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04x07 - Try, Try Again

Posted: 09/29/22 12:53
by bunniefuu
You're getting to be a big boy.

♪I'm just a kid who's four

♪Each day I grow some more

♪I like exploring - I'm Caillou

♪So many things to do

♪Each day is something new

♪I'll share them
with you - I'm Caillou

♪My world is turning,
changing each day

♪With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way

♪Growing up is not so tough

♪'Cept when I've had enough

♪But there's lots
of fun stuff - I'm Caillou

♪Caillou, Caillou

♪I'm Caillou.

That's me!

And me!

And me!

And me!

I really do enjoy
the beauty of autumn.



-I missed you!


My painting!


I'm sorry, Teddy, I didn't
mean to ruin your painting.


know you didn't, but it was the
best painting I've ever done.

I think I need
a little moment alone.


-Where's Grandpa?

-He'll be here soon Caillou.

-Caillou was very impatient
for Grandpa to arrive.

Today Grandpa,
Caillou, and his daddy we're
going for a walk in the woods.

-Grandpa's here!

-Hi, Caillou!

-Hi, Grandpa!

-Ready for our
hike in the woods?

-Daddy grandpa's here!

-Hi Dad would you like
a cup of coffee before we go?


-I don't think we have time.

Looks like someone's
in a hurry to get going!

-Caillou didn't know it
yet, but this was going to be

a very special
walk in the woods.

-Come on, Caillou.

-When your Dad was a little boy,
we'd go walking in the woods

every fall, just before all
the leaves fell to the ground.

And then, we'd
play a little game.

-What game?

-Your Dad and I would
try and catch a falling leaf

before it touched the ground.


-Well, it's a family
tradition Caillou.

-What's that?

-It's something that you
do with your family every year.

-Are you ready to give it a try?

Here, I'll show you.

-My turn.

-Caillou thought
leaf-catching was a great game,

and looked up at the treetops
for another falling leaf.

-There, Caillou!

Nice try.

-Don't be disappointed, Caillou.

Let's try our luck
a little further up the path.



My boot's stuck!

-Come on you two,
there's a wind stirring up.

Might be plenty
of leaves to catch soon.

-Here they come!

-Caillou wanted
to catch a leaf too,

so he did exactly
like Grandpa and Daddy.


Got one!

-Caillou didn't exactly
catch a falling leaf.

This game was much harder
than he thought it would be.

-Can we try again?


We have to keep trying
until we catch the perfect leaf.

-Caillou tried and tried again.

He wouldn't stop
until he caught a leaf.

And he wanted it
to be the nicest leaf ever!

But he was tired

and he thought he would
never catch a leaf until...

-I got one!

I got one before
it touched the ground!

-Caillou had caught the most
beautiful leaf he had ever seen.

-I'm proud of you Caillou.

You caught your very first leaf.

Let's put it in the scrapbook.

-I'm going to keep it forever.

Can we do it
again next year Daddy?

-We sure can, it's
a tradition remember?

-Oh no, look what happened
to Teddy's painting.

I wonder what knocked it over.

-I did and I feel bad.

I just wanted to hug Teddy,

I didn't want to
knock the painting over.

-When you hug, Rexy,
you knock everything over.

-I know.

I don't think I'm
ever going to hug again.

That way I won't
hurt anybody's feelings

and I won't knock anything over.

-But I don't think you'd be a
happy dinosaur without the hugs.

-I know.

-All week Caillou had
been waiting to go to the beach,

and finally
Saturday had arrived!

-C'mon Caillou, the sooner
your finished your breakfast,

the sooner we can get going!

-Okay Mommy.

Uh oh.

Here Daddy,
can you blow this up?


Let's go!


Why don't you grab what you
want to bring from your bedroom.

-I want to wear
my new running shoes!


Caillou, are you
sure you want to bring all
these toys to the beach?

-Yes, Mommy!

Can you tie my shoes?

We gotta hurry!

-You're getting
to be such a big boy,

how would you like to
learn how to tie your own shoes?


-Here, I'll show you.

First we put one lace
over the other and pull.

Then we make a loop,
which we call a tree.

And this other
lace is the rabbit!

-A rabbit?


-Sure! He runs around the tree

and down his hole!

And see, your shoe is tied!

Okay, now you try.

First one lace over the other.

Mmm hmm.

Now make the tree.

That's the rabbit,
now where does he run?

-It's too hard.

-Do you want
to try it once more?

-Caillou didn't
feel like trying any more.

He preferred to put on
his old shoes with the straps.

He was very good
at putting on those shoes.


I like my old shoes.

-Here we go Rosie!
Off to the beach!

-Here, Daddy!

-Can you watch Rosie,
while I put these in the car?


Ugh. Mommy, my foot hurts.

-That's because you've
outgrown those shoes.

Here, let's put on the new ones.

You know, it's okay
you didn't figure out how to

tie your shoes the first time.

You can try again
when you feel like it.

-I know Mommy!

We're here!

-Yea! Yea!

-Finally here!

Alright, Rosie, let's
get some sunblock on you.

I wouldn't want
you to get a sunburn!

And you're next Caillou.

-Ahhh! A nice relaxing
day at the beach.

What could be better?

-Let's play catch, Daddy!


-No wait!

I want to fly my kite!

-That's a great idea, Caillou!


I want to play baseball!

-Okay, baseball it is!


-Oh no!

-Ah ha ha, I fell Daddy!

-I can see that! Are you okay?

-Let's play!

on, here's why you tripped.
Your shoelaces are untied!

-I can tie my own
shoes. Mommy showed me.

-That's great! Can you show me?



this is the tree,

and ah, the rabbit
climbs the tree, and then...

goes around like this.

Oh! It didn't work!

-Hmm, as I remember it,

the rabbit runs around
the tree and goes down his hole.

Why don't you
give it another try?

couldn't remember how Mommy
showed him to tie his shoe.

He wanted his
Daddy to do it for him.

-Help me, Daddy.

-Caillou decided to build
the biggest sandcastle ever!

He wanted to show
Mommy and Daddy what a big
sandcastle he could build.

-Rosie do it!

-And Caillou wanted
to show his little sister

all about building
a big sandcastle.

-You fill the pail with sand.

Pat it down, and turn it over.



Now you try, Rosie!

Uh huh.

I'll do it!


-Caillou couldn't understand
why Rosie refused his help.

He wanted her to listen to him.



-It's flying!

-I don't think there
is enough wind right now.

Perhaps if we tried
again, in a little while.

-No Mommy, one more time!


-Alright, one more time.


Go! Go!

-It's flying! It's flying!

Look Mommy!

-Very good Caillou.

You were right to keep trying.

Come on Rosie, let's
go to the car, okay?


Time to go!

-Okay, Daddy!

Uh oh.

The rabbit goes
around the tree...

-Uh oh! Someone's dawdling.

-I'll get him.
Be back in a second.

-Then the rabbit
goes down the hole.

-Hey Caillou, we've
got to get going home!

-My shoe came undone!

-Why don't you
let me tie them, and then
you can practice in the car?

-No Daddy, I want to do it!

-Okay, how about I help you?

The rabbit goes around
the tree and down his hole,

okay now pull.

-It worked!

I tied my shoe!

-Very good Caillou!

I knew you could do
it, if you just kept trying!

-Caillou was feeling very proud.

Even though he
couldn't do all alone,

he had finally succeeded
in tying his shoe!

-I really don't think
you could give up hugs,

but if you did, the
truth is we'd all miss them.

We'd miss them very much.

-Really? You would, Gilbert?


-Even you?

-Even me.

-That makes me so happy!

Oh! Gilbert!

-But I think we're still
left with a technical problem.

-Oh! Great!

What's a technical?

-Well, it means
the way things work.

Do you remember
Teddy's hug lesson?

-Oh! Yes. I didn't do too well.

But Gilbert,
I want to try again.

I want to try to
get it right this time.

-Good. Because sometimes
the wild Rexy hugs are the best

things in the whole wide
world, but, sometimes um...

-Sometimes what?

-Sometimes they aren't.


Caillou? I'm right here.


-Are you coming in Caillou?

-It's shiny, Daddy.



Look, Daddy.

-Maybe you'll come in
the big pool with me next time.


-Remember the pool today?


-Would you like Daddy
to teach you how to swim?


-A couple of days later,
Caillou had his first lesson...

...he liked learning to swim,

and after just a few lessons, he
was getting better and better.

-I can do it this time, Daddy.

-I know you can, Caillou.

-I was swimming
Daddy. I was swimming!

wanted to swim and dive just
like the big boys and girls.

-Do you want to
go back in the water?

-I wanna swim all by myself.


Well that sounds
like a good idea.


I can swim now Daddy.

Come in with me, Daddy.

You can see
me swim all by myself.

-That's it.

Hold your arms out,

just like I showed you.

-Caillou walked on
the bottom of the pool...

and very soon he was
swimming all by himself.

-That's it, Caillou.

-I'm swimming. I'm swimming!

Can you see, Daddy?

-Yes. I'm right here.

You can do it.

-Look at me.
I'm swimmi- glub-gulp.

-Suddenly, Caillou was afraid...



Come this way.

-...but his Daddy
was right there by his side.

-Take it easy, Caillou.

Swim to me, just
like we did before.

That was a bit scary, wasn't it?

But you knew I
was there, didn't you?

-Yes, Daddy.

-You know what?

You really were
swimming. All by yourself.

-I was, wasn't I?

-I'm very proud of you.

-Oh! Rexy!

Warn me if you're
coming over here.

-Oh! Don't worry about it
Rexy, we are busy with something

Okay, now you stand right there.

Okay, good and...



I'm trying.

-Good, good.

Now, I'm going to walk
toward you and no matter what,

I don't want you to jump.


I can do it.

-Yes you can.

Hold it!

Don't jump.

Don't even think about jumping.

-I'm trying,
Gilbert, but it's...

-Fight to keep it in...


-Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh my!

It's hard for both of us!

♪Sometimes things are tricky,

♪And really hard to do.

♪Giving up sounds easy,

♪But it won't see you through.

♪Try again,
you're getting better.

♪Try again, soon you'll see.

♪Try again, practice doing it.

♪The more you try
the better you will be.

♪At times it makes you angry.

♪You stamp your foot and say,

♪It's really,
really hard for me,

♪To do that thing today!

♪But... Try again,
you're getting better.

♪Try again, soon you'll see.

♪Try again, practice doing it.

♪The more you try
the better you will be.

♪One day when you get it right,

♪I promise you, you will,

♪You'll know
why we all keep trying.

♪It's really
quite a thrill! So...

♪Try again,
you're getting better.

♪Try again, soon you'll see.

♪Try again, practice doing it.

♪The more you try
the better you will be.

♪The more you try
the better you will be.

Now... wait right there.

-I don't think I'll
ever be able to get it right.

-We're trying again.

This time you come to me. Now,

think slow...

-Okay, I'll try.


And as you get closer,

keep thinking that
you're not going to run,

you're not going to jump at all.

Think, "I can do it!" Okay?


I can do it.

-Right, here we go.

Come on, come on!


I'm nice and slow.

I'm not going to jump.

I'm not going to jump.

I am not going to jump!



-Yes! I did it!

I tried really hard,
Gilbert and I did it!

-I knew you could!

Now, now we have
to put it into practice.

♪Sometimes things are tricky,

♪And really hard to do.

♪Giving up sounds easy,

♪But it won't see you through.

♪Try again,
you're getting better.

♪Try again, soon you'll see.

♪Try again, practice doing it.

♪The more you try
the better you will be.

♪At times it makes you angry.

♪You stamp your foot and say,

♪It's really,
really hard for me,

♪To do that thing today!

♪But... Try again,
you're getting better.

♪Try again, soon you'll see.

♪Try again, practice doing it.

♪The more you try
the better you will be.

♪One day when you get it right,

♪I promise you, you will,

♪You'll know
why we all keep trying.

♪It's really
quite a thrill! So...

♪Try again,
you're getting better.

♪Try again, soon you'll see.

♪Try again, practice doing it.

♪The more you try
the better you will be.

♪Sometimes things are tricky,

♪And really hard to do.

♪Giving up sounds easy,

♪But it won't see you through.

♪Try again,
you're getting better.

♪Try again, soon you'll see.

♪Try again, practice doing it.

♪The more you try
the better you will be.

Caillou and his Daddy were
going for a ride on their bikes.

-Let's just make
sure this is on properly.



-OK! Are we ready to roll?


Hi, Mr. Hinkle!

-Hi there, Caillou!

That's a nice bike!

Where are you going?

-We're going to the park!

-Have a good ride!

-Thank you!

-What do we do now?

-We look both ways.

Then we look both ways again!

-That's right!

liked telling his Daddy how
to ride across an intersection.


It's Sarah!

-Hi, Caillou!

-Hi, Sarah!

-Caillou wished
he could ride like Sarah.

-Look at me, Daddy!

-Caillou! Watch
where you're going!



-Are you hurt?

-Caillou wasn't hurt very badly,

but he didn't like
falling off his bike

while his Daddy was watching.



-Hmmm, we'd better get you home.

-Caillou felt much better
when Daddy put on the bandage.

-It's clean now. Just
hold on one more second...

-How are we doing?

-Look Daddy! I asked
Mommy to put this one on.


Is that another
one on your finger?

-I asked Mommy
to put this one on too!

-I don't think you
need any more, do you?

-No, Mommy.

Hi, Mr. Hinkle! Look!


It looks like you have
some dinosaurs on your elbow!

And on your knee.

-And on my finger, too!

-I'm quite sure
you have more dinosaurs on

you than any other
boy on the street.

You must be very proud!


-Matthew, Theodore...

Teddy Bear.


-Here's the situation.

Hugging a cat is one thing,

but a teddy bear,

well, they are the most
huggable things in the universe.

So if you can do this
right with Teddy, Rexy,

you can do it right
any time you need to.

-Oh! I can do it!

-I know you can.

-TEDDY! I'm coming FOR A HUG!!!



I'm ready for you now, Rexy.


-I'm thinking I can do it.

I can!


Almost there.

-Keep trying.

Fight to do it!

-Teddy, I have
a surprise for you.



I never thought I'd see the day.

That was one of the
nicest hugs I've ever had.

Almost as nice as Caillou's.

-I did it!!!

I kept trying and I did it!

But sometimes...

can I give a Rexy hug?

I mean once in a while?

-Well, we'd miss
them if you didn't.

-I think I see one
coming on right about now.

Rexy huuuug!!!!!

-Play safely and
I'll see you next time!


She'e my baby
sister and I love her.

We play games together a lot.

And we have fun!

I get to show her things I like.

And sometimes
I help take care of her.

Because I'm her big brother.