01x15 - Zeg and the Egg

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Blaze and the Monster Machines". Aired: October 13, 2014 - June 12, 2020.*
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AJ is an 8-year-old techie who drives monster-truck Blaze and go on adventures that have them taking on problems involving science and math.
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01x15 - Zeg and the Egg

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ On your mark

♪ Get ready to race

♪ One, two, three,
let's blaze ♪

♪ So buckle your seat belt,
we're gonna scream and yell ♪

♪ When Blaze
goes saving the day ♪

♪ Blaze, Blaze, Blaze

♪ Gimme, gimme,
gimme some speed ♪

♪ Blaze
and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Go, go

♪ Blaze
and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Go, go

♪ Blaze
and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Go, go,
let's blaze ♪

[Blaze and A.J.]

Hi there.
I'm Blaze.

And I'm his driver, A.J.

We're playing a game
with one of our best

Monster Machine friends.



That fun!

Nice smashing, Zeg.

We're playing
Zeg's favorite game.

It's called Smash.




To play Smash,

we zoom around the track,

and every time we see
big, colorful rocks,

we smash 'em!

Blaze, smash!
Blaze, smash!

Come on.
You can play Smash with us.

Whenever we smash
through a pile of rocks,

we yell, "Smash!"

Here they come.

Yell, "Smash!"


- Whoo-hoo!

Let's do it again!

Yell, "Smash!"


- All right!
- Yeah!

Last ones.

Yell, "Smash!"



Zeg love Smash.

[wind gusting]

Ooh, ooh, lookie!

Big yellow rock
with purple spots.

Zeg never see rock
like this before.

Zeg have great idea.

Zeg gonna smash.

Zeg, no!


That's not one of your
smashing rocks.

It not?

No. Look.

It's an egg.

A really big egg.

It must be
a dinosaur egg.

Oh, good thing
Zeg not smash.

Baby dinosaur
inside egg.

But this egg
belongs in a nest.

It must be lost.

We better use my visor to find
out where the egg's nest is.

Switching to visor-view.

My visor says the nest
is somewhere far away.

Where do you see a nest?

in that tree!

[Dinosaur cawing]


[Blaze]Look, there's a dinosaur
flying around the nest.

It's a Truckadactyl.

She must be
the egg's mommy.


And she's really worried

because she doesn't know
where her egg is.

Oh, poor egg.

You lost.

Zeg feel so sorry
for you.

Don't worry, Zeg.

We can take the egg
back to its nest.


We can all
take it back together.


Hear that, egg?

Zeg and Zeg friends
take you home.


Come on, guys.

We better hurry and get
this egg back to its nest.

♪ Come on, let's go

♪ We're ready to roll

[man and woman]
♪ Full speed ahead

♪ Ready, get set


[man and woman]
♪ Time for adventure

♪ Let's go

♪ Faster and faster

♪ Let's go

♪ Pedal to the metal

♪ Let's go

♪ We can be the heroes

♪ Let's go

♪ Come on, let's go

Uh-oh. Look, there's
something in our way.


A giant coconut?

Lug nuts!

It's so big, there's no
way to go around it.

Oh! Oh!
Zeg know what to do.

Zeg smash!

You stay here,
little egg.

Watch Zeg smash!


Coconut not smash?

Coconut too big!


Zeg doesn't have enough
force to smash the coconut.

Oh, don't give up,
big guy.

I have something
that can help.

It's a wedge.

What wedge?

A wedge is a simple machine
you can use to split stuff.

Here, I'll show you
how it works.

First, I put the pointy end of
the wedge against the coconut.

And then I bang
on the flat side...

and look!

The pointy end
pushes into the coconut

and it makes it split.


It's really working.

Now you try it, Zeg.


Zeg use wedge!

- You did it, Zeg!
- All right!

Zeg like wedge.

With the wedge,
we can split almost anything.

Oh, look, little egg.

This wedge.

Now that Zeg have wedge,

nothing stop Zeg
from getting you home.

Come on, everybody.

This way.
Time to split.

♪ Let me tell you about
the coolest tool ♪

♪ There's so much
you can do ♪

Push, pry,
part, wedge!

♪ A triangle shape
that can split anything ♪

♪ It's a simple machine

Zeg not know
what that mean.

♪ Wedge, wedge,
wedge, wedge ♪

♪ It's on the cutting edge

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah

♪ Chopping and cracking

♪ Parting and prying

♪ To break in half

Split, split,
smash, wedge!

♪ Wedge, wedge,
wedge, wedge ♪

♪ The sharpest in my shed

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah

♪ Splitting and spreading

♪ Busting and breaking

♪ To crack and bash

Push, bang,
part, wedge!


Check out how high we are.


Zeg need to bring
egg to nest.

But that long way down.

Don't worry, Zeg.

I see how we can
get down from here.

We can slide down
on this piece of wood.

Yeah, like
a giant sled.

Zeg like.

Hop on!

Don't be scared, egg.

Zeg hold on to you.


[laughter, cheers]

Blaze, look!

There's a tunnel,
and we're headed right for it.

[Zeg]Hmm, tunnel look
kind of small.

We better make sure
our sled can fit.

to visor-view.

My visor says the tunnel
is 8 meters wide,

so to fit through,

our sled needs to be
smaller than 8.

Quick, let's count and see
how big our sled is.

Count with me.











10 meters wide?

But the tunnel
is only 8!

Oh, no!
Sled too big to fit.

Don't worry, guys.

We can use our wedge
to make the sled smaller.

Now the sled
is 7 meters wide,

and the tunnel is 8.

Will our sled fit?


Our sled is smaller
than the tunnel.

Hang on, egg.

[all cheering]

We made it!

Yay, egg.
We almost at bottom.

But first we have to get
through those snapping plants.

Snapping plants?


My visor says that
the hole is only...

4 meters wide.

But our sled
is 7 meters wide.

And the hole is 4.

Will our sled fit?


Our sled is too big.

Hang on, everyone.

It's wedge time!


Now our sled
is 3 meters wide.

Will it fit
through the hole?


Hang on tight,

[all cheering]



We made it to the bottom.


Oh, you safe, little egg.

Zeg never let anything
bad happen to you.

Come on, Zeg.

We'd better keep moving

so we can get that egg
back to its nest.


♪ Twinkle, twinkle,
little egg ♪

♪ Time for kiss
from your friend Zeg ♪


Aww, you're taking such
good care of that egg.

Zeg just want
to keep egg safe

until we get
to nest.

[indistinct shouting]

Blaze, look!

It's a bunch of
woolly mammoth trucks.


They sound worried.

I think they're running
away from something.

[indistinct shouting]



Mammoth say trouble
at volcano.

Trouble at volcano?

That can't be good.

Blaze, it's erupting!


Let's get out of here!

Volcanoes are so hot

that all the rocks
on the inside melt

and turn into red-hot lava.

Now that it's erupting,

all the lava is coming out
and heading this way.

Zeg have to protect egg.

What we do?

We need to find
a solution.

There's got to be a way
to stop that lava.

Hey, maybe we can
use those logs.

Hey, mammoths,
give us a hand.


Do you think these logs
will stop the hot lava?

Let's test it and see.

Here comes the lava.

Oh, lava make
logs very hot.

Lug nuts!

They got so hot they burned up
and turned to ash.

logs can't stop lava.

Let's get out of here!

We've got to find something else
to try and stop the lava.

Hey, how about
those metal beams?

Metal wouldn't burn
like the logs did.

Oh, Zeg like that idea.

Come on, everyone.

Let's move those beams
in front of the lava.

Do you think the metal beams
will stop the hot lava?

Let's test it and see.


The lava is so hot
it melted the metal beams.


Metal didn't stop
the lava either.


This way!

[tires screeching]

Hey, look at this.

What is it, Blaze?

It's a tower
full of cold water.

Cold water can cool
things that are hot,

and the lava is hot.

Do you think cold water
will stop lava?

We'd better test it.

[Zeg]Oh, water is
cooling off lava.

And it's turning the lava
back into solid rock.

Now we know

we can use water
to cool off the lava.

And we're gonna need a lot more
water to cool off the rest.

Mammoths, help, please!

Need more water!


Way to go, mammoths!

All right!

Now there's no more
hot lava.

[all trumpeting]

That was close, egg.

But you safe now.


Come on, Zeg.

Just a little farther,

and we'll be
at the egg's nest.

So long, mammoths!

[all trumpeting]


Pickle, Pickle,
throw the ball to me.

You got it, big guy.

♪ Look at me

♪ I'm the best
at playing catch ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah

♪ I'm the best
at playing catch ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah



Hey, my--my ball.

I can't find it.

Oh, no.
It's gone!


Someone must have taken it!


Oh, Crusher,
don't say that.

I'm sure your ball
is around here somewhere.

[Blaze's horn sounds]

Hey, wait a second.

I think Blaze and Zeg
took my ball.

Blaze and Zeg?

They would never do that.

Here, egg.
Zeg make blanket for you.

Nice and cozy.


Zeg see you.



Zeg see you.

Yeah, I don't think
that's your ball, Crusher.

It's awfully...

Oh, I'm pretty sure
that's my ball.

Blaze and Zeg took it.

They--they wrapped it
in a blanket

and for some reason they're
playing peek-a-boo with it.

Now I'm gonna take it back.


Zeg see you.


Give me my ball!

- [gasps] Eggy!
- Oh, no!


Hey, Crusher.
Look what I found.

My ball!
You found it.


If you have my ball,
then that means...


That's a real egg up there.

I've made a terrible mistake.

Someone's got to
rescue that egg!

Eggy, Zeg coming
to save you!

[A.J.]Uh-oh, that cliff
is super rocky.

Zeg, look out!



Whoa, that was close.


Zeg have
to get to egg,

but falling rocks
too big.

Don't worry, Zeg.

We can fix
this problem.

We'll engineer
a solution.

We need something
with a big wedge

to bust up those


an excavator
mounted jackhammer.

It's a powerful machine
that bangs things with a wedge

to make them break.


Great idea.

Come on,
help turn me

into an excavator
mounted jackhammer.

First we need
the wedge.

That's the part
with the pointy end

that can split
the big rocks.

To make the wedge,
say, "wedge!"


All right!

Now we need a piston
that goes up and down

to bang on the flat part
of the wedge.

To make the piston,
say, "piston!"



And last,
we need a boom arm

that's strong enough
to move the jackhammer.

To make the boom arm,
say, "boom arm!"

Boom arm!

Oh, yeah!

I'm a jackhammerin'
monster machine!


Come on, everyone.

Let's go bust
some boulders.

Hang on, egg.

Zeg and Zeg friends
are coming.

To get all the way
to the egg,

we've got to break the rocks
as soon as we see them.

So when you see a rock,

say, "rock!"



It worked!

Zeg think more
rocks coming.

Bust 'em, Blaze!

Let's do it.

Whenever you see a rock coming,
say, "rock!"





Look, there's the egg!

We made it!

Oh, eggy,

Zeg never let anything bad
happen to you.


Come on, g*ng.

Let's hurry and get the egg
back down where it's safe.


You guys rescued
the egg.

That was incredible!

Wasn't that
incredible, Crusher?

Yeah, but it was my idea that
they should go and rescue it.

So I'm kind of like
a hero too, right?



Hey, guys,
check it out, over there!

Oh! Egg's nest!

Egg's nest!

See, egg,
you home,

just like Zeg promised.

Now time for Zeg to go.

Be good, egg.

Zeg going to miss you.

Bye-bye, egg.


Hang on, Zeg.Look.

Oh, oh!

Egg, you hatching!


I want to see!




Egg, you not egganymore!

You--you baby


And you so cute.


Baby, truckadactyl, look,

your mommy is here!

And she sure is happy
to see you.

Zeg, you did a great job

getting that baby
truckadactyl home.

Oh, Zeg not
have done it

without Zeg friends.

High tire, buddy.


Oh, Zeg,

I think the baby truckadactyl
wants to say "thank you."



You welcome.



Aww, that baby

is giving everyone
thank you kisses.

Isn't that nice,


If there's one thing
I do not like,

it's a big, wet kiss.

No thank you.



Ah, kisses!Blech!


Ugh, yuck.

- ♪ It's Blaze
and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ It's Blaze

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ Buckle up, gonna roll

♪ Yeah, we're ready to go
with blaze ♪

♪ You'll be amazed

♪ It's Blaze

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ It's time

♪ For adventure extreme

♪ Gonna kick it in gear

♪ We'll be catching some air
with Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ It's Blaze

♪ And the Monster Machines
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