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05x04 - Caillou Cooks

Posted: 09/29/22 12:59
by bunniefuu
You're getting to be a big boy!

♪I'm just a kid who's four

♪Each day I grow some more

♪I like exploring - I'm Caillou

♪So many things to do

♪Each day is something new

♪I'll share them
with you - I'm Caillou

♪My world is turning,
changing each day

♪With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way

♪Growing up is not so tough

♪'Cept when I've had enough

♪But there's lots
of fun stuff - I'm Caillou

♪Caillou, Caillou

♪I'm Caillou.

That's me!

And me!

And me!

And me!

This is going
to be a Royal Banquet!



-It's a beginning.

He he!

-Did he say a banquet?

-Caillou's Mommy was preparing
a special meal for guests

that were coming
for supper that night.

-Oh dear, this
doesn't look very smooth.


What are you doing?

-I'm cooking supper
for our guests tonight.

-I want to cook too!

But I want to help!

-Caillou, just
wait a minute okay?

Stand back, this is hot.

-I can do it! Let me!

-Well, let's see
what you can help me with.

How about you wash the
lettuce while I finish this?


-Caillou was happy
to help Mommy cook.

He wanted to show
her that he was a big boy.

-Look Mommy! I'm
washing the lettuce!

Oops. He he.

-Here, why don't you rip it
up and then you can dry it okay?

Here you go this
will make it easier.

Just turn this and the
spinner will dry the lettuce.


-How's the soufflé coming along?

-It's getting there.

-I'm cooking!

-I can see that.

Caillou, why don't you
go play outside with Rosie now

and let Mommy finish cooking?

There you go Rosie.

Stay out here
and play for while, ok?

-Hi Caillou. Watcha doing?

-I was helping mommy cook,
but now I have to play outside.

-I love to cook!
Let's make up some recipes!


Let's make - mud pizza!

-Mud pizza?

Well, I guess we just need
to find the right ingredients.

Let's see.

This pizza needs some cheese.

-And pepperoni! We
can use rocks for pepperoni!

There. All finished.

-Me too!

-No Rosie, dinner's
not ready yet.

-Right. We need
to make the salad.

-We can use leaves!

Now we have to wash the lettuce.

-There. All done.

-This soup is going to be good!

Gilbert stand back, this is hot.




Sarah, look,
this could be desert!

Look Mommy! We
made a cake for desert!

-It looks delicious. Thank you!

-And we brought flowers too!

-They're lovely. I
have just the place for them.

-They're here!


Today, Alexandra's
going to make something
really yummy for her Dad.

What's it going to be?

-It's going to be good!


-I love bananas.

Then we put the yogurt in.

-And yogurt.

Help me.

Mmm, not too sweet.

putting ham, and lettuce,
and tomato, and pickles!

-And bread!

It's a huge sandwich!

Oh boy, they're adding milk!

This is going to be good.

-What is it?

-I think I know!



Tastes good!

-Alexandra's making the
biggest sandwich I've ever seen.

-Maybe she's
making it for a giant!

-Emily is baking something
with her grandmother.

-Mmm. Grandmothers
always bake yummy things.

-Putting flour on the table
keeps the dough from sticking.

-But what is it?

-Maybe it's a pie.

-I don't think so.

It's cookies!

Cookies are just
right for a tea party!

-There you go.

Alexandra just made the biggest
sandwich in the whole world.

I think it's too big to eat!

-Do you think her
Dad can bite into it?


-It would be a whole
lot easier if he were a giant!

-So, I have spoons,
napkins, plates.

I think that's everything.


If I don't invite
everybody, nobody will come.

I need invitations.



A pad.

There we go, beautiful paper.

Oh! I need crayons.

Now, crayons?

Now where did they get to?

Oh, maybe there.

Ah ah! This will be perfect.

Or - as Gilbert
would say, Purrfect!

Okay, now...

Oh oh.

I don't know how to write.

Or read.

Hmm, I'll have to
think of some other way.

I'm first!

Ha ha Weeeee!




Nobody's there!

-Here, let me try.

-I want to do it, Daddy!

-Hello there!

-Hi Dad.

Bye Caillou have fun!

-Daddy had a few
errands to run today.

Caillou was staying
over until he came back.

-Bye Daddy!

Grandpa! I have
a new toy! A top!

It spins on the floor and
it makes noise and lights up!

-Did you bring it?

-Yes! in my bag!

Oh no!

-Caillou couldn't
believe it! His daddy
was leaving with his toys.

Caillou was very upset,
he really wanted to show

Grandpa how
he could spin his top.

-Oh you can show me your
toy when your dad gets back.

Come on. Let's go
see what Grandma is up to!

-Caillou! I'm
so glad to see you!

-Hi Grandma!

-Well, I'll leave you two then.

I'm off to the store,
I'll be back before you know it!


I just noticed that Caillou
forgot his bag in the car!

-Oh, great! Thank you.


Hi there! What
a nice surprise!...

-What's the matter Caillou?
You usually love gardening!

-Daddy left with my top.
It spins and makes lots noise.

-That sounds like a very
nice toy, but maybe we can find

something else
to have fun with instead?

-No! I want to play with my top!

-Well, that's too bad because

I think I found something!

-What is it?

-It's a potato!

And I bet that we
could have as much fun with
this potato as with any toy!

...nice talking
to you! See you soon.

Now, there's something
I was supposed to do.

What was it again?

Oh of course!

I have to go to the store!

-Grandpa had forgotten
all about Caillou's bag

so did Caillou because he was
starting to have a lot of fun!

-I found another one!

-Could I have the potato please.

-I want to do it!

-I'd better cut the potato.
But you can get some paper!

Look at that, a footprint!

That's exactly
what we're going to do with
these pieces of potato!

We're going to make prints!

-It's a tree!

-That's right! What's yours?

-An egg!

-Hey you two!

Having fun?


Did you pick up some eggs?

I noticed we were out.

-Let's see, Bread.
Milk. Anything else in here?

Nope, no eggs!

-Here's an egg, Grandpa!

-Look at that! It certainly is!

Well, I guess I'd
better go back to the store
for the eggs Grandma needs.

-Can I go? I can bring
my picture so we don't forget!

-That's a great idea!

-Grandpa look! There's
a dinosaur on the box!

-Do you think there's
a real dinosaur inside?

-No! It's only cereal.

-You're probably
right, Now let's see?

What is it that
we came here to buy again?


-That's right!

Do you think you can
find where the eggs are?

-This way!

-Hey! wait for me!

-Look Grandpa! Potatoes!

-I don't think
we'll need any of those!

-This one Grandpa?

-I usually get those.

Whoa! You have to be very
careful with the eggs Caillou.


-Because they break very easily.

-Like this?


-Grandma look!

I carried the eggs all the way
home and I didn't break them!

-Caillou learned
that eggs are very fragile.

-And I showed Grandpa
where they were in the store!

-Caillou's drawing
came in very handy.

-I'm making vegetable soup!

-Mmmm... and not just any soup!

The best vegetable
soup in the whole wide world!

Look at all this!

Say, these almost
look like two eyes!

-and this is a nose!

Hee hee hee hee!

A mustache!

-Wow! Look at that!

Can I borrow the
nose to put in my soup?


You left with my toys!

-But I gave your bag to Grandpa!

-Oh dear!

Caillou I guess I
forgot to give you your bag!

I'm sorry!

-Well, I'll be? Your
toys we're here the whole time.

But we had fun
anyways right Caillou?

-Daddy! I went to
the store with Grandpa!

-That's sounds like fun.

-Daddy look!

-Here you go Caillou. Do you
want to show me your toy now?

-No I want to go home
and show Mommy my drawings!


-I used a potato to draw with.

I picked it out of the
garden and then Grandma cut

in half and we used
it to make pretty pictures.

-And that's how Caillou
found out there were

lots of ways of having
fun, even without his toys!

-Gilbert is going to love this.

And Teddy will come for sure.

Here you go Teddy.


All I have to
do now is get ready.


-Caillou. You have
to play quietly now.

Rosie is going to take her nap.



-But I want to play.

-You can still
play, just do it quietly.

-Caillou felt
that being quiet was wasn't
as much fun as being noisy.


I asked you to play quietly.


I want cookies.

I'm hungry.

-So Caillou went to the kitchen.



Ugh... ugh.





-Caillou decided
to make some honey cookies.

And so, Caillou
got to work making a whole
bunch of honey cookies:

fat ones, skinny ones,
flat ones, and round ones.

-Oh Caillou. What are you doing?

-I'm making cookies.

-Look at the mess you made.

Do you want to
help Mommy clean it up?

-Yes, Mommy, me and you.

-We have to make sure
the kitchen is nice and clean.

Now where's that dustpan?

-I found it.

-That's the way,
my favourite helper.


-Caillou was very proud. He
was helping Mommy make cookies.


you made a mess.

-You're right,
Mommy makes messes too.

-Daddy. Daddy.

Try the cookies.
Try the cookies.

-Mmmmm. Who made
these good cookies?

-I did and Mommy helped.

Mommy. Daddy. Look.

-What are you making, Caillou?

-A big mess.

♪Cooking is lots of
fun, I help out when I can.

♪I can help in many ways,
when I know the cooking plan.

♪I'm cookin',
I can stir and pour.

♪We're cookin',
I can do lots more.

♪I can ice the cake,
it sure is lots of fun.

♪I can make
a sandwich yummy. Mmm.

♪Fill it full
of lots of jam. Oh yeah!

♪Put chocolate chips
in cookies, what a cook I am!

♪I'm cookin',
I can break an egg open.

♪We're cookin', Most
of it gets in the bowl.

♪I'm cookin',
goin' with the plan.

♪Spread the peanut
butter on a slice of bread.

♪Cover it with jelly,
that'll make it red.

♪Add another slice
on top. Yes you can!

♪Hey you know you're
following the recipe plan!

♪I can stir, I can
pour I can get things clean.

♪I love to eat cake,
you know what I mean!

♪I'm cookin'.
If we're making donuts.

♪We're cookin'. I
can make the little hole.

♪I'm cookin', we're
going with the plan.


♪I'm cookin',
I can get things done.

♪We're cookin',
It's lots of fun.

♪I'm cookin', We're
going with the plan.




A key.

What's this?


An invitation!

Oh This looks like fun.

I need to dress up like a king.



So that's the banquet!
I'll be the queen!

-One morning Caillou
woke up very, very early.

Caillou was trying very hard to
be quiet and not wake anybody.

-Mommy? Are you asleep?

Daddy? Are you asleep?

-Caillou was wide awake
and feeling very hungry.

He decided to have breakfast
right then, all by himself.

That gave Caillou
an idea: He would make
breakfast for his family.

-Boo! Caillou.

-Hi Rosie! Come with me.

I'm making breakfast
for everybody.


-Caillou didn't want
to wake his Mommy and Daddy.

He wanted his breakfast
to be a surprise.

-Mmm mmm.

Want some milk, Rosie?


-Hi, Gilbert. Are you hungry?

Breakfast Gilbert?



-Breakfast was a lot of work.

Now Caillou
had to set the table.

Caillou wanted this
to be the biggest surprise
Mommy and Daddy had ever had.


-What was that?

-I didn't hear anything.

-I think Caillou's
in the kitchen.


Everything okay, Caillou?

-Shhh. It's a surprise.

-Oh, I see. Okay!

-Hmm, I wonder what sort
of surprise Caillou is making?

-I wonder too.

-The cupboard seemed
very full to Caillou.

But where was
the breakfast food?


Mommy likes cereal.

Muffins. Daddy loves muffins.



-Caillou wasn't quite ready.

-Wait Mommy.

-There was one more thing
he wanted to put on the table.

He wanted his surprise
breakfast to be just right.

-Okay, come in.


-It's a surprise breakfast.

-It certainly is.

-Mmmm. It looks good.

-And look, my favorite
cereal is already poured.

-And there's a lovely
muffin on my plate.

And the butter
dish is right here so I can
butter it the way I like.

-I made you the
biggest surprise ever.

-Hello, King Rexy!

-Hello, King Teddy.

Oh! King Gilbert!


-You look great.


-Welcome my kings.

Welcome, welcome, welcome.

-Thank you.

-Thank you.


Hello my kings!


-Thank you!

-Okay. Allow me to
tell you what dinner is.

-Oh! Yes, yes, yes.

-I think that's king talk.

-Ah, very good.

-King Gilbert, in
front of you is fish and all

kinds of other deliciously
smelly cat food stuff.

-Oh why thank
you, your highness.

-You're welcome.

King Teddy.


-In front of you
are all kinds of teddy bear

stuff like cakes
and ice cream and sweets.

Caillou would love it too.


It smells delicious, my king.

-Queen Diedi.

-Mmm hmm?

-Those are squirrel
good things to eat.

Like nuts and stuff.

-Mmm. It looks perfect.

-And uh, what are
you eating, King Rexy?

-Oh! Lettuce...


and lettuce!

All right you Kings and Queen.

Dig in!

-Oh delicious!

-Thank you.

-Very tasty.

-Yes indeed!

-I haven't had anything
as good as this in years.

-You're only one
year old in squirrel years.

-I know, but I'm pretending.

-Now, isn't good
food the greatest?


-Oh this is so yummy!

-Oh thank you.

-Very good -
even if it is pretend.

-Well pretend food
is always fit for a king.

You know that, it's true. It is.


-So good!

-See you next time!


She'e my baby
sister and I love her.

We play games together a lot.

And we have fun!

I get to show her things I like.

And sometimes
I help take care of her.

Because I'm her big brother.

I'm looking for ways
we exerciMommy!s bod

Mommy is great!

She takes me to
fun places like the beach.

Mommy says it's
fun to try new things.

She likes it when
I draw her pictures.

-It's beautiful
Caillou! Thank you!

-And I like it when
she tucks me in at night.