01x01 - Blaze of Glory

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Blaze and the Monster Machines". Aired: October 13, 2014 - June 12, 2020.*
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AJ is an 8-year-old techie who drives monster-truck Blaze and go on adventures that have them taking on problems involving science and math.
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01x01 - Blaze of Glory

Post by bunniefuu »

- ♪On your mark ♪

♪ Get ready to race

♪ One, two, three,
let's blaze ♪

♪ So buckle your seatbelt,
we're gonna scream and yell ♪

♪ When blaze
goes saving the day ♪

♪ Blaze, blaze, blaze

♪ Gimme, gimme,
gimme some speed ♪

♪ Blaze
and the monster machines ♪

♪ Go, go

♪ Blaze
and the monster machines ♪

♪ Go, go

♪ Blaze
and the monster machines ♪

♪ Go, go,
let's blaze ♪

- Whoo-hoo!

- Yeah!


Faster, blaze!

- [Laughs]

- Hey, I'm blaze.

And up there in my
driver's seat, that's a.j.

- Hi.

- He's my best friend,

And the best driver a monster
machine like me could ever have.

- Look, blaze.
See that hill?

I bet it would make
an awesome jump.

- Do you want to see me
do a super monster jump?

All right.
A.j., Give me some speed.

- Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

- Whoo-hoo!

That was great!

We went so high.

- Yeah, we really--

- [Laughs]

- What?
What's so funny?

- Blaze, it looks like
you have a mustache.


- Oh, yeah?
Well, wait till you see this.

Now it looks like I have
crazy hair.


And now I look
like an elephant!



- Blaze, I like you best
just the way you are.

- Thanks, a.j.

Now let's keep going.


Only this time, let's go faster
than we've ever gone before.

- Yeah!

Check it out.

These boosters can make blaze
go super fast.

That's blazing speed!

But blazing speed only works
if we give blaze the power.

- To give me blazing speed,

I need you to say,
"let's blaze!"

Come on, say it with me.

Both: let's blaze!

- Whoo-hoo-hoo!

- Yeah!

- Whoo-hoo-hoo!
- Whoo!

- Yeah, whoo!

look out, blaze.

Falling rocks.

- Yee--ah!

Ah, whoa!

Both: whoa!

[Horn honking tune]

- Check it out, blaze.

We're in axle city.

- And, look,
there's the monster dome,

Where all the big races happen.

- Come on,
let's go check it out.

[Cheers and applause]


Check out the size
of that race track.

- I wish I could race
on a track like that.

I want to be
a monster machine racer

More than anything
in the whole world.

- Someday you will, blaze,
I just know it.

- Hello, racing fans!

Check your tire pressure
and buckle your seatbelts;

This is gonna be
the biggest race ever!

To win, the racers will have
to jump the highest jumps,

Turn the twistiest turns,

And loop the biggest loops.

It's the monster machine
world championship!

- The monster machine
world championship!

We've got to stay and watch.

This is gonna be
the biggest race in the whole--


Oops. [Gasp]
sorry about that.

- That's okay.
It was an accident.

My name is gabby.

- Hi, gabby.
I'm blaze.

And this is a.j.

- Hey, what's that
you're working on?

- I'm fixing a spark plug

For one of the monster machines
in today's race.

- Whoa, you mean,
you know the racers?

- Sure I do.
I'm a mechanic.

I fix all the monster machines.

- Wow, that's so cool!

- Hey, would you two like
to come meet some of the racers?

- [Gasps]
oh, that would be awesome!

- [Laughs]
well, okay. Follow me.

There they are:

The fastest monster machines
in the whole world.

- Tiger claws!


- Hi, stripes.
- Hi, gabby.

- Wow!

Can you believe it?

Stripes is a tiger truck.

- Yeah, and he's great
at climbing.

- Hey, stripes,
I fixed that spark plug for you.

- Great.
Be right down.

- Well, that ought to do it.

- Thanks, gabby.

Now time to get out there
for the big race.


- Yee-haw!

Yip, yip, yip!

- This is starla.

She's a cowgirl trucker.

Go on, starla,

Show them what you can do
with that lasso.

- Yip, yip, yip, yip, yip,

All right!
- Wow!

- You're amazing!

- Hoo-whee.
Thanks, fellas.

Now I better skedaddle.

I got to get
to the starting line.

- Good luck, starla.

- Whoo!


All right!

- Over there,
that's darrington.

- Wow, he must really like
doing tricks.

- Darrington?
He loves doing tricks.

- Is someone looking for...

♪Darrington ♪



Whew, I'm dizzy.


- Have a good race, darrington!

- This area here is for zeg,
the dinosaur truck.

- Uh, gabby,
there's no one here.

- Oh, you're right.

- Let's try calling to him.

Say, "zeg!"

All: zeg!

- Zeg!


- Silly zeg.
You better get moving.

It's almost time for the race.

- Yippee!

Zeg love racing.

- Wow.

All those racers
are pretty incredible.

- Yeah, but there's still
one racer you haven't seen yet.

And, well, he's not as nice
as the others.

[Horn honking]

- Out of my way!
Me first, me first!

- His name is crusher,

And he thinks
he's the best racer ever.

That guy will do anything
to win.

- Uh, pardon me.
Excuse me, sorry.

Sorry, I'm with him.
Excuse me.

- And that's pickle.

He follows crusher everywhere.

- Wait for me, crusher!

- Here we are, pickle--
the championship race.

- Oh, I can't wait to see
who's gonna win.

I mean, it could be stripes,
or--or maybe zeg.

Or starla--
she's pretty fast.

- No, pickle.
I'm gonna win this race.

Me, me, me!

And you know why?

- Oh! Oh! Oh!
Um, um, um--



- I'm gonna win because...

I'm gonna cheat.


Take a look.

I made a trouble bubble wand.

- Hey!

- What in tarnation?

- [Snarls]

- Zeg floating!

- [Laughs]

My trouble bubbles are gonna
carry you all far away,

And then I'll get to race
all by myself!


All: whoa!

- Whoa!

- Oh, no!

The racers are flying away
in those bubbles!

- [Gasps]
it's crusher--

He made the bubbles.

- Come on, a.j.
We have to do something.

- [Laughs]

- Hey, uh, crusher?

Another truck is headed
this way,

And I don't think
he likes what you just did.

- Oh, yeah?

Well, then I'll just get rid
of him too.

- Lug nuts!

Now we're trapped in a bubble.

Hang on, a.j.

Both: whoa!

- Oh, no!

Both: whoa!

- [Gasps]

- Whoa!

Hang on!

- Hey, look.
The bubble--

I think it's about to...



Both: ahh!

- Whoa.

- Look out, blaze!

- [Groaning]


Whew, what a ride.

- Hey, blaze,
where do you think we are?

- I don't know, a.j.,

But we're far from axle city,
that's for sure.

- Hello!

Can anyone hear me?

- [Gasps]

That sounds like stripes,
the tiger truck.

But I don't see him!

- Me neither.

Help us look for stripes.

Where is the tiger truck?

Yeah, there he is!

- Stripes!

- Stripes, down here!

- Blaze, a.j.,

Oh, boy, am I glad to see you--



Oh, no!
I'm tangled in these vines.

- Hang in there, stripes.

We'll find a way
to get you out of there.

- But, blaze,
stripes is up really high.

How are we gonna
climb up to him?

- Oh, I have an idea!

We can use these rocks
to help us jump to the top.

- The rocks
are shaped like ramps,

And if we drive really fast
up a ramp,

It'll launch us
up in the air.

Let's check them out.

Switching to visor view.

If we drive up this purple ramp,

We'll go this high.

And if we drive up the steeper
orange ramp,

We'll go this high.

Which ramp gets us
to the top of that ledge?

The orange ramp, yeah.

It's steeper,
so we'll go higher.

- Let's do it, a.j.


- It worked, blaze.
We made it!

- Whoa, whoa!


[Gasps] blaze, a.j.,
The vines are starting to break!

- Gaskets,
we have to get to stripes fast!

- Over there!

A green ramp
and a yellow ramp.

- Which ramp gets us
to the top of that ledge?

The green one.

It's got
just the right steepness.

- Go for it, blaze!

All right, we made it!

- Oh, no!

- Hang on, stripes!

- Look, two more ramps.

Which ramp gets us to the ledge?

That blue one!

- Oh, yeah!

- Whoa!

- [Gasps]
stripes is barely hanging on.

- Hurry!
Just one more jump.

- Check it out--
three ramps.

Which ramp should we use?

The red one.

All right, a.j.

Gimme some speed!

[Vines snapping]

[Horn honking tune]


- Wow, you saved me.

Thank you,
thank you, thank you!

- Oh, you're welcome, stripes.

But are you sure
you're okay?

- Yeah, I just wish
I wasn't so far away.

I so wanted to be
in that championship race,

But, oh, I'll never
make it back in time.

- Hey, don't give up, stripes.

We'll help you make it back.

We just have to drive
as fast as we can.

- I know,
let's use blazing speed.

- Whoa!

- Remember,
to make me go super fast,

I need you to say,
"let's blaze!"

Come on, say it with me.

Both: let's blaze!

- Whoo-hoo!

- He is fast!



- Monster machine
world championship,

Here we come!

- ♪ Whoa

♪ Here we go,
there's nothing to it ♪

♪ Rev it up,
yeah, we can do it ♪

♪ Moving at the speed of light

♪ Prepare to be amazed

♪ Let's blaze

- Come on!

- ♪ Let's blaze

- It's time.

- ♪ Let's blaze

- We're picking up steam!

- ♪ Let's blaze

- We make a great team.

- ♪ Let's blaze

Both: gimme some speed!

- ♪ Let's blaze

- Ladies and gentle-trucks,

Fasten your seatbelts,

Because the monster machine
world championship

Is starting soon!

[Cheers and applause]

- I can't wait!
I cannot wait!

- But first, this one change
for today's race:

It seems all the racers
have mysteriously disappeared,

Except for...


- Huh?
- Whoa, whoa, whoa--what?

- [Laughs]

- Oh, no!

If the other racers
don't make it back in time,

Crusher's gonna win the race
and get the trophy!

- [Laughs]
this is great!

I'm gonna be the only one
in the race.

- Yup,
you're sure to win now,

So sit back and relax

Here, have some
of my cotton candy.

- [Scoffs]


- Oh, come on.
- It's too sticky.

- I just think you'll like it.
- No!

- Okay, I understand.
You don't want any.

So I'll just keep it over here
where it's far away and...

- [Groans]


- [Sniffing]

Hey, wait up, blaze.
I'm picking up a scent.

- [Sniffing]
- what? What do you smell?

- I think...

There's another
monster machine nearby.

- I wonder where.

- Where do you see
another monster machine?

Yeah, it's darrington,

The racer who loves
doing tricks.

- Darrington, over here!

- ♪ Darrington


- Whoa!
- Yeah!

- Hey, darrington.

- Boy, am I glad to see
you guys.

You'll never guess what I saw
out here in these woods.

- What?
What did you see?

- Grizzly trucks!

[All gasp]

- Grizzly trucks?

- What did you do?

- Well, I sped away from them
as fast as I could,

But wherever I went,

Those grizzlies
were right behind me.

All: wow!

- So how did you get away?

- Ah, I didn't.
They're still right behind me.

- Uh-oh.

Do you see any trucks
that look like bears?

Yeah, that's them.

- Ahh!
Let's get out of here!

[All groaning]

- Guys, over here.

- I think we lost them,
for now, anyway.

- [Spitting]


- This way, guys.

- Uh-oh, a river.

- Oh, man, oh, man,
we've got to get across,

But we don't have much time
before the grizzlies catch up!

- Hmm, I know!

We can float across the river.

Quick, everyone look
for something we can float on.


- I found a big
flat piece of wood.

- I found a rock.

- And I found this curved piece
of wood.

Remember, we need something that
can float us down the river.

Which do you think
will float?

Oh, yeah?

Well, let's test our ideas out
and see what floats.


What happened to the rock?

It sank straight to the bottom.

- I guess we can't use that
to float across the river.

- Aha! But both pieces of wood
are floating.

We can get away on those.

♪ Darrington


- Uh-oh.

Darrington made the wood
too heavy.

- Now the water is coming up
over the sides.

- Huh?
What's going on here?

- Darrington, you're sinking!

- Jump!

- Whoa!


- Look at the wood darrington
is on now.

Is it sinking or floating?

Yeah, it's floating!

Even with darrington inside,

The curved wood has those tall
sides to keep the water out.

[Distant growling]

[All gasp]

- Here come the grizzlies!

- Quick, everybody in!

- Whoo-hoo!
- Yeah!

- [Laughs]
so long, grizzlies!

- ♪ Does it float

♪ Or sink?

♪ Try it out

♪ See what you think

- ♪It helps to be shaped
kind of like a bowl ♪

♪ Just check and make sure
it doesn't have a hole ♪

- ♪ We, ee, ee

♪ Got buoyancy

♪ Our boat has the power
to float ♪

♪ We, ee, ee

♪ Got buoyancy

♪ Our boat has the power
to float ♪

- ♪ 'Cause when a river's
raging all around ♪

♪ You don't want to sink,
sink, sink on down ♪

- ♪ We, ee, ee

♪ Got buoyancy

♪ Our boat has the power
to float ♪

- ♪We've got buoyancy ♪

- [Ribbit]

- Well, crusher,

It looks like your cheating
might've actually worked.

No one's here for the race
except for you.

- Oh, yeah, that's right.

♪ I'm the best,
I'm the best ♪

♪ And no one's
gonna be in the race ♪

♪ Except for me,
me, me, me, me, me, me ♪

- Not so fast, crusher!

You might want to take a look
up there.

Blaze is helping
some of the racers get back.

- What?


[Cheers and applause]

- Yeah, all right!
- Yeah!

- Well, what do you know?

That blaze guy is helping them.

Maybe they'll even make it back
in time for the race.

- Oh, no, no, no!

I want to be the only one
in the race!

I've got to think of something,

I need some way to cheat

And stop those racers
from getting here.

I've got it!

[Horn honks]

I can build something
to stop them.


They'll never get past this.

It's my mechanical mudslinger!

- [Gasps]
look out!

Giant mud balls!

[All groaning]

- Oh, no, oh, no!

- Quick, everyone,
hide behind that hill!

- Whoa, check out
that mudslinger.

It's humungous.

- Crusher must have made it

To keep us from getting
back to the race.

- What are we gonna do, blaze?

- Don't worry.

A.j. And I can figure out
a way to get past a mudslinger.

- Hmm.

I bet we could stop
those mud balls

With a really big sprinkler.

- Yeah!

Sprinklers sh**t out water
really fast.

- And with enough power,

The water could blast away
the mud balls!

- Come on, let's build one.

First, we need a hose
for the water to go through.

To build one, say, "hose!"



Now we need a nozzle
that sh**t the water out.

Say, "nozzle!"


And last,
we need a spring-loaded arm.

It's what moves
the sprinkler around.

Say, "spring-loaded arm!"

Spring-loaded arm!

Check me out.

I'm a sprinkler
monster machine!

- Whoa!

- You look amazing, blaze.

- Wow.

- Thanks, guys.

Now come on,
time to blast some mud balls.

[Horn honking tune]

- There's one!

- Help me blast it
with a really powerful shot

Of water from my sprinkler.

Shout, "sprinkler!"


got it!

- Here comes another!
- Sprinkler!

- Nice shot, blaze!

- Sprinkler!

- Whoo, yeah!
- Yeah!


More mud balls headed this way.

- Whoo, yeah!

- Sprinkler!

- Whoa!

Blaze, here comes the biggest
mud ball yet!

- Quick, help me blast it.

Shout, "sprinkler!"


Oh, oh, yeah!

We stopped the mudslinger.

- That was incredible.

- The best sprinkler-ing
I've ever seen.

- Thanks, guys.
Now let's get moving.

- Yeah, we've got to get
you back in time for the race.

- Come on, let's use
blazing speed and go super fast.

To give me blazing speed,

Say, "let's blaze!"

All: let's blaze!

- Yeah!
- Whoo-hoo!

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

- Can you believe it, folks?

Things were looking
bad out there,

But then blaze
saved the day again.

Is there anything
this newcomer can't do?

- Go, blaze, whoo!

- Oh, this is terrible.

- Yeah, that blaze guy
is one tough truck.

- You said it.

- [Groans]

- [Slurping]

Crusher, are you seeing this?

Your mud machine was all like,
"splat, splat, splat,"

But then blaze was like,

"Splat, splat, wha-hoo,


- Oh, no, no, no.

This is terrible, pickle!

Everybody's cheering for blaze
'cause he's so great.

- Well, yeah,
he does seem great.

- No, pickle,

They're supposed to be cheering
for me, me, me!



- [Slurping]

- Whoa, blaze,
check out all the snow.

- [Laughs]

This is great.
Come on, everyone.

[All cheering, laughing]

- Whoo-hoo!

- Yeah!

- Whoo, yeah!

All right!

- Zeg!

- Hey, that sounds like
our friend zeg,

The dinosaur truck.

- Where's the dinosaur truck?

Oh, yeah,
he's still in that bubble.

- Yoo-hoo, up here!


Zeg have to get out
of bubble.

Zeg smash bubble.




- Zeg!

Oh, no!

- He's rolling away
in a giant snowball!

- Don't worry, guys.
We'll catch him.

- Whoa!

Zeg can't stop rolling!

Whoa, oh, oh, oh!

- We're coming, zeg!

- Whoa!


- I need your help to steer me
so I can follow him.

- Help me steer blaze.

Put your hands up
and grab the steering wheel.

That's it,
grab the steering wheel.


Turn the steering wheel
to follow zeg.

- Whoa!

Turn the steering wheel left.


- Yeah, great driving!

- Whoa, zeg still rolling!

- Turn blaze to the right.

Turn right!

- [Groaning]

- Keep helping me steer blaze.


Turn blaze to the left.

Turn the steering wheel!

- Whoa, whoa!

- Turn blaze to the right.

- Gaskets,

Zeg is headed
right for that cliff.

- Whoa, this bad!


- We've got to go super fast
to catch him.

- Quick, to give me
blazing speed,

Say, "let's blaze!"

Both: let's blaze!

- Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Oh, zeg so happy.

Blaze save zeg.

- [Laughs]

We're just glad you're okay,
big guy.

- Good work, blaze and a.j.

- Zeg, you're all right!

- Zeg safe and sound.

- But now we've got to get you
all back to the monster dome.

- Yeah, the championship race--
it's gonna start soon.

- Zeg not want to miss race.

- Well, then follow us,

- Full speed ahead.

- Whoo-hoo!
- [Snarls]

- Whee-hee!

- Hmm, looks like we have
to go through this cave

To get back to the race.

- But wait,
we can't fit through there.

- Hey, zeg, think you can help
us get inside?

- Oh, zeg can help with that!




That more like it.

- Whoo!
- Oh, yeah!

- Good going, zeg!

- Come on, everybody.
This way!

- [Yodeling]

- [Gasps]
listen, someone is singing.

- [Indistinct singing]

- I hear it too, blaze!


It sounds like
it's coming from...

Down there!

- It's starla,
the cowgirl truck.

- Hey, starla!

Up here!

- Huh?

Well, bust my bumpers.

I've been found!

Hey, hey, hey,
y'all got to help me.

I'm down in this hole, and--
and I can't get out!

- Sit tight, starla.

All your friends are here,

And we'll get you out...

- Blaze, check this out.

It's a pulley.

- Oh, yeah.

The pulley has a rope
that goes through it

With a bucket on each end.

When one bucket goes down,
the other one will come up.

- We can use this
to get starla out of the hole.

- Starla,
climb into that blue bucket!

- Okeydoke!


Now let's fill the green bucket
with heavy stuff,

So that it goes down
and starla comes up.

- Uh, how heavy
are we talkin' about?

- Let's find out.

Switching to visor mode.

My visor says
that starla weighs 12.

So we need to put things
in the green bucket

Until it weighs
more than 12.

- Everyone, look for heavy
things we can put in the bucket.

[All muttering]

- Oh, oh!

How about this old chair?

- Let's try it.

- The chair put this much weight
in the green bucket.

What number is that?

4, Yeah!

- 4 Is less than 12,

So the green bucket
isn't heavy enough yet.

To pull starla up,

We need the bucket
to weigh more than 12.

- Hey, check out this book
I found.

it's pretty heavy!

- All right!

The green bucket
used to weigh 4.

Now how much does
the green bucket weigh?


- What's more, 7 or 12?


Starla's bucket
still weighs more.

- Oh, come on, y'all.

You just got to make that
green bucket a little heavier.

- Look what zeg find!

Big can of beans!


- Now how much does
the green bucket weigh?


- Whoa!

Hey, y'all, look at me.

I'm even with the green bucket.

- Both buckets weigh 12.
They weigh the same.

- But to get starla
all the way up,

We need the green bucket
to weigh more than 12.

- If only we had something
to make it a little heavier.

- Hey, what about this shovel?

- Yeah, toss it in!

Look, the shovel made
the green bucket weigh 13.

Now which bucket weighs more?

The green bucket!

[Cheers and applause]

- Yee-haw!

[All cheering]

- She made it!

- Good to have you back, starla.

- sh**t, I can't thank you
fellers enough for rescuing me.

- Let's hurry out of here

So we can get you and your
friends back to the race.

- Hoo-whee, blaze.
You must be mighty fast.

- He sure is.
Blaze has blazing speed.

Show her, blaze.

- Come on, let's show them
how fast we can go.

Say, "let's blaze!"

Let's blaze!

- Whoo!
- Yeah!

- Awesome!
- Zeg!

- ♪ Start your engines

♪ Can you feel the heat?

♪ A new adventure
right beneath our feet ♪

♪ Let's blaze

♪ Spinning round,
together now ♪

♪ We'll rock it out,
let's race ♪

♪ Catching air,
my friends are there ♪

♪ Yeah, everywhere,
come on, let's blaze ♪

♪ Let's shout "hooray"

♪ Come on, let's blaze

[All cheering]

- Ooh, well,
lookee what I found.

A funny looking horseshoe.

Hey, y'all,
you got to come check this out.




It's sticking to me!

I can't shake it off!
Can't shake it!

- [Laughs]

It's okay, starla.
It's just a magnet.

- A huh?

- A magnet.

Magnets attach to most things
made out of metal,

Like us monster machines.


- Whoo-wee.
That's one nifty doodad.

- Hey, guys, look,
it's the monster dome.

- If we hurry, we can still
make it in time for the race.

- Yay, zeg want to race!

- Well, come on.

This way, everyone.
Follow me.

- Yee-haw!

[Cheers and applause]

- [Whimpering]
it's just not fair.

I want to be the only
monster machine in the race,

But blaze is bringing
everyone back.

- Oh, there, there, crusher.
Don't cry.

Here, have a tissue.

[Horn blows]

- Wow!

- [Crying]

I guess there's only
one thing left to do.

- Race 'em fair and square?

- No, pickle,

I'm gonna cheat more than
I've ever cheated before.


These, pickle,
are my worst contraptions yet.

It's my army
of robot knights!

- That doesn't sound good.

- Now march, robot knights.

Stop those monster machines
from getting back to the race!


- This way, guys.
We're almost there.

[Tires screeching]

[All gasp]

- Lug nuts!
Robot knights.

- Robot knights?

- Crusher must've sent them

To stop us
from getting to the race.

- Oh, what do we do now, blaze?

- Yeah, blaze,
what do we do?

- I'll tell you
what we're gonna do.

We're gonna stop
those robot knights.

Robot knights
get their special power

From those big metal shields.

So if we take away
their shields,

They won't have any more power.

- But, blaze, how are we gonna
take away their metal shields?

- We'll use this--

A magnet!

Over here, knight.
Try and get me.

[Tires screeching]

- It worked!

The magnet pulled away
his metal shield,

And without his shield,

The knight doesn't have
any more power.

- Come on, let's use our magnet
to pull the shields

Away from the rest
of these knights.

So when you see a knight,
say, "knight!"

Both: knight!



- Oh, yeah, we got 'em!

[All groaning]

- Quick, our friends need
some magnet help too!

- Here, stripes.

- [Growls]

All right!

- Yoo-hoo,
zeg need magnet!

- There you go, big guy.

- [Laughs]

You not so tough
without shield.

- Oh, oh!
Let me try.

- Go long!

- ♪ Darrington


- Whoa!

- [Gasps]
starla, take this!

- Hey, knights,
where do you think you're going?

Yip, yip, yip.


[All cheering]

- I reckon that's all of 'em.

- Wow, we really make
a great team.

- Racers to the starting line!

- Oh, no,
the race is starting!

- Come on, everyone.
Let's move!

- Crusher, start your engine!

[Engine revving]

- [Laughs]

Thanks to my rotten tricks,

None of the other racers
made it back in time.

No one can beat me now!

[Horn honks tune]

[Cheers and applause]

- I wouldn't be so sure
about that.

- [Gasps]

- All racers
to the starting line.

- All right, guys, good luck
out there in the race.

- Hey, hang on, blaze.

Ain't you gonna race with us?

- Yeah, blaze.
You should be in the race too.

- You want me
to race with you?

- Of course we want you
to race with us.

You're our friend.

- Blaze, friend.

- Come on, blaze.
You've got to race.

- All right, a.j.
We'll do it together.

- Yeah!

- Ladies and gentle-trucks,

Please welcome to
the starting line

For the first time ever,


[Cheers and applause]

- This race is mine, blaze.

No one is gonna beat me.

- We'll just see about that,


[Engines revving]

- On your marks,

Get set,


And they're off.

Crusher takes the early lead,

But the other monster machines
are close behind.

- Yippee ki-yay!

[Upbeat rock music]


- [Snarls]

- [Laughs]

A little cheating
ought to slow those guys down.

- Look out!


- Oh, no!

Truck after truck is being
knocked out of the race.

But hold on, one monster machine
is still on his tires.

- Whoa!
- Come on, blaze, come on!

- It's blaze!

- Uh-oh.

Crusher's almost
at the finish line.

- We can still beat him.

Let's use blazing speed

And go faster
than we've ever gone before.

To give me blazing speed,

Say, "let's blaze!"

Both: let's blaze!

- Oh, oh, oh, oh!



- And the winner is:


[Cheers and applause]

- We won, a.j.!

We really won!

- I'm so proud of you, blaze.

You were incredible.

[Cheers and applause]

- [Crying]

- Oh, there, there, crusher.

You almost won.

- It's just not fair.

I wanted to be the champion.

Me, me, me!



- Mmm!

- Yee-haw!

- [Laughs]

- [Snarls]

You did it!
- You won!

- Yay for blaze!

- Oh, thanks, guys.

- Blaze, blaze!

- Hey, there's gabby.

- Congratulations,
you're the champion.

- [Gasps]
look, blaze!

It's the trophy.

- Wow.

- Blaze, you just won

The monster machine
world championship.

What are you going to do next?

- Well, I think I'd like to hang
out with all my new friends.

You guys want to go
around the track again?

- Totally!
- Yeah!

- Sure do!

[Cheers and applause]

- ♪ It's blaze
and the monster machines ♪

♪ It's blaze

♪ And the monster machines

♪ Buckle up, gonna roll,
yeah, we're ready to go ♪

♪ With blaze

♪ You'll be amazed

♪ It's blaze
and the monster machines ♪

♪ It's time
for adventure extreme ♪

♪ Gonna kick it in gear,
we can catch us some air ♪

♪ With blaze

♪ And the monster machines

♪ Blaze
and the monster machines ♪
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