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05x07 - My Sister Rosie

Posted: 09/29/22 13:01
by bunniefuu
You're getting to be a big boy!

♪I'm just a kid who's four

♪Each day I grow some more

♪I like exploring - I'm Caillou

♪So many things to do

♪Each day is something new

hare them
with you - I'm Caillou

♪My world is turning,
changing each day

♪With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way

♪Growing up is not so tough

♪'Cept when I've had enough

♪But there's lots
of fun stuff - I'm Caillou

♪Caillou, Caillou

♪I'm Caillou.

That's me!

And me!

And me!

And me!

Caillou and Rosie.
Brother and sister.

Hmm... I think I'll pretend
I have a little sister.

If I had a little sister
she would be called ummmm...

I think she
would be called Diedi.

Diedi the dinosaur!

That's it!

Well come on, Diedi,
I'll read you a story. Ha!

I have a good one.

Now sit right
there, I'll get it.

-I have to go
to a business meeting

and I won't be
home unt very late.

Do you think yo= can help
Daddy while I'neC

-Yes Mommy.

No Daddy!

-What's wrong Caillou?

-Mommy never puts
cheese on Rosie's macaroni,
she doesn't like it.


Mommy always adds a little
water to Rosie's apple juice.

-Oops! I forgot.

You're absolutely
right Caillou, what would
I do without your help?

Hmmm? What about Gilbert?
What's his routine, Caillou?

-Make sure he has
fresh water and food.

... , , !

Ready or not, here I come.

Haha! I found you.

-Caillou knew whenever
he hurt himself Mommy always

kissed his booboos
until he felt better.

-I'll make it better Rosie.

I'm the daddy and
you're the baby, Rosie.

-Caillou was having a wonderful
time playing house with Rosie.

But Rosie was getting tired.

-I think somebody's
ready for a nap.

-Wait, Daddy.

-Caillou was bored and
wanted to play with Rosie,

but he knew he
wasn't allowed to make

noise when she
was taking her nap.




-Caillou did you
wake Rosie up on purpose?

Maybe you should go and
play in your room for a while,

until suppers ready okay?

Rosie, you have
to eat everything on your
plate if you want desert.

Look, Caillou ate everything!

-Rosie look!
This is an airplane-

open wide for
the plane... vrrrrooom!


-I wonder what Mom would
do to make Rosie stop fussing?

-I know.

-You're a tired little girl,
Rosie. You have to go to bed.

-Daddy, you forgot
to read us a story!

-Well why don't you read
us the story tonight Caillou?


Once upon a time
in a land far far away...

-Caillou? Rosie?

What are you two still doing up?

-Shhhh! Daddy's asleep.

Okay pretend
sister, now come on!

That's a girl.

Diedi, I'm glad you liked
the story. It's my favorite too.

So... Now look at
the big backyard we have.

Okay, come on.

Okay, that's a
big step. Come on down.

There you are.

Now what do you want
to look at first? Huh?

Oh! Well, sure we can go and
play in the playhouse. Come on.


Definitely red.


-Caillou was
looking forward to going to
the restaurant for supper.

-Vrooom, vroom, vroom.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

-Beep beep! Rosie want car!

-No Rosie! It's MY car!

NO! Rosie!

-Settle down you two!


-Here Rosie. I don't
want to play with it anymore.

-Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

Vroom! Ha ha ha ha!!!


-Yes Caillou?

-Are we there yet?

-No, but we'll be there soon.

-Daddy, I'm hungry!

-Rosie hungry!

-I know,
Mommy's waiting for us at the
restaurant, it won't be long.


Daddy, Rosie broke my car!

-I'll take a look at it when
we arrive. We'll be there soon.

-I'm hot.

-Rosie hot!

-Can you roll the window down?

-Window down!

-Rosie stop
repeating everything!

-Caillou was angry with Rosie
and he was hungry and hot too.

-Both of you please stop.

Look! We're moving again.

-Ha ha ha!

-Oh No! What now?

-Daddy I'm scared!

-Everything's going to
be fine. I'll go take a look.@

Just great!


-Caillou felt bad that
Rosie was scared and wanted
to make her feel better.

-It's ok Rosie.


-Yes Caillou?

-When are we going to see Mommy?

-First we have to wait
until the tow truck arrives.

It shouldn't be much longer.

-Where is he taking the car?

-He's going to
tow us to the garage.

-Ok folks, we're all set!

-Are we going to ride up there?

-No, you're going to
ride in the truck with me.

Have you ever ridden
in a tow truck before?


-It's a lot of fun, you'll see.

How's it going back there?

-Are you going to fix our car?

-No, I just tow 'em, but you'll
meet my dad at the garage,

he's the one who fixes 'em.

-Your dad?

-Yup, like it says on the side
of the truck, Sullivan and Son.

I'm the son, Jack Sullivan.

-I'm Caillou. My
daddy doesn't fix cars.

-Oh, I'm pretty sure
that your dad knows how

to fix a whole bunch of things.

-My daddy has a wrench
and a hammer in his toolbox too!

-Really? And he can't fix a car?

-Ha ha ha ha!!!

-Can you fix my car?

-Won't be a
problem son, I'll have her
up and running in no time.

-No! My car!
Rosie broke the wheel.

-Why don't we
let Mr. Sullivan do his work
we'll fix your car later, OK?


Daddy, daddy I'm hungry.

-In a minute Caillou,
I have to call mommy first.

-I'll get you a snack, Caillou.

-I want a chocolate bar!

-Oh? Did I press
the granola bar button by
mistake? I'm sorry Caillou.

-I want some!

-Can I press the button?

-Make sure you
press the right one.

-After having heard from Daddy,

Mommy was happy that
everyone was safe and sound.

-Oh hello.

I'm not used
to seeing you dining alone.
Where are Caillou and Rosie?

-They'll be joining me
later, they've been held up.

Hmm, what do you
recommend this evening?

-Uh, Mr. Sullivan?

-Down here!

All done Caillou,
your car's all fixed up.

-Daddy's car is fixed
but mine is still broken.

-Mr.Sullivan, would you mind if
I borrowed a few of your tools?

-Not at all, help yourself.

-Aha! Exactly what I need!

-Caillou was happy that his
daddy was able to fix his car.

He loved helping
his dad fix things.


-Hello sweetie.
Was the garage fun?


-We got both of our cars fixed!

-Both cars?

-My car was fixed too!

How big is the
castle going to be?

-I don't know.

-This big?

A little?

-Here you go little one.

-Big open mouth.

Good boy!

The baby bird. The baby bird.

Cherry. Cherry. Cherry.

Who's holding the cherry Lithia?

-No, you have to put it up here.

No, you have to make
it touching together Nick.

And then you
gotta turn it around.

Like turn your paper.

Like that go up.

There! He made a triangle!

Whenever he laughs,
he makes me laugh

and that's what
I like about him.

-Dairien, look at me.

Look at how I could crawl.









-Now make an A.


There, you wrote my name.


Booboo better?

Let me give it a kiss.

Tons of kisses,
it'll be better, 'kay?

-He's just cute.

It's okay.

What's the matter?

You're the best brother ever.

Okay, there
you go. Up the stairs.

Now. Look how high up we are.

Come this way, over here Diedi.
I have a surprise for you.

It's fun to be
a big brother and show a
little sister the garden.

Now, let's go down the slide!

Okay, hold on!


There, wasn't that fun?


All right.

-Caillou and Rosie
were really excited

about spending the weekend
at Grandma and Grandpa's.

-Rosie do it!

-You're too little, Rosie!

-There you are!

-Grandma! I'm staying
at your house tonight.


-Bye Caillou!

Bye Rosie!

-But Caillou, wait-

-W-where's my bed?

-This is my sewing
room now, Caillou.

You and your sister
will be sharing a room.

-I don't want to
share a room with Rosie!

-Are you sure, Caillou?

I think you'll change your mind
when you see Grandpa's surprise.

-Ah, a surprise?

-It's right in here!



-Surprise, Caillou!

Bunk beds!

-I want the top bunk!

-I want it!

-No Rosie! I
get to sleep on top.

-Rosie too!

-You see, Rosie,
it's too high for you.

-You have to be a little bigger
to sleep in the top bunk Rosie.

You'll be happier
in the lower one.

Time for bed!

-Aw, but we're
playing in our fort!

-You can play
fort again tomorrow.

Do you need some help
getting up to bed, Caillou?

-No! I can do it by myself.

Ah, it was easy!

-Goodnight Caillou.
Go right to sleep now.

-Okay, Grandma, goodnight.

-Caillou was so
excited about being on

the top bunk that
he had a hard time sleeping.

Things looked very
different from up there.

The floor looked
awfully far away.

-Ohhh... Rosie?

You awake?

Don't worry, Teddy.

Oh no!


-Rosie - help me get Teddy.


-Rosie was too scared
to climb the ladder.

The top bunk seem very high up.


-It's okay,
Rosie! I'll come down.

-Caillou wasn't
so sure he wanted to

climb all the
way up the ladder again.

-Good morning!


-So you didn't sleep
up top after all, Cail

-No, Teddy was too scared,
so we stayed down here.

♪Little sisters,
yeah, yeah, yeah!

♪They can be a lot of fun

♪Little brothers,
yeah, yeah, yeah!

♪I'm really glad I just got one.

♪They cry! They run!
They laugh! They're fun!

♪They can be the greatest
things under the sun.

♪We were all little
ones, yeah, yeah, yeah.

♪Once we were little
ones, yeah, yeah, yeah

♪Little sisters
yeah, yeah, yeah.

♪They can learn a lot from me.

♪I know lot's of things.

♪Little brothers,
yeah, yeah, yeah.

♪They buzz around
like busy bees.

♪They can make lots of noise.

♪They cry! They run!
They laugh! They're fun!

♪They can be the greatest
things under the sun.

♪We were all little
ones yeah, yeah, yeah.

♪Once we were little
ones yeah, yeah, yeah.

♪Little sisters little brothers.

-That's it Diedi, now let go.

-I'm a little bit afraid.

-Oh, I was afraid too, when
I was little, but I'll help you.

-Are you sure?

-Oh, come on, you can
trust your older brother.

-You're my older brother?

-You bet, now come on.


-Oh! Good thing I was here!

Oh Rexy, you were pretending,
and this little squirrel

thought you were talking to her.



-I know a squirrel
can jump from way up high,

but I've always
been afraid to try.

Until you helped me.

I really needed a big brother.

-Well actually, um, it
was Rexy you were talking to.

-We sorta look alike.


um, well see I'm
not squirrel, I'm dinosaur.

I was imagining a little sister.

-Oh. I was imagining
a big brother.

-You were?



-All morning Caillou
and Rosie had been busy.

Very busy.

-Oh, no. How could
you two make such a mess?


How about a little clean-up
before lunch, Caillou?

Caillou, help
me clean up, please.

-But Rosie isn't cleaning up.

-All right, let's try.

Rosie, it's clean-up time.

See? The toys go in here.

That's right, sweetie.
Now go get some toys.

-Mommy, look. Rosie's playing.

It's not fair.
I wanna play like Rosie.

Rosie is still too little
to understand about cleaning up.

I'll do her share
until she's bigger.

Caillou, you're old enough
to do your own cleaning up.

-Caillou did not think
that Mommy was being fair.

He was very angry.

-I want my milk
in a training cup too.

-All right.

Me too, Mommy.

-Aib for you?


-I like being a baby.

-Caillou thought
that being a baby was much
better than being four.

-I don't mind if you
want to play baby, Caillou.

But please don't
be such a messy baby.

-Caillou and Rosie had lots
of fun playing baby after lunch.

-A nap?

-Yes, it's naptime
for my two little babies.

Get into bed Caillou,
and I'll come tuck you in.

-Caillou didn't
really want to have a nap.

But if he was going to
be a baby like Rosie, he had to.

-Have a nice nap, Caillou.

What's going on, Caillou?

-I don't wanna have a nap.

-That's what all
babies do in the afternoon.

-I don't want to be a
baby. I want to be four again.

-Good. How about
a game of animal snap?


-I'm so glad you're
four again, Caillou.

-I win.

-Well, so you were both
imagining the same thing.

-Guess I really
didn't find a new brother.

-No, you didn't,
and I still don't have a
little sister to look after.

But we both have something.


We do?

-Yes, a new friend.


Sometimes, can I pretend
you're my big brother?

-For sure!

-Wowness of wows!

-I can't believe
I was imagining a little
sister and it came true.

Well sort of.

-I can't believe I
found a big brother. Sort of.

-And I found a
new idea for my painting.


By the way, what's your name?




-Well, that's what
you called me and I like it!

been watching you and now I
the purrfect subject for my Ode.

-You have?

-What's a yode?

-It's "Ode" and
ask your big brother.

You two
have inspired me to write it.

-Diedi, it's
a poem and you have to listen
quietly, otherwise it's rude.

-Oh. Right.

-Ode to A New Friend.

I'm so glad I found you.

We'll have so much to do.

And all of it will be more fun,

Now that we are two!

See you really soon!

To come and - DADDY!








Of all the Teddy bears
in the whole wide world,
he's my most favorite!

Teddy is my favorite because
he's so much fun to play with.

He needs lots of loving.

Teddy always
makes me feel better.

He's the official hug authority!

That means, he's the best
hugger in the whole wide world!