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05x02 - Traveling

Posted: 09/29/22 12:58
by bunniefuu
You're getting to be a big boy!

♪I'm just a kid who's four

♪Each day I grow some more

♪I like exploring - I'm Caillou

♪So many things to do

♪Each day is something new

♪I'll share them
with you - I'm Caillou

♪My world is turning,
changing each day

♪With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way

♪Growing up is not so tough

♪'Cept when I've had enough

♪But there's lots
of fun stuff - I'm Caillou

♪Caillou, Caillou

♪I'm Caillou.

That's me!

And me!

And me!

And me!


If I were big like
Caillou's Daddy and Mommy,

I'd drive
a big car all over the world.

Vrroom, Vrroom,
Vrroom, Vroom, Vrroom!

-You can't.



-You can't drive
all over the world.

-Why not?

-Oceans get in the way.

-Oh, oh. Oceans.




What's an ocean?

-A whole lot of water.


Hmm, well... Cars
can get wet, can't they?

-Well yes, but not that wet.

You see, cars are made
for roads on land, terra firma.

That means solid ground.

-Yeah, so they
could go on the ocean.

-No, that's why they can't.

-I don't get it.

-Ahhh. To travel across
an ocean, you need a boat.

There are no roads.

-Oh, oh!

A boat.

I know about boats.

They float really
well in the bathtub.

Cars sink right to the bottom.

-Er... Something like that.


-It was a perfect
day for a walk in the park.


-And it was a perfect
day for sailing boats.

-Whee, ha ha!

-Not so fast Caillou.

-Hi! That's my boat.

It's nice, huh?

-Caillou didn't really
want to give the boat back.

He wished he had a big boat just
like it to float on the lake.

-I want a boat like that.

-You have lots of nice boats
of your own at home. C'mon.

-It's time to launch
the fleet captain!

What's the matter Caillou?

-Plastic boats are for babies.

I want a BIG boat
like the one at the lake.

-Hop in.

-Can we go to the lake
and watch the boats Mommy?

-We're going
someplace even better!

You and Rosie
are going to spend the day
with Gandma and Grandpa.

-Where's Grandpa?

-Hi Caillou!

I'm down here trying to
make room for my new workbench.

Would you like to help Caillou?

-What is it?

-It's your dad's
old kiddie pool.

Why, with a
bit of patching up, this'd
be great for you and Rosie.

-What's in here, Grandpa?

-Oh, all kinds of old stuff.

Maybe even dinosaur bones.

You know, I bet this
still has some life in it.

-A boat!!!

-Oh, my old boat.

dad helped me make that when
he wasn't much older than you.

-It's just like
the ones at the lake.

Let's go sail it.

-It's a little
worse for wear, Caillou.

I don't know if it'll sail.

-Please Grandpa,
I want to sail it now!

-Well, I did build it to last.

I guess we could give it a try.

-It's working!


-That's all right. Every
good sailor has setbacks.

But if we put some
work into fixing this boat up

it'll be as good as new.

-Caillou and Grandpa spent all
afternoon working on the boat.

-Why don't you
paint a "C" for Caillou?

-It's perfect!

-Let's go to the lake now.

-Oh we can't
sail it yet, Caillou.

We have to wait
for the paint to dry.

-Caillou felt like the
paint was taking forever to dry.

-Is it dry yet?

-I guess it's probably dry now.


-Oh that's okay. We'll
make our own lake, come on!

-Let's see here.




No, not that.


This is the very thing I need.

Now I know this
is going to work.

Let's see, um...

take some of that

then some glue.

-Ten times more
water than that bucket?

-More than ten.


-See the grass?

-Oh, uh, thank
you, I prefer lettuce.

-Right, but see how many
blades of grass there are?

-Hmm, oh yeah.

There sure must
be a lot more than twelve!


Gazillions is the biggest
number in the whole world.

Wait a minute.

The sky!

-The ocean is in the sky?

-No, it's as
big as the sky, almost.

-That's big!


-Caillou was very excited
because he was about to take a

long trip on a train
for the very first time.

-When is the train coming Mommy?


-It shouldn't
be much longer sweetie.

-Phew! These way a ton!

We're only going
away for two weeks, but we

packed enough
for the entire summer!

-Daddy! Daddy!

I hear the train. It's coming!

-Caillou was very excited,
but as he watched the train

getting closer, he began
to feel a little scared.


-It's very big isn't it?

-Caillou couldn't believe
how big the train was.

The noise frightened him.

-I don't want to go.

-There's nothing
to be afraid of.

Come on, it's
time to get on board.

-Are you two coming on board?

-Yes sir we are!

-Well then maybe someone should
help your Dad with those bags.

-There you go.

Are you folks traveling far?

-We're on the
train for two days!


And what's your name?


-Well, Caillou, have you
ever slept on a train before?


-You're gonna love it.

You'll see, it'll rock
you to straight to sleep.

-Where are the beds?

-That's the best part!

They magically
appear when it's dark.

Say sleep three
times and clap your hands and
I bet you, they'll show up.



But first, I'm
gonna need your tickets.

Thank you.

We should be
leaving any minute now.

I'll see you later Caillou.

-Daddy! It looks like
the train station is moving!

-It's really the train
that's moving, Caillou.

It just looks like
it's the other way around.

Why don't we go
exploring while mommy puts

Rosie down for her nap.



-Caillou was so excited
about exploring the train

that he had a
hard time keeping quiet.

-It's kind of hard
walking in a train isn't it?

-Caillou thought walking on
a train was like being on a ride

at the amusement park.

-Where's the bathroom?

-I'm not sure,
but it can't be far.

-Can we find one? Now?

-Caillou had never seen
such a small bathroom before.

He wasn't sure
how anything worked.

-Are you ok in there?

-I don't know
how it works daddy.

-Hey! It's just your size!

Here, you press the
button on the wall to flush,

and don't forget
to wash your hands.

-Caillou thought it was funny
to be in such a small bathroom.

It was much smaller
than the one at home.


-Oh! Hello there.

And what's your name?!


-What do think of my kitchen?

-We have a kitchen too,
but it's alot bigger than yours.

-Well maybe it
is, but does your kitchen
travel to far away places?

-Ha ha ha. No,
can't say that it does.

Could you tell us
where the restaurant is?

-There's a restaurant too?

-Hi Caillou!

Boy that looks good!

So! Have you
been on the grand tour?

-Let's see. the bathroom, the
kitchen and now the restaurant,

I'd call that a grand tour!

-You mean you haven't
been to the dome car yet?

That's the best part!

-Caillou was
having so many wonderful new
adventures that he couldn't

imagine what could be better
than his triple brownie sundae.

-What's a dome car?


The dome car
is a wonderful place.

You climb up some
stairs and suddenly it's
like your flying in a plane.

-A plane on a the train?

-Next stop! The dome car!

-Whoa! Slow down Caillou.

You wouldn't want to
get a stomach ache and not

be able to go flying, would you?

-Go on up Caillou.

-Caillou really wondered how
a plane could sit on a train.

-How do we fly on a train daddy?

-Stanley was comparing
it to a plane because

we're above the ground
and the train goes fast.

Come on, you'll see.

-Wow! Caillou this is beautiful.

Now do you see why Stanley
says it's like being in a plane?

-Vrooom, vroom, vroom, vroom!

-Caillou pretended he
was flying his very own plane.

He loved watching the passing
clouds out of the glass roof.

-Come on Caillou,
it's time for bed.

-I don't want to go to bed.

-Caillou loved being
on the train so much,

that he wasn't
quite ready for bed yet.

-Come in.


Mommy says it's bed time,
but the beds aren't here yet.


That's strange.

Is it dark outside?

Did you brush your teeth?

Hmmm. Well then I think
it's time for the magic words.

Do you remember what
we have to do Caillou?

-Say sleep three
times and clap my hands.

-Sleep! Sleep!

-Rosie! Wait! I'm not ready.

-Now you and Rosie have
to shut your eyes real tight OK?

-He he ha ha ha!

-Are you ready?

Now don't peek.

Ok Caillou, now slowly
say the three magic words.

-Sleep sleep sleep.

-Ok Caillou, you can look now.


-Goodnight, sweet dreams.

-Goodnight Stanley.

-Caillou was gently
rocked to sleep by

the sounds of the train
rolling through the night.

♪When I travel,
I pack my suitcase full,

♪I take all the things
I need, cause that's the rule.

♪I don't pack my dog,
he has to stay at home.

♪I don't pack my birdie,
can't do that when you roam.

♪I don't pack the
bathtub, the wading pool.

♪The cookie jar,
or the kitchen stool.

♪We all love to travel
on land and sea and sky.

♪We all love to
travel, my fam-i-ly and I.

♪Take a boat
if you need to float.

♪Take a car if it's not too far.

♪Take a train
over rough terrain.

♪But to go the farthest.
You've got to take a plane.

♪When I travel,
I pack my suitcase full,

♪I take all the things
I need, cause that's the rule.

♪I Don't take the TV,
no need to watch the screen.

♪I don't take my
bike, or my tambourine.

♪I don't pack my
roller-blades or an insect,

♪I don't pack my window,
that wouldn't be correct.

♪We all love to travel
on land or sea or sky.

♪We all love to
travel my fam-i-ly and I.

♪Take a boat
if you want to float.

♪Take a car if it's not too far.

♪Take a train
over rough terrain.

♪But to go the farthest,
you've gotta take the plane.


-Have you seen Caillou anywhere?

He said he wanted
to help me with the car.

-I think he's in the
garden, driving his car.

-Beep. Beep.

Caillou's in his car.

-Now you probably know that
Caillou loves anything to do

with cars and buses and trucks.

-Ah. There you are.


-Did you forget?

You said you wanted
to help me wash the car.


-Caillou imagined
he was driving the most
fantastic car you ever saw.

-Hello Mr. Lion.

WOW. I'm really going fast.

This is fun.


Oh no!

Hey Caillou look
what you made me do.


Daddy! You're
all wet. What happened?

-Caillou had no idea
that he was the one who made

his Daddy spray
himself with water.

-Well... It was an accident.

Don't I look silly?


-Do you still want to help me?

-You bet.

I was driving the car, Daddy.

-Is that right?

-Yes. I love cars, you know.

-I know you do.

I used to love cars
when I was little, too.

-And you still love cars.

-Look, Mommy. It's
all clean and shiny.

-Well, what are we waiting for?

Let's go for
a picnic at the beach.

-Hello Mr. Lion.

Can I drive the car
when I'm bigger, Daddy?

Will you teach me?

-Of course, Caillou.

Of course.

you know that there are lots
of different ways to travel?

-The way we
travel most is by car.

-Uh huh!

Just like Sarah and her mom.

-You have to buckle up,
to be safe in the car.

-In the old days,
they didn't have cars and
they had to travel by horse.


Horses will always be the best.

-I bet Phillip agrees
that horses are the best.

Boats and ships
are another way to travel.

'Course they only go on water.

They're really
big so they can carry lots
of things to other places.

That's called cargo.

The ropes keep the boats
from drifting out to sea.

won't go too fast from land,
they don't have any wheels.

-But cars are still
the best way to get around

the neighborhood,
don't you think?

-Ah ha!

-An ocean must be very big.

-Yes, and all that water doesn't
make it a cat's favorite place.

-Um, Gilbert,
if an ocean is so big,

it needs something
big to travel across it.

Something big like a train!

-Oh! Trains can go across
rivers on huge train bridges,

but they can't go over
the ocean - it's too big.


-What on earth is he up to?

-I don't know.

-Caillou was going
on vacation with his family,

and this was the first
time he'd ever been on a plane.

-There you go.

-Caillou was curious
about everything.

-Leave that alone, Caillou.
We'll be taking off very soon.

Just sit back, please.

-Are you two
behaving yourselves?

-Mommy. You have to sit back.



-The plane was taking off.

Caillou loved looking
out of the window at the
disappearing ground below.

-Those little white
things are houses, Caillou.

-Daddy, are we there yet?

-No. Not yet.

-Would you like some breakfast?



-Caillou had never had
breakfast on a plane before.

After breakfast, Caillou's Daddy
was listening to some music.

Caillou was very curious
about how it worked.




-Good morning, young man.

How are you enjoying the flight?

-Say hello to
the pilot, Caillou.


-Would you both like to come
and see how I fly the plane?

-Ooohhh yes.

-We'd love to.
Thank you very much.

-Welcome to the flight deck.

This is Caillou.

-Hi, Caillou.



Daddy. What's that?

-Those are clouds, Caillou.




Are we in the clouds now?


-I like being in the clouds.

be landing soon, so you'll
have to go back to your seats.

Oh, I almost forgot.

All our junior
pilots get one of these.


-Caillou was very excited to
have this special pilot's badge.

Pretty soon the plane
was landing at the airport.


We're on the ground.

-Thank you for
flying with us today.

-I hope you have a
wonderful vacation, Caillou.

And I hope we'll
see you again when it's
time for you to fly home.

-Where are you going?


-What are you going to do?


-Teddy, are
you feeling all right?

-Oh, great.

-Teddy, why are
you dressed like that?

-Going flying.

-But teddy bears don't fly.

They... they hug.

-Well I've been an old
stuffed teddy bear all my life

and today I decided
to change everything.

Today I'm going to
fly away to unknown places.

-But teddy bears don't fly!!!

-You could get hurt.




-Oh yes, it's
dangerous to jump from high
up, you might hurt yourself.

-You've got to be a bird
to fly to far away places.

-Well. I know sometimes
I get a little muddled up,

but right now I'm just



-Teddy bears are pretty smart.

-Oh, I'm panicking
and he's pretending.

Of course, pretending's
not a bad thing.

-Oh no.

You know what Gilbert?

I feel like driving
to far away places.


-See you later!

Vroom, Vroom, Vroom, Vrooom!

-Oh, oh yes!

Well, I'm not taking the boat!

It's a cat thing.

We're not fond of water.

Wait for me!

Tooot tooot.

Chuga chuga chuga
chuga, toot toot!

-Gotta go!

See you next time!

To c