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05x09 - Food-a-Licious

Posted: 09/29/22 13:03
by bunniefuu
You're getting to be a big boy!

♪I'm just a kid who's four

♪Each day I grow some more

♪I like exploring - I'm Caillou

♪So many things to do

♪Each day is something new

♪I'll share them
with you - I'm Caillou

♪My world is turning,
changing each day

♪With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way

♪Growing up is not so tough

♪'Cept when I've had enough

♪But there's lots
of fun stuff - I'm Caillou

♪Caillou, Caillou

♪I'm Caillou.

That's me!

And me!

And me!

And me!

Ode to Cat food!

You're yummy in my tummy.

Oh, That's for sure.

Oh, I think I'd rather
eat it than write about it.

I could make a delicious
treat for all of us.

Oh my friends
are going to love this!

-Another mud pie.
I don't mind if I do.

Even if I could really eat
this, it would taste like blech!

But what if I made real
pies in Caillou's toy oven?

They would taste
like good eating.

Gilbert and Teddy
will be happy if I do! Yeah!

-What next, Mommy?

-One morning, Caillou
was helping Mommy make
his favourite breakfast.


-We need to add an egg.

-I can get it, Mommy.

I don't see any eggs.

-Uh-oh, looks
like we're out of eggs

and I can't make
pancakes without an egg.

-This was very unlucky.

Caillou had really been looking
forward to those pancakes.

-No pancakes?

-No pancakes?


-Let's go buy some eggs Daddy.

-Good thinking Caillou.

I can be back with
a dozen eggs in no time.

-Maybe since we
only need one egg, we can
borrow it from Mr. Hinkle.

Why don't you
go and ask Caillou?

-Why hello Caillou.

-Can I have an egg?

-Well sure!

That's a farm fresh egg!

-Caillou had never
seen a brown egg before.

-Have you ever
been to a farm, Caillou?

Would you like to visit one?


-It looked like this might be a
lucky day for Caillou after all.

was going to get his pancakes,
AND maybe a trip to a farm.

-It's really nice
of you to take Caillou to your
sister's farm, Mr. Hinkle.

-Oh, no trouble.

Sis can always use some
extra help around the old place.

-Finish up your pancakes,
Caillou. It's time to go.

-All done!

-Are you ready to be
a farmer for the day, Caillou?

This is where I lived
when I was a little boy.

-Caillou had trouble
imagining that Mr. Hinkle
had ever been a little boy.

-Hi Sis.

-Why hello, Pauley!

And who have you got with you?

-This is my neighbour, Caillou.

He's come to help you
out and be a farmer for the day.

-Well, pleased to
meet you farmer Caillou.

I'm Mr. Hinkle
big sister, Nancy.

-Oh, Nan, you've gone
and covered me in flour.

-Ha ha ha ha ha!

-Well, of course I
did Pauley, I'm baking a pie.

Come on in and you can help.

-Like this?

-You need more flour on
your pie and less on your face.

-What next?

-We need some
apples for the filling.

-I can get them.

Um, where are they?

-I'll show you,
Caillou. Follow me.

-Caillou thought
if he could just jump

a little higher
he could reach the apple.


-Looks like you need a boost.

-There were so
many beautiful apples

Caillou didn't know
which one to pick next.

-How 'bout that one?

-But with Mr. Hinkle's
help he picked the nicest apples

on the tree for their pies.

-Like this?

-That's right.

-Caillou couldn't
wait to taste the pie.

-When will it be ready to eat?

-Oh, not for a little while.

How'd you like to help feed
the chickens, while it's baking?

-I bet you've never
fed chickens before, have you?

-Sometimes I
feed my cat Gilbert.

-Well then you're
the right man for the job.

-Caillou didn't like
the chickens chasing him.

It frightened him.

-I guess Gilbert isn't as pushy
as bunch of hungry chickens.

This will keep them away. Shoo!

-Shoo! Shoo!

Hey, come back!

-Now it was Caillou's
turn to chase the chickens.

-I found it!

-Caillou couldn't
believe his eyes.

The egg had appeared like magic.

-Where did the egg come from?

-It came from the chicken.
That's where eggs come from.

This was my favourite
place when I was a kid.


-Mostly, because of this
swing. You're going to love it.

-Higher! Higher!


I want to do it again!


-Caillou was frightened
by the angry cat.

Gilbert never
hissed at him like that.

-It's okay.

You probably scared
her more than she scared you.


-Well, I'll be. She was
just worried about her kittens.

If we're very quiet we
can sit and watch for a while.

-Caillou have never seen
such small kittens before.

He thought he could
watch them forever.

-Oh, Pauley. Caillou.

-Come on, Caillou.

liked the kitten so much.
He didn't want to leave it.

-Can I keep the
kitten, Mr. Hinkle?

-It's very young and it still
needs to be with its mother.

And you have Gilbert
waiting for you back home.

Come on, I smell pie!

-Caillou thought
it was the best pie he

had ever tasted and
he made it himself!

-You're back! How was the farm?

-Caillou was a big help.

He fed the chickens and picked
apples and made his own pie.

-And I got to
hold a baby kitten!

-Farm fresh eggs, how wonderful!

-No Mommy, chicken fresh!



Oh lovely flowers.


Ahhhh, Smelling these
sweet flowers makes me think

about eating sweet
yummy cupcakes. Mmmm!

I bet everybody would
love to have a cupcake! Mmmm.

I know, I'll surprise
them and make some! Mmm.

-Back when Caillou
was just three years old,

he didn't like
vegetables very much.

In fact, he hated them.

-Caillou, eat your vegetables.

Grandpa will be coming
soon to take you to the park.

-But you can't
go to the park if you don't
finish your vegetables.

-I hate vegetables.
I want chocolate chip cookies.

-Cookies are
for dessert, Caillou.

-Found some.

-You can have a cookie after
you finish your vegetables.


-I love vegetables.

-Eat my vegetables, Daddy.

-Oh no you don't. At least try
to eat your vegetables, Caillou.

-Grandpa's here.

-Come on, Caillou.
Let's go to the park.

-I'm going to
the park with Grandpa.

-...and after the
park, we'll go see Grandma.

She's making us supper.

-Woooow. A caterpillar.

-Caterpillars eat
leaves so they can have

the energy to
turn into butterflies.

-Turn into butterflies?

What's the bird doing, Grandpa?

-It's looking for worms to eat.

Worms give them
the energy they need to
fly south for the winter.

And squirrels eat nuts.

They save them up for later when
it gets too cold to go outside.

-Come here, Squirrel.

-We're home - and
we're hungry as bears.

-That's because
we are bears. Rowwwwr.

-Peas and carrots. Mmmm yummy.

Bears eat berries.

Tonight, these peas
and carrots are our berries.


-Roooaaar. I'm a bear.


-Later that night, Mom and Dad
dropped by to pick up Caillou.

-And how was Caillou today?


I'm a bear.

-I'm a bear too. And
we both ate all our vegetables.

-We ate our berries, Grandpa.

-And that means it's time for -


-They're going
to love this! Yeah!




-Mmmm, Purrrrr.

Today we're cooking!

Terressa and her Dad
are making Italian pizza.

I love pizza!

To make
the crust thinner, Terressa's
Dad trows it in the air.

That looks like fun.

You can put all kinds
of yummy things on pizza.

A pizza oven looks
like a big fireplace.

Terressa and her Dad
take special care to cut it.

Mmmm that looks good!

Melina and her
friends Rio and Natsuka
are making Japanese sushi.

You need a big square piece
of seaweed on a roll-up mat.

And then you add rice, and
fish, and other yummy things.

And roll it up!

Wow! Look at that! A sushi tube!

Only Rio's Dad gets to cut it.

He's really careful.

Mmmm delicious!

What are Diana
and her Dad making?

Fish cakes,
a treat from Trinidad.

You make a mixture
with eggs and water and
all kinds of good things.

Ooo! That's hard to stir.

Then you drop it in the pan,
but stay back! Stoves are hot!

They look so good
and that's because they are.

This is making me hungry!



Caillou, why don't
you go out to the backyard?

Somebody's waiting for you...

-Caillou was very curious
to know who it could be.



-What are you doing?

-I'm making a vegetable
patch for your Mommy.

Would you like to help me?


-Just wait and see, Caillou.

We're gonna grow
all sorts of vegetables.

-Caillou didn't
really like vegetables,

but he liked the idea
of making a vegetable patch.

-I'm giving
you a special mission:

would you like
to grow the carrots?

-Yeah, okay.

-Here are the
seeds for your carrots.

-Where are the carrots?

-Oh, you have to plant
the seeds in the ground

and give them
lots and lots of water. Then
they'll grow into carrots.

-Caillou's Grandpa marked out
a square in the vegetable patch

where Caillou could
plant his seeds exactly
like Grandpa showed him.


Grandpa, it isn't working.
There aren't any carrots.

-Oh, you have to be patient.

It might take all summer
for the carrots to grow.

-All summer?

I finished my carrot.

-Good. Now, I'll glue the ice
cream stick to the cardboard.

-With his sign in the
ground, Caillou wouldn't forget

where his carrots were growing.

Caillou went to the
vegetable patch every day to

see how his carrots
were coming along.


And after a few weeks...

-Carrot leaves?

No. My carrots. Shoo. Shoo...

-Caillou was wondering if
his carrots would ever come out.

It was taking too much time.

But, a few weeks later...

-Hello, Caillou.

I just went by the vegetable
patch, and you know what?

I think your
carrots are ready now.

-Really? My carrots?
I wanna see them.

-I'm coming. I'm coming.

-Awww. Leaves again...

No carrots. Just leaves.

-Oh don't be so sure.

Just grab some leaves and pull.

You'll see.

-A carrot.

-Enjoy your meal, everyone.

-I grew the carrots by myself.

-That's wonderful.
Congratulations, Caillou.

And look at Rosie... she seems
to like your carrots a lot.

-Although Caillou still
didn't like vegetables,

he thought his carrots
tasted pretty good.

-You're going
to really love mine!

-It's a huge surprise.

-Oh. I have made you
such an incredible treat!

It's nutritious!

♪That means
that it's good for me.

It's nutritious!

♪Just as good as good can be.

♪There's broccoli and celery,

♪carrots and tomatoes.

♪There's onions
that can make you cry,

♪and all kinds of potatoes.

♪There's many kinds of cheeses,

♪like cheddar old and new.

♪There's even
cheese with holes in it,

♪and good ol'
stinky blue. Pee-eew!

It's nutritious!

♪That means
that it's good for me.

♪Food-a- licious!
It's nutritious!

♪Just as good as good can be!

♪There's oranges and apples,

♪grapefruit and papaya. Yum!

♪There's lemons, kiwi, mangoes,

♪green lime and banana!

♪There's meat
like beef and chicken,

♪pork and duck and goose.

♪There's shepherd's
pies, sausage and eggs,

♪and there's even moose!


It's nutritious!

♪That means
that it's good for me.

It's nutritious!

♪Just as good as good can be!



-Oh yeah,

and three!

-Oh, that looks, um, nice.

-Oh, yum, I can hardly wait.

-Uh, Gilbert?


-Is that... dead?

-Anchovy... fish...
smells delicious.

-Uh, I thought you'd
all love my cupcakes.

-Yeah and I thought you'd
love lettuce and dandilion pie.

-I was certain that
no one could resist my-


-Oh well, you get my point.

-One afternoon, Caillou
and Sarah were playing
in Sarah's backyard.

-Sarah supper time!

twenty-nine, thirty!

Yeah! I did it.

-Let me try now!

-You're too little to jump rope.

-Show me how, Sarah!

time for supper Sarah. Come
in and set the table, please.

-I'll show you how another day.

-Bye Caillou.

-Why don't you have
supper with us, Caillou?

I'll call your
mommy and ask her.

Your mom says
you can stay, Caillou.

Why don't you help
Sarah set the table?

-Just put them
in front of each place.

-What are they?

-They're chopsticks...
you eat with them, like this.

-What's this?

-It's Chinese
noodles and vegetables.

-I love noodles, but
I don't like vegetables.

-What's this?

-It's an egg roll don't
worry, it's not a vegetable.


-Good shot, Caillou!

-Chopsticks can
be a bit tricky at first.

-Caillou learned
that it takes a bit of

practice to get the
hang of using chopsticks.


-Sarah's cat Ollie
was very happy that Caillou
had come for supper.

-I eat my egg
roll with my hands.

-Maybe you should
use your fork now, Caillou.


-Eat your bok choy,
Sarah. It's good for you.

-Look Sarah, Caillou
is eating all of his.

-Bok choy's a vegetable,
Caillou. You hate vegetables!

-I like Chinese vegetables!

Is that a dragon?

-Yes, it's a Chinese dragon.
Would you like to try it on?

Ooh, you make a
very scary dragon Caillou.


-Green is my favourite.

-Green is my favourite, too!

-Caillou, what are you doing?

-I want to try the chopsticks.

-You can't eat
this with chopsticks.

-It's much too slippery.



Show me how, Caillou!

-Caillou was able
to show Sarah something new.

I wanted you to love my treat.

-I made it fresh for you.

-Well. I'm sure
you did a fine job.

-It would have been nice
if someone had appreciated
all the work I did.

-Same here.

-I appreciate
it, Teddy and Rexy,

I just don't want
to eat what you made.

Seems to me that we all
wanted to share our treats,

but we each
like different things.

Even though, this is
a delicious treat for a cat,

it's hard to understand,
but maybe a teddy bear

and toy dinosaur don't
consider it much of a treat.

-Uh huh.


-But teddy bears love cupcakes.

-Oh! and dinosaurs
love vegetables

well at least this one does.

-Well we all like different
foods because we're different.

-Oh! You're right.

A teddy bear, a dinosaur
and a cat are very different.

-Mmm True, true.

I don't know about you, but
I would love to eat my treat.

-Oh yum! I'd
love to eat mine too!

-Well teddies do
love to share, but I think

it would be a waste
of a beautiful cupcake...
if I didn't eat it.

-Well then I say...


-Oh, um, Teddy?


-Maybe I'll try an eensy
weensy teensy bite of yours.

-Well, okay, here you go!


thats good!

-Oh, well maybe I'll try
an eensy weensy bite of yours.


So, what do you
think? What do you think?


Different, but delicious. Mmm.

-Ah Well then, here you go!

-Ah... no thank you.

-Uh, maybe next time.

yes, maybe next time Gilbert,
maybe next time for sure.

For sure, for sure...

-See you really soon!









She'e my baby
sister and I love her.

We play games together a lot.

And we have fun!

I get to show her things I like.

And sometimes
I help take care of her.

Because I'm her big brother.