
to make purple--wowee!

And so now, my Things,
here's what I'd like you to do.

Can you take back your red
paint and take back your blue?

- Huh?

- Huh?

- The paint is now purple.
It's not red or blue.

To separate liquids
is harder to do.

Things: Uh-huh!

- Why don't you try some mixing
like Things Two and One?

Ask a grown-up to help you
explore mixing fun!

Things: [cheer]

[mellow music]

- Hold the knot
really tight, Nick.

That's three.

- Your mobile
is coming along great!

- Yeah, it'll be a great
present for your grandma.

- Thanks.

Now, where's the
last rubber duck?

- I'll go get it.

I don't see any more ducks.

- But I was sure I had four.

It won't hang right
with only three.

- Hmm.

You're right.
That's not nearly as nice.

- Maybe you could
use something else,

like--ah, a dinosaur.

- A duck and a dinosaur?
That won't look right.

It has to be a duck
just like the others.

No duck, no mobile,
and no present for my grandma.

- You're missing a duck?
What rotten luck...


- Cat, you're here!

You don't have a duck that
looks like this, do you?

- Uh, er, uh, no.

Sorry, fresh out of ducks.

But I do know where to find
just what you're looking for--

at the Balancing Bazaar
at Balance Point.

- What's a "bazaar"?

- I don't know,
but it has ducks.

Let's go!

- Your mother will
not mind at all if you do.

- Wait, wait, hang on!

Say you find a duck
at this bazaar.

How will you know it's exactly
like the ducks on your mobile?

- We could take one with us.
- Good idea!

Then we can
make sure they match.

He can ride up here in my hat.

- Mom, can Nick and I go
with the Cat in the Hat

to the Balancing Bazaar?

I need a fourth duck
for my mobile.

- I wouldn't want
to stand between

my daughter and
her fourth duck.

You'd better go, honey.

- We can go!
We can go!

- I know!
I know!

To the Thinga-ma-jigger.

Buckle up.

[horn honks]

[playful music]

[whirs, clicks]

Flip the Jigger-ma-whizzer!


[exciting music]

Isn't this fun?

both: Whoo-hoo!

- ♪ Here we go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ The Thinga-ma-jigger
is up and away ♪

both: ♪ Go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ We're flying
with the Cat in the Hat today ♪

[music building]

- Well, the lack of duck
is a problem indeed,

but my favorite bazaar
might have just what you need.

- Oh, so a bazaar
is like a market.

- Uh-oh.
I didn't bring any money.

- No money, no problem.

All that you see
in the Balancing Bazaar

is free to a good home
as long as everything

is kept in balance--
like this.

- Keeping things balanced
can be tricky.

Right, Cat?

Ooh, whoo--Cat!

- Gotcha!
- Phew!

- We'll figure it out, Fish.
Let's go find a duck!

- Look, Sally.

It's not a duck,
but it's really cool.

- Ah, you found the
magnificent marbles.

Aren't they magnificent?
- Very!

- I'd love to take this home.

- Ah, wait!
- Whoa!

- Oh no!
What happened?

- Remember when I said
this is a Balancing Bazaar?

- Oh, I get it.

Everything here is balanced,

so if we take
something off one side,

the other side will go down

because they aren't
the same anymore.

- Right.
They won't be kept in balance.

- If a table's
going to fall over

every time
you take something off,

how can anybody
take anything home?

- Good question.

- What if we leave
something else there

to keep it in balance?

- We don't have another
magnificent marble.

- Maybe Cat has one.
He has everything.

- Not everything,
but I do have a lot.

Let's see--ah!

Ham sandwich...
[items rustling]

Old boot.
- Those won't work.

Things need to be
the same to balance.

- Hmm...

I wonder what
would happen if...

Sally, can you
pick up the marble

as I put Fish down?

- Whoa--what?

- They balance!
But how?

Fish isn't
a magnificent marble.

- I most certainly am not,
although I am magnificent.

- And your bowl is about
the same size as the marble.

- So, maybe being the same size

is what makes thing balance?
- Hmm...

- Know what things
will balance is tricky.

It's true.

But I know that it's something
that you two can do.

- But what we're supposed to be
doing is looking for my duck.

- You're absolutely right.
Let's look this way.

- I'll stay here and
keep things in balance

and look magnificent.

- Hey, how come
these things balance?

They're totally
different things

and totally different sizes.

- They don't look like
they should balance.

- I'd like to
take a closer look,

but I don't wanna
tip the table.

- What if we picked up
both things at the same time?

Then the empty table
would balance.

- And nothing would fall!

- There's only
one way to find out.

Together on three--ready?

One, two, three!

[table creaks]
- It worked!

Can I hold them both
for a second?


They're not even close
to the same size,

but I can feel that
they weigh the same.

Let's put them back.

One, two, three.


- So to balance,

things don't have
to look the same.

They just have to
weigh the same.

- [clears throat]

Have you forgotten
how magnificent

I'm being over here?


- Fish, we could never forget
how magnificent you are.

- You and the magnificent
marble may be the same weight,

but nothing could ever
take your place.

- Thank you.

And now that I'm back up here,

maybe I can find the duck
you're looking for.

Can a marble do that?

- [laughs]
Okay, what do you see?

- I see...

that it's a very big bazaar.

- But with help, I just know
there's a duck to be found.

And Thing One and Thing Two
can help cover more ground.


- Whoo-hoo!
- Whee-hee-hee-hee!

Things: Ta-da!

- Things, we're looking for
a duck just like this one.

Can you help?
Things: Hmm...



- [sniffs]

- Ooh.


- Ooh.

Things: Hello!

- They found the ducks!

- [gasps]
- Wait--

Things: Uh-oh.

- [chatters]

- [panting]



Things: [unsure chattering]

- That's okay, Things.
- [chatters]

- You did find a duck.
- [laughs]

- We'll just put everything
back the way it was.

- Did anyone happen
to notice the way it was?

- Huh? Uh-uh.
- Uh-uh.

- No problem.

We just have to figure out
what balances what.

How hard can that be?

We know these ducks were
all together on one table.

Let's set them aside.

That leaves the drum, car,
piggy bank, and helmet.

But we don't know
what balances with what.

- They're all different.
How's that gonna work?

- Now we know things that
are different can balance

like you and the
magnificent marble.

- Oh, right.

- Let's try the piggy bank
and the car.

- Nope.
This side's heavier.

- Right.

Then let's try the
car with the drum.

- It still doesn't balance.

- That just leaves the helmet.

[anticipative music]

We were right!

They don't have to
look the same.

They just have to
weigh the same.

- Then that means the
piggy bank and the drum

must go together.

- Oh.


- Yay!
- Whoo-hoo!

- You did it!

You balanced the
helmet and truck.

You're ever so close
to now getting your duck.

- And finishing my mobile.

- Wait, time for a duck check.

Is that duck exactly the same
as the one from your mobile?

- They look the same and they
feel like they weigh the same.

I think it'll work.

- But how are you
going to bring it home

without unbalancing the table?

- Hmm...

Let me try something.

Cat, can you
hold the table steady?

- Of course.
- Okay.

Let go.

[drum roll music]


One big duck on this side

balances the two little ones
on that side.

- And now, you can
make a perfect mobile!

- Maybe the perfect mobile

doesn't need to have
four matching ducks.

After all, there's more than
one way to make things balance.

- I don't know
what you have in mind,

but I can't wait to find out.

- At the Balancing Bazaar,

we saw that things don't have
to look the same to balance.

- Right.

They just have to
weigh the same.

- So instead of having four
identical ducks on my mobile,

I thought
I'd mix it up a little.


One big duck weighs
the same as two little ones,

just like at the bazaar.

- [cheers]
- Whoo-hoo!

- That's our Sally--
so clever and ever so wise.

Now your mobile has duckies
of more than one size.

- [laughs]

[upbeat music]