02x02 - Totally Rad

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cyberchase". Aired: January 21, 2002 –; present.*
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Matt and his group of friends use gadgets and follow clues to mysteries and any other problem that comes their way.
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02x02 - Totally Rad

Post by bunniefuu »

* We're movin' we're beatin'
hacker at his game

* Don't tell me that he's
trying to hack the motherboard

* We'll get him every time

* Cosmic worlds, freaky places
that we've seen

* We got the power
of one, two, three, four!

* Runnin' in a cyberchase

* We'll meet him
face to face

* We'll stick together,
all the time!

* Adventures in cyberspace

The chase is on!

* Just wait and

welcome to radopolis, boys.

Taking over this place will
be a skate in the park.

Ha, ha, ha!


Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

I'm in charge now,
king dudicus.

Oh. Like, cool.

Now I can go skate with
the rest of my buds.

Oh no you can't!

That's too much fun.

As the new king,

I proclaim radopolis
a no skating zone.

No more skating?


There you go, sherman,
your new pen.

Lots of space to run around.

Okay, okay, I get the message.

Not enough room.

Problem is, I don't have any
more fence pieces

To make it any bigger.

hacker alert!

Hacker alert!

Hacker has taken the throne
from king dudicus.

Need help, quick!

Be right back to fix your pen,

Make room for the matt-ster.

[King dudicus]
but king hacker,

Skating is what radopolis
is totally about, dude.

It makes us happy.

Happy? You think I want you
to be happy?

So save your sob story, sappy.

I'm the king, and I say no more



Silence! I'll tell you when
something is cool or not.

How dare you ride a skateboard
in my site.

Can't you read the signs?

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

This site isn't yours, hacker.

Your king days are over.

We're here to restore
the throne to king dudicus.

Like, totally rad.

Like totally wrong.

We're not leaving until you do.

Nobody tells the hacker what
to do.

Like, hey, dudes.
Why not settle this dispute

The way we rad-sters settle all
disputes -

With a skate-off.

A skate-off?

Cool! Let's do it!

[Jackie & inez]


We can't all skate as great
as you.

Yeah. What happens if we lose?

Aw, you guys worry too much.

You're on, hacker.

Our team against yours.

I'm not doing any skate-off.

I don't have to do anything
but sit on this throne

And give orders.

Then I guess you can kiss
getting into

The bad guy hall of shame

what are you talking about

You silly looking cyberturkey?

A true bad guy isn't afraid
of anything.

Think about 'em.

Hogarth the horrible,

Stagora the stingy -

They never backed down from

Boy, that's true boss,
they didn't.

Nobody, nothin'.

Hmmm... Then a skate-off it is.

If we win, you leave radopolis

And give the crown back
to king dudicus.

And if I win, how about this?

You kids never return
to cyberspace

And interfere with me again.


matt? I can't believe you.


Okay, team. Listen up

You need to practice your bunny

Tail whips, ollies,

Nosegrabs, whirlwinds,

And soul grinds.

I can't do all those things.

Chill out, inez.

You ever see buzz and delete


The didge is right.

We've got this skate-off
in the bag.

We better measure how far it is
around this practice field

To make sure it's the same size
as the skate-off field.

Can't trust hacker, you know.

What's the rule book say, inez?

Let's see.

The outside edge of an official
skate-off field

Is standard fence pieces

How many you got, didge?

Twenty six fence pieces around
the outside.

Oh yeah, and the field has
to be a rectangle.

it looks like a rectangle
to me.

All right angles,

With two pairs of identical
opposite sides.

that makes it official.

Let's practice!

I told you I wasn't very good.

welcome to the way cool arena

For the skate-off
of the cyber century!

This is ollie nollie

And we're in for a totally
wicked one today.

Team hacker tearing it up
against motherboard's all-stars

And what's at stake?
Check it out -

If hacker wins,
he keeps the crown

And the kids can never come
back into cyberspace.

If the kids win, hacker leaves

And the crown goes back
to king dudicus.

Skate-off! Skate-off!

Before we get rolling,

Let's make sure this field
is official.

We've got fence pieces on
the two short sides to make

And on the two long sides
to make

For an official total of
standard fence pieces

Around the outside.

That's perimeter to you,
sports fans.

So, now that we're officially
official -

Let the games begin!

Introducing motherboard's
all-stars -

Matt, jackie

And inez.

And now team hacker -

I can't wait to see this.



And rim.

what happened to buzz
and delete?

oh no!

This is not good,
this is not good at all!

Ricker racker firecracker!
Sis boom bah!

Go hacker!

You two are pathetic.

it's time for round one.

Jackie vs. Brink on bikes.

And brink rides first.

Whoa! He starts with
a tailwhip.

Brink segues into a back
and forth framestand.

Poetry in motion!

He throws in some bunny hops
for good measure.

And a giant peg grind along
the rail for a fantastic finish


A perfect score of ten!

What a way to start
the skate-off for team hacker!

Oh, what did I get us into?

I told you, matt.

You can't always jump into

How can we beat these guys?


C'mon team, look alive!
We practiced.

We know the field.

Nothin' to it but to do it.

Didge is right!
Nothing to it but to do it.

go get'em, jax!

Jack-ie! Jack-ie!

Jack-ie! Jack-ie!

Jack-ie! Jack-ie!


The hacker's great,
the hacker's good.

Hacker is the best
in the neighborhood.

jackie looks totally pumped.

Uh-ho! She's got a bunny hop

Before she even hits the ramp.

And she's off!

A tricky but slammin'

And she's out of the half-pipe.

And now a no-footed can-can.

Whoa! She can't make that turn
and oh!

She hits the wall and falls
out. Oh no!

That is going to be costly.

Ooh! Too bad. Only a three
for the jackster.

I never went out like that
in practice.

It felt like I -

Like I ran out of room inside.

Hmmmm, I smell a rat.

Make that - hacker.

Time out! Time out!

Okay, what do we know?

We know that jackie ran out
of room inside the field.

But why?

Maybe the hacker pulled the old

And changed the field?

If only there was some way
to compare this field

To the field we practiced on.

Maybe then we could figure
it out.

They say a picture's worth
a thousand words.

Be back in a flash, earthlies.

I don't get it.

Ollie measured this field
before the skate-off started.

So we know they have the same
number of fence pieces around.

And it's a rectangle.
So it's legal.

Just like our practice field.

So what could hacker have done
to make it different?

heads up, g*ng.

I took a snapshot
of the practice field.

And one of this field here.

And guess what?

The shapes are different. See?

whoa! Whoa!

Wait a minute.
How is that possible?

They have the same perimeter.

yeah, the skate field looks

Than the practice field.

Same number of fence pieces.

But look at them.

For some reason, the shapes
are different.

That's why I fell out.

The skate-off field was a shape
I wasn't used to.

And you can bet your last fence

The hacker did that on purpose.

Fine! If that's the way
he wants to play the game -

I'll be ready!

team hacker is leading ten
to three.

Time for round two.

Edge versus matt on skateboards.

Edge, roll on down.

Edge is running the reverse
circuit, folks.

She's opening her routine
on the rail.

A backside five-o!
What an awesome opener.

And a double kick flip, sweet!

Oooh! Not the best of landings.

But she caps it off with
a solid blunt stall.

Nice recovery!

And now it's all up
to the judges.

Nine for edge!

And now, representing team
motherboard -

The totally talented matt-ster.

Not so fast.

Since my team is in the lead,

I exercise my right to change
the field.

You can't change the field now.

Oh really?

If you studied the official
skate-off rule book,

It clearly states that the team
in the lead

Can change the field at anytime

As long as the shape remains
a rectangle

And the perimeter is
standard fence lengths

Around the outside.

but that's not fair.

Fair? Of course it's fair.

It's in the rule book.

I'll just enter a few changes.

And for once,
I didn't make the rules.

Much better!

look what that cheater did now.

He changed the shape

And squeezed everything
closer together.

Wait a minute.

Maybe changing the shape
of the field

Has changed the perimeter.

And that would be illegal.

Field check!

Hackerbackers, hackerbackers,
sis, boom, bah!

Hackerbackers, hackerbackers,
ra, ra, ra!


no doubt about it.
The new shape is different.

The sides are and now.

But it still has the same
fence pieces

Around the outside.

Maybe so.

But it looks to me like there's
a lot less room to skate in.

Well, I didn't plan my routine
for a field shaped like that.

Oh, man!

I really did it this time.

That doesn't mean you have
to give up, matt.

Team motherboard never gives

Did we give up when hacker
stole the sunisphere

From solaria?


Did we call it quits when
hacker tried polluting

Motherboard with cyberstatic?


Did we throw in the towel when
hacker took marbles

To castleblanca?


And there's no giving up now

Because when the going gets

The tough gets going.

And we're tougher than
that hacker!

So who's with me?
Who's with me?!

We are!


motherboard! Motherboard!

it's really tight in here,

Matt's hoping to ramp up team
motherboard's points.

Whoa! A wicked frontside flip
over the rail!

But he almost falls out.

Too close to the wall, dude.

A nosegrab!

But he's running out of room
on the landing.

And another totally quick stop

To save the routine.

He doesn't have enough room
to manoeuvre.

a stalled invert!
Totally hard.

Followed by a kickin' heelflip.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

that turn's so tight.

Ow! Totally on his back.

But at least he stayed
in bounds.


A seven for matt!

Making the score -

Team hacker ,
motherboard's all-stars

And only one round to go.

How can the kids ever come back
from this?

I didn't have enough space.

You ran out of room,
just like I did.

Give up yet, kiddies?

Never, hacker!

If you feel so confident,
why not raise the stakes?

Name it!

If you win, not only will
I give this site back

To the rad-sters,

I'll never take over another
cyber-site again.

What do you want if you win?

Oh... The reward's quite small,

I want her -

To be team hacker's


You can't go through with this,

What happens if we lose

And you're stuck in cyberspace

Cheering for team hacker?

Hacker, hacker, green of face

The meanest guy in cyberspace.

Woo hoo! Yay!

Ew, ew and double ew!

I don't know what to do.

I want to help,

But I don't want to work
for hacker.

time's up, tiny tot.

What'll it be?

Ha, ha, ha, ha...

Excuse me!
What did you just call me?

Tiny tot.
You know, small potatoes.

Short stuff, small fry. He, he!

That's it, hacker.
You've got yourself a deal!

Totally more at stake now,
dudes and dudettes.

It's time to skate the third
and final round.

And the team that's losing
skates first in the final round.

Inez, you're up!

Not so fast.

Since my team is in the lead,

I'm changing the shape
of the field.

Not again!

Yes, again!
Ha, ha, ha!

Look at the field.

There's less room inside
than the last time.

But it's still twenty six fence
pieces around.

I just counted 'em,
so it's legal.

Time out! Time out!

Something besides the shape
is changing

Every time hacker switches
the field.

And if we don't figure it out

Radopolis will belong
to hacker.

and so will i.

I got a plan.

Sqwack it!

here, take the sqwack pack.

okay, here's the field I skated

Fence pieces this side
and this side.

and fence pieces here
and here.

For a grand total of fence
pieces around.

The legal perimeter.

Now let's check matt's field.

You know, it looks like maybe
you did have less room inside

Than jackie.

How could there be less room

Room inside...

That's it!

What's inside is the area.

We need to check the areas.

And areas means squares.

Try adding squares to
the pictures.

Oh man, look at that!

, , , Times .

My field has squares inside.

, , .

Hey! My field has squares

No wonder I ran out of room!

This is unbelievable!

Change the shape and the room
inside changes too.

Even though the distance around
the outside

Stays the same.

It's pretty amazing,
but the pictures don't lie.

Different shapes with the same

Can have different areas

Come on, we have to figure out
how much room

I have to skate on.

yours is by .

Still for the perimeter.

What's the new area inside?


That's less than matt had

And less than you had to
bike on, jackie.

I'm afraid hacker's changes
don't give you much area

To compete in, inez.

No way inez can win
with so little room inside.

She's bound to go out!
Bound to get a low score!

Bound to be cheering on hacker
for the rest of her life!

Coach, what do I do?

Well, let's see,
you got a smaller field.

Less room inside, I dunno...

Keep your tricks small?

we're back!
And ready for round three!

Inez vs. Rim.

Does inez totally have her work
cut out for her or what?

Not only is her team losing
to ,

But she has to skate against

The top-ranked skater in all
of cyberspace!

Okay, now remember, less area,
less room, smaller tricks.

Got it!

You can do it, inez!

Go get 'em, nezzie!

Don't call me nezzie.

She's ready.

and inez starts off with a nice

Keep it small.

Don't go wide.

a mini sow cow controlled,
and away from the fence.


A mini whirlwind .

A mini tucked nollie!

Go inez, you're the girl!
Yeah, you're the girl!

she's running out of steam.

Oh, but she finishes the move!

A totally heroic skate.

Way to go, inez!

You're the best!

Totally awesome!

Totally small.

it's a perfect score of !

A ! A !

Motherboard's all-stars lead
to with rim to skate.

This is terrible, boss.

Save your breath.

All rim has to do is get a two
and we win!

Get'em rim.

Not so fast, hacker.

Since our team is in the lead,
we get to set the field.

I protest!

Look at the area inside -
it's way too small!

That field is illegal.

Okay, like, I'll be the judge
of that.

Like it's legal, green dude.

Fence pieces around.

That can't be!

Perimeter and area back at'cha,
big boy!

Same distance around -

Different space inside.


it all comes down to rim!

He just needs two points.

But look at that field.
Can he do it?


oh ho, my! He ran out of room

And totally fell out of bounds.

Zero for rim!

Which makes the final score

Motherboard's all-stars win!

They win! We win!

We did it! We did it!
We did it!

I believe this is, like mine.

And as king, I declare that
skating is cool again.

And first to skate is hacker.

No, wait.
You can't do this!

Do you know who I am?


same numbers of fence pieces,
same perimeter,

Just reshaped it to give you
more room.

More area.
Totally rad, huh, shermie?

Ha, ha! Skate on, dude!
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