01x07 - The Poddleville Case

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cyberchase". Aired: January 21, 2002 –; present.*
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Matt and his group of friends use gadgets and follow clues to mysteries and any other problem that comes their way.
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01x07 - The Poddleville Case

Post by bunniefuu »

Okay, there's this really
bad dude named hacker --

Hacker: thehacker, to you!

He wants to take over

The cyberworld
from motherboard.

[ Gasp ] the three kids
are sucked into cyberspace,

And they use brain power
to help save everybody.

okay, here's the plan.

So they travel
all over and run into all these

Weird creatures...and have all
of these awesome adventures.

It's totally up to them
to save cyberspace.

Can three cool kids and a wacky
bird outsmart the hacker?

Hacker: never!matt: there's only one way
to find out!

Tune in
to "cyberchase"!

♪ Cyberchase!

♪ We're movin' we're beatin'
hacker at his game

♪ Don't tell me that he's trying
to hack the motherboard

♪ We'll get him every time

♪ Cosmic worlds, freaky places
that we've seen

♪ We got the power
of one two three four!

♪ Runnin' in a cyberchase
we'll meet him face to face

♪ We'll stick together,
all the time!

♪ Adventures in cyberspace

♪ The chase is on! Just wait
and c-y-b-e-r- chase!

that's the power vault
the hacker told us about.

uh...yeah...the power vault...

Let's sneak inside and steal
the power!

[gasp] not yet, you tinhead!

We need the right powerpods
to get the vault open!

we do? Oh yeah...we
do...powerpods ...


and there's one now!

looks like an egg to me.

who cares what it looks like!
Just grab it!


[Crying] ah! My pod!


did you see that? If we take
anymore of these things,

Poddleville's gonna look like-
a pretzel!

hey, which reminds me -
I'm hungry.

[Chews, swallows and burps]

C'mon. Let's get that powerpod
thingy out of here

And back to the boss.

yeah, yeah. The power pods!



ow! I have got to get better
at landing.

I wonder where in cyberspace
we are this time.


wacky place!

yeah... With a thing
for shapes.

and they keep repeating over
and over.

Everything is so neat
and organized!

so...jane jetson meets martha

Too bad digit's not here.
We could use his help.

We need serious input from
motherboard. Motherboard!

Motherboard! Come in if you can
hear us. Come in, motherboard!

Hey! What's up with that!


seems like some sort
of pattern!

Maybe motherboard's trying
to communicate with us.

just looks like a bunch
of numbers to me.

no, check it out.

It goes - , , , , , ...
You see the pattern, right?

Oh, yeah. Sure. Piece of cake.
So the next number is...?

come on, we've got to figure
out what we're supposed to do!

wait a second! It might
be a clue.

Add the first two numbers
to get the next one.

Plus equals , plus
equals ...

and... Plus equals ,
plus equals ...

Five plus equals -

I got it! Plus equals !

motherboard! What's going
on? Where are we?

you are in poddleville -
the world of the poddles.

Poddles! [Giggle] cute name!

There is...trouble in...trouble

There is trouble
in poddleville.

Both buzz and delete
are stealing pods!

stealing pods? But what
are pods?

hacker is after poddleville's

With all that extra energy...

Hacker can destroy their

I'm relying on you three
to stop him!


yikes! Did we do that?

no way! Something bigger than
us is messing up this world!

and the poddles could become

If we don't do something quick!

[evil laugh] that's
all the information

Those nosy little kids
are going to get.

soon poddleville will be mine!
[Evil laughter]

Now where was i?

Oh yes, being wonderfully

too weird! The poddles
are the same shapes

As their houses.

you mean the same shapes their
houses used to be.

Whatever. I still think they're


what's the deal here? The best
decorator wins?

no, I think it's a secret code
to open the gate.

then we'd better figure
it out and get inside.

It's the only way to find
out what's going on!

maybe not the only way.

Adventure girl will now scope
things out...

I think I know it! I saw them
use a square and a triangle.

Let's see.

Whoa! What's up with that?

I put in the same shapes they

yeah, but it didn't work, did

[sigh] where's jackie?
She's good at this stuff!


nope. We're on our own here.

let me try these in another

That didn't work either!

hmmm. Triangle, square, circle,
circle, triangle, square,

Circle...[Gasp] did you hear

what? That crazy xylophone?

no, listen.

triangle, square, circle,
circle, triangle,

Square, circle...

...circle! The shapes repeat!
It's a pattern!

So, the next two tiles should

...a circle and a triangle.

yes! We did it!

we did it!

come on, jackie!

hey, wait for me!

ah, it's those lousy kids

Well, they're not gonna
outsmart us this time!


[Mayor poddle]
your attention please. Poddles,

You all know why I've called
you here.

It's about the key
to our cyberpower.


Hey, check this out. There are
pods in here,

And they're all numbered
and colored!

alright stand still. Move

You're not close enough
to the - ow! Ow! Ow! Gee!

Next time, you're going over

[Mayor poddle]
poddleville, we must unite.
An evil force is twisting

Our landscape, contorting
our houses, and most horribly -

Our precious powerpods
are being stolen.


how horrible. Why would anyone
want to steal you?

[evil laughter]

[Mayor poddle]
no not again!!! There's a thief
in our midst!

Find him before we lose
all our power

And are twisted into

[Poddle in crowd]
one, two, three, four!
All pods accounted for.

[Mother poddle]
one, two... [Gasps!] Oh no!
They got our darling three!

Three has been stolen!

[Father poddle]
fivesie...our five is gone!

oh, no!

[Mother poddle]
she took them!
She has our pods!

no! No! It's not what
you think!

[Mayor poddle]
aliens! Aliens have landed!

[Voices in the crowd]
catch the pod poachers!



still think they're cute?

[gulp] nope...

[evil laughter] lovely, lovely,
twisted shapes!

Oh, I do enjoy making a mess
of things! [Laugh]

here's the powerpods
you wanted, boss!

yeah...just like you said...

you pixel brains! I didn't want
you to bring me the eggs...

it was the kids...


they distracted us.

the kids are still here???!!!!

yeah, but we fixed 'em. They're
all locked up.

wonderful. Now put those eggs
where they go.


you do remember where the eggs
go, don't you?

uh, yeah sure, boss! Sure!

where do they go?

um, the closet?

No, you dunderhead!

oh. Oh, yeah! The cyberpower
reactor vault.

That's right. You need the eggs
to unlock the vault,

So what are you going to do?

um...take them to uh...


after you.

no, after you.

uh please, after you.

you idiots!

uh yeahyeahyeahyeah,
we-we're on our way.

yeah - like him.

Since we don't have the pods,

Giving them back is going
to be a bit of a problem.

I can't believe they think
I stole that pod!

Do I look like a pod stealer?


knock it off, matt.

we've got to bust out of here
and save poddleville!

what we've got to do is think.

Now, hacker's been stealing
the pods. So we've got to get

The pods back or they'll keep
us here 'til we rot.

[gasp] y-you hear that?


shhhhh...i think the sound came
from behind this...




a poddling! I thought
you all hated us.

not me! You see, I know you're

You were holding a number
two pod,

But it was numbers three
and five that were taken.

that's right.

they don't take number
two pods.

but how do you know?

I've been keeping a record.

a record! Perfect!

Maybe now we can figure out
exactly what hacker is up to.

Tell us everything you know.

these are the numbers that have
been stolen so far:

Squares - , , , , , .

Triangles - , , , , .

Circles - , , , , , .

oh, man. This is worse than
I imagined! So many pods!

without them, our whole world
will be destroyed.

don't worry, we'll get
'em back.

we have to get out of here!

hmmm. But what does all this
tell us?

it tells us we have to help
those poor poddle people.

if only motherboard could have
given us more information.

Come in, motherboard. Can you
hear us? Motherboard...

Can you hear us?

the power is in the pattern...

we're having a little trouble
hearing you, motherboard.

the power is in the pattern...
The power is in the pattern...

she's gone!

the power's
in the... The pattern?!

could she be telling us to look
for a pattern

In the pods that were stolen?

yes! If you know the pattern,
then you know what comes next.

So, maybe if we check out which
pods hacker's got,

We can figure out what
he's going to do next!



we could use your help over
here, jackie.

you think! I'm going to find
another way out. Whoa! Oof!

[sighs] , , , , , ...

Well, to start with, they're
all odd numbers!

good one, inez! And they've got
six numbers from the squares,

And , , from the circles
and , , ...

Only five from the triangles!?

is there ever a number pod?

no. They only go up to number

so, they're missing one odd
triangle pod...but which one?

wait a second...what if we put
them all in numerical order...

This cyberboard is cool.

ah-ha! There it is...
Or rather, there it isn't!

there what isn't?

the missing pod! Triangle !

so... Triangle is the only
odd-numbered pod

They don't have...and maybe
without that pod...

...they can't get the power!

yes! Yes! We did it!


okay! There's only one way
to find out

If we're right about this...
This is what we have to do...

oww! My body wasn't designed
to be a triangle!

yeah, you and your big ideas,

give me a break. Being a pod
is no picnic either!

hang on, will yas.

[grunting] uh! Aah! Here.

are you sure this is right?

hey, the boss said,
put the pods in the power ports

And the vault will open.

he must know something
we don't.

buzz! Delete! Do you hear me?
Did you get all of the eggs?

er...yeah yeah yeah, boss. Uh,
loads of 'em.

Uh, all the odd ones of each
kind like what you said...yeah.

If you ask me, this whole place
is odd...woah!

ow! Oh, darn it.

I hear that! You two haven't
got a clue, have you?!

uh, sure we do -
uh, we got lots of clues...

aaaaarggghhh!!! Last time
I checked you cyberstooges

Didn't have a triangle egg.

do you have a triangle one now?

no triangle one here, boss.

yeah, of course we do! Uh, like
I said we've got all the pods!

Don't worry, boss, it won't
be long now!

it better not be.

any sign of them?

not yet, inez.

wait! There they are!

I can't believe we gotta find

Another one of them pesky

pretend we don't see them!

quick! Let's see what's in that

aww, too bad. It's a triangle

hey, wait a minute!


that's exactly the pod we need!

you sure?

yeah. Come on.

quick! After them!

[Police poddle]
the aliens! They've escaped!

[Police poddle]
capture them!

uh, oh! Here comes trouble!

look, we can't get away from

You'll have to find jackie
on your own.


use this to stay in touch!

And whatever you do - find

ugh. Take it easy.

aah. Watch it, mister.

I can't believe we're back
in jail.

oh man, I hope they find me.

hello? Hello? Hello?



I think I can make it. Nghh!

hello, poddling! Can you hear

yes! The thieves who stole
jackie -

They're going into
the cyberpower vault building.

just as we thought - they're
after the poddles' cyberpower!

you've got to go in there,

but...but I'm not allowed
in the vault building.

None of us are.

you have to go! Not just
for jackie -

The whole future of poddleville
depends on you!

the future of poddleville...
Depends on me?


alright, let's try this one.


help me pick it up.


Boy, it sure didn't like that
pod! You try something.

oh boy. Oh boy.

yes! It worked! Why'd it work?

I dunno. Just keep stuffing
'em in.

but we've spent forever just
getting two pods in.

I mean, gee, this could
go on forever.

I thought you said you were
almost finished.

oh, I think we are.

as usual, the brilliant,
evil master-mind

Must do all the work. Now let's
crack this code...

[gasp] oh, it's you!


is there another way
into the vault?

there's a back door,

But it's also protected
by a pod lock.

quick! Grab one of everything
they've got and let's go!

We've got to solve the pattern
before they do and beat them

Into the vault! They got two
pods in just by guessing...

That gives us a start.

go keep an eye on them while
I try to figure this thing out.

now my nattering numbskulls -
observe the master!

yeah, excellent. Brilliant,
boss, brilliant!

Yeah, it's dumb luck, really.

they've got another one!

what do they have now?

it's a triangle , but I think
it was just a lucky guess.

alright, now what's
the pattern? ...

Let me see... , , ...

I get it! I get it!

The pattern is odd numbers
going down from .

So, the next number should
be a ! Hand me a !

It worked!


, , , ... So the next
number has got to be...

Oh no! It didn't work! So what
is the pattern?

all right, boss!

all right, boss!

oh no! They're catching up!
We need help on this.

matt! Inez!

...can you hear me?

jackie! Yes, we can hear you.

I need your help figuring out
the pattern

For the lock on the vault.

what's the pattern so far?

I've got an , , , .

it sounds like odd numbers.

...in descending order, I know.
But when I tried a ,

It didn't work.


she told us the numbers,
but what about the shapes?

you're right, matt! Jackie!

What are the shapes?

okay, the shapes go square,
circle, triangle, square.

Wait a minute! Maybe
it's a double pattern.

Numbers and shapes! And if it's
a double pattern...

..the next one should be a...

...circle ?


Yes! Hooray! We got it going!


matt! Inez! It worked!
It is a double pattern!

alright, you're the boss,
you're the boss.

ha ha, boss!

oh no! It sounds like they
got another one!

We just need one more pod.
It's got to be a ...

And it's got to be a square,
circle, triangle, square,

Circle... Triangle! We need
a triangle !

Do they have one?

Of course they don't have one!
I was disguised as a triangle

- That's why they kidnapped me!

Oh man... What are we gonna do?

If we go out to find a triangle
, we may get caught.

no! We can't get caught!

wait a minute...you're
a triangle!

And you're a number one. Maybe
you'll work...?


way to go!

yeah, boss, yeah. Get down.

oh I am so goood...only one
more egg to go...and it's a .

Hand me the egg, please...

I'm not so sure about this...

come on! It's our only chance.

the egg, please.

take a deep breath and suck
it in!

we're in!

you idiots!!!
Where is the triangle ?

i-tt was right here boss.



sorry to ruin your day, hacker,
but the power's in the pattern!

And in this case, it's a double

oh, oh! We hate this part!


I'll be baaaaaack!

better luck next time!

[Mayor poddle]
thanks to you, order has been
restored to poddleville.

Our world has been straightened
out and our powerpods

Are safe and sound. Come back

and make it soon, okay?
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