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Bob the Builder: Big Dino Dig (2011)

Posted: 09/29/22 17:14
by bunniefuu
* bob the builder.
( Echoing )

(* Music )

* Bob and the g*ng
have so much fun, *

* Working together,
they get the job done. *

* bob the builder.

can we fix it?

* Bob the builder.

Yes, we can!

(* Music )

(* Music swells )

* bob the builder.

* Bob and the g*ng
have so much fun, *

* Working together,
they get the job done. *

* Bob the builder.

can we fix it?

* Bob the builder.

Yes, we can!

(* Upbeat music )

( Machines rumble )

What are diggers
really good at?


Who are we?

the diggers three!

Scoop and muck
and little scratchie!
( Laughing )

Oh, um, I wish I was
in the diggers three,

But I can't dig.

good morning, team!

We're starting a very special
building job today.

A whole park full of rides
and games for children!


We've got some help from a man
who's built lots of parks

Like this before.

Come on, let's meet him!

( Machines rumble )


This is tony toberomi!

Tony, this is my team!

hi, mr. Toberomi!

This park sounds amazing!


There'll be a roller coaster,
a train ride,

A flying ride, a--

But where are we
gonna build it?

( Laughs )
right here!

We'll have to move these hills,
of course.


That'll mean lots of soil
to carry away!

And there's a new machine
here to help!

Everybody, meet rubble!

( Rumbling )

Uh, hello...

( Machines greet rubble )

Oh, now someone else
is in the digger's club.

Ok, everyone.

Here are the plans!

We'll dig out the hills,
one by one,

While rubble carries away
all the soil

Until the shape of the park
is cleared.

( Beep! )

It's all digging.

There's no lifting!

One more thing.

Every park needs a theme,

Something to tie it
all together.

Can you help me
come up with an idea?

Ooh, I bet the diggers three
could think of a good theme!

That's the other cool thing
about diggers,

We're really clever!


Maybe if I think of a theme,

The diggers three
will think I'm clever,

And let me join!

( Machines rumble )

(* Music )

Oh, look at all these flowers
you grew, mr. Bentley!

That's really clever!

Yes, I suppose it was
quite clever of me, lofty!

Now, I'd better get
my watering can.


The park could have
a flower theme!

I'll just borrow these
to show the diggers three!

They'll think I'm clever enough
to join when they hear my idea!

What about these flowers!?


Good idea, scratch!

Oh no!
They already thought of flowers!


(* Poignant music )

(* Light music )

Oh, um, acting's clever,
isn't it, mr. Olivier?

( Laughs ) oh, it's just a bit
of fun, really, lofty!

All you need is a hat,
a costume and a backdrop!



( Laughs )

you're not a real pirate!

( Laughs )

Now, I'd better
get going.

A pirate theme!

I'll borrow this hat
to show the diggers three.

Shiver me timbers!
Walk the plank!

Oh no!

They thought of pirates too!

(* Poignant music )

( Laughing )

Playing pirates is fun!

But we better
get back to work.

And we still haven't
thought of any ideas

For the park's theme either!

( Gasps )
oh, brad,

You can surf.

That's really clever!

I just listen to the ocean,

The waves go in,
the waves go out.

Then I get up and surf!




I see.

The park could have
an ocean theme!

I'll just borrow
these surfboards

To show the diggers three!

(* Music )

Just one more hill to go!

Have you had any ideas
for a theme?

Sorry, mr. Toberomi.

I thought diggers
were clever,

But we haven't
thought of anything!

( Laughs )
don't worry.

It's not easy coming up
with a big idea.

There's no way
the diggers three

Have thought of this idea!

Think, think...

I wish there was something
to look at to give us an idea.

Yeah, like being near...

The ocean!

Yeah, that'd be good!

Oh no!

They thought of the ocean
as well!

They're so clever!

I'll never be
in the diggers three.

(* Music )

Ah...this hill's
much harder to dig out

Than all the others!

It can't be full of rocks,
can it?

Lofty, wait!

What's the matter?

Oh, rubble.

I wanted to be
in the diggers club...

Like you.

Diggers club?

I think you'd better
come back with me.

But, lofty!

The diggers three
isn't a real club!

It's just a silly name
we made up!


I thought if I was clever
like you,

You'd let me join.

But we're not clever!

We couldn't think of any ideas
for the park.


You had the same ones as me:
flowers, pirates and the ocean!

Those are great
ideas, lofty!

I wish we had
thought of them!

Yeah, but there isn't
even going to be a park

If we can't dig out
this last hill!

Has anyone seen some flowers,
a pirate's hat,

Or brad's surfboards?


I took them
to show the diggers!

I was going to take them back

But now I don't know
where they are!


They probably got moved
with all the soil.

Oh, don't worry, lofty,
they'll turn up.


Now we need to work out what
to do about this rocky hill!

Maybe you could help,

You could work
with the diggers three!


I can't dig,
but I could lift some rocks out!

(* Music )

( Straining )

I'm pulling as hard as I can,
but this rock won't come out!

There are more...

All joined up!

(* Suspenseful music )

( Booming & belching )

Oh, um, what is it?

Oh, uh, look!

It's right here in this book
I borrowed from the museum.

A diplodocus!

It's a dinosaur!

A dinosaur!?

I wish I'd found a dinosaur!

Um, maybe that's what
the park's theme could be.


Fixham's dinosaur fun park!

That is so clever,

Oh, thanks, bob!

But I still lost the flowers,
the pirate hat

And brad's surfboards.

( Rumbling )

( Boom! )

( Laughs )

Oh, I knew they'd turn up!

And now you're
in an even better club

Than the diggers three!

The dinosaur club!

Oh, yes!

( Laughing )

There could be more dinosaurs!

Maybe I'll find the next one!
( Giggles )

hello, everyone.

It's scratch here!

I'm just looking at
this dinosaur that lofty found!

A diplodocus!

I've been reading
all about diplodocuses

In spud's big dinosaur book!

Imagine meeting a real one!

That would be amazing!

Go on,
imagine it with me!

( Gasps )
there it is!

A real, live diplodocus!

They were
the longest dinosaurs ever.

A really long tail
at this end,

And a really long neck
at this end!

I wonder what diplodocuses
ate for dinner?



A diplodocus could reach
its long neck up high

To put a branch in its mouth.

And then pull off
all the leaves to eat!

Or sometimes it reached
its long neck down low

To eat leaves
that grew underwater!

We've learned loads
about this dinosaur

That lofty found!

And it's time
to carry on building

The dinosaur fun park now!

So maybe I'll get to find
my very own dinosaur too!

(* Upbeat music )

Look at all these dinosaurs,

Like the diplodocus we found
at the fun park yesterday!

( Gasps )

Is that
a dinosaur book?

Yes, scratch!


Have you read all of it?

Um, yeah...
Kind of!

Could you find
another dinosaur?

Well, yeah!
I probably could!

Now that I know all about them!

morning, team!

We're building
a roller coaster today!

A ride that goes up and down
and around and around.

Up, up, up...
Then zooming down?

I'm not so sure!

Well, let's build it
and see, ok?

(* Upbeat music )

there's rubble
and mr. Toberomi,

The fun park manager!

Good morning, everyone!

I can't wait to see
my roller coaster!

Then let's get started!

we'll dig foundations.

Then cement in supports.

we'll lay track on top,

And build a platform
for the passengers.

Last of all,
we'll add the cars.

Let's start digging!

Oh, I wanna find a dinosaur!

You will, scratch,
if you stick with me!

I've read all about it,

Can we build it?

yes, we can!

Oh, um, yeah,
I think so!

(* Music )

Scoop's gonna show us
how to find another dinosaur!

I know all about it!

Rule one:
look for clues!

Where should we look,



By the diplodocus!

packer to bob.

I'm on my way
with the cars here.

Is the path clear?

Yes, packer,
all clear.

See you soon.

You can go and dump
that dirt now, rubble.

Ok, bob!

I'll come with you!

(* Music )


It's that dirt we dug up!

Rule two:

Dinosaur hunters search
through dirt for bones!

So tip it out,


Uh, but, scoop,
packer's coming!

Don't worry!

I read the book,
so I know best.

Go on, rubble!

( Dirt rumbling )

Hey, what's going on?

I can't get through
with these cars I have!

Sorry, packer.


A hill.

Rule three:

Dinosaur hunters dig up hills!

It said so in the book!

But what about all this dirt?

Oh, you and packer can look
through that for us, rubble!

Come on!

I don't think we should dig
until we ask bob, scoop.

Oh, he won't mind, muck,

Especially if we find
another dinosaur!

How do you know
we'll find one here?

I read the book,
remember, scrambler,

So I know best!

Go on, muck!

( Scrape! )

Mr. Toberomi:

What are you doing
to my beautiful landscaping?

Sorry, mr. Toberomi!

( Phone rings )


Oh, hello, wendy.

Yeah, I'll be right there.

We'll put the hill back
the way it was, I promise!

thank you, muck.

I said we should have asked!


Now where can we look next?

I'm gonna see
if bob needs us.

We could find another hill,
somewhere else.

Scoop, roley's right,
let's go.

I know!
Let's look over there!

Ooh, these pretend rocks
are great, tony!

Just like the real thing!

They're to decorate
the fun park, wendy.

I'll fix them up later.

(* Upbeat music )


Rule four:

Look for dinosaur bones
inside rocks!

Uh, they're very light,

Maybe they're
for something special.

They look like ordinary rocks
to me, muck.

I know best!
Let's crack them open!





( Gasps )

These aren't real rocks!

They must be
special pretend ones

For decoration.

Oh, um,
never mind.

I knew it!

Maybe we should stop
dinosaur hunting now, scoop.

I'm sure bob will understand.


We're going back
to the roller coaster now.

And we really might
find another dinosaur.

( Sighs )
he knows best.

He read the book!

So he's not gonna listen
to anything we say.

They're gone!

Oh, maybe I don't know best
after all,

I didn't even read
the book properly!

Now none of my friends want
to look for dinosaurs with me!

I'd better find them.

( Hydraulic whir )

(* Music )

Hello, everyone.

Oh, there you are,

Oh, bob,
I really messed up today.

I wanted to show that I knew
how to find another dinosaur,

But I just made rubble
tip his load out,

And muck dig a hole
in the hill.

And now I've smashed
some of the pretend rocks!

Oh, scoop!

I'm sorry.

I forgot the most important
rule of all,

Always listen to your friends!

That's ok.

Thanks, muck.


Will you all help me
find some rocks

To replace the ones we broke?

We can look wherever
you think's best!

( Machines laugh )

I know where there are
lots of rocks!

Follow me!

Hello, everyone!

Have you found any more
dinosaur skeletons yet?

Not yet, spud!

Which rocks should we take,

I don't know, roley!

Just pick the ones
you think are best!

all right!


That one must be yours,


Thanks, scratch!

( Straining )


( Straining )


What is this?

I think you found...

A dinosaur bone!

Wait a second!

You've found a--

A t. Rex!


And I have a really good idea
what to do with it!

(* Music )

what a great idea
to put the t. Rex

Under the track,

Thanks, bob, but it's thanks
to my friends I found it!

Let's give this t. Rex
roller coaster a test run, huh?


( Screaming with excitement )

Oh, that was amazing,
wasn't it, bob?


It was great,
just great.

( All laughing )

You know what else
is great?

What, scratch?


And next time,
I'm going to find one!

Hello, everyone,
it's scratch again.

Look at this dinosaur
scoop found!

That's two dinosaurs now:

A diplodocus
and a t. Rex!

There's a t. Rex
in spud's dinosaur book.

Reading about dinosaurs
is really exciting!

But not as exciting
as imagining a real one!

It looks a bit scary!

It's got a really big head!

If you had a head that big,
you'd fall over!

Unless you had a big tail
like this to balance you out!

( Laughs )

Oh no!

The t. Rex is chasing
this little dinosaur!

T. Rex didn't eat leaves
like a diplodocus;

It ate other dinosaurs!


The little dinosaur got away!

Look at t. Rex's big teeth!

I'm glad there aren't
any t. Rex's around anymore!


Just skeletons,
like the one scoop found.

But now it's time
to get on with building

The dinosaur fun park.

Maybe it'll be my turn
to find a dinosaur!

Let's have a look!

(* Upbeat music )

Oh yippee!

We're building a new ride
for the children

At the fun park today!

A flying ride!

That sounds really fast
and spinny!

Just like me!

I'm spinny...

And fast too!

Let's get to the site fast
as well--come on!


Rubble and scratch
are already on their way.

(* Music )

Come on, rubble!

You're holding up
the fastest team around!

Oh, uh,
sorry, everyone.

( Laughs )
it's ok, rubble!

Where's scratch?

He rushed on ahead, bob,
looking for dinosaur bones.

Scratch is going fast today too!

Well, follow us there!

All bob's machines go fast!

Maybe I'd better go fast too!

(* Music )


Hi, everybody.

Uh, I'm looking
for a dinosaur!

Oh, well, maybe you'll
find one today, scratch.

We have lots
of digging to do!

Let's look at the plans.

First, we'll clear the site
and dig foundations.

Then cement in
the big central post.

Next, we'll lay the floor
and put on the side panels.

And last of all,

We'll add the roof
and the cars.

Can we build it?

yes, we can!

Oh, uh, yeah,
I think so!

(* Fast-paced music )

( Phone rings )

Bob the builder.

Hi, bob.

Tony toberomi

I have some new designs
for the flying cars.

I keep changing my mind,
but I think these will work.

Ok, tony.

I'll send
one of my machines

To pick them up.


I'll go!

I'll be really fast, bob!

Oh, ok.

Thanks, rubble!

( Out of breath )
mr. Toberomi!

I came for the plans!

here you go, rubble.

Oh, yes!

I'm going fast now.

The plans!

( Screech! )

( Squawk! )

Oh no!

That seagull's taking them!

Oh, wow!

That was quick, rubble!


Oh, but the plans
are gone!


I dropped them.

And a seagull took them!

I'm really sorry.

The seagull was probably
looking for food.

Don't worry, bob,
I'll get them back!

It's ok, rubble.

Mr. Toberomi
probably has a copy,

And we don't need them
right away.

And when the seagull finds out
he can't eat them,

He might even
bring them back himself!

Let's just wait.


But then everyone
will think I'm really slow.


Can you move
this pile of mud?

Scoop'll load you up.

Ok, bob!

Just watch how fast
I get things done!

(* Fast-paced music )

All dumped.

Really fast!

( Gasps )
the seagull!

And the plans!

I don't have to wait.

I can get them back now!

(* Fast-paced music )

Come here,
you naughty seagull!


Oh, I'm gonna drop it!

( Bang! )


Uh, did I do that?

Rubble, you shouldn't rush;
that's how accidents happen.

Sorry, bob.

I saw the seagull
with the plans!

We'll get them back,

Don't worry.

But right now we need
to get this pole in,

And lay the floor.

(* Fast-paced music )

( Tapping )

( Banging )

Hello, everyone.

Have you found
any more dinosaurs

For me to check
in my book?

Not yet, spud,
but I'm looking!

Muck, we're ready
for the roof panels,

Can you pick them up?

On my way, wendy!

(* Music )

look at muck go.

She's fast!

Yeah, not like me.

( Squawk! )

( Gasps )
the seagull!

I'm going to get
those plans back right now.

Rubble can get things done
fast, too, you know!

But, rubble,

Maybe you should wait
like bob and wendy said.

(* Fast-paced music )

( Rumbling )


Sorry, muck!


( Crash! )

(* Plaintive music )

( Tires whir )


( Sighs )
don't worry, seagull.

I'm stuck.

Now I'll have to wait for help.

Oh, I don't believe it!

Now I've stopped chasing you,
you've given me back the plans!


Are you all right?

Yes, bob.

And look, the plans!

Oh no, I don't think
these will be much use.

( Gasps )
oh no!

They're all muddy!

I'm so sorry.

But what happened,

Why didn't you wait?

I was worried I was too slow
to be in your team.

So I wanted to get
the plans back fast.

You might not be fast,
but you are big and strong!

And that's why we love
having you in our team,

Isn't it, everyone?



Aw, thanks.

Come on, rubble,
let's clean up this mess.

I'll help!

Maybe I'll find a dinosaur here!

(* Music )


No dinosaur bones.

I'm gonna look somewhere else.

Maybe you should wait
a little longer, scratch.

Sometimes waiting is best!

Thanks, rubble,
but there's nothing here.

I'm off.


Not yet.

I'm going to stay here and wait
until this is all tidied up.

I'm not rushing anymore today!

Did scratch find
any dinosaurs?

No, spud.

Oh, what was that?

Rubble, you found something!

Bob, quick!

(* Dramatic music )

It's a pterodactyl,
a flying...


My goodness!
( Chuckles )

More dinosaur bones?

Rubble found them,
mr. Toberomi!

Good job, rubble!

Not really.

It was me who ruined your plans
for the flying cars,

But that doesn't matter!

I couldn't decide how
to decorate this ride,

But these bones have given me
the perfect answer!

(* Upbeat music )

Mr. Toberomi:
look, children!

The pterodact express!

Should we give it a test ride?

( Excited cries )

It was great that you found
that flying dinosaur!

I'm sorry, scratch,

I know you wanted
to find a dinosaur.

Yeah, but I didn't wait,
did i?

( Laughs )

Anyway, I will find
my own dinosaur.

Maybe tomorrow's going
to be my lucky day!

( Children laughing )

It's scratch.

I hope I am going to be lucky.

I really want
to find a dinosaur

Like this one
that rubble found!

It's a...

Here's a picture of one
in spud's dinosaur book!

I've been reading
all about pterodactyls too!

Let's all imagine a real one!

Look at that;
it's got wings!

I wish I had wings, don't you?

Then I could fly!

I could stretch out
my wings really wide

And fly through the air
just like a pterodactyl!

They probably got hungry
with all that flying around.

I wonder what they ate?



They must have grabbed them
right out of the water

With their long beaks!

Dinosaurs are
really interesting!

Rubble's so lucky he found one.

I'd better get back
to the dinosaur fun park now

To carry on building it.

And maybe find
my very own dinosaur too!

(* Upbeat music )

So you're enjoying being
part of bob's team,

Huh, little scratchie?

Oh yes!

Scoop and muck can dig anything,
lofty can lift anything,

And I bet you could flatten
anything, roley!

Well, maybe...

Hills, ridges,
lumps, bumps.

I could flatten those.

So I probably could
flatten pretty much anything!

You're the best, roley!

Thanks, scratchie!

Come on, team!

We're off
to the dinosaur fun park.

We're building a slide today!

Hello, bob,
wendy, everybody!

Do you think we'll find
another dinosaur today,

Mr. Toberomi?

( Laughs )
that'd be great, spud!

But we have to get ready for
mr. Bentley's inspection later.

He's coming to check
that everything's safe.

There won't be
any lumps or bumps.

Roley can flatten anything!

Good idea, scratch!

The ground is kinda lumpy.

Roley, can you
flatten any lumps

The children could trip over?

Ok, bob!

Now, let's take a look
at the plans for the slide.

First, we'll dig
and lay the foundation.

Then, cover it
with soft rubber.

Next, we'll build
the middle tower and steps.

And last of all,
we'll put in the metal slide!

Can we build it?

yes, we can!

Oh, uh, yeah,
I think so!

(* Upbeat music )

Nice rolling, roley!

You're the best flattener
in the whole world!

Do you really think so?

Oh yes!


I'm off to flatten everything!

* Flattening,
flattening, flattening! *


Another lump to be flattened

By the best flattener
in the world!



Oh no!

It's not flattening!

How can I be the best flattener
in the world

If I can't flatten
this silly lump?

And what if mr. Bentley
finds it!

( Bird whistles )

Ask the others to help?

I can't do that, bird!

Little scratchie thinks

I'm the best flattener
in the world!


I'll have to make sure
no one sees this lump!

(* Upbeat music )

* Flattening,
flattening... *

Look how flat everything is,

Did you flatten
the whole park?

Uh, yeah, scratch.

I flattened everything that...
Could be flattened!

You really are the best!

( Bird whistles )

I can't tell scratch,

If he finds out
there's a lump I can't flatten,

He won't think
I'm the best flattener

In the world!

( Gasps )
oh no!


You can't go this way,

I just rolled here,

So...go that way,

see you later.


That was close, bird.

Muck would have seen the lump!

Oh! Unh...
Silly lump!

Why won't you flatten?

( Sighs )
I can't do it!

the whole world would be flat

If you were always on the job,

Oh, uh, thanks,

The whole world
except for one impossible lump!


(* Music )

Oh great, packer,
you brought the slide.

Lofty, can you help me
unload it, please?

Oh, ok, bob!

Careful, lofty.

The road here was lumpy,
so the slide moved a little.

I know!

Roley could flatten the road!

He can flatten anything!

Good idea!


( Gasps )

Coming, bob!

Roley, could you go
and flatten all the lumps

On the road, please?

Oh, um...
Ok, bob.

But while I'm out here,

Scratch might find
the impossible lump.


(* Upbeat music )


This road must be flat by now!

Oh no!

It's mr. Bentley!

I have to find scratch before
mr. Bentley finds the lump!



I have something
to tell you.

I'm not the best flattener
in the whole world!


I can't flatten
this lump here.

(* Drumbeat )


I'm sorry.

I should have told
you the truth.


You a the best flattener
in the world, roley!

If yo can't flatten
this lump on your own,

Then no one can!

( Gasps )
of course!

It's a lump
no one can flatten...

On his own!

I need to ask for help.

First, I need your help,

Mr. Bentley's coming.

Can you slow him down for me?

Ok, roley!

this slide looks great!

Yes, wendy.

But it's not very...
Uh, dinosaur-y.


I have something
to tell you.

There's a lump
I can't flatten on my own.


We can help!

(* Humming )

Very impressive, scratch,

But I do have
an inspection to do!


Look at this!


It's this impossible lump,



What's that white underneath?

Let me check!

A dinosaur bone!

A big one!

No wonder you couldn't
flatten it, roley!

Let's get digging!

(* Dramatic music )


Here it is in my dinosaur book!

A triceratops!

No, scratch!

I've got to do my inspec--

Oh, my goodness,
another dinosaur!

A triceratops!

Roley found it!

This dinosaur fun park
just gets better and better!

Why, even the road here
was as flat as a pancake.

( Giggles )

That was roley too!

He's the best flattener
in the world!

He must be.

There's not a lump
or bump in sight!

Thanks, everyone!


I have an idea
where we can put my dinosaur.

(* Music )

( Hydraulic whir )

a dinosaur!

This triceratops slide's

Would the children
like to try it out?

( Children laugh & cheer )




Oh yes.

Top marks, everybody!

Especially roley!

( Chuckles )

Maybe it'll be my turn
to find a dinosaur next time.

I hope so.

Hello, everyone,
it's scratch again!

Here's the dinosaur
that roley found

Under that lump.

It's a...

There's a picture
of a triceratops

In spud's dinosaur book.

I'm finding out
all about them

And what they were like.

Can you imagine
a real live triceratops?

It's got a funny-shaped head,
doesn't it?

Two little horns on top
and one big one on his nose.

It looks a bit
like a rhinoceros,

But with that big
frilly part too!

( Chuckles )

They did look big and scary...

But they only ate little plants
or sometimes big ones!

It must have knocked that tree
over with its big head!


I wish I'd found this dinosaur,
but roley did.

It's time to get on
with building

The dinosaur fun park
now, though.

So maybe I'll find
my own dinosaur this time!

Let's see!

(* Upbeat music )

hello, everyone!

We're building a train ride
at the dinosaur fun park today!

a train ride!

Let's find scoop,
scratch and muck.

They're busy
picking up some soil

To make hills
at the park.

Where are you, mr. Dinosaur?

You won't find one now,

We're all finished!

Oh, yeah.

Are you finished,

Not yet!

My part has rocks in it.

Oh! We'll help!





All done.

Now, let's go
and meet the others.


I wanted to do it myself!

Ok, everyone.

Let's take a look at the plans
for this train ride!

First, we'll dig a path
for the track.

Muck will do one part,
scoop will do another,

And scratch will do the third.

Then they'll lay
the track on top.

Lofty will clip it
all together.

And last of all,
we'll build the station!


Three diggers digging!

Let's get started!

( Machines rumble )


And this time,

I'm gonna dig my part
all on my own!

I don't need any help
from other diggers!

Scoop, do you think
I'll find a dinosaur today?

Maybe, scratch!

What do you
think, muck?

I'm not sure,

Let's get digging!

(* Upbeat music )

( Tapping )

(* Music continues )


Oh no!

It's a really big rock!

How's it going,

I'm kinda stuck.

Oh, we'll come
and help!

No, it's fine!

Uh, it's going really well,


I'll get this rock out
on my own!

I don't need any help!

(* Upbeat music )

( Clink! )

( Thump! )

( Strains & grunts )


I dug it out

With no help from other diggers!

( Smash! )

Oh no!

Not another one!

It is!

And it's even bigger!

Hello, muck!

Are you ready for me
to clip your track together?


This massive rock's
in the way!


Oh no...

Hold on.

Lofty, you're not a digger,
are you?

Oh, um, no,
I'm a crane.

Then that's all right!

I still don't need any help
from a digger!

( Hydraulic whir )

( Lofty grunts )

Pull, lofty, pull!

Oh, um, we did it!


Thanks, lofty!

Now I can finish the job
all on my own!

( Smash! )

( Straining )

Oh no!

This is the biggest rock ever!

Hi, muck,
we're finished!

Are you sure you
don't need any help?


We have
nothing else to do!

No thanks!

I'm doing fine!

But how are you gonna dig
that big rock out?

( Hydraulic whir )

( Strains )
I can't pull it!

I know!

Maybe if I just dig
the rest of the track,

I'll think of something!

Hi, scoop!

Now that I'm done,
I'm gonna look for dinosaurs!

I'll help,

Me, too...
With my amazing dinosaur book!

( Gasps )
look at this one!

A stegosaurus!

It should be easy
to find one of those!

Who could miss those
funny bits on top?

Oh, what am I gonna do,

Could the track
go around the rocks?


It's too rocky
to go around this way.

And too swampy
to go around this way!

Oh, uh, you'll have
to go over then, muck.

But how am I gonna do that?

I don't have a bridge!

A bridge!
That's it!

I'm gonna build a bridge!

With what?

Whatever I can find!

(* Rock music )

Oh, uh...
( Creaking )

It's kinda wobbly, muck!

It's fine!

Bob to scoop,
scratch and muck!

The train's ready
for its test drive!

Is the track all laid?

yes, bob!


Uh, yes, bob.

Careful, muck!
( Creaking )

What was that?

Do you need
scoop or scratch

To come and help you,

Help me?

No! I'm fine!

I did it on my own!

Then here comes
the train!

(* Suspenseful music )

( Toot! )

( Static )

The train motor's making
my talkie-talkie all crackly!

Oh no!

My bridge is falling down!

Lofty, call bob!

Stop the train!


Come in, bob!

( Static )

I can't get through, muck!

But if the train
goes over this bridge,

It'll fall down!

Then the cars
are gonna get smashed!

The whole ride'll be ruined!

( Chug-chug-chug... )

scoop to muck!

Is everything ok?



I did need
your help before!

And I really
need it nowwwww...

(* Fast-paced music )

The train's gonna crash
and it's all my fault!

Don't worry, muck,
we'll help!

We'll never do it in time!

Yes, we will!

( Chug-chug-chug... )
( Toot! )

( Clank! )

( Chug-chug-chug... )


( Crash! )


What happened?

Oh, bob...

I couldn't move
this rock.

But I wouldn't let scoop
or scratch help me!

So I built a bridge,
but it was all wobbly.

But you let us help you
in the end, muck!


And whenever
I can't do something,

I'm going to let you
help me again!


'Cause there's gonna
be more digging today!

I saw these in spud's book!

They're part
of a stegosaurus!

a stegosaurus!?

Hey, I've got an idea!

But I'll need everyone's help!

(* Upbeat music )

It's the stegosaurus train ride!

Mr. Toberomi:
it's wonderful!

Thanks, muck!

Oh, it wasn't just me,
mr. Toberomi!

Diggers like us stick together!


But it's your stegosaurus,

I wonder what kind
of dinosaur I'll find.

(* Music )

It's scratch.

I can't believe we've
found five dinosaurs now!

Muck found this one.

It's called a...

Here's a stegosaurus
in spud's dinosaur book.


Look at those funny things
sticking up all along its back,

Like big, pointy plates.

Imagine having to walk around
with those on your back!

And look, it's got big spikes
on the end of its tail too.


This big dinosaur is
trying to hurt stegosaurus!

But it's ok.

Those funny plates
make stegosaurus

Look bigger than it is,

So the other dinosaur
gets scared and runs away!

That's lucky!

Now stegosaurus can get on
with having its lunch!

That was another
really great dinosaur!

Muck was so clever to find it.

I really, really, really wish
I could find one too!

So I'd better get back
to the dinosaur fun park,

And then maybe I will!

Come on!

(* Upbeat music )

Today we're going to finish
the dinosaur fun park!

for the grand opening!

( All cheer )

That means I only have today
to find a dinosaur.

Everyone's found one except me!

Hi there, spud, rubble!

hello, wendy!

Do you think we'll find
another dinosaur today?

( Laughs )
that would be great, spud.

But first,
we have a fence to build...

And a special diplodocus gate.

You mean this dinosaur is gonna
be part of the park gate?

Like all the other dinosaurs
became part of the rides?


I'll show you the plans.

First, we'll dig
and lay the fence foundations.

We'll make
dinosaur fence shapes,

Then put the fence in.

And last of all, we'll build
the grand entrance gate!

Lofty, roley and dizzy...

You can come with wendy and me
to start the fence shapes.

And scoop, muck,
rubble and scratch

Can start digging
the foundations.

all right!

Maybe you'll find a dinosaur

When we dig the foundations,

( Gasps )
oh yes!

Can we build it?

yes, we can!

Oh, uh, yeah,
I think so!

(* Fast-paced music )


No dinosaurs yet!

You'll find one, scratch.

Everything always
works out fine in the end.

I hope so.

Muck! Rubble!

Could you come
over here, please?

( Machines rumble )

Bob's talking to the whole team
except me,

Maybe because I haven't
found a dinosaur yet!

We have an extra
special job for you.

But don't tell scratch.

It's a surprise for him.

( Laughing )


Where are you going,

To find a dinosaur,
just like you all did!

But what if we need you
on the job?


Hi, spud.

Where do you think
I should dig for a dinosaur?

I know!

I'll use my dinosaur book
to work it out!


You should dig...


(* Upbeat music )

( Gasps )
you were right, spud!

I found a dinosaur bone!

Sorry, scratch,
that's just a rock!


( Sighs )

Oh no!

Look at this hole!

Can you fill it in,
please, scratch?

So no one falls in it.


Ok, bob.


I was sure you'd find
a dinosaur there, scratch.

Oh, well...

But I have to find a dinosaur
to be in bob's team!

I'll fill the hole in later,
after I've found a dinosaur!

Oh, scratch!

Your little digger's
the perfect size

For digging near this tree.



Oh, it's brilliant you found
that diplodocus dinosaur, lofty.

Uh, yeah,
I guess it is!


Everyone's found a dinosaur
except me!

You will, scratch.

I have to,

Or I won't be part of the team!

So I'm gonna look!

But you haven't finished
your job!

Don't worry, rubble.

I'm sure
I can finish it for him.

Thanks, scoop.

But scratch has got it
all backwards.

It should be job first,
then dinosaur.

( Splash! )

( Hydraulic whir )

Good work, team!

Now we just need
to dig the foundations

For the special diplodocus gate.

Where's scratch?

Should I dig here...

Or--or here?

Oh, there must be
a dinosaur somewhere!



I'm in the middle
of something really important!


Hi, scratch,
I need you

To dig the foundations
for the gate, please.

Scoop and muck, I need you
to help me with, um...

Something else!

( Machines rumbling )

I'll do this later.

I have to find
a dinosaur first

Or I won't be part of the team!

But, scratch,

You need to do this now!

You've been ages!

You need to come
and dig the gate foundation!

Yes, I know...

In a minute!

Look at the size of this hole!

It's not that big.

( Gasps )

It is big!

( Gasps )

And I don't have time
to fill it in

And fix everything else!

You should really
have done your job first.

You're right!

Being part of the team
means doing your job.

I've let everyone down.

Don't worry, scratch.

But I'll never be able
to fill in all these holes

And dig the gate foundations
in time!

It's never too late.

Everything always
works out fine in the end.


( Gasps )

If I can be part
of the rubble and scratch team!

Will you help me
fix everything?

Of course I will,

( Dirt rumbling )

(* Fast-paced music )

The gate foundations
look great, scratch.

Good work!

If it wasn't for rubble,

I wouldn't have finished

I was too busy
looking for a dinosaur.

Sorry, bob.

Well, don't worry about that
for now, scratch.

Let's just get
this gate built!

(* Upbeat music )

( All cheer )

All the dinosaurs look amazing!


But I never did
find one of my own.

Oh, scratch!

Close your eyes
and come with us.

You can look now,

( Gasps )
oh, wow!

Wow, wow, wow!

We built it for you,

It's your very own dinosaur!

My own?


We can call it a--a--

A scratchosaurus!


And you never need to worry,

We love having you on our team.

Thanks, bob.

(* Trumpets )

Welcome, everybody!

To fixham's very own...
Dinosaur fun park!

( Cheers & excited chatter )

You were right, rubble.

Everything does
work out in the end!

It really does!

( Train whistle toots )

(* Theme )