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03x18 - The Treehouse Handshake/The Big Pictures

Posted: 09/30/22 18:54
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music]

- ♪ Hey
- What?

- ♪ Come over here

♪ The Cat in the Hat
is about to appear ♪

♪ He's whizzing over
to whisk you away ♪

♪ On a fabulous journey
today ♪

- He's coming!
- ♪ Now he's arrived

♪ In the Thinga-ma-jigger,
the thing that he drives ♪

♪ He's a cat
and he's oodles of fun ♪

♪ With his hairy helpers,
Thing Two and Thing One ♪

- Whoo-hoo!

- Whoa!


- Whoa!
- Wahoo!

- ♪ It's the Cat in the Hat

♪ All of our adventures
start like that ♪

♪ Wherever you're going,
wherever you're at ♪

♪ The Cat in the Hat
knows a lot about... ♪

- ♪ He knows a lot about,
he knows a lot about ♪

all: ♪ He knows a lot
about that ♪


[upbeat music]


- I won the race to my room!

- What do you want
to play next?

Why don't we play with that?

- Okay. You have to turn it on
to make it go.

[electronic music]

- Cool.

[music stops]

- Oh, no!
The battery must have run out.

- Run out of what?

- Uh, energy...I guess?

- Maybe I can make it work!

My mom says I never
run out of energy.

- [laughs]
I don't think so, Sally.

We need a new battery,
or the toy won't go.

- Okay. Let's get one!

- Mom, do you have a new
battery to make my toy go?

- Sorry, Nick!
We're all out!

[sad music]

- No battery, no power.

No power, no toy.

- Aww, too bad.

What are we gonna do now?

- There you are!
Are you ready to go, go, go?

- Go, go, go where?

- Why, to see
the Dipsy-doodlers, of course.

- What are Dipsy-doodlers?

- The funniest, flappiest
birds that I know,

and they're due to put on
a spectacular show!

- That sounds like fun to me.

- And we need
something fun to do,

since the toy we wanted
to play with ran out of energy.

- Your mother will not mind
at all if you do!

- Mom, can I go see
the Dipsy-doodler show

with Sally
and the Cat in the Hat?

- [laughs]

That sounds fun,
you silly goose!

- We can go, we can go!

- I know, I know!

To the Thinga-ma-jigger!

Buckle up!

[horn honks]

[playful music]

[whirs, clicks]

Flip the Jigger-ma-whizzer!


[exciting music]

Isn't this fun?

both: Whoo-hoo!

- ♪ Here we go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ The Thinga-ma-jigger
is up and away ♪

both: ♪ Go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ We're flying
with the Cat in the Hat today ♪

[peaceful music]

- We've arrived just in time
in Lots-o-lakes Land,

where the show you will see
is especially grand.

- Hmm.
I don't see any show.

- You should hear it coming
any second.

- All I hear
is a bunch of honking.

- That's how you know
it's the start of the show.

[birds honking]

- [laughs]
Oh, the Dipsy-doodlers!

- [laughs]
They're pretty silly.


- Watch this part!
It's my favorite!




- Is it over already?

Where are they going?

- To their next show.

They do them all over
Lots-o-lakes Land.

- Honk--whoa!


- Something's wrong
with that Dipsy-doodler.

- Honk!
Oh, I'll be fine.

I'm just a little tired.


- Are you okay?

- We loved your show.

- Aww, thank you!

But they're so exhausting.

A little nap, and I'll be ready
for the next one.


- Your friends are flying away.

Do you know where
the next show is?

- Oh, good point.

I'll just have to...

keep up with them and--

- Wake up, wake up!

You're going to lose track
of your friends

and miss the next show!

[distant honking]

- What are we going to do?

- Maybe we can take him
in the Thinga-ma-jigger

and catch up to them.

- They've got a big head start.

- Luckily, Dipsy-doodlers
never fly in a straight line,

so there's still a chance!

- All right!
Let's go, go, go!

- We're going to help you
catch up to your friends.

- Oh, how very kind!

- Flip the Jigger-ma-whizzer!


[exciting music]

[clinking, clunking]

- Huh?
What's wrong?

- Oh, dear.
It's out of go, go, go juice.

- But go, go, go juice

is what gives
the Thinga-ma-jigger energy.

Without energy,
it won't go, go, or go!

- Kind of like
this Dipsy-doodler.

- Hmm.

I don't see any go, go, go
fruit bushes around.

- So...we're stuck.

- If only there was another way

to get energy to make
the Thinga-ma-jigger go.

- I'm full of energy.

I can pedal my bike forever!

- You think you could
make the Thinga-ma-jigger go

on pedal power?

- Excellent idea!

Flip the Peddle-ma-doodle.


- Wow! Cool!

- Let's get pedaling.

- It's working! Pedal faster!

- That's it!

Put some energy into it!

- Yay!
- Whoo-hoo!

- I spy Dipsy-doodlers
flying that way!


- [panting]
We're gonna catch up!

- [grunts]
I'm running out of energy.

- [panting]Me too!

- Uh...I...just...
Can't do it anymore.

- [snores]

Are we here?
Oh, thank you so much!

Oh, dear.

I'm still a little tired.

- We need to find
some other way

to make
the Thinga-ma-jigger go.

Do you have something
that can help, Cat?

- Let me have a look.

How about this?
- A balloon?

- Hey!
What made that balloon fly?

- Hmm.

It had air inside when the Cat
pulled it out of his hat,

but now it's flat and empty.

If I put air in it again...

[blows, air hissing]

It flies!

- Maybe pushing the air out
makes the balloon fly.

- If we fill it with air
till it's really, really big,

it might have enough energy
to push the Thinga-ma-jigger.

- Well, there's only one way
to find out!

- [blows, sighs]

[blows, groans]

I'll never have enough energy
to blow it all up.

- When you need lots of air
to work hard for you,

who better to call
than Thing One and Thing Two?


[both cheering]

both: Doo-doo-doo-doo!

- Hello, Things.

Can you please
blow this balloon up

until it's really,
really big?

[playful music]

Now, that's a really,
really big balloon!

Thanks, Things!

Hop back onboard,

[upbeat music]

There's nothing like
balloon power.

- [gasps]
I see Dipsy-doodlers!

We're catching up!


- Uh-oh.
The balloon needs more air.

- [gasps, exhales]

- [blowing]

- We're almost there!

- Keep going, Things!

- [sputtering]

- [gasps, blowing]

[both groaning]

- Oh, no.

The Things
are all out of breath.

- If they're out of energy,

the balloon's
out of energy too!

[distant honking]

- Well, that
was our last chance.

There go the Dipsy-doodlers.


- What a pickle.
- [gasps]

- Wait! They're landing!


- Huh?
Why are they stopping here?

[all chomping, gulping]

- It looks like
they're eating something.

- Honk! Are we there?

- Fortunately, your friends
took a break to get a snack.

- Of course!

We always stop here
and eat fruit.

They give us the energy
we need to--

honk, honk, honk--
do a show!

- You always stop here?

Why didn't you just
tell us to come here

instead of flying
all over the place?

- Oh!

I must've dreamt I told you.

Thank you so much
for your kindness.

- You're welcome!

- [laughs]
The other way!

- Oh, silly me.

[laughing] Honk!


- Look at them eat!

- You need to put energy in
to take energy out.

- Hmm. What kind of fruit
would give them so much energy?

- Go, go, go fruit,
of course!

all: Go, go, go fruit?

- You mean the same
go, go, go fruit

that gives the Thinga-ma-jigger
the energy to go, go, go?

- Hmm.
I never thought of that.

I guess I can be a bit
of a Dipsy-doodler myself.


Come on!
Let's grab some fruit.

- You were right, Cat.

Seeing the Dipsy-doodler show
was fun.

- And now we know
we don't need energy

from a battery
to have a good time.

- Right!

We can do things
using our own energy!

Want to go ride our bikes?

- [sighs]

I think I'm kind of tired,
like that Dipsy-doodler.

- Maybe you need a new battery.

- If you run out of energy,
here's a quick fix.

Try one of my fabulous
energy sticks.

- Energy sticks?
What are those?


both: Bananas! Yum!

- To put energy out,
you need energy in.

When we've all had our snack,
let the playing begin!


- This is gonna be the tallest
building ever!

- Oh, no!

I guess not.

- ♪ For every try
that doesn't work ♪

♪ There's another one
that might ♪

♪ You gotta make
a small mistake or two ♪

♪ Before you get it right

♪ If you don't give up

♪ If you keep on asking why

♪ You might just get it
on the very next try ♪

♪ Ask, why did it fail?

♪ And how?
And when? ♪

♪ Make a new plan
and try it again ♪

- Maybe we should just
use blocks for our building,

and no other toys.

- ♪ For every try
that doesn't work ♪

♪ There's another one
that might ♪

♪ You gotta make
a small mistake or two ♪

♪ Before you get it right

♪ If you don't give up

♪ If you keep on asking why

♪ You might just get it
on the very next try ♪

♪ Ask, why did it fail?

♪ And how?
And when? ♪

♪ Make a new plan
and try it again ♪

- Maybe we should have
bigger blocks on the bottom

and smaller blocks on the top.

- ♪ For every try
that doesn't work ♪

♪ There's another one
that might ♪

♪ You gotta make
a small mistake or two ♪

♪ Before you get it right

♪ If you don't give up

♪ If you keep on asking why

♪ You might just get it

♪ I think you'll get it

all: ♪ Hey, look at us

♪ We did it on the very

♪ Next try

[upbeat music]

- Well, Fish, what do you think
of our Father's Day gifts?

- I think your dads

are gonna have the nicest
pencil holders in town!

- Thanks, Fish.

I made mine from a soup can.

Does it look like an owl?

- Yes, it does!

- Mine's made of wooden sticks.

- Fancy!

- And a lot of glitter glue.

- Hey, Sally,
want to have a wrapping race?

- You're on!

- On your mark...

[drum roll]

Get set...


- Whoo-hoo! Yeah!
- [laughing]

- You two are speedy.

both: Done!

- It's a tie!

Whoo-hoo! Nice job.

- I'll get the gift tags.


Uh, wait.
Which one's mine?

- Uh...
I can't tell them apart.

- Now we have to open them
to find out which is which.

- But we're
out of wrapping paper.

- I wish there was some way
to know what's inside.

- I'm inside![laughs]

both: Cat!
- What do you need?

- We can't tell
our dads' gifts apart.

- How do we know what's inside
without ripping them open?

- Hmm. Ha-ha!

I know an expert on things
inside other things.

Should we go and see
my old friend Zippy Zaroo?

Your mother will not mind
at all if you do.

- Mom!

We mixed up our Father's Day

Can we go see Zippy Zaroo
with the Cat in the Hat?

He can help us sort it out!

- Sure!

Hope you can fix up
the mix-up!

- We can go, we can go!
- I know, I know!

To the Thinga-ma-jigger!

Buckle up!

[horn honks]

[playful music]

[whirs, clicks]

Flip the Jigger-ma-whizzer!


[exciting music]

Isn't this fun?

both: Whoo-hoo!

- ♪ Here we go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ The Thinga-ma-jigger
is up and away ♪

both: ♪ Go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ We're flying
with the Cat in the Hat today ♪

[peaceful music]

- Hey, Cat.

What is this place?

- This factory's famous,

it's known far and wide,

and you'll understand why
when you see what's inside.

- Yahoo! Visitors!

- Nick and Sally,
meet Zippy Zaroo,

the owner of this factory.

- Hi!
- Hi, Zippy.

Nice to meet you.

- Pleased to meet you two too.

Oh, Cat.

Would you mind moving
your Thinga-ma-jigger?

It's kind of in the way
of my delivery trucks.

- No problem!

I always carry
my own parking space.

- Your hat?
- Yep.

All I have to do is hit
the Shrinkamadoodle...



And presto!

It's the perfect size

for parking it right here.

[both laugh]

- Welcome to Zippy Zaroo's
Cookie Surprise Factory!

Every cookie
has a toy inside.

- Really? Amazing!

- Come on.
I'll show you how it works.

The cookie batter
squirts out here...

Then the cookies bake
in this oven,

and when they're done,

a toy drops into each cookie!

- Wow, cool!

- Look at that.

- Those robot hands
are wrapping the toys

in the cookies!

- And then that boot
kicks it into the bin.

[buzzer blares]

- Uh-oh. It's stuck.

This happens sometimes.

[buzzer blares]


Now we start things up again.

[bell rings, machines whir]

What do you think?

- It's incredible!

- That's what I call
a sweet deal.

[alarm ringing]

Time to mix up more batter
for a big order.

Um, could you keep an eye
on things for a few minutes?

- Sure!

Anything we should know
before you go?

- Um, whatever you do,

do not push that button.

Back in two shakes!

- This is amazing, Cat,
but what about our problem?

- Oh, your presents.
- Hello?

I think we've got
a bigger problem.

- It's jammed again!

- Oh, uh...

Oh, yes.

The toolbox!

- You've got to stop
the machine first.

Push the red button.

[buzzer blares]

[machines stop]

[playful music]

- That should do it.

[machine clanking]
Oh, dear.

- Oh, no!
It emptied all the toys!

- I guess that means we have to

put the toys
on the cookies by hand.

- We're gonna need help.

- Filling cookies by hand
is no problem, I'd say,

with Thing One and Thing Two
just a whistle away!


- Ah!

- Oh!

I guess I Shrinkamadoodled them

in the Thinga-ma-jigger.


both: Oh!

- Hi, guys.
Sorry about the size surprise.

I remembered to bring

my remote Bigamaboodle.



Right before our eyes,

you're back to normal size!

Now, we need your help putting
these toys into those cookies.

both: Ooh.

[excited chatter]

- Okay, Cat, now you can
turn it back on.

- Rightio,
green makes it go!


- Whoa, Cat!
Can you slow it down?

- No problem.

- Cat, that's the one
you're not supposed to hit.


- Hurry!
We need a toy there!

- And another one there, quick!

- Work faster!


[excited chatter]

- I can't keep up!
Hit the red button!

[buzzer blares]

- Phew.
- Oof.

- Ah!
Well, that was exciting.

- I think you should just

the Thinga-ma-jigger,

and we should go home!

- Where is the

It was right there
with the toys.

both: Oh?

both: Uh-oh.

- It must be inside a cookie!

- But which one?

- We can't
break them all open.

- Maybe we can figure it out
without opening them.

There are only four things
that could be inside.

- Right.

A car, a stuffy, a yo-yo...

- Or...the Thinga-ma-jigger!


This one rattles,

and this one doesn't.

Hey, maybe we can find it out
by how they sound.

Which toy wouldn't rattle?

- Something soft.

The stuffy!

- So all the cookies
that don't rattle

probably have stuffies inside.

- Good thinking!
Things, get shaking.

[playful music]

- Oh?

- Leave all the cookies
that rattle.

One of them could have
the Thinga-ma-jigger!

- And put the ones that
don't rattle in this bin.


- Brilliant!

That way, we'll have
all the stuffies in one place.

- So now the rest
of the cookies

should either have
a car or a yo-yo.

- Or the Thinga-ma-jigger.

- But how can we
narrow it down?

- Hmm. Oh.[gasps]

What's in that toolbox?

- Good thinking, Nick!

These might do the trick.

- [gasps]
A magnet!

- They only stick
to metal things.

- Right!

So it'll stick to metal,
like the toy car,

but it won't stick to wood,
like the yo-yo.

- [gasps] Cat!

The Thinga-ma-jigger's
made of metal, right?

- Mostly. So?

- We can use this magnet
to find out

which cookies have
something metal inside.

- Ah!

The way you two think
just tickles me pink!

- This has something metal.

Nope. Must be a yo-yo.





[excited chatter]

- There's only a few
cookies left.

- And we know they all
have something metal inside.

- But only one
has the Thinga-ma-jigger.

So...which one?
- Hmm.

- Hmm...
What to do, what to do?

- Cat, what's that other tool?

- It's a scale.

- It measures
how heavy things are.

- Hmm. If two cookies
are the same weight...

- The two pans
should be balanced.

- And they probably have
the same thing inside!

- Yeah.
Probably both cars.

- But if we find one cookie
that's lighter

or heavier than the others...

- It's heavier!

It must be
the Thinga-ma-jigger!

- Please, please, please.

- Hooray!
- Yay!

- You found it!
- Zip!

I'm back.
How's every little thing?

- Actually,
everything's perfect.

Thanks to your factory, Zippy,

I've figured out how to solve
our problem at home.

- Well, I don't know
what I did,

but I'm glad it helped.

- See you, Zippy!
- See you later!

- Thank you, Zippy.
- Thanks for coming.

Visit anytime!

- Thanks to Zippy's factory,

we know how to tell my gift
from Nick's gift.

- I'm glad you do,
'cause I don't get it.

- If the magnet sticks,
there's metal inside,

so it won't stick
to my wooden pencil box.

- But my soup can
pencil holder is metal.

It sticks!

This one's mine.

- Which means this one is mine.

- Oh, that's wonderful.

Now we can tell them apart.

Have I mentioned that you two
are incredibly smart?


[upbeat music]