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04x09 - Getting Along

Posted: 09/29/22 12:54
by bunniefuu
You're getting to be a big boy.

♪I'm just a kid who's four

♪Each day I grow some more

♪I like exploring - I'm Caillou

♪So many things to do

♪Each day is something new

♪I'll share them
with you - I'm Caillou

♪My world is turning,
changing each day

♪With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way

♪Growing up is not so tough

♪'Cept when I've had enough

♪But there's lots
of fun stuff - I'm Caillou

♪Caillou, Caillou

♪I'm Caillou.

That's me!

And me!

And me!

And me!

Now, let me see.

-I got you, Gilbert.

-Oh! We'll see.

No, no, no, no.



-Shh... I'm concentrating.

-Oh! Great!

What's concentrating?

-Thinking about what
he's going to do next.



Oh good, well that's
what I came to ask you.

Do you want to play...

-Shh... He means my next move.


Can I play? Can I play enh?

-It's a game for two,
Rexy. And it's almost over.


Good. Well then we can play...



-Stupid birds.

That was cool, huh?

Stupid birds didn't
get in my way this time.

-Yeah, stupid birds.

-Caillou and Leo were very
impressed by the skateboarder,

and they really wanted
to try his skateboard.

-My name's Leo.

-I'm Caillou.

-Ever been on
a skateboard before?


-Just a quick try.
I have to go home soo.


-That was cool.


-Got to go!

Bye Caillou. Bye Leo.


-There's Clementine!

I went on the Skateboard
all by myself Clementine!

-No you didn't I saw you,
that boy was holding onto you.

-Clementine's stupid.

-Yeah, you're stupid.

-No I'm not!

-Caillou and Leo
were very excited by what
they had seen and done.

They didn't realize
how much they had hurt
Clementine's feelings.

-Look at me Rosie, I'm cool!

Stupid cubes.



-Rosie! Where
did you learn that word?


-That's not a
very nice word Rosie.


Yes Hi. How are you?


Don't worry, I'll
be sure to tell him.

OK, bye.

Caillou, Rosie has been saying
a word that's not very nice.

Do you know the word I mean?

-Yes, Mommy.

-And Clementine's
mommy just called.

She was telling me about
your afternoon in the park.

Apparently, you and Leo
weren't very nice to Clementine.

-But Leo and I
were just playing, Mommy.

-I don't think that's
a very good game to play.

You hurt Clementine's feelings.

-I didn't mean to.

-I think you owe
Clementine an apology.

-Can I call Clementine, Mommy?

It's ringing.


It's me Caillou.

Sorry about calling you stupid.

had apologized to Clementine
and they were both very happy.

And as luck would have it,
the skateboarder was there too.

-That's cool.

-Hi Caillou, hey
Clementine, you want to try?

-Yeah Clementine!

-I know
you have missed something,
Matthew Theodore Teddy Bear

and I'm looking for it.

-This is boring.

Now, this, this is fun!

-I need quiet.

Aha! I found it!


-If I move this
horse here like this...

Dino sneeze...


-Bless you!

-What?! What happened?

My game! My move!

What did you do that for?!

Rexy I told you...

-I just sneezed.

-Just sneezed?

You just sneezed my best
move ever, right off the table!

Rosie don't!


Mommy, I don't want
Rosie to play in my sandbox!


-Okay you two that's enough.

Caillou, you have to play
nicely with your little sister.

The sandbox is for both of you.


-No buts.

I have to go out now
and I want you to promise me

that you will
let Rosie play with you.

was upset because he didn't
think mommy was being fair,

after all, Rosie had started it.



-Bye honey, have a nice day.


Oh, do me a favor
and clean up the kitchen?


-I promise, see you later.

Well, I'd better get to it.

Do you want to help
me wash them Caillou?


Gilbert! No cats on the table!

-Why don't you
let Gilbert outside?

-Come on Gilbert.

-Now that Caillou
was alone, he thought

it would be a good
time to play with his cars.

-All set!

You ready to wash Caillou?

Where'd he go Rosie?


-Caillou? Didn't you want
to help me wash the dishes?

-I'm playing and
I don't want Rosie to play
in the sandbox with me.

-Well, do you remember the
promise that you made to mommy?

You have to share the
sandbox with Rosie right?

It's very important not
to break a promise Caillou.

Why don't we
let Rosie play a while and
and we can do the dishes.

-Rosie play!

-Okay Rosie, you can
play for a little while.

-Caillou was having
alot of fun helping daddy,

even though he was mostly
only playing with the bubbles.

-Looks like you
need to be dried off too!


Now that the job's done what
do you say we go to the park?


-Caillou was very
happy to be playing with
his friends in the sandbox.

He was especially
happy that Rosie wasn't
there to destroy everything!

-Vrooom, vrooom, vrooom-beep!

-We're going
to the circus today!

-The circus?

-Yeah! Our mom
is taking us after lunch.

-Caillou loved
going to the circus.

He hadn't been to the
circus in a very long time!

-There's a big tent!

-And an elephant!

It's huge!

-Are you going
to the circus too?

-Caillou didn't know
if his parents were going
to bring him to the circus.

But he sure hoped they would.

-Daddy, can we
go to the circus too?

-What circus Caillou?

-Jason and Jeffrey
are going to the circus.

They say there's
a big tent and an elephant!


sorry Caillou, I wasn't aware
there was a circus in town.

But we can't go today.
Maybe another day okay?

-Can we go tomorrow?

-When mommy gets
home, I promise to ask her

what she thinks about
all of us going together okay?

-My daddy promised
to take me tomorrow.

-You can come with us today!

-Caillou thought
that was a great idea!

Going to the circus
with the twins today was much

better than having
to wait until tomorrow!

-But we have to ask our mommy.


-Bye Caillou!

See you later!

-Caillou was very excited.

He was sure he was
going to the circus today
with Jason and Jeffrey.

-Caillou slow down,
you're eating too quickly.

-I have to hurry,

Jason and Jeffrey
are coming to get me.

-Caillou, please don't
talk with your mouth full.

-I have to hurry, Jason and
Jeffrey are coming to get me.

-They are?

-They invited me
to go to the circus today.

-Me too!

-No Rosie, they're my
friends and your not coming.


-Caillou, that's not very nice.

And the boys mother didn't
say anything to me at the park,

so I don't think
you'll be going with them.

But they promised!

-Caillou was very upset.

He was sure that the twins
would bring him to the circus.

He didn't understand
why they would promise to

take him and then not do it.

-You're very upset
aren't you Caillou?

-They promised daddy.

-And I told you
that it's very important not
to break a promise didn't I?

Well, I think the boys promised
something a little too quickly.

I think they forgot
to ask they're mommy first.


-We all forget sometimes.

Besides, they're your
friends and I'm sure they

really wanted
to bring you with them.

-But I want to go to the circus.

-I know you do. And we will.

-Maybe that's them!

-Hi Caillou!

was disappointed that it wasn't
the twins coming to get him.

-Caillou? Why the long face?

Did you know that
the circus was in town?

I saw the big tent
they put up on the way home!

-Caillou knows about it!

-Did you guys have a nice day?

-Yes, Caillou helped
me with the dishes!

-And I let Rosie play in the
sandbox, just like I promised!

-I know, let's go to the circus!

-Really? Now?

Rosie! Come on,
we're going to the circus!


-Caillou was very happy
that he was going to the circus,

and that he didn't have to
wait until tomorrow after all!

-I just sneezed.

I can't help it if all the
chess pieces fell on the floor.

Dinosaurs sneeze that way.

I don't know if I still
wanna be Gilbert's friend.



-What are you doing out here?

-I'm waiting for Gilbert
to say he's sorry to me.

He was rude wasn't he, Teddy?

-Well, he wasn't very nice,

but he was angry.

-Well, he had no reason to
be angry at me, did he, Teddy?

-Well, now that's the hard part.


-See, he was trying
so hard to figure out
his move and win the game.

-And he should
apologize, right Teddy?

-Well, the thing is,
that Gilbert did ask you

to be quiet and not interrupt.

-And he should
apologize for that.

-Well, not exactly,
because you see,

the game was important
to him and first you interrupted

and then you sneezed.

-But, Dinos sneeze like that.

-I know, but perhaps
you could have moved

away from the table and,
it wouldn't have upset the game.

-But, I was waiting...

-By mistake you ruined our game.

-Yeah, but... I didn't mean to.

Caillou loved going to the park.

And sometimes he
got to make new friends.

-OK Caillou. You're on.

-I'll make another one.

-Well, hello there. And
what's your name young man?


-Well Jim... this is Caillou.

-Would you like
to play with Caillou, Jim?

-I think that sounds
like a great idea.

Now if you need us, we'll be
on that bench right over there.

-I'm making a tower.

-I wanna make the tower.

-That's mine.



-You broke the tower!

-No. You did!

-I can make a new one.


He knocked it all down.

-Maybe it was
an accident, Caillou.

-Jim's sorry, Caillou.
Aren't you, Jim?

-But... I fixed it.

-And you sure did a good job.

Now, why don't you
two play nicely together, OK?


-I don't wanna
play that anymore.

I'm going on the swings.

-Wait for me.

Push me.

-No. I don't want to.

-You push me first.

-I don't wanna
play with you any more!

-Caillou didn't
like Jim because he always
had to get his own way.

-Caillou... what's wrong?

-He doesn't wanna play with me.

-He always wants to be first.

-Now Jim... you know you have
to take turns when you play.

Did you forget?

-I know...

Do you wanna be my friend again?

-So Jim and Caillou
took turns with the pail.

Then they took turns pushing
each other on the swings.

And by the end
of the day, they were having
so much fun playing together,

Grandpa probably thought
they'd never go home.

-OK kids. Time to go.

Being a good
friend means sharing,

taking turns,

listening to each other,

and playing
games you all like...

Also helping your friends do
things that are hard for them.

Sometimes to make new friends
all you have to do is ask.


-Do you think I
can play basketball too?


-Do you want
to play basketball too?


-But, the most
important thing about friends
is to have fun with them!

-Let's build a wall.



-Is Rexy coming in to apologize?

-I don't think so.


He ruined our game!

-It was only a
pretend game, Gilbert,

and it's not
as if he planned it.

He sneezed.

-Well he should
have sneezed over there.

-Yes, you're
right but he didn't.

-You can tell him
that I'll be right here

when he is ready
to say he's sorry.

-Gilbert, he
doesn't understand...

-I'll be waiting.

-Cats can be stubborn.

But then...

so can a dinosaur.

And all that makes a Teddy bear,


Caillou's friend Clementine
was coming to play,

so he was getting
his toys ready.


Caillou! Come downstairs!

Clementine's here!

Hi! Come in,
Clementine. Come in!

Say hello, Caillou.


-Now you be a good
little girl, Clementine.

Play nicely.

-Yes, Mommy!

-And don't you
cause any trouble!

-No, Mommy!

-I'm sure she won't
be any trouble at all.

Come on in, Clementine.


-Wow! You brought lots of toys!

-Caillou wanted to play
dinosaurs with Clementine,

and he was going to explain
exactly how he wanted to

build a house for them
with his building blocks...

-Let's play families!

I'll be the Mommy,
and you can be the Daddy.

-That wasn't Caillou's
idea of fun at all.

-I wannna play dinosaurs.

-A teddy bear and a bunny!

They can be our children!

-That's my teddy!

And my bunny!

-Caillou didn't like
anybody touching his teddy

and his bunny
without his permission.

-Let's have a tea party
for them! Come and sit down.

-Give them back! They are mine!

-Don't be silly, Caillou!
Sit down and play nicely.

-I don't want to play nicely!

-What's the matter?

-I don't wanna play families!

I wanna play DINOSAURS!


Well... The dinosaurs
can be our children too!

-Caillou didn't
like that idea at all!

-I don't wanna
play with you any more!

I don't like you anymore!


-Whatever's the matter, Caillou?

And where's Clementine?

-I don't like Clementine!

She took my teddy and my bunny!

-Let's see if we
can sort this out, OK?

Now, can we all say we're
sorry and be friends again?

-Sorry, Caillou...

-Your turn, Caillou.

-Sorry, Clementine...

-Come on in, everyone!

-Clementine's big brother
Billy was a baseball champion,

and Caillou was always
very happy to see him.

-Hi, Billy!

-Hi, Caillou! Wanna play ball?

You're gonna be
a great pitcher, Caillou!

-Come and have
some juice, you guys!

-Let's have a race!


-Caillou, you and Clementine
are really good at baseball!

We'll have to play again soon!

yes! I want to play with you
and Clementine again tomorrow!

And the day after,
and the day after that!

♪Sometimes I
say words I shouldn't.

♪They make you feel bad.

♪I never meant
to hurt your feelings!

♪Never meant to make you sad.

♪Oh sorry if
I said the wrong thing,

♪Sorry if I made you frown

♪You're my best friend forever

♪I never meant to let you down.

♪Sometimes when I get angry

♪Words come flying out

♪I really try to stop them

♪But I say them
there's no doubt.

♪Oh sorry if
I said the wrong thing,

♪Sorry if I made you frown

♪You're my best friend forever

♪I never meant to let you down.

I'll be better next time.

I'm sorry, really sorry!

♪Sorry if I said the wrong thing

♪Sorry if I made you frown

♪You're my best friend forever

♪I never meant to let you down.

-It's okay...

-Best friends?

-Best friends!

-Teddy? Teddy? Was
Gilbert mean to you, too?


He wasn't angry with
me, I didn't ruin his game.

-But, I just sneezed.

-I know.

he was just frustrated because
he couldn't make his move,

but that doesn't help.



My two best friends in the
whole world, besides Caillou,

are angry at each other,

and they both
think they're right.

They won't apologize
and make friends again.

Nobody is listening
when I try to explain!

-I didn't mean
to make you sad, Teddy.

I just didn't
think it was my fault.

-Every now and then, it's
not about being right or wrong,

it's about thinking
about the other person,

and treating each other well.


-It's about respect,

getting along.




You first.

-I'm sorry,

I didn't mean to sneeze
the chess pieces over.

-I know you didn't

and I'm sorry
I was so darn stubborn.

As soon as you left
the room, I thought about it.

did frustrate me that I was so
close to winning the game but,

I know Rexy never
intended to actually...

-Teddy told me I should
have sneezed somewhere else.

I should have tried to.

-Luckily we have a best friend

who reminds us how
to take care of each other.


And we know how
to take care of him.

-Oh yes.

-Oh! I feel so much better when
the people around me are happy!

-So do I!

-So do I!

-Come play with me again.


My daddy shows me how
to do lots of neat stuff.

We like skating except
it's not that easy at first.

And sometimes daddy acts silly.

But he always knows
how to take care of us.

When I grow up I wanna
be just like my daddy.