11x09 - Peggy's Gone to Pots

Episode transcripts for the TV show "King of the Hill". Aired: January 12, 1997 –; present.*
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Animated series follows the life of propane salesman Hank Hill, who lives with his substitute-teacher wife Peggy, wannabe comedian son Bobby, and deadbeat niece Luanne.
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11x09 - Peggy's Gone to Pots

Post by bunniefuu »



do not be alarmed if you
hear any loud noises

coming from my property
over the next few days.

I'm just blowing stuff up.

Look what I found
at the library!

'How to Blow Stuff Up!

You're making a b*mb?

Several. I'm engaged
in an arms race

with an exterminator
in McMaynerberry.

You could get in a lot of
trouble for this, Dale.

I'm pretty sure the government
keeps track of books like that.

At least I hope they do.

You mean Rusty Shackleford
could get in a lot of trouble.

I have a library card
in his name. Sha-sha!

(sighs): Are you still
pretending to be that guy?

It's a victimless crime,

like eating grapes
at the supermarket.

Or stealing coupons from
Hank's Sunday newspaper...


I want you to all look
at the plate

in front of you...
What do you see?


That's right. Steak.

That's what you eat when you're
a member of Team Sizemore,

the number one Realtor
in Heimlich County.

But this month's top sellers
get something more.

They get to eat steak...
with me.

Oh, the view must be great
from up there.

And this month's
lucky diner is...

Peggy Hill!

Candi and Roger!

Oh, yeah! Yeah!

Damn it!

Come on, you two!

Bring your steaks on up here.



It's easy to be
the top salesperson

when you sell Arlen Heights.

Peggy is the real hero...

Trying to move those houses
in Belchefs Grove.

(chuckles) CANDI:
Don't worry,

you'll get here one day,

one shack at a time.

(Candi chuckling) ROGER: Oh!
Ooh, ouch.

Why do we have to watch

a foreign movie?

If it was any good,

they would've made
an American version.

Do you think
I am enjoying this? No.

Bull need upscale clients
in places like Arlen Heights.

Wealthy people like culture.

Cultured people watch
foreign movies.

Something's happening!

(man on TV groans)

This is ridiculous.


Are you kidding, Dad?

Colette is gonna
leave Etienne for Claude

because Etienne has malaise.


That guy just sprouted wings.

All right, that's it, Peggy,
I'm gonna have to ask you

to relinquish
the remote control.

Fine! I'll watch the rest
at Minh's.

I bet she likes foreign movies...
She's a foreigner.

To her, it's just a movie.

TED: Dinner was splendid.

I suppose it would be appropriate
for us to reciprocate.

We're having a party
this weekend.

We'd love it if
you could make it.

Oh, we'll be there!

And then maybe this summer,
we come visit

at your beach house on the Gulf.

Uh... of course.

Well, let's set a date!

I get calendar.

Please, do not
make this awkward.

(doorbell rings)

I'll get it.

Oh, it's the Wassonasongs.

Of Arlen Heights!

Well, how is life
in The Heights?

You know, I'm a Realtor...
Are you looking to sell?

Because I just watched
this wonderful French movie.

Actually, Ted and I

are thinking about
selling our house.

We're having a little
party this weekend.

You should come...
We could talk more.

(gasps) Make sure new
guesthouse has big room,

so I can drop off
present... me!

(Dale humming a tune)

"Set the timer and retreat
to a safe distance."


Oh, my lucky hat!

(relieved sigh)

My smokes!


Thanks for the ride, Hank.

If I pass out before
we get to the hospital,

tell them my name
is Rusty Shackleford.

He's got great insurance...

Medicaid. This is the dumbest
thing you've ever done.

You could have lost a finger.

C-Correction: Rusty Shackleford
could have lost a finger.


Hello. I'm Peggy Hill.

I'm a guest of the Wassonasongs.

You're on the list.

Welcome to Arlen Heights.


Come on in. Oh, I'm not
trying to pressure you,

but I thought I'd bring
this sign in just in case.


Hi. Peggy Hill,
Sizemore Realty.

Hello. Peggy Hill,
Sizemore Really.

Take your seats, everybody.

The presentation
is about to begin.


That's right.
All the products you see

in this kitchen are made
by the Cozy Kitchen Company,

and I am your Cozy Kitchen

Hey, this not a party.

It's an ambush. You think
if we buy fancy corkscrew,

we'll get invited
to beach house?

(chuckles quietly):
I know what I'm buying...

A giant spatula
to flip this house.

(doorbell rings)

Dale Gribble?

Maybe. Who's asking?

Rusty Shackleford.

Du... Wha.?!
It's me, Dale.

But-but that's impossible.

Rusty died in third grade.

I didn't die. I moved.

You need to stop using
my name, Dale.

I am not using your name.

And I am not Dale!

Come on, Dale,
you're smoking the same brand

of cigarettes you did
in the third grade.

Get off my property,
whoever I am!

(siren blaring)


Cozy Kitchen makes spaghetti
so authentic

you'll say "Mama Mia!"


(angry groan)

Now, let's mingle
and place orders.

One five-bedroom colonial
with a side of multiple offers?

(both laugh)

Oh Peggy, you're a delight.

But I'm having second
thoughts about moving.

What? You can't.

This is my way
into Arlen Heights.

Is it the commission?
I'll cut it in half.

Oh, it's not the commission.

These people aren't
just my customers,

they've become my friends.

Who will take care of them?

I will... I will take over

as Cozy Kitchen
representative for you.

I will sell your house;
I'll even help you pack.

I am a full-service Realtor.

Wow, Peggy, you sure are
making this easy for me.

But I need to talk to Ted first.

It's done. We're free.


(train whistle blows)

So wait, how is selling
kitchen appliances

gonna help you sell houses?

Cozy Kitchen gets me
in the door,

then Peggy the Realtor
sells the house.

Look at all these free samples.

You see this can opener, Hank?

This is also a door opener.

Wow! A toaster
that only cooks hot dogs?

That's not a toaster, Bobby.
What is it?

A door opener!


And once I open enough doors,

I will be the top seller

eating steak at Chris's table.

What are you doing here?

You're along way
from Belcher's Grove.

Peggy, I've been wondering...
In Belcher's,

do you count a couch on
the roof as a family room?


Oh-ho-ho, sometimes.

But right now,
I'm visiting clients.


(doorbell rings)


I am Peggy Hill,

member of Sizemore
Realty, and your new

Cozy Kitchen...


(shouts): I'm leaving a
free sample and my card.

I-I really need
to talk to Dale.

I'm trying to get
a small business loan,

but the bank thinks
I'm the same guy

who skipped town on a string
of failing alpaca farms.

Well, if we see him,
we'll give him the message.

I want to handle this
like gentlemen, but...

well, I'm not leaving town
until it's sorted out.

Nice meeting you!

Did you hear that?

He's not leaving.


He's gonna hunt me
like an animal

and k*ll me...
like an animal!

I was never here!

Could someone toss me a beer.

Can I help you?

Hey there. I'm Judy Barnes,
Cozy Kitchen Corporate.

I just wanted to stop by
to welcome you in person.

It's fun, isn't it?

Well, I'm not getting
the warmest reaction,

and the free samples didn't
help out as much I expected.

That wasn't a sample kit, silly.

That was your first
inventory shipment.

Aw, well, potato, po-tah-to.

No. Potato.

You owe us money, lots of money.

You probably don't realize how
threatening you're coming off,

even with the smile.

Peggy, bless your heart.

I don't think you understand
how deep you're in.

I suggest you read
your contract.

"No right to arbitration...

serious financial

And it's not
just the starter kit!

I also have monthly quotas!

They've got me over a barrel.

This is just like
that time I had

to sell all those
candy bars for school.

Is there any way you can eat
your way out of this?

I'm afraid not, Bobby.

I need to get
those samples back.

Excuse me,
the gate isn't working.

We had to change all the codes.

Some saleslady
was harassing people.

I see.

You know what
that guard shack needs?

A panini maker.

Please exit the Heights.

(horns honking)

What's all this?

Next month's product.

Your garage was locked.

I hope you don't mind,
we used a crow bar.

But I haven't sold
this month's product yet.

If I were you,

I'd quit arguing
and start selling...

because Cozy Kitchen is going
to get their money

one way or the other.

(engine cranking)

Love your roses!

Oh, hey, Sug. What's up?

I came over to apologize.

I have been so busy selling Cozy
Kitchen to Arlen Heights,

I've completely
ignored my friends.


Just circle what you want.

Okay, um...


I'll take one of these.

A vegetable peeler?

A $12 vegetable peeler?!

Well, I don't need
anything else.

Who cares?!
How about a juicer?

A crepe pan?

Help me out.
I'm dying here!

You're hurtin' me, sug.

(car door shuts)



What are you doing?

I tried calling,
but you didn't answer.

Cozy Kitchen
is not going so well.

But it's okay,
I have the perfect solution:

Let's get this house
on the market, huh?

About the house,

It's just, a...

a bad time of year for us...

and, uh...

Oh, for goodness sake, Cindy,
look at her. Just tell her.

You're not planning
to sell the house, are you?


I'm sorry.

I had to get out of my contract
and the only way

was to find a replacement.

We did what we had to do.

We tried to disappear
from the face of the Earth

by holing up at our beach house.

It's on an island!

They still found us.

They have motorboats, Peggy!


You have no idea

what Cozy Kitchen is capable of.

If you want out,

you have to find a better way

to disappear than we did.

Or find your own patsy.

LUANNE: I'm going to be a
Cozy Kitchen representative.

Oh, thank you, Aunt Peggy.

I'm gonna wear pink,

and learn to cook and...

and, oh, God, oh, God,
I can't believe

I have this great job!

You hear that, baby?

We're gonna be okay!


I cannot let you do this.

But you promised.

I - I'm sorry, Luanne.

It's a scam.

I want to sell Cozy Kitchen!

Come on.

One more leprechaun.


(doorbell rings)

(telephone rings)



What are you doing?


And you're blowing my cover!

This is my hedge.

Go find your own.

I was here first.

And Hank deeded
this hedge to me.

He didn't want you to
get it in the divorce.



Who are you...

Stifle, woman.

I think I hear
Shackleford's car.

Who's Shackleford?

The man whose identity I stole.

Who are you hiding from?

Cozy Kitchen.

The people who
made our vegetable peeler?

That thing's great!

All I wanted was
to sell a big house,

get to sit at Chris's
little table

and get some respect.

All I wanted was a fall guy,

so I'd never have to take

for my actions.

They're destroying
my realty career.

They're threatening
to take everything,

and I can't tell Hank about it.

I don't know where to turn.

Me neither.

There's no escape!

Maybe if I k*lled myself
he'd leave me alone.

While you're at it,
take me out, too.

Peggy, it would be my pleasure.

A m*rder/su1c1de pact.

That might work.

If Shackleford and Cozy Kitchen
think we're dead,

they'll stop looking for us.

Let's do it.

I'll pretend to k*ll you

and then pretend to
take my own life.


Ah, well, I guess I'm still in.

Okay, here's the story.

We stole Bill's car.

That part's true.

Then we drove it
into the ravine.

And you think that's
really going

to convince people we're dead?

How hard can it be?

Shackleford convinced me
he was dead

in the third grade.

It appears Bill needs
to have his tires aligned.



Well, Bill's gonna need
a new seat.

After we throw the dummies
into the water,

we leave a su1c1de note
on the railing.

The swift current will tear
the dummies apart,

and the cops won't find a thing.

Well, then why throw the dummies
in the first place?

Who would even know?

We'd know.

Show a little pride, Peggy.

(garage door opening)

Oh, Hank. You're home early.

Huh? No, I'm not.

What's going on
with those dummies?

Maybe this is good.

We could use a witness
to our fake deaths.

To your what?

Did I not mention this to you?

HANK: What the hell
were you thinking?

I was out of options, Hank.

I couldn't sell a house to cover
the cost of the pots and pans.

If you have any better ideas

than m*rder-su1c1de
I would love to hear them.

Well, why don't you throw one
of those parties like Cindy did?

Yes! That's good!

Then I could find a patsy
that I'm not related to!

No! Then you could
at least prove

to this Judy woman
that you're trying your best.

And then Judy
could tell corporate

what she sees at the party.

This could work, Hank.


I'm so glad you could make it.

I presume you have
a check for me.

We'll talk
after my presentation.

(doorbell rings)


Ha ha!

You'll never catch me,

And thanks to my Cozy Kitchen
nonstick frying pan,


my eggs slide onto the plate.



You gotta hide me!

Shackleford is on his way.

Dale, if you are not here

to make a purchase,
I must ask you to leave.

Ah, then I am taking
you as my hostage.


Oh, Lord.


Stop it!

Let go!


That does it, Dale,
I will k*ll you!

If you k*ll me,
I'm taking you with me!

Oh, no you won't!


PEGGY: No, stop! Sha-shaw!

What the heck is going on?

We still have a chance.

Act like a ghost.


This pan's amazing.

I'm riddled with tiny shrapnel,

but it doesn't
have a scratch on it.


I could make one
helluva flapjack

with that honey.

Yep, Cozy Kitchen makes
a quality product,

I tell you what.

If it can survive an expl*si*n

imagine how it will stand up

to the demands of
the modern kitchen.

I'll take one.

Yeah, lemme have one
of those bad boys.

Yeah, me, too. Do they come
in other sizes? If I sell

my entire inventory today

will you please let me out
of my contract?


I'm never getting out, am I?

There might be one way.

If corporate thinks I died
in the expl*si*n, too.

Consider it done.

We need to settle this

whole identity theft issue
once and for all.

Oh, God, a g*n.

Die like a man, Gribble.

Die like a man.

Just sign these forms
so I can get on with my life.


You know, Judy,

you're going to need
to disappear for a while.

I know the perfect hideaway,

a sunny two-bedroom
in Arlen Heights.


Mm-hmm. Call me.

We'll set up a tour.

The view really
is beautiful from up here.

CINDY: They have motorboats, peggy.
TED: Motorboats!
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