01x08 - The Team Truck Challenge

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Blaze and the Monster Machines". Aired: October 13, 2014 - June 12, 2020.*
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AJ is an 8-year-old techie who drives monster-truck Blaze and go on adventures that have them taking on problems involving science and math.
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01x08 - The Team Truck Challenge

Post by bunniefuu »

- ♪On your mark ♪

♪ Get ready to race

♪ One, two, three,
let's blaze ♪

♪ So buckle your seat belt,
we're gonna scream and yell ♪

♪ When blaze
goes saving the day ♪

♪ Blaze, blaze, blaze

♪ Gimme, gimme,
gimme some speed ♪

♪ Blaze
and the monster machines ♪

♪ Go, go

♪ Blaze
and the monster machines ♪

♪ Go, go

♪ Blaze
and the monster machines ♪

♪ Go, go,
let's blaze ♪

- Hi, I'm blaze,

And this is my driver
and best buddy, a.j.

- Hi.

- A.j. And I love racing,
and today we're gonna be in

One of the most awesome
races ever...

Both: the team truck challenge!

- It's a special team race.

There are two trucks
on every team.


See those two trucks
with the yellow flags?

They're the yellow team.

- And those two trucks,
they're the green team.

- And there goes
the purple team.

- [Gasps]

Everybody's on a team!

Oh, boy.

I want to be on a team
with my best buddy.


Oh, this'll be great.

Crusher and I do everything

Oh, crusher!

Oh, there you are, crusher.

Great news:

Today's race
is a team race.

That means we can be on a team,

Together, you and me!

- [Laughs]
oh, no, no, no, no.

I've already got
a perfect teammate.

Say hello to rudy.

- Rudy?

But I thought maybe you and me
could be teammates.

- Oh, no.

Rudy's the perfect teammate.

With him on my team,

I'm gonna win this race
for sure.

- Oh, well, okay, crusher.

I guess you've already got
your teammate,

So you don't need me.

I'll--i'll just watch the race.

- Hey, pickle.
You look kind of sad.

- What's wrong?
- Oh, it's nothing.

It's just, I was hoping I could
be on a team with crusher,

But he picked someone else
for a teammate,

So I guess I just can't be
in the race after all.

- Well, pickle, we still need
another truck to be on our team.

Would you like to race with us?

- Really?

On a team with you guys?

Well, yeah!

Count me in!


- Here you go, pickle.

- You can race with us
on the orange team.

- Oh, oh!

I'm on a team
with blaze!

- All teams
to the starting line.

The team truck challenge
is about to begin!

- Come on, team.
This way!

- Hey, crusher!

Hey, look at me.
I'm on blaze's team!

- Pickle?
With blaze?

- That's right.

Well, good luck out there,
and may the best team win.

- Don't worry, we will!

- [Groans]

- Racers, start your engines!

[Engines revving]

On your marks, get set,


Ha, ha!
I'm racing!

I'm really, really racing!



Oh, oh!


- Are you okay, pickle?

- Yeah.

I guess I got a little
carried away.

- It's all right, pickle.

Just remember,
we've got to stick together.

We're a team, and teammates
always help each other.

- You got it, blaze.

From now on,
it's teamwork, all the way.

- Now let's go catch up
with the others.

- Yeah.

We can use my blazing speed
to go super fast.

- Oh, let's do it!

- To give me blazing speed,

We need to say, "let's blaze!"

Say it with me:

All: let's blaze!

- And pickle!

- ♪ We're gonna win

♪ No one's gonna beat us

♪ My team is the best


[Tires squeal]

Rudy, careful!

Teammates are supposed
to help each other,

Not splash mud onto each other.

- [Groans]


- Rudy!


[Horn honks triumphant tune]

- What?

Blaze and pickle
are catching up?

Well, then I'll have to cheat
to stop those guys.

Oh, I know!

A rock wall.

They'll never be able
to finish the race now.

Rudy, wait for me!

- Oh, no!

These giant rocks
are blocking our way!

- Gaskets,
they won't budge!

We've got to find
a solution to this problem,

Or we'll be out of the race.

- Don't worry, teammates.

I can help us.
- Whoa.

Pickle, what are you
doing up there?

- I'm gonna swing on this vine
and smash through the rocks.

Oh, oh!



- Did pickle knock down
the rocks?

No, but it was a good try.

- I don't understand.

Why didn't that work, blaze?

- Well, to knock down
those rocks,

You need a lot of mass.

- Mass?

- Yeah.

Mass is all the stuff
that makes you heavy.

- But look,

Right now, pickle doesn't have
much stuff inside of him.

Just air.

And that's not very heavy.

- But we can give pickle
more mass

If we put something heavy
inside of him,


Those bricks!

- Oh, yeah!
Check me out.

I've got a lot of mass now.


- Okay, pickle.

Try bashing into those rocks now
that you're full of heavy stuff.

- All right.

Let's see what I can do now that
I've got a lot of...



- Now did pickle knock down
the rocks?

Yeah, he did it!

- [Groans]
I did it?

I mean, wa-hoo!
I did it!

- We figured out the solution.

Having more mass makes it easier
to knock things down.

- Way to go, pickle.
You really helped us out.

- Aw, shucks.

I was just doing
what teammates do, you know?

Teammates always
help each other.

Now let's get going.

We've got to catch up
with the other racers.

- Right behind you, pickle.

- ♪Mass, mass, mass ♪

♪ This is mass, mass, mass

♪ It's the matter inside
everything ♪

♪ If you've got a lot,
it's a heavy thing ♪

♪ That's mass

- ♪ That's mass

- ♪ That's mass

♪ If you've got just a little
and you're feeling light ♪

♪ Lift off the ground,
taking flight ♪

♪ That's mass

- Heavy or light?

- ♪ That's mass

- You got that right.

- ♪ That's mass

- Solid mass.

- ♪ That's mass

- It all has mass.

- ♪ That's mass

- I've got mass!

- ♪ That's mass

- Look, up ahead--

It's the purple team.

- Come on, pickle.

If we work together,
we can speed right past them.

- Let's use my visor to find out
how fast we need to go

To pass the purple team.

Switching to visor view.

My visor says the purple team
is going at a speed of 3.

To pass them, we need a number
that's bigger than 3.

Which number is bigger than 3,

2 Or 5?

5, Right!

- Come on, pickle.
Let's speed up to 5!

- Whee!

Look at me, I'm going 5!

- Good work, pickle!

We did it.

- [Gasps]
hey, look.

There's the yellow team.

Sure would like
to pass them too.

- Looks like they're going
at a speed of 6.

So to pass them, we need to go
a number bigger than 6.

Which number is bigger than 6,

4 Or 9?

9, Yeah!

- Hang on, pickle!

We're going 9!

- Wa-hoo!

- We got past them!

- Oh, thanks for helping me
race so fast.

- Hey, it's what teammates do,

Both: teammates always
help each other.


- Whoo, let's go!
- All right!

- [Groans]

All this racing
is making me hungry.

Ooh, look, rudy!


Let's pull over.


Okay, rudy.

One banana for you
and one for me.

Rudy, you just ate
both of the bananas!

- [Groans]

- [Sighs]

Rudy, teammates are supposed
to help each other and share.

Even I know that.

okay, let's try again.

One banana for you
and one for--

[Horn honks]


- [Burps]

[Horn honks triumphant tune]

- [Gasps]

Oh, no!
It can't be.

It is!

Oh, how are blaze and pickle
still catching up?

I've got to cheat some more
so I can win.

Ooh, ooh, ooh,
I know what to do!

I'm gonna wake up
those sleeping bighorns.


Wake up, bighorns!

[Horn blaring]


They'll bump blaze and pickle
right out of the race.

- Oh, man, this racing stuff
is so much fun!

Is it always this fun?



[Bighorns bleating]

- [Gasps]

[Bighorns bleating]

- Ah!
They're bumping us, blaze.

What do we do?

- I know!

Quick, pickle, up here!

[Bighorns bleating]

- Shoo, bighorns!

Go away!

- It's no use.

Those bighorns aren't gonna
leave us alone

Unless we do something
to make 'em leave.

- I know what'll
shoo the bighorns away--

A really big splash of water.

- Ooh, yeah.

Let's drop this banana
down in the water.

Maybe that'll make
a big splash.

- Sure.
Try it, pickle.

- Did that splash
shoo away the bighorns?


The splash wasn't big enough.

[Bighorns bleating]

- Whoa!

- To make a bigger splash,

We need to drop something
in the water that has more mass.

- Oh, what about
this heavy branch?

It's got more mass
than a banana.

- Go for it, pickle!

Did that splash shoo away
the bighorns?

Nope, but it did make a bigger
splash than the banana.

[Bighorns bleating]

- We need something
with even more mass,

So it makes a really big splash.

- Oh, oh, I know!

I still have a brick
in my trunk.

- A brick, yeah!

Bricks have a lot of mass.

They're super heavy.

Did that splash shoo away
the bighorns?


Good work, team.

- Yeah,
we really helped each other out.

Because that's what
teammates do.

- Yeah!

- Now let's hurry,

So we can catch the other teams
and win this race.

All: let's blaze!

- And pickle!

- Way to work together, pickle.

- You said it, teammate.

- ♪ My team's gonna win

♪ I'm totally gonna win

♪ My team is the best

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah



Teammates are supposed
to help each other,

Not puff stinky exhaust
in each other's faces.

- [Groans]

- [Coughs]


[Horn honks triumphant tune]

- [Gasps]

Blaze and pickle?

Oh, no!

I keep cheating and cheating,
but nothing stops those guys!


Well, looks like
I have no choice

But to do my biggest cheat yet.

I'm gonna stop those two
with my...

Giant cheese ball machine!


They can't win the race
if they're flattened

By giant cheese balls!

- Gaskets, look out, pickle!

- Whoa!
That was close.

I mean, those giant cheese balls
have so much mass.

- Pickle's right.

If we're not careful,

Those cheese balls
could squish us.

- Hmm, I've got an idea.

Let's build a road roller.

A road roller
has a big rolling drum

That's super heavy.

It's got way more mass
than those cheese balls.

And with more mass,

It can squish
the cheese balls flat.

- Come on,
let's build all the parts

To turn me into
a road roller!

- You, a road roller?

Oh, this I've got to see.

- First I need a swing arm
to hold the drum in place.

To make one, yell, "swing arm."

Swing arm!


Next, I need an axle for
the rolling drum to spin around.

Say, "axle"!



And last but not least,

I need a big rolling drum
that can squish things flat.

Yell, "rolling drum."

Rolling drum!

All right!

We turned me into
a road rolling monster machine!

- Oh!
- Whoa!

- I would not want to be
a cheese ball

That gets in your way.

- Come on, team.
Let's get rolling.

When you see a giant ball
of cheese rolling this way,

Yell, "squish it."

All: squish it!

- Oh!
That was awesome!

- Thanks, but there's more
cheese where that came from.

Keep your eyes open,
and get ready.

Every time you see
a cheese ball,

Yell, "squish it."

All: squish it!

Squish it!

Squish it!

- All right!

- No more giant cheese balls
for us.

- Hey, I wonder where
pickle went.

- Here I am!

Mmm, I'm just doing
my part to help.

You flatten 'em,

And I clean 'em up!

Mm-mm-mmm, delicious!


- Way to be a good teammate,

- Uh-oh, look!

Crusher and rudy
are almost at the finish line.

- Oh, no!
Blaze, we've got to hurry.

- Don't worry, pickle.
We can catch 'em.

We're teammates.

If we help each other,
we can do anything.

- Okay, blaze.

Let's do it!

All: let's blaze!

- And pickle!

[Horn honks triumphant tune]

- [Gasps]

Oh, no.

Faster, rudy, faster!

- Switching to visor view.

Crusher's team is going 16!

To go faster than crusher
and beat his team to the finish,

We need a number
that's bigger than 16.

Which number is bigger
than 16,

10 Or 20?


- Here we go!

- This is the fastest
I've ever gone,

And I'm loving it!

- And the winners are:

Blaze and pickle!

- We won, blaze!

We really, really won!


- Yeah, they did it.

- They totally did it.

[Cheers and applause]

- Oh, it's not fair, rudy.

We should've won the race.

You and me, me, me!

Oh, oh, oh!


Oh, great.

Now I'm stuck down in this hole.

Rudy, get me out of here!

- [Groaning]


[Chomping, burps]

- Rudy, come back!

Teammates are supposed
to help each other.


Oh, now how am I gonna
get out of here?

- Pickle to the rescue!

- Pickle?

Pickle, it's you!

You came to save me.

- That's right, buddy.

And don't you worry.

I'm gonna pull you out of there.


Gee, crusher,

I don't think I can lift you
all by myself.

You've sure got
a lot of mass.

- A lot of what?

- [Groans]

If I just had
a little more help--

- I'll help you, pickle.

- Hey, it's blaze!

- Oh, great.

- Yes!

- Pickle, you saved me.

You really saved me.

- Of course I did, big fella.

You're my best friend.

But I never could've done it
without blaze's help.

I mean, he's the best teammate
a monster machine could ask for!

- [Laughs]
back at ya, teammate.

- And blaze says that
good teammates work together

And help each other,
and it's so true.

I'd help him and he'd help me
and I'd help him--

- [Groans]

Can we please talk about
something else now?

- Sure.

We can talk about...

How fast blaze is.

Sometimes he would say,
"let's blaze,"

And then I would go,
"let's pickle,"

And then we'd both go really
fast, like, "whew, whew, whew"--


- Yuck.

- ♪It's blaze
and the monster machines ♪

♪It's blaze ♪

♪And the monster machines ♪

♪ Buckle up, gonna roll

♪ Yeah, we're ready to go
with blaze ♪

♪ You'll be amazed

♪ It's blaze

♪ And the monster machines

♪ It's time

♪ For adventure extreme

♪ Gonna kick it in gear

♪ We'll be catching some air
with blaze ♪

♪ And the monster machines

♪ It's blaze

♪ And the monster machines
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