01x18 - Problem Solving in Shangri-La

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cyberchase". Aired: January 21, 2002 –; present.*
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Matt and his group of friends use gadgets and follow clues to mysteries and any other problem that comes their way.
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01x18 - Problem Solving in Shangri-La

Post by bunniefuu »

Okay, there's this really
bad dude named hacker --

Hacker: thehacker, to you!

He wants to take over

The cyberworld
from motherboard.

[ Gasp ] the three kids
are sucked into cyberspace,

And they use brain power
to help save everybody.

okay, here's the plan.

So they travel
all over and run into all these

Weird creatures...and have all
of these awesome adventures.

It's totally up to them
to save cyberspace.

Can three cool kids and a wacky
bird outsmart the hacker?

Hacker: never!matt: there's only one way
to find out!

Tune in
to "cyberchase"!

♪ We're movin' we're beatin'
hacker at his game ♪

♪ Don't tell me that he's trying
to hack the motherboard ♪

♪ We'll get him every time

♪ Cosmic worlds, freaky
places that we've seen ♪

♪ We got the power
of one two three four! ♪

♪ Runnin' in a cyberchase
we'll meet him face to face ♪

♪ We'll stick together,
all the time! ♪

♪ Adventures in cyberspace

♪ The chase is on! Just wait
and c-y-b-e-r- chase! ♪

motherboard...guess who?
[Evil laughter]

hacker! What do you want?

I have what I want,

Say hello to your pathetic

Mother b! Do something!

let them go, hacker!

maybe we can make a deal!

The kids in exchange for-

What's goin' on!!

uh, oh! It's a cyber
storm, boss!

yeah, bits...bytes, the
whole works!

yeowww! Whoa! Ahhhhh!!!

where are we?! Ahhhhhhhh!


get down here,
you duncebuckets!

We've got work to do!

uh, boss, um behind you.


oh, the rescue party.
It's about time you got here!

I don't know about you

But that doesn't look like
a rescue party to me!

alright, I've had enough
of this!

Do you have any idea who
you're dealing with?!

That's more like it!

[Zen master pi]
welcome. I am master pi.

listen to me, pi-face!

I'm the hacker -soon-to-be
the ruler of all cyberspace!

Now, unless you want your cute
little cybersite destroyed,

I suggest you release me
at once!

[Zen master pi]
please, show our polite
guests to their room.

hey! What about my room!?

Only guests who understand
the rules of politeness

Are treated politely in

ah, maybe you shoulda
bowed, boss.

the hacker bows to no

come on, guys, think! We
can't stay here!

We've got to figure a way

[Zen master pi]
it gives me great pleasure
to have you as my guests.

how'd you get in here?

[Zen master pi]
it is you who come and go.

um, speaking of going, mister
master, sir - can we leave?

[Zen master pi]
that, my friends, is up to you.

H-hah! I have heard many

Of your brave adventures.

you've heard of us?

[Zen master pi]
yes. Many of us who are

To motherboard have heard
of you.

This is for you.

thanks. I think.

open it up, jax!


What is it?

What's inside?

[Red warrior]
it is a pleasure to serve you.


how cool! They walk and talk.

What do we do with them,
master pi?

he's gone!

[Red warrior]
there is a game you can play
with us -

But only two may play
at a time.

Taking turns, you may remove

Two or three of us each turn.

The one left with the last

The red one -- me...loses.
I wish you luck.

come on, guys, let's play!

I don't know. I'm not really
good at this kind of game.

I need time to think things

well, I need to talk things out
with someone.

and I need to try it out!

look, it's okay. Only two can
play so you two go ahead.

fine...matt - you go first.

Um...okay. I'll take...three!

tracks leading from the
smouldering grim wreaker!

But that won't stop me!

I'll rescue my pals or my name
isn't digit the wonderbird.

hey-hey-hey! Hold still,
I'm almost over!

you know, boss, uh,

I don't what you're in such
a hurry to leave for -

It's really pretty here.

Wha- whoaaaaah-oh!

[Zen master pi]
since you seem to like games
so much.

the hacker doesn't play games!

Besides, we won't be here long
enough to play anything!

Keep your bag!

[Zen master pi]
as you wish.

geesh, how'd he do that, boss?

who cares?! Let's just get
outta here.

hah-hah! I thought you said you
didn't play games, boss.

zip it!

[Zen master pi]
welcome to the field of trial.

The team that wins our contest
shall receive

A key to our city and
the freedom to come and go

As they wish.

The losers, ha ha, will remain

To reflect on the lessons
of the day.

In turn, one member from each
team goes to the circle

And removes one, two or three

The team left with the red
dragon loses.

we can do this! It's just like
the game we played

With those little warriors!

[Zen master pi]
the first to the center will
begin the game.

buzz! Get out there and move
three dragons!

but boss, uh i-

just do what I say!

[grunt] oh, no!

come on, you three dragons,
beat it! Hit the road!


[Zen master pi]
if you ask them nicely,
they will move.

uh, you, you and you.

it's our turn.
How many should we move?

I'll try two.

Would you two please come
with me?

let's see, ten of you lazy
lizards left.

I'll take...three!

Let's go!


you gotta say please, boss!

alright, please?!

okay, there are six dragons

huh? I count seven.

well, I'm not counting the red

Because we don't want to get
stuck with it.

inez is right. We shouldn't
count the red dragon.

but that doesn't work for me.

I have to think about all
of them.

come on, guys! We've gotta stop
talking and do something.

but I'm not saying that my way
is the only way...


hello, dragon.

Would you follow me, please.

my turn.

Five green dragons plus one red

Yessss, oh yes. You, little
dragon. Please come this way.

let's see, four green ones left
- and the red one.

Oh, I don't know how many to

[Zen master pi]
inez. You must move the

ahhh... I'll take ahhhh...
One of you, please.

ah, what a burden it is to
be brilliant!

I can't lose. You three
greenies, follow me! Please!

oh, no! We're stuck with the
red dragon! We lost!

[Zen master pi]
the outcome has been decided.

The hacker team has won.

I suggest both teams study for
the next game.

next game?! But I won! I want
the key to this joint!

[Zen master pi]
you won the game,
but not the contest.

The winner must win two games.


[Zen master pi]
until next time.

we better win the next game!

if we don't, we'll be stuck
here forever!

okay, what do we know?

we know we lost.

we don't know anything!
We need a game plan!

yeah, well, the only way I know
to figure out a plan -

Is to play the game!

[Red warrior]
we are ready when you are!

I'll go first, this time.

you want to play?

I've got to try to solve this
problem a different way. Okay?

[sigh] whatever.

Maybe if I draw a picture
of the whole thing

It'll help me understand it

you could diagram each move we
make while we play the game.

that way we could see the

Of all the possible moves.

I'm sorry, guys - I really
need to try this myself.

do what you want, jax, we're

I'm taking one.

okay, there are fifteen dragons
- including the red one.

Mmmm... That's no help,

They're all over the place.

Maybe if I line them up they'll
be easier to work with.

This is really hard.

Maybe if I put them in groups
I'll find some kind of pattern.

[Sigh] I'm not getting

I won!


yeah, but how? What'd you do?

I'm not sure. Didn't you take

no. Any luck?

uh-uh. There are just too many
pieces to deal with -

Too many possibilities.

you can't go! We need to solve
this problem!

you do it your way -

I'll try mine. I need some
jackie time.

c'mon, we'll figure out
our own plan.

you go first. And take notes,
this time!

how many guards will I have
to outwit?

How many ingenious tactics will
I have to employ?

How many daring feats
will I have to endure?


uh, boss, eh, don't you think
maybe we should

Practice playing the game?

what for, you blithering bucket
of bolts?

We only have to win one more
game. Hah, besides,

We're playing against mere
children, hah,

Earth children at that!

if only the game were simpler -
not so many pieces,

Maybe then I could figure
it out.

[Zen master pi]
it was wise of you to take
a break.

oh! You...you startled me.

[Zen master pi]
my apology.

it's not your fault.

I'm just on edge, that's all...

And I don't get matt's and
inez's way

Of solving the problem you
gave us.

[Zen master pi]
what will make it easier for

I don't know. Maybe if there
were five dragons

Instead of fifteen.

[Zen master pi]
near the end, there might only
be five dragons left.

but if I start at the end
of the game

I'd be working backwards.

[Zen master pi]
ahhh, is that a bad thing?

It's almost time for the second


[Zen master pi]
consider your path.

Hmmm. My backward path.

Hi, fishies... Ah, five -
just like a smaller game.

What if I move three

Hmm, that leaves one gold
and one black.

So I would lose because hacker
would take the last gold fish

And I'd be forced to take the
black one. Ok, fish, come back.

Now, if I take two gold fish...

That would still leave hacker
with two gold fish to take,

Sticking me with the last fish.
Fish come back!

Oh, man...what if I only take

Hacker can take three -
and I still lose!

...wait! That's it! When the
game gets down to five pieces,

The next player can always
be forced to lose!

So how can we make sure
to stick hacker

With the last five pieces?

If we can do that - we can win!

[Zen master pi]
since the hacker team won
the first game,

The team of inez, matt
and jackie

Will make the first move.

Let the second game begin!

hurry jackie!

we think we may know how
it works!

great! Because all I know is,

We don't want to get stuck with
the last five dragons.

I tried an experiment with
a smaller game.

When there are five pieces
left, including the red one,

If it's your move the game
is already lost.

you mean, you played the game


but we have to play this game

and how many do I take first
to be sure

We stick hacker with the last

i...i don't know. I didn't get
that far.

we have to start somewhere!

... And maybe we can find a way
to make your idea work too.

Will three of you please come
with me?

and three for me, if you would
be so kind.

... Stick hacker with the last
five... One, please.

one plus one is two

Thank you very much.

guys! I think we did it!

we did?

yeah! There are six left!

If we take one - hacker's stuck
with the last five!

I'll get it!

I only need one of you.

How about you? Please?

let's see... Five dragons
left...i think I'll take...


[Buzz delete]
what is it, boss?

What's wrong?

there's...there's no move I can
make that will win the game.

It's over...i've lost!

[Zen master pi]
you must make your move or
forfeit the entire contest.


You three...come with me!

excellent, jax.
Will you do the honors?

aw, don't be sad. I'd take you
if I could - but I can't.

Come on, you, come with me,

[Zen master pi]
the red dragon must go to
the hacker team -

Which means jackie, matt
and inez

Have won the second game.

way to go, guys!

ummm, earlier, sorry about
the way we acted.

yeah, really.

that's cool. We all have our
own way of figuring things out.

what happened? Where did I go
wrong? How could I lose?

[Zen master pi]
the third and final game will

The winner of the contest.

our problem's bigger than just
sticking hacker

With the last five pieces.

yeah! We need to figure out how
to get to that point.

yes! Right on! That's it!

well we did it once.
Let me see the notes.

there must be other moves we
can make that take us there,

Like, like a path of some kind.

I have an idea.

if you guys don't mind,

Could you please line up side
by side?

[Red warrior]
you heard her - line up!

cool! Maybe this'll give us
a clearer picture

Of what we can do.

so what's your plan?

well...first, let's make
the game smaller.

Could six of you guys take
a break?

[Red warrior]
you, you, you, you, you
and you...rest!

thanks! That leaves nine
pieces, right? Remember,

We know we can win when there
are only five left

And it's hacker's turn.
So...what do we do?

let's play it out. Pretend I'm
hacker. Suppose I take one.

Excuse me.

that leaves eight.

Now it's our turn, and we

leaving hacker with five!

we win!

[Red warrior]
line up, men!

okay, that worked.

But what if hacker takes two,
leaving seven?

then we take two, and he's
still left with five!

and if hacker takes three?

we take one, he's stuck with
five again...and we win!

then nine is just like five!

A poison number for whoever
gets it!

poison number - sounds

it's only dangerous for
the one who gets stuck with it.

hang on, there's a pattern

The difference between five
and nine is four.

So working backwards along
jackie's path,

Four more is -- ten, eleven,
twelve, thirteen.

Thirteen must be a poison
number, too!

if thirteen is a poison number

And there are fifteen pieces
total -

Then all we need to do is take
two with our first move

And we'll win!

you got it! We just have to
make sure we go first,

That's all.


[Zen master pi]
for the third and final

There is one small change.

Instead of leaving the red
dragon for your opponent,

You must now take the red
dragon to win the game.


oh, no! We figured out
the wrong game!

don't freak - we just need
a little time.

ok, what do we know so far?

[Zen master pi]
before we begin, I wish to
offer an extra prize

To the winner of the contest.


I came to save you. My plans
kinda changed.

you're mine, you two-timing


[Zen master pi]
who wishes to go first?

um...you can go first.

oh-oh-oh, no you don't!

I'm not falling for any of your
stupid tricks. You go first!

okay. If you insist.

[Zen master pi]
let the final game begin!

good one, jax! You really
fooled hacker that time.

but we need to take the red
dragon, not leave it.

Does going first still work?

it should. Here's what
I think.

Five was poison before, right?

But now that we want
the last dragon,

That's got to change.

If it's hacker's move with only
left -

He could take them all,
including the red dragon -

And he wins. But if there are

When it's his turn...
...he can't win,

Because the most he can take is

That leaves the red dragon for

cool! Then in this game,

Is the poison number
for hacker.

and the pattern is just the
same as it was before.

Just go backwards four!


If hacker has , we can force
him to .

If he's got , we can force
him to .

So , and are all poison

In this version.

and if we take on our first
turn -

He'll be left with - and the
game's ours!

Three dragons, please?

that leaves hacker with twelve-

The first poison number!

he took three - that leaves

take one, inez, that'll leave
hacker with eight.

one it is!


this is it! We're down
to dragons.

I'm taking two, right?

right-on, mattster!

Four is the last poison number!
We've got him!

eh, excuse me, boss. Eh...


ehhh, it's your turn,
oh really smart one.

why didn't you say so?!!

Ohhh, no. No. No. No. No,
no, no!

is there a problem, boss?

it can't be! No matter what I

If I take one...
Two or three...i lose!

[Zen master pi]
hacker take your dragons!

fine! Come with me,
you big bag of wind!

hey there. It's nice to be
included, huh?

[Cheering walla]

I knew I could save them!

[Zen master pi]
well done. You are now free
to come and go as you wish

thank you, master pi.

let go of me! Stop pushing!

I'll figure out this game -

And when I do, you kids will

[Zen master pi]
unfortunately, hacker
will soon be free,

When he also learns to solve
the problem.

It is the way of our world.

ah-hem. Aren't you forgetting

Like a key to the city?

[Zen master pi]
the key is...friendship.

To you, my door is never

thank you, master pi.
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