02x04 - True Colors

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cyberchase". Aired: January 21, 2002 –; present.*
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Matt and his group of friends use gadgets and follow clues to mysteries and any other problem that comes their way.
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02x04 - True Colors

Post by bunniefuu »

Pbs kids opens
worlds of possibilities

For all children

Thanks to pbs stations
and viewers like you.

Okay, there's this really
bad dude named hacker --

Hacker: the hacker, to you!

He wants to take over

The cyberworld
from motherboard.

[ Gasp ]
the three kids
are sucked into cyberspace,

And they use brain power
to help save everybody.

okay, here's the plan.

So they travel
all over and run into all these

Weird creatures...and have all
of these awesome adventures.

It's totally up to them
to save cyberspace.

Can three cool kids and a wacky
bird outsmart the hacker?

Hacker: never!
Matt: there's only one way
to find out!

Tune in
to "cyberchase"!


♪ We're movin' we're beatin'
hacker at his game

♪ Don't tell me that he's
trying to hack the motherboard

♪ We'll get him every time.

♪ Cosmic worlds, freaky places
that we've seen,

♪ We got the power
of one, two, three, four!

♪ Runnin' in a cyberchase

♪ We'll meet him
face to face

♪ We'll stick together,
all the time!

♪ Adventures in cyberspace

The chase is on!

♪ Just wait and
c-y-b-e-r- chase!

Sam vander rom here, and this
is hard drive -

The show that tells it like is,
whether you like it or not!

Where did these mysterious
trenches come from?

That's the question many
eurekans are asking today.

Were they created by some
freak of nature?

Or perhaps they were made
by aliens

From another cyber galaxy?
Or maybe they were made by --

They were made by me!


The hacker, to you!

This just in! The hacker pays
hard drive a surprise visit!

So, what are you doing here?

And remember, tell it like it

The is is this, vandy,

I'm here to tell the good
citizens of cyberspace

That yes, I was on eureka -
and I made those trenches.

But those trenches are part
of my mission of meekness.

You see, from this point

I plan to devote my entire life
to the common cyber-good!

cyber-good? Right!

And I've got the encryptor chip
in my chest hatch!

Dear friends, in my hand I hold
the cyber-constitution!

Let's refer to section c,
paragraph , shall we?

At any time, any citizen may
call for an election

For the rulership
of cyberspace!

Surely you can't be planning
to challenge motherboard...

Can you?

I can and I am! Oh, how I wish
it weren't necessary...

But sadly, motherboard's virus
has weakened her

To such an extent that she can
no longer continue

As an effective leader.

Fact check! Weren't you the one
who infected motherboard

With that virus in the first

My friends, I admit that there
have been times in the past

When I have been, shall we say,
a tad unneighborly.

But I have seen the light!
From this day forth,

I promise you that I will
always speak the truth

And do good.

I stand before you today
a changed cyborg.

the only thing he's changed
is his cape!

To prove that I have truly
turned over a new leaf,

I have already done good deeds
on five different cybersites!

[Vander rom]
you heard it here first, folks.
The hacker told it like it is!

Five good deeds!
How about that?!

According to the constitution,

The election will be held later

Immediately following
a cyber-wide debate

Between the two candidates...
If motherboard is willing!

of course I'm willing. (Static)

I'll be your campaign manager!

Hold on, time out!
Hacker for ruler of cyberspace?

We can't let this happen!

The law is the law, matt.

We must obey
the cyber-constitution.

But hacker doesn't obey laws.

Maybe so, but he does have
the right to run for election.

yes, jackie. (Static)
the voters must decide.

[Vander rom]
meet matt, jackie and inez,

Who are here to tell it to us

Why motherboard should be
re-elected. Inez?

Um, well, for starters,

Motherboard is-is kind
and-and wise.

And she always has the best
interests of cyberspace at

[Vander rom]
fine, fine - so motherboard's
a good moral leader.

Anything else?

you bet!

Motherboard can be trusted -
not like her opponent!

Everyone knows that hacker
is a big, fat liar!

I can't believe he just said

Hacker said he did five good

Not a chance. He's lying!

Um, what matt means is,
hacker lies a lot -

We know that from before.

So in order to believe him,

We need real proof that he did
the good deeds he said he did.

Right! Then we'll know if he's
telling the truth or not.

This disk shows all
the bad stuff hacker's done.

Remember how hacker released
all that static waste

Into cyberspace?

And how he destroyed symmetria?

And don't forget how he drained
all the water

From sensible flats!

That's proof enough for me that
he lies, cheats and steals!

But these examples only deal
with the past.

They don't prove a thing about
what hacker will do now

Or in the future.

And if motherboard is as kind
and wise as you say,

Why do you children feel
the need to sling mud?

Haven't we all had enough
negative campaigning?

I uh...

Oh man!

something tells me we didn't
do very well in there.

what's the matter with you

Can't you see that hacker's

how do we know that for sure?

Argh! Because he's hacker -
that's why!

the only thing we know for sure
is that matt made mother b

Look bad!

Like she told him to come on tv

And say mean things about

look, we can't believe hacker's
telling the truth

Just because he says he is!

maybe not - but what if he is
telling the truth?

hey, who's side are you on,

I'm on mother b's side!

Oh yeah? You could've
fooled me!

hey, guys, guys. Chill out.
Let's think this through.

Has hacker said anything we can
use to show that he's lying?

Sure! He said he would, and I
quote, "always tell the truth."

if we could catch hacker in one
single lie,

We could prove that he doesn't
always tell the truth.

What we need is a counter


an example that proves hacker's
claim is false.

I say we check out the five
good deeds he said he did.

Good plan, inez!

If just one of them is a lie
it'll be the example we need

To counter his claim.

And prove that hacker's a liar
after all!

And I just happen to have
the list of hacker's deeds

Right here!

Let's split up and seek
the truth, shall we?

Cybersite eureka, dead ahead!

hacker planted trees
and flowers!

That's why he dug those

To irrigate this desert planet!

I can't believe it!
Hacker's telling the truth!

[Humpty dumpty]
surprised? Sure I was

But after all the king's men
failed to put me back together,

Who showed up? The hacker!

this is amazing!


I'm as good as new!
Hacker's got my vote!

But you can't vote for hacker!

He doesn't always tell
the truth!

Are you sure?
Look what he did for me.

and now, the hacker cr*cker
taste test!

Yikes! It's delicious!

So much for good deed number ,

The hacker cr*cker is the real

It looks like hacker's telling
the truth!

But we've only seen three
examples of the truth, jax!

We still have two more sites
to check.

C'mon guys, let's go.
We need some proof!

We've got to catch hacker
in a lie... And quick!

oh, no! This is not good
at all.

Hacker's given everyone
sunglasses -

Just like he said he did in his

Oh, man, that means good deed
number four is the truth, too!

Hello, mount olympians!


I speak to you today with
a heavy heart.

It will become apparent to you
all after today's cyber-wide

That the reign of our beloved
motherboard must come to end.

It's a pity to see our great
and fearless leader

Brought to her knees by a cruel
and rampaging virus...

Is it not?

But you're the one who gave her
the virus in the first place!

If you have something to say,

Why don't you come out here
and join me?

I'm sure everyone remembers how
this young man accused me,

Of not telling the truth.

Tell me? Did I do a good deed
in eureka? True or false?

True but...

True is the correct answer!

And in happily-ever-after,

Who put humpty dumpty back
together again? Hmm?

You did...

How about sensible flats
and here in mount olympus?

Wasn't the hacker oh so very,
very good and truthful?

Yeah, you did the good deeds.

Not so fast, hacker.

There's still one more good
deed to be proven!


Yeah! And if you didn't tell
the truth there -

Then we've got the example that
counters what you've claimed.

guys - what did you find out
in poddleville?

Do I have to say?

Yeah, didge, you have to.

what's that?

everyone in poddleville has

Just like hacker said:

A poddlewrap to keep them warm
in cold weather.

what was that you said again?

That the hacker never told
the truth?

Okay. I admit it. I was wrong.

my friends, after I am elected,

I vow that I will always
do good, I will only do good,

And I will always do all
the good I can do!

Ew-ew! And double ew!

This is not good.
This is not good at all.

I hope mother board is gonna be
strong enough for the debate.

make room, I've gotta think.

Well, I already thought about

Hacker's lying about lying -

The law says hacker has a right
to do what he's doing.

Whoa! Are you telling me you
want to see hacker

Take over cyberspace?

No. But so far the only thing
we've proven

Is that hacker's telling
the truth!

There's got to be a way
to figure this out.

What do we know?

uh, we know hacker told
the truth about

The five good deeds,
because we checked 'em all.

well, what did hacker promise
at mount olympus?

That he would always do good -
and only good, right?

Maybe we should try to disprove
that promise.

Always means always -
no exceptions!

then we don't need to check
everything he does.

We just need to catch hacker
doing something bad

One single time!


And that will be the counter
example we need

That disproves hacker's claim
of always doing good!

Swell - so how do we disprove

Follow him around forever?

If we can catch him doing
something bad before the debate

Then we've got him!

and so i, the hacker,

Hereby donate two cases of
grade 'a' hacker wig gel

To the citizens of pompadoria!

Free, of course.

I can see! I can see!


I can't believe it!
He did another good thing.

why thank you, mayor.

The hacker appreciates
your generosity.

he took the gold coins!

and he said the gel was free!

all right! We've caught him
in a lie!

However, I cannot accept your

My payment is your happiness!

I guess we didn't catch him.

vote for motherboard!
Everybody oughta see that!


I knew I stayed up there
too long. Where am i? Yikes!

The grim wreaker!

yay us!

hey, boss! The polls say you're
way ahead of motherboard!

good! That means I've got
everyone fooled!


And after I've been elected
potentate of cyberspace,

I plan to revise
the cyber-constitution

So I'm permanent potentate
of cyberspace!

There will never be another

I heard it clear as day!

Hacker said if he wins
the election he's gonna revise

The cyber constitution

And make himself the permanent

That means no more elections...

That sounds like
the real hacker.

yes! I was right all along!

Ok, ok.

Now we have the proof we need.

don't sweat it, jackie.

It's important to give people
the benefit of the doubt...

Even if their name is hacker.

so here's what we're gonna do.

We go public with the news that
hacker's going to change

The cyber-constitution.
Nobody will vote for him then!

not so fast, matt... (Static)

Hacker will only deny
saying it... (Static)

It's his word against digit's.

but I heard him say it!

But he'll still deny it, didge.

And he'll probably accuse
mother b of spying.

so we've got to come up with
a way to prove

Hacker isn't telling the truth
- and soon!

I'm sam vander rom,

And your watching the hard
drive coverage

Of the cyber-wide debate!

With the election just minutes

The voters of cyberspace
have a final chance

To ask questions of the two
candidates. Motherboard?

no matter who you want
to win... (Static)

The important thing is to cast
your vote.

I agree with motherboard.

The important thing is to
vote... For me, of course.

[Vander rom]
who has the first question?

This one is for hacker.

Fire away, child!

Since you say you will always
do all the good you can do -

Will you get rid of the virus
you gave to motherboard?

Tell it like it is, hacker.

Will you rid motherboard
of the virus?

The answer, when we come back.


we've got him!

er, repeat the question!

Will you rid motherboard
of the virus?

Ahem, of course!

I will gladly cure
motherboard's virus!

I would be most (static)

I don't believe what I just

allow me to explain.

Motherboard's virus code is
protected by a triangle lock!

But only a triangle with just
the right three sides

Will unlock the code -
and here they are!

Simply make a triangle with
these three rods -

Slip the triangle into
the digitizing activator

And voila!

Her virus will be deleted!

Excuse me, but is it true that
a triangle can always be made

From any three rods?


After all, every triangle has
three sides, doesn't it?

[Vander rom]
of course! Three sides,
three angles.

That's why it's called
a triangle.

and in the interest of telling
it like it is -

The sides of a triangle
can be any length whatsoever!

So cure motherboard now!

cure motherboard!
Cure motherboard!

would that I could -

But to do so would give me such
an unfair advantage.


I'll place the three rods
into this box.

And I'll leave the box with
mr. Vander rom for safekeeping!

Here you go, vandy!

After the election,

He can personally open the box
and cure motherboard!

hurray! Bravo!

now what?

There's no way to prove
he's lying about the future -

Because the future hasn't
happened yet!

you're right, jax.

We've got to find a statement
we can disprove right now.

Well, the one thing he's said
lately is

You can always make a triangle
out of any three rods,

No matter how big they are.
Is that true?

Let's try it!

To prove he's lying, we just
need three sticks

That can't make a triangle.

But we need more time.

If they finish the debate
before we find

Our counter example -
we're sunk!

no problemo, earthlies,
I'll stall 'em!

I have a deep belief (static)

In a free and open

[Vander rom]
and that wraps up the question
and answer part of the debate.

Now it's time for closing
statements... Then the vote!

excuse me!

I have a few questions!

ok, let's take hacker's first

That triangles can have sides
of any length. Is that true?

One long side and two medium

three medium sides.

one short side and two medium

Looks true to me, sports fans.

there's gotta be another way
to look at this.

well, we just showed that one
side of a triangle

Can have any length.

What about two sides with
different lengths?

let's try it. Here are two
sides of different lengths.

One long side, one short side.

and one medium side
makes it a triangle.

It looks like this can work
every time.

But we still haven't proven you
can always make a triangle

Out of any three rods.
We have to keep trying!

I have an idea!

Look, if one side is really
long and the other two sides

Are really short, there's
no way they can all meet!

matt, you did it!

Three sticks, three sides,
but no way the ends can meet!

One really long stick and two
really short ones

Can't make a triangle -
no matter how hard you try!

That proves that what hacker
said is false!

We've got our counter example!

I'll bet anything,

That the three rods hacker
put in that box

Won't form a triangle either!

We've got to get vander rom
to open it!


okay, this one's for hacker.

Now what should the punishment
be for those cyber-citizens

Who knowingly call poddleville,



just as I thought!

That cyberturkey is
motherboard's campaign manager!

Motherboard will stop
at nothing to beat me!


What hacker said about
triangles isn't true!

And we can prove it!

This just in! Kids claim proof
that hacker lied today!

pay no attention to these
conniving kiddies.

They're motherboard's
little helpers!

Oh yeah?

hacker told us the triangle
lock would cure motherboard.

Right, mr. Vander rom?

That is correct.

and so it will!
Just as I promised!

Any fool knows a triangle
has three sides!

but you also said you can
always make a triangle

Out of any three rods.

it's true!

really? Well, check this out!

one, two, three rods
of different lengths.

No matter how I arrange them,

They do not and will not
make a triangle!


and neither will the three rods
in that box!

There's only one way to settle
this! I'll open the box!

no! I mean... Fine!

just as we suspected -
one long and two shorts.

As you can see, no matter
how I arrange them -

They don't make a triangle!

let me see that!

a triangle has to have
three angles and three sides

That meet end to end,

There must be some mistake!

audience, is hacker's statement
about triangles true or false?


what hacker said about always
telling the truth?

True or false?


and what about always doing

Does anybody think
we can trust him?


let's go, boss!

time to go bye-bye.

mark my words, I'll be the next
potentate of cyberspace! Me!

The dastardly one!
The chinly one! The caped--

Great job, cybermates (static)
you proved your point

And you proved it well!

Let the election begin!

(Crying) I was so close!
Cyberspace was mine!

Mine! Mine!

[Vander rom]
and there you have it.
The election is over!

It's motherboard
in a landslide.

In fact, hacker received only
two votes! Count 'em - two!

This is sam vander rom telling
it like it is -

Whether you like it or not,


Who voted for motherboard?
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