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01x22 - Thump!/Squirreled Away

Posted: 09/28/22 16:12
by bunniefuu

♪ Hey!

♪ What?

♪ Come over here,

♪ The Cat in the Hat
is about to appear. ♪

♪ He's whizzing over
to whisk you away ♪

♪ On a fabulous
journey today. ♪

♪ He's coming!

♪ And now he's arrived
In the Thingamajigger ♪

♪ the thing that
he drives ♪

♪ He's a Cat and
he's oodles of fun ♪

♪ With his hairy helpers
Thing Two and Thing One ♪

♪ Instrumental

♪ Instrumental

♪ It's the
Cat in the Hat! ♪

♪ All of our adventures
start like that. ♪

♪ Wherever you're going
Where ever you're at ♪

♪ The Cat in the Hat
Knows a lot about ... ♪

♪ He knows a lot about,
he knows a lot about, ♪

♪ He knows a lot about
....THAT! ♪


I won!
I won!

I found the
smallest creature

in the back yard,

I don't think so,

This ant's way smaller.

you're right!

There's nothing
smaller than an ant.

[unhappy sound]

My you look big today!

It's the Cat!

The Cat in the Hat!

We were looking for the
smallest creature

in the back yard...

And I won with this
tiny weeny ant!

He is small.

But I know creatures
that are even smaller!

Smaller than an ant?

Much, much, much,
much, muck, much smaller!


Why, if they
were any smaller

they wouldn't
be there at all.

Where are they?

Puddle Jump Pond!

There are lots
of teeny-weeny

creatures around there.

Can we go see?

Of course!

Your mother will not
mind at all if you do!


Can we go to look for
teeny weeny creatures

in Puddle Jump Pond?

Puddle Jump Pond [laugh]
- that sounds like fun!

Say a teeny-weeny
"Hi" to them from me!

We will.

We can go!
We can go!

I know
I know.

To the Thingamajigger!

Buckle up!


Flick the Jiggermawhizzer!





Isn't this fun?


♪ Here we go, go, go, go!
On an adventure. ♪

♪ The Thingamajigger
is up and away! ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go!
On an adventure. ♪

♪ We're flying with the
Cat in the Hat today! ♪

♪ We're off to a pond to
see creatures so small. ♪

♪ That many explorers
can't see them at all! ♪

♪ Here we go, go, go, go!
On an adventure. ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go GO!

Welcome to
Puddle Jump Pond.

Ready for a teeny
weeny adventure?


Let's go!

Time to jump into
Puddle Jump Pond!

Oh no.
We're not going in there!

Isn't that where the teeny
weeny creatures live?

They do.

But the creatures I'm
thinking of are

teenier than
teeny weeny.

They don't need to
go into a big pond.

We can find
them right here.

In this tiny
water drop.

I can't see them.

Well, it's because
you're big

and they're very small.

So let's...

Press the Shrinkamadoodle!


Wow! We're as small as
the water drop now!

I still don't
see anything.

Then we need to press the

and dive in!


Wheeee! Dive, dive, Yahooo!



We've never been anywhere
like this before.

It's like being
in outer space!

Life inside a water drop
is a whole other world.

Last one in is
a rotten banana!

Come back,

Water all around!

This is the place for me.


Where did Fish go?

Come back, Fish!
You'll get lost.

How can anyone get lost
in a drop of water?


Where'd everyone go?



He's lost!

When you shrink down to
teenier than teeny weeny,

a water drop's as
big as an ocean!

Then how do we find him?

Let's swim around
until we bump into him.

it will be fun!

What's that?

It must be one of the
creatures that lives

in this drop of water!

It's shiny like a star!

And hard.

Sally and Nick,

meet my friend
Dolly the Diatom!

Have you seen our other
friend Fish swim by?

That's a tough
Huh?question for a Diatom.

They don't talk...

or see...

or think.


Well...each of your bodies
is made up of millions

and zillions of tiny
bits called "cells".

Your heads are
made of cells,

so are your feet,

Zillions of cells let
you think, walk and eat.

These cells they are tiny.

Too tiny to see.

To count them would take
a whole year, believe me!

I've got a zillion cells.

How many cells
does Dolly have?

Just one!


That's small!

And amazing too!

And now to find fish!

He can't have gone far!



What was that?

I don't know, but
it sure is fast!



Oooh! That's Pete
the Paramecium.


That's hard to say!


My you are so clever!

Let's hitch a lift.

Pete will not mind
at all if you do!



Pete's a great zoomer.

He's got all those
wiggly jiggly hairs

to move him
through the water.


Thanks for the lift,

This is awesome.

We should make
a list of all the

amazing water-drop
creatures we meet.


♪ We went on a teeny
adventure today. ♪

♪ And these are the creatures
we met on the way! ♪

♪ Dolly the Diatom
shines like a star. ♪

♪ And one little zoomer,
who can't be out-swum! ♪

♪ Pete the parameceum.

What's happening?WHOA!

I don't know!

Let's go with the flow,
shall we!


Hey! We landed
on a trampoline!

[bouncing noises]

He is very bouncy,
but he isn't a trampoline!

Meet Andy the Amoeba.

Sorry we jumped
on you, Andy!


We're surrounded!

That's how Andy
eats his food.

He moves around it and
his body sucks it in.

It feels really weird!

Like floating in jelly!

[Effort noise]

And we can't get out!

Knee-deep in amoeba -
don't know what to do?

Who better to call than
Thing One and Thing Two!



[effort grunts]

We're stuck!

We're not!

We're all stuck now!

No...Any minute now
you'll see the most

amazing thing
about an Amoeba!

[Popping out effort]

Andy can split into two!


They're a party just
waiting to happen.


♪ We went on a
teeny adventure today. ♪

♪ And these are the creatures
we met on the way! ♪

♪ Dolly the Diatom
shines like a star. ♪

♪ Pete paramecium
can't be out-swum! ♪

♪ And there's Andy Amoeba
who's really a smartie. ♪

♪ He splits into two.

♪ He's a one creature party!

Cool song!


There you are!

We've been looking for you
all over this water drop.

Well I was
looking for you.

Which way is my bowl?
I wanna go home.

That way!

Oh my!

How will we ever
find our way back

to the Thingamajigger?

The teeny adventure song!

All we have to do is
sing it backwards.


Then we can
follow our trail

back past all the
creatures we met

and we'll find the

♪ There's Andy Amoeba,
the one creature party! ♪

♪ Pete paramecium
can't be out-swum! ♪

♪ Dolly the Diatom
shines like a star. ♪

♪ The Thingamagigger,
it cannot be far! ♪

♪ We went on a teeny
adventure today ♪

♪ And those were the creatures

♪ we met on the way!



It's good to be back
home where I belong.

What's little to you?

An ant,
bug or bee?

There are creatures
far smaller -

too tiny to see.

In one drop of water,
incredibly small,

There's a world to discover

and we had a ball!


Press the Bigamaboodle!


Isn't this fun?

Who knew something as
small as a water drop

could be such a
big adventure?

The Cat in the Hat,
of course!



Save that water drop!

There's a whole
other world in there.

There is?

How do you know?

Because we just went
on a teeny adventure!


Come on,

We're go-go-going
on an adventure!

Oof! What's
wrong, Nick?

If we're going
on an adventure,

how are we going
to get there?

I don't know
about you,

but I'm going
by skateboard!

Woo hoo!

I'm going by train!

Choo chooooooo!


Or how about a ROCKET!


We can take an airplane!

[airplane sounds]


What way would
be the most fun?

The Cat!

The Cat in the Hat!

The Cat in the Hat!

No doubt about that!

Going somewhere?

We're going on
an adventure.

But we can't decide
how to travel.

Hmmm...Plants and trees
know all sorts

of ways to get around.

They've got
traveling down pat!

But plants and
trees can't move.

They're planted
in the ground.

They don't go anywhere.

Ha-hah, but
their seeds do.

Their seeds?Their seeds?

Oh yes, indeed!

You can find
seeds in fruit.

Or in a flowery bloom.


Every plant and tree

needs a seed to get growing!

And that's why
plants and trees

send their seeds a-going!

I'd like to see that!

Me, too!

Then let's take a trip
to Dig-A-Dug-Shrub.

Your mother will not
mind at all if you do!


Can we go with the Cat to Dig-A-Dug-Shrub

and watch seeds
go on trips?


Well you be sure to wish
those seeds a bon voyage!

Sure will!
Thanks, Mom!

We can go!We can go!
We can go!We can go!

I know!
I know!

To the Thingamajigger!

So we're off to


But I get sniffly around
so many plants...

My gills are delicate!

We'll keep a handkerchief handy,
how 'bout that?


thank you.

[small giggle]

Buckle up!

Flick the Jiggermwhizzer!





Isn't this fun?


♪ Here we go, go, go,
on an adventure! ♪

♪ The Thingamajigger
is up and away! ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go!
On an adventure! ♪

♪ We're flying with the
Cat in the Hat today! ♪

♪ We're off to see plants

♪ send their seeds
out on trips, ♪

♪ and along the way
get some traveling tips! ♪

♪ Here we go, go, go, go
On an adventure ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go, GO!

Welcome to

Look at all the
plants and trees!

But, I don't see
any traveling seeds.

Some seeds can
be super tiny.

My you're clever.

We need to get
a closer look.

Let's shrink down
to seed size.

Press the Shrinkamadoodle!


A maple tree.

I can tell by the shape --
and the smell --

of those leaves.

Are those the seeds?


They look like wings!

Now watch them fly!

Those seeds move
like helicopters!

Now I get it!

Seeds can travel
in the air!

Just think...When these
seeds land on the ground,

they'll grow
into new trees.

speaking of flying...

A big bird's
coming this way!


My gills are also very
delicate around birds!



That bird must think the
Thinga-ma-jigger is a bug!

Let's have a look-see.




I'm not gonna be
your lunch.



I said shoo!


That Fish.

Even in his bowl,

he has the situation
under control.

But, Cat, how will
we get back to

the Thinga-ma-jigger?

We're much too
small to climb down.

What if we travel just
like these maple tree seeds?

I like the sound of that!


Isn't this fun?Whoa!


That was great!

Boy, am I dizzy!


Why is Dig-A-Dug-Shrub

The Thinga-ma-jigger
is a-that-a-way!

No, Cat,
it's this way.

My you're clever!


A garden sure
looks bigger

when you're
super duper small.

[leaves rustling]

Where's that
sound coming from?

Above you,

That plant looks like
it's about to SNEEZE!

Well of course,
it's a Gorse.

Gorse bushes are
always sneezing.

And they never
say "excuse me".

watch out!



That must be another way

plants send their
seeds on trips!

They pop their seeds out!

Over here!



Eat those seeds,

We don't want
you pecking at

the Thinga-ma-jigger again!

Or our friend,


We could use this
seed just like a ball!


I've never played catch
with a seed before!

Over here, Nick!
Throw it to me!

Let's see that
seed really travel!

Here it comes!

I got it!
I got it!


Ta da!

That's enough traveling
for that seed.

It can grow right here.

Come on,

Up you go.

[pulling efforts]

Uhhh! My fur...
it seems to be stuck

to this thistle plant.

[pulling efforts]



Thistles are sure
prickly and sticky.

[pulling effort]

that's just peachy!

Except for the fact that
my back is now ITCHY!



Someone scratch!

Hold still,

Hmm, would you
look at that?

It's a burr.

Not burr as in I'm cold,

but burr as in
a type of seed.

I guess that's
how thistles

send their seeds on trips.


The burrs stick
to something else.

And it's stuck to me now.

No doubt about that,
my clever friends.

Well goodbye,

You can stick to
someone else's fur!

Hey, Cat!
Nick! Sally!

A little help here!

That's a lot of
water to cross.

Cat, do any seeds
travel by water?

But of course.

Take a look at that
pond Iris over there.

A seed ride for everyone!


Safety first!


[blows whistles]

All aboard!

[GIGGLES] What a great
way to get around!

What took you so long?

We had to travel
all sorts of ways

to get back to you,

♪ We flew down
from the maple ♪

♪ on a wing-shaped seed!

♪ All that spinning
and twirling ♪

♪ made us dizzy indeed!

♪ Then we ran fast past
a bush called a gorse. ♪

♪ Which sneezed
off its seeds ♪

♪ with a powerful force!

♪ [laughs] Then Cat got
stuck to a thistly burr. ♪

♪ It could not,
it would not ♪

♪ let go of my fur.

♪ At the pond was an Iris
with cool seeds that float! ♪

♪ So we all jumped
aboard as if on a boat. ♪

♪ For fun ways to travel,
we all agreed, ♪

♪ There's no better way than
to move like a... ♪


I'm glad you had fun.

I was nearly
lunch for a bird.

Here he comes again!

Uh oh!

Cat, I think it's time
we stopped being small.

Yes yes,
oh yes.

Just press the



[relieved sigh]
That's better.

Why, hello bird!

Come join us,
why don't you...?


Hmmm... Well, I guess
that's what you call

a party pooper.

[chuckle] You'd better
get your hat cleaned, Cat.

Need a hat cleaning?
I know what to do.

Put in a call to Thing
One and Thing Two.




[machine noises]

I see seeds!

How'd they end
up on Cat's hat?

I think they came from
inside that bird's body.

Remember, we saw him
eating those gorse seeds.

Yuck. I'm glad
I'm not a seed.

But these seeds are clean now.

And I know the perfect
spot to plant them.

So there's one more way
that seeds take a trip!

Some birds eat
seeds for a meal -

just like soup!

Then fly far away and
drop seeds in their poop!

For fun ways to travel,
we're all agreed,

There's no better way than
to move like a...


From Dig-A-Dug Shrub...

all the way to my back yard!

[surprised gasp]

didn't this little seed
travel a very long way.

[MAKES expl*si*n SOUND]

Look at me,
I'm a traveling seed!

I'm a maple seed.

I'm a bird!


stay away from my hat,

won't you?


Psst. Hey kids,

do you want to
find out more stuff

about animals,
plants and well fish?

Go to:

for fun games,
fascinating facts,

and fintastic

Ha, ha, ha, ha.