02x03 - Harriet Hippo & the Mean Green

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cyberchase". Aired: January 21, 2002 –; present.*
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Matt and his group of friends use gadgets and follow clues to mysteries and any other problem that comes their way.
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02x03 - Harriet Hippo & the Mean Green

Post by bunniefuu »

* Cyberchase!

* We're movin' we're beatin'
hacker at his game

* Don't tell me that he's
trying to hack the motherboard

* We'll get him every time

* Cosmic worlds, freaky places
that we've seen

* We got the power
of one, two, three, four!

* Runnin' in a cyberchase

* We'll meet him face to face

* We'll stick together,
all the time!

* Adventures in cyberspace

* The chase is on!

* Just wait and
c-y-b-e-r- chase!

don't look down...

Just don't look down!

Merlin! Merlin! Open up!

M-m-m-merlin's over
at frogsnorts.

Not that barry blotter kid

Old stumblesnore doesn't know
what to do with him.

Anyway, I'm melvin, his
brother. Want a danish?

Forget your danish, mel -
I need your help!

The wicked witch cast a spell

Of the mean green
on motherboard!

She's turning every cybersite

I need something to snap her
out of it... Now!

What you need, my little
tin bird, is an antidote.

Where do I find her?

No no no. An antidote
is not a person.

It's a mixture of ingredients
used to b-b-break a spell.

Let's see.

Got it!

The antidote for the mean
green! W-w-w-whoooooops!


I don't suppose you have
another one, do you?


Wait! The recipe for making
the antidote is on the label!

Two-fifths of
the electro-root...

Two-eighths of the healing

And one-third of a box
of hacker's wig gel!

Bingo! I can make the antidote

Oh, who am I kidding?
I need kids.

Mel, baby, I need
a cyber-portal quick!

Not to worry. This is last
century's model.

It's a little worn, but--

Heh-heh. Uh, let me handle this

Come on, portal open!
I need kids!

Not billy goat kids! Kid kids!

ugh. Oh. Oof.

what's up, didge?! Who's your
pal in the moo moo?

Uh, ahem.

Melvin, the magnificent,
brother of merlin,

The temporarily missing!

But never mind that...

Wicked put a spell
on motherboard...

The spell of the mean green!

It's making motherboard turn
cybersites nasty, like hacker!

But I have the recipe
for the antidote right here!

hmmm, the ingredients
are in fractions.

We have to collect those
ingredients before motherboard

Turns all of cyberspace
mean and green!

At last check she had only
sites to go!

jackie and I will get
the electro-root!

The didge and I will get
the stone!

and we'll meet up at the grim
wreaker for the wig gel.

Uh - don't forget to drop by
for the sorcerer's ball next


uh - sure.


yeeessss! You did it, wicked!
You did it!

The spell of the mean green
is working to perfection!

Motherboard is doing all my
dastardly deeds for me.

Ha ha ha!

Ooooh, I love it when you're
pleased, hackie. Screen check!

would you be so kind, dear

As to pass me some more mortar?

By all means, dear brother.

Ha ha ha.

ha-ha-ha! There goes happily

Only more sites
to turn bad!

Once this number drops
to zero...

Cyberspace will be mine!

And for helping me out
like this -

I have a present for you.

A broom?

I make it possible for you
to take over cyberspace -

And you give me a broom?!

Not just any broom,
my wonderful wicked.

The bimbus !
Now you can fly in style!

You want to see style, big boy?
Watch this?!


Buzz! Delete!
Get me my wig gel!



Hello, handsome!

You know, boss,
I think wicked was upset.

Yeah. She was disappointed
all she got was a broom.

How could anyone be
disappointed in the hacker?

I'm un-disappointable!

I know. I'll make a video about

Yes, that's it - I'll show her
just how marvelous I really am!

the last time we saw
the electro-root,

It was sitting on a gorilla's

Omigosh! This is so perfect -
the electro-root!

if this is so perfect -
you get it!



Got it!

How much of this root
do we need?

two fifths of the whole thing.

So we only need part of it...

But just how much is two

I mean, I can see if we broke
it right here -

We'd get two equal halves.
But how do you get two fifths?

Well, I suppose we could break
the whole root

Into equal pieces.

then one piece would be
one fifth...

...and two pieces of the whole
root is just what we need!

Two fifths!

Check it out!

One, two, three, four, five!

The root actually grows
in five equal parts!

Here's one-fifth... Two fifths!

(Angry ape sounds)

I guess nap time is over.

let me explain, mister ape,

You see, we just need
two fifths of the root

To help fix motherboard -
and you can keep the rest.

And, actually, you get more
than we do,

'Cause three fifths is more
than two fifths, see?

Cool! They're friendly!

oh, no! Motherboard just turned
this site mean and green!

quick! We need a plan!

I have one. Run!


Uh oh! Look!

Digit, help!

We need a portal! Help!

hurry up with that portal!


my dear wicked,

It has come to my attention

That you may have misunderstood
my intentions.

But enough about you -
let's talk about me.

You may not be aware of this,

But I've been writing a series
of books

That chronicle my climb to the
top of the cyberspace ladder.

but what about those pesky
kids, boss?

Did you write about how they
always foil your plans?


Yeah. Did you write about how
those kids always win?


where are we, didge?

helping hand land. This is
where the healing stone is.

Man, looks to me like we need
a helping hand to find it!

to you!

I'm harriet the helpful hippo!

I'll help you,
you know it's true.

I'll help you, I always do!

Harriet, we do need help!

Big time!

We need to find
the healing stone!

You know where it is,
don't you?


We'll play follow the leader,

And I'll take you to the
healing stone right away!

Follow me! La la la la la...

no way! I don't skip...
And I definitely do not la-la!

Come on, let's just follow her!

Here it is. The healing stone!

Thanks, harriet! But we only
need a fraction of this.

yeah, just part of it.

then we'll share-it-whoopity

Ra-argh! Ra-argh!

tell me motherboard didn't just
do that!

she did! Harriet the helpful
hippo is mean, green

And not too helpful anymore.

Give me that stone back!
It's mine!

time to roll!

ra-argh! Ra-argh!

As you know, wicked,

I am more than a super smart

I am also a super-strong
physical specimen.

I usually begin my daily
workout with...

...a few thousand pounds.


we should be safe from harriet

How much of this stone
do we need?

I think it's one of those
fraction thingies -

The recipe says we need two
eighths of the whole stone.

Uh, how much is that?

well, if the whole stone were
broken into eight equal pieces,

We'd need two of them.
Two eighths!

no problem!

Digit! Wait!

You broke the stone, alright,

But it's in four equal pieces,
not eight.

Oh man, now what!

Hmmm, two eighths...
Four pieces.

Hang on, I think we can still
divide the stone

Into eight equal pieces.


I'll show you.

If we divide each of these
pieces in half-

How many will we have all


Hey, that makes pieces!

yeah, and if we take two
of them we'll have two eighths.

Go ahead - beak this one
in two.

two eighths!

Hey, these two together look
just like the pieces we started

You're right - they do!
Check it out!

The two one-eighths pieces
are the same-

As one-fourth of the whole -

And we haven't changed that.

Two eighths is also one fourth!

whoa! It's a miracle.

The same amount has different

One fourth and two eighths
are exactly the same!

C'mon, we have a spell
to break!

next stop... The grim wreaker!

Look at me! My hair
is so ruined.

Stop worrying about your hair,

We've got to get hacker's
wig gel!

I don't know what the boss got
so angry about -

I was just tryin' to help.

I know. And the film is great.
Wicked's gonna love it!

Ha. And not only that -

There's only more sites
to turn bad

Before the boss becomes
'overlord of cyberspace.'

Ha ha ha!

Uh! Oh, it's hacker!
He's coming this way!

There's no place to hide!

This is not good -
this is not good at all!

My sentiments exactly.

Just don't move.

he-he. Good one, buzzy. You
sounded just like the boss.

Follow me, you despicable

I can't believe that actually

I can. Now, let's go find that
wig gel and save mother b!

uh. Ahhhhhhhh!


Look! We've got two-fifths
of the electro-root!

And we've got two-eighths
of the healing stone!

and in case you're wondering,

Two-eighths is the same
as one-fourth.

It's just a different name
for the same amount.

all we need now to make
the antidote

Is one-third of a box
of hacker's wig gel!

As for my awards,

This is my rookie borg
of the year award.

Impressive? I'll say.

And this is my borg spelling
bee champion trophy,

And this is--

your favorite jammies are all
clean, boss -

Yeah, but I couldn't get
the juice stain out.


I found the wig gel!

Hurry, before they find us!

Got it! One whole box
of wig gel!

according to the label,

We need one-third of a box
to make the anti-dote.

Allow me.


Now what?!

hahahaha - only six more sites
until all of cyberspace

Is mean and green
and the hacker rules!

Ha-ha-ha! And when wicked joins
me for dinner,

I'll show her my new video

maybe you should invite those
nosey kids.

Kids? What kids?

Those earth kids.

Yeah, we saw 'em a little while
ago near the kitchen.

those meddlesome kids are here?
Inside the grim wreaker?

And you didn't tell me?!

It's his fault!

No, you.


Not mine!

listen to me, you metallic
meatheads, i-- wait!

Obstacles are also

Catching those overgrown

Will be the perfect ending
to my video!

how are we going to get one
third of a box now?

It's all in pieces!

let me think, let me think.

too bad we don't have that box

It would be a lot easier.

digit! You're a genius!

I am? I mean, I knew that.

we may not have the box,

But we do know how many pieces
make up a whole box!

We do? I mean, we do!

yeah, all of these cubes
make up a whole box.

And there's of them!

Cool! Pieces makes a whole

Now all we need to do
is figure out

What one third of all twelve

Since we need one third
of a box,

Let's divide the whole group
into equal piles.

Two for you, two for you,
two for me.

Two for you, two for you,
two for me.

And here it is!
One third of a box!

It's pieces each!

Touchdown! Good, guys!

wait a minute!

If I have pieces and there
were to start with -

Isn't that the fraction
four twelfths?

Way to go didge!

Are you telling me the fraction
four twelfths

Is the same amount
as one third?

Yep, it's true -
we just proved it!

When you take four cubes
out of twelve,

You've got the fraction
four twelfths.

and since three bunches of four
make twelve,

One bunch of four is one third.

It's just two different ways
to show the same amount.

four twelfths equals
one third... Who knew?

heh. You did didge!

And now we've got all
the ingredients

And the right fractions to make
the antidote

And break the spell!
Let's go!

not so fast!

Roll tape!

Do you have any final words
before I toss you in my dungeon

And throw away the key?!

Yeah! We're outta here!

You can't escape - the hacker!


whoops! Wrong portal.

try it again, didge!

let them go!

When the last three cybersites
go bad it will be all over -

And cyberspace will be mine!

uh - boss? There's a fish
on your head.

There's a what - where?

uh, never mind.

hold on, mother b, hold on...

The antidote is coming!

Oh, no!
Only two more sites to go

Till all of cyberspace
is mean and green!

c'mon, c'mon, make the antidote!

two fifths of the whole

two eighths of the whole
healing stone!

one third of a box of hacker's
wig gel!

Is that everything, didge?

wh-oh. There's another part
of this label.

Wh-oh is right.

It says: this recipe
is for mild spells.

For full strength,
double the ingredients!

And motherboard definitely
needs a full blast!

There's only one good site

I just remembered! I have
the rest of the electro-root!

And I don't believe
in leftovers.

I got the rest of the healing
stone and the wig gel.

okay, let's double the recipe.

We need twice as much as we had

Add another two-fifths
of the electro-root,

Giving us four-fifths
of the whole root.

Another two-eighths
of the healing stone,

Making four-eighths or one-half
of the whole stone!

and here's another one third
of the box of wig gel -

So now we have two thirds
of a whole box!

Can you speed it up a little?!

I think it's ready!

down the hatch, motherboard!
You're gonna be all right!

And just in time.

Thanks cybermates.

I'm pleased you agreed to spend
this monumental moment with me,

My dear wicked.

uh, boss... I think you better
check this out.

don't bother me. Can't you see
I'm busy?!

I can't wait to show you the
little surprise I have for you.

boss, boss!

The sites are turning good


we've been tryin' to tell you -

You're not the new ruler
of cyberspace.

The spell of the mean green
is broken!

The kids broke the spell?!
But this is all your fault!

You gave me a lousy spell!

Well, you know what, big boy?
You gave me a lousy broom!

And now you blame me for this?

Well, I've got a surprise
for you!

Puppies and clowns,
trick or treat,

From now on, you'll be nice
and sweet!

So, long, sweetie!

I'll help you,
you know it's true,

I'll help you, I always do.

roll tape!

I'll help you,
you know it's true,

I'll help you, I always do!

Give me a hug, buzzy!
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