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04x05 - Games to Play

Posted: 09/29/22 12:52
by bunniefuu
You're getting to be a big boy.

♪I'm just a kid who's four

♪Each day I grow some more

♪I like exploring - I'm Caillou

♪So many things to do

♪Each day is something new

♪ll share them
with you % Caillou

♪My world is turning,
changing each day

♪With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way

♪Growing up is not so tough

♪'Cept when I've had enough

♪But there's lots
of fun stuff - I'm Caillou

♪Caillou, Caillou

♪I'm Caillou.

That's me!

And me!

And me!

You know, it's pretty rare

that a beautiful fall day goes
by and there's nothing to do.



Maybe we could play a game!

-I just want
to enjoy the garden.

-Yeah,I feel like
being outside too but...

-Aren't there any
games we could play outside?

-Well, no, not
like checkers or cards.


-Well none that
I can think of...

I mean we could play ball.

-Oh yeah ball! Let's
play ball, let's play ball!

-But I don't feel like it today.


-Yeah, we've played
a lot of ball lately.

-What about something else?

-I can't really think
of anything that sounds fun.


-Of course, there was a
game that left me behind a tree

where I had a
lovely snooze... and...

-Hide and seek!

-That's exactly it!

-Sounds like fun!

-Great! Hide and Seek!

What's hide and seek?

-Caillou was
excited because he was going
to the zoo with his frs.

-Daddy, Daddy!

I'm going to
seet enkeys, Dd=!@

And the lions!

-Oh, no! Look at the timeQ

Leo and tu
wull be her.

We'd better
go and get you ready.


Now are you sure you don't
need to go to the bathroom?

-Maybe I need to.

-We can't go to the zoo!

-I'm terribly sorry.

But Billy hasarrible d
I was wondering if I could

dLuo with you while
leave Clementi
I take him to the dentist.

-Sure, no pzo m.

-Can =o= ÷a eu; to the zoo?

-I'm sorry,
sweetie, I just can't.

do. And so does Caillou's Daddy.

-Caillou, Leo and
Clementine were disappointed

that they couldn't
go to the zoo.

-I'm sorry you can't
go to the zoo today,
be able to go another day.

Why don't you
come outside and play?

-We're bored, Mommy.

-Well, if
t ghelp me with the laundry.

-Look, I'm a zebra!

zebra you are, too!-and ae

-Clementine's a zebra!
Clementine's a zebra!

-Zebra! Zebra!

-Clementine's a zebra!
Clementine's a zebra!

-Hey, maybe you don't
have to go to the zoo after all.

It looks like there
are wild animals right here!

Now. I wonder what
kind of animal Leo is?

-I'm a big bear!

-What about me,
Mommy? What can I be?

There's only socks!

-Well, I'm not sure, really.

Let's see if we
can think of something.

-I f!

What's the matter, Caillou?

-I want e an animal
like Leo and Clementine.

-Hmmm. That is a .

Let's see ifec nlve it:

Clementine's a zebra

and Leo's a bear.

-be rQ be r!

-But what can I be?@

-Turtle! Turtle!

-Well there's an idea!

Would you like to be a turtle?



Hmmm. You'll need as shell.

-I need this!

-#llou knewe
laundry basket was perfect
for making a turtle shell.

-Look! I'm a
turtle! I'm a turtle!










Ready or not, here I co-

Um... Rexy.

-You can't find me.



-I can't miss you.

You have to
hide your whole body.


Oh Teddy!


-Home Free!

-Teddy, Gilbert
said "home free" See?


alright who's next?

-Mommy! Wait!

-What is it, Caillou?

-Help me with these!

-#aullou had some new craft
supplies and he wanted Mommy

to help him make
something with them.

-I don't have time right
now. Julie can help you later.

-I want YOU to hpmu now!

-Caillou was not happy.

He didn't like it when his
Mommy didn't have time for him.

-Almost ready!

Is Julie here yet?

-I want Mommy to help me!

-Mommy and Daddy
have to go out now

Mommy doesn't have time to play.

-We won't be gone long, Caillou.

Besides, you like
playing with Julie!

-Hi everyone!

-Hi Julie! Come on in!

-Hi Rosie!

Hi Caillou!

Is something wrong?

-Caillou was too sad
to say anything to Julie.

But it didn't take Julieg@ vig.

-What have you got there?

-I want to make something
and I want Mommy to help!@

-I can help you if
you want, but I rought

a great game for
us to play together.

-A game?


-Right here!


-Right here!

all the stuff we need to have
our very own scavenger-hunt!

-What's that?

-In a scavenger-hunt
you have a list of things
that you have to find.

-What list?

-It looks like you're going
to have lots of fun, Caillou.

Bye now!

it says here the first thing
we have to findis a feather.

I can't wait to see how we do!

Can you?

scavenger hunters we need to
To be really good
be ready to think a little.

-#auo= █a;nWt sure
he unders÷dwhat Julie meant.

He was still figuring
out what a scavenger hunt was.

-For instance, where
do you think the best place
would be to find a feather?

-I don't know.

-Where do feathers
come from? Do you remember?


-Good thinking, Caillou!

And a lot of birds
live in the par , don't they?

-Look Julie!

-Yes I see them!

Now if there are birds up there,

chances are there
will be feathers down-

-% found one, Julie!
I found a feather!

-/ldone Caillou!

keep all our scavenger-hunt
items in here, okay?

-Caillou was really
enjoying himself.

He could hardly
wait to find out what the@ne;

-It says an acorn!

Where do you think you
would find an acozn, Caillou?

Here's a hint. Acorns
come from oak trees.

Oak trees have leaves
that look like this.

-Me too.

-Look JulueQ

-Good for you, Caillou!

See? I told you that you
and Rosie would luke this game!

-I found everything
and Rosie found nothing!

knowh tshe might find!-bur

Now, what's next on the list?

"Se÷hung purple!"


all over the parklou lood

but none of the things
he found were purple.

Until finally...

-Look Julie! Something purple!

-Well Caillou, it is purple.

But mavraid it
belongs to somebody else.

We can't really take it with us.


The next thing on
the list is a bobby pin.

I think that means it's
time to go back to your house!

-A bobby pin!



-It cameu÷y itself.

-Well Caillo
I suppose that's one way to
get something on the list.

But the next thing we're
looking for is a bottle cap.

And don't bother looking
for one of those in my hair,


-Okay, Julie.

-Let's think.

Where would a bottle cap be?

-I got it!

According to my
list there's only one more
thing to find, a bell!

Now remember. Think!

bell, but he couldn't see one.
-Caillou could heara@

He began to think maybe
it was coming from upstairs.

Caillou followed
the sound of the bell all
the way to Rosie's room.

-The bell!

I need it, Rosie!

-Caillou, do you think
you could tell Rosie why
you need her teddy's bell?

-Rosie can I have the
bell for our scavenger-hunt?

-HOORAY! You two
got everything on the list!


-Caillou just couldn't
wait to show his Mommy and Daddy

what he and Rosie and
Julie had done that afternoon.

-You know it would be nice
if there were some special █ay

we could show your Mom and
Dad all these things you fn .@

-Caillou thought about
it. And soon he had an idea!

-GREAT idea.
Rosie and I will help!

-Hi Julie!

Hi Caillou and Rosie.

Did you have fun
on your scavenger-hunt?@

-Yes! Look!

-So, Caillou.

You got to do a scavenger-hunt
and make a craft too!

Aren't you glad you
had Julie to play with today!

-I want her to
come again lots Mommy!

Will you bring a
new game next time Jiu?

-Yes I will, Caillou.

I love pl ying
games with you and Rosie!










Ready or not, here I come.

-Home Free!!!

You'll have to
be faster than that.

-O.K. I'll be faster with Teddy.

Teddy Teddy, wait for me!

-Home Free!

-Well done!

-Teddy you didn't
give me a chance.

-I'm not supposed to.

-Okay, I'll be It this time.

There are all
kinds of games to play!

Some you play alone.

Some are better with two!

And some are best with
a whole bunch of friends

and a lot of imagination!

Some have no rules and
you can play any way you want.

Some games like soccer
have rules and take teams.

In some the rules
are that you can't make
mistakes. Like hopscotch!

In tag the only rule
is don't let anybody touch you!

If they do,

you're it!

Boy he's fast!

The whole point of
playing games is to have fun!

And that's the part I like best!

-Five, six, seven,

eight, nine, ten!

Ready or not here I come!

One, two, three on Teddy!

-How did you see me?

-I caught you peeking!

I can hear you, Rexy!

-Oh no!

-Run, Rexy run!



I'm not sure you fully
understand this game, Rexy.

-Caillou was very
excited because his friend

André was coming
to play soccer with him.

-Caillou? What's all that noise?

What are you doing?

Caillou? What are you doing?



-André's coming.

-I know.

-We're gonna play soccer.
André's the best soccer player.

-I know he is, sweetie.

But you're not supposed to play
soccer in the house, are you?

-No, Mommy.

-Caillou decided to
pzastice before André arrived.

-Caillou, look who's here.

-Hi, André.


-André, you're
a really good player.

-My turn.

-Caillou wanted to be
a soccer player just like André.


I don't like this game.

-Remember the time
you learned to skate.


-Well... you had
to practice a lot before you
got good at it, didn't you?

-Here. Try again.

-Caillou felt bad.

He wanted to show André
how good he was at soccer,

but somehow he just
couldn't kick the ball.

-I don't want to play any more.

-Come on, Caillou.
You can do it.

-I can't. It's too hard.

-Just one more time.


-Caillou agreed
to give it one more try.



-C'mon, Caillou, you can do it.



-We've come to play too.



-He scores.


-Way to go Caillou.

-Now that he'd kicked
the ball, Caillou felt
like a real soccer player.

♪Do you want to play with me?

♪A little game
for more than three?

♪We'll take
turns it's only fair,

♪And play the
game without a care;

♪We could play
games with cards or dice,

♪Play hide and
seek or three blind mice,

♪Or we could
climb the jungle gym,

♪And make up
our own on a whim...

♪Games with you are so much fun,

♪It's hard to stop at only one,

♪We'll think and
plan and laugh and play,

♪Till the end of the day!

♪Skipping ropes,and
big beach balls,

♪Games on a board,
and games on the walls,

♪Ping-Pong, hula
hoops and marbles too,

♪Cards and buttons old and new

♪Games with you are so much fun,

♪It's hard to stop at only one;

♪We'll think and
plan and laugh and play.

♪Till the end of the day!

But when he got closer I
got so excited it made me laugh.

-Try to be quiet,
Rexy, and race for home.

You have to get here
to home base before him.

That's how you do it.

-Right. Okay
I've got it this time.

-Okay, well I'm it.

You guys find
a good place to hide,

because we bears
are great at hunting.

-I'm going to find
a great hiding place

-O.K. Let's go!

-Let's see.

One, two, three...


Mommy. Mommy.

Can I have some juice?

Do you want to
play with me, Mommy?

-Shhh, Caillou. I'm busy.

Fourteen, fifteen...

-Can I help you count?

One, Two, Three, Four...

-Caillou, this
is very difficult.

-I can help you. I can help you.

Sixteen, twenty,
one, two, three...

-Oh no, Caillou.

Look what you've done.

Caillou, I really need
to be left alone right now.

I'm too busy to play.

Why don't you go find Daddy?
Maybe he'll play with you.

-Caillou had really wanted
his Mom to play with him.

Wait a minute. Maybe
Daddy could play with him.

But Caillou didn't know
his Daddy was very busy too.

-Daddy. Daddy.

Wow! Is it broken?

-Not any more.

I fixed it.



-You look just
like a snowman, Daddy.

Look. I'm a snowman too.

Look, Daddy.


I have a lot
of cleaning up to do and I
really need to do it alone.

Why don't you
go and find Grandma?

-Caillou was quite sure Grandma
would like to hear all about

his Daddy's troubles
with the washing machine.

-There's a good girl, Rosie.

Close your eyes, dear.

Hmmm. I thought she'd
never get to sleep...

Aaaahh. At last.

-Grandma. Grandma.
Look at me. I'm a snowman.

-Shhhh. Caillou.

Shh. Rosie's sleeping.

-Daddy was fixing
the washing machine and

all these bubbles
came out all over him.

There was bubbles
everywhere Grandma.

-Shhh. Caillou.

Please be quiet.
You'll wake up Rosie...


-Caillou. Rosie and I
really need to be left alone.

Why don't you go
and play with Gilbert?

-Gilbert. You'll
play with me, won't you?

Maybe Mommy's finished counting.

-I'm sorry Caillou. I just
have to be on my own right now.

-Do you want to play with me?


-Caillou. Come on down honey.

It's time for your snack.

-Caillou was enjoying
himself so much

he never even
heard his Mommy calling.


Are you all right?

-We were a bit worried
about you, being here all alone.

What are you doing?


Just playing.

Shh, he'll hear you.

Ah home Free!

-Oh okay,

but I'm looking for Rexy!

Oh, now what would make
two carrots shake like that?

Hmm... Curious, for sure.

-Ahiiiiieeeyaa! Teddy!

-I think we're playing
two different games.

-We are?

-Oh yes.

-Some of us are
playing hide and seek.

-Yes, but another of
us is playing hide and hug!

-That's me!

-Could be the start
of a whole new game!

-Oh! Oh yes, hide and hug!

-Hide and hug!

-Come and play tomorrow!

Oh! Oh! That's me Rexy!

I'm a prehistoric reptile.

That means a dinosaur.

I'm a great dinosaur adventurer.

Although sometimes
I have a little trouble

getting passed the garden gate!

I love to play games.


Even though I'm not
good at everything, every
day I'm getting better.

That's why Caillou, my family
and friends love me so much.

Just like yours love you!


She'e my baby
sister and I love her.

We play games together a lot.

And we have fun!

I get to show her things I like.

And sometimes
I help take care of her.

Because I'm her big brother.