01x06 - Zeus on the Loose

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cyberchase". Aired: January 21, 2002 –; present.*
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Matt and his group of friends use gadgets and follow clues to mysteries and any other problem that comes their way.
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01x06 - Zeus on the Loose

Post by bunniefuu »

Okay, there's this really
bad dude named hacker --

Hacker: thehacker, to you!

He wants to take over

The cyberworld
from motherboard.

[ Gasp ] the three kids
are sucked into cyberspace,

And they use brain power
to help save everybody.

okay, here's the plan.

So they travel
all over and run into all these

Weird creatures...and have all
of these awesome adventures.

It's totally up to them
to save cyberspace.

Can three cool kids and a wacky
bird outsmart the hacker?

Hacker: never!matt: there's only one way
to find out!

Tune in
to "cyberchase"!

Ng ♪

♪ We're beating hacker
at his game! ♪

♪ Don't tell me that he's trying
to hack the mother board ♪

♪ We'll get him every time

♪ Cosmic worlds, freaky places
that we've seen ♪

♪ We got the power
of one two three four! ♪

♪ Runnin' in a cyberchase
we'll meet him face to face ♪

♪ We'll stick together,
all the time! ♪

♪ Adventures in cyberspace

♪ The chase is on! Just wait
and c-y-b-e-r- chase! ♪

faster! Faster! Hacker's
catching up! Whoaoaoa....

hang on!


hand over that box!

no way, hacker!

I'll get it, boss!

hold on, mattster!

Oh no! Whoa! Whao!


don't let go, matt!

oh, no! They've got pandora's

now that the ultimate source
of evil is mine,

There will be only one power
in cyberspace: the hacker!

[Evil laugh]

this is not good. This is not
good at all.

[Gasps and wild walla]

whoa! What's happening at mount

you have failed me!

we uh...we're really sorry,
mr. Zeus,

King of the gods, sir.

if hacker unleashes
the contents of that box,

No one will survive!

b-b-but, we were just trying
to help motherboard.

yeah, really. After hacker
stole the box from pandora -

Then we got it away from hacker
- but then -


excuse me. But perhaps
if you gave us a second chance

We could retrieve the box
for you.

a second chance? Hmmmm...

A task or two might be
in order.

Listen carefully.

beasts and fates can set you
free -

When you divide the shares

Find my cave, survive the rain-

A second chance is yours
to gain! [Wild laughter]

we asked for a second chance,
not a riddle. That is not fair.

I think it's cool! It's like
when hercules had to overcome

All those challenges. I love
this greek mythology stuff!

matt, this is no time
to collect souvenirs!

aw, chill out, inez. Maybe this
thunderbolt has special powers.

come on, we've got to find
zeus' cave and...

What else did he say?

"beasts and fates can set
you free...

"when you divide the shares

Hm - whatever that means.


well, we are looking for
a cave.

yeah, but there are four
of 'em!

Which one do we check
out first?

I know! There are four of us -
and four caves. Let's split up.

don't you guys ever watch
horror movies?

When you split up, that's

[Slashing sound]... Happens!

why don't we just choose one
and check it out together?

okay. I chooooooose...
That one! I'm goin' in!

um, it's awful dark in here.

look - a laurel wreath.
How does it look?


really? How about now?

it's ugly, too!

hey, it's just a wreath!
What's the big deal?




oh, no! We're trapped!

and about to be eaten
by a minotaur!

the most famous beast in greek

over here! If we can just find
a way to make this hole bigger

- We can escape!

it's doable.



the minotaur! Hurry, didge!


follow me!



oh noooooooo...!!!



oooh, lookee here.
We've got visitors.

Whoaaaaaa...!!! Ummff!

who are they, clotho?

And digit.

They're looking for zeus' cave.

how do you know all that?

they're the three fates.

Three sisters who determine
our destiny.

the fates! They're part
of the riddle!

I'm clotho. I spin your thread
of life.

I'm lachesis.

I decide what will happen
during your lifetime.

and I'm atropos.

I cut the thread when your time
is up.

and I'm outa here!

On the other hand, heh heh,
maybe I'm not.

sorry we dropped in like this,
but we need directions

To zeus' cave.

we're fortune tellers, buster,
not tour guides.

then just show us where your
door is,

We'll find the cave ourselves.

there is no door.

but we have to get out of here!
There has to be a door!

give us a gift and we'll show
you the way. Promise.

where are we going to get
a gift?

maybe there's a mythological

look, girls. Isn't this wreath
simply magnificent?

oh, yes! I do love laurel.

me, too. I want it!

mine!/ I want it!/My turn!/

stop! Lives are at stake here!


time out! Why don't we just
split the wreath

Into three pieces? One share
for each of you.

ma-att! If you cut it -
it won't be a wreath anymore.

so? They can wear the pieces
as pins or something.

sounds like a plan to me.

as long as her piece
isn't bigger than mine.

no problem. We just - divide -
the - wreath into three -

Equal pieces. Except I can't
fold it - it's too stiff!

I have an idea! You have any
extra thread?

oh, I love when I do that!

it's a lot easier to fold
thread into equal pieces

Than it is a wreath.

there! Can we borrow your

sorry, I only do life threads.

I got it covered!

great! Now I can divide
the wreath into thirds.

beak it, didge!

one third, two thirds,
and three thirds!

three equal pieces!

here you go. Three equal shares
of wreath.

Count 'em, measure 'em,
they're all the same size.

one third for you - one third
for you -

And one third for you.

oh, very nice! So pretty!
Sweetie, you look gorgeous!

ach-achem. The door?

The door?

you want me tell your father

You didn't live up to your

no, no, no, no. No need
to bring zeus into this.

right. Absolutely.

one door - as promised!

boy, it's a good thing matt
knows this mythology stuff.

see how delicate and innocent
pandora's box appears?

well, don't be fooled,
my ignorant ignorami.

what's in it, boss? Yeah, what?

oh, just a swarming cloud
of envy and disease,

Death and destruction -
wickedness and misfortune!

And there's nothing motherboard
can do to stop it! [Laughter]

open the box! Yeah, yeah.
Open the box!...

cheer up, guys, we're making

Remember what zeus said?

"Beasts and fates can set you

Well, the fates just did that -
they set us free!

exactly! And we "divided the
shares equally" when we took

The whole wreath and broke
it up into three equal parts!

but what about the rest
of the riddle?

"Find my cave, survive
the rain, a second chance

Is yours to gain." What's that
supposed to mean?

I give up. This is too hard.

"victory belongs to the most

Napoleon bonaparte.

definition, please?

it means we can't give
up trying to solve the riddle

No matter how difficult
it might seem.



don't worry, I know how
to escape!

we hide under the sheep...
So cyclops can't see us,

And we ride 'em out of here.

ew-ew-and double ew! There
is no way I'm doing that.

Sheep smell, and wool makes
me itchy!


then again, I can deal with
itchy. Giddyup, sheepy!

[Sniff sniff]

now then... As I carefully
remove this lid,

You will see enough chaos
inside to cr*pple cyberspace

And stop motherboard forever!

Uhh! Ahhh! Rrrr!

c'mon, boss, open the box -
let's see what's inside!

ahh! Oof.


hmm..looks like we lost cyclops
way back there somewhere.

we've got to find zeus' cave
or we'll never get

A second chance to get
pandora's box back!

"victory belongs to the most

that's 'persevering', didge,
not perspiring.

okay, we'll go.

But first I need to de-lint
from our sheep ride.

come on, jax, it wasn't that

yes it was. And now we stink!

[sniffing] it's not us -
it's... It's these rocks.


I wonder what these things are?


somebody say something?

you're standing on my toes!

wow! Atlas!

he's holding up the sky because
zeus is punishing him!

we're lucky. We only have
to solve a riddle.

get off my toes - [laughing]
you're tickling me!

You want me to drop this?

okay, okay, we're going.



d-d-d-d-dogs! M-m-m-m-monster!

I take it back. We're staying.

Unless you help us get rid
of that carnivorous canine.

feed him apples from that tree

And you'll have time to get

but feed each head exactly
the same amount -

Or they'll eat you.

but we only have two apples!

so, how do we share two apples
equally with three heads?



great! It's not enough
I'm holding up the sky -

Now I have a three-headed dog
on my foot!

up the tree! Guys, hurry!

okay, here's the plan.

We slice the two apples into
equal shares -

Just like we did the wreath.

so how many pieces do we need?

well, if we only had one apple,

We'd cut it into three equal
pieces. One for each head.

yeah, but we have two apples!

wellll, we could cut each apple
into three equal pieces.

I suppose that's one way
to look at it.

just cut the apples, will'ya?

Yoikes! Step lively, kiddlies!

we better double check
this idea on the skwak pad

To make sure the dog just eats
the apples - and not us.

okay, here's what we have:
two apples...

And here's who we need to share
them with: three heads.

uh...you think you could put
a line between 'em

So i...don't get confused?

no problem!

cool! It's like a fraction!
Two apples over three heads.

it is a fraction!

it is?

sure! The top number shows you
what you've got to share,

And the bottom number shows you
how many ways

You have to share it.

Look! We divide the first apple
into three parts...

And each head gets one-third.

I see where you're going. Then
we split the second apple

Into thirds and give each head
another third!

that's it! The number two
thirds is the answer

To our sharing problem.

Each head gets two-thirds
of an apple!

beak 'em, didge!

perfectly equal pieces!

hey, what did you expect?!


two-thirds for you, two-thirds
for you,

And two-thirds for you.

um, hello? Didn't you forget

what's that?

to leave while the dog
was eating!


let's bail, guys!



man, look at all these sticks!

now what?

open the box! Open the box!...

those pesky kids must have done
something to this!!

doh! Ohhhhh! Ow.

over there!

zeus' cave! It's got
a thunderbolt on it! Let's go!

what's that?


I hate snakes!

ahhhhh!!! I can't swim!

[gasping] somebody help me!



faster! We're almost there!

how do we reach the cave now?!

maybe we can take that boat
across. Come on!

pan, you are a goat-headed

pin, you are a fool-headed

I want my fair share
of the gold -

Or my share of the boat!

sorry to butt in like this,

But we need a ride across
the river.

sorry, we're out of business!

what is the problem here?

the problem? You want to know
what the problem is? Heh!

You tell her.

you see all this gold? Half
is mine - and half is his.

and when we try to split
it up one piece for you,

One piece for me - there's
always one piece left over.

Give it to me!

hold onto your horns! I count
fifteen here -

I don't know how to share
fifteen either.

hmmm... Maybe we can!

but tha-that thing with the big
beak just said we can't!

here's an idea. Will you take
us across to the cave

If we help you divide the gold

oh and here's an idea for you!
If you can't...[Growl]


that was awesome!

listen, goatman.

Do you realize my friends here
have the power

To give you both an equal share
of gold? Huh?

okay, you have a deal.

heh, start the sharing!

okay. This one looks like
a whole bar of gold.

Maybe all these smaller ones
are parts of a whole bar.

You follow me?

Uh, right! Yeah, we knew that!

so let's start by separating
the different size pieces.

try putting the bars in rows -
largest to smallest.

hey, look at that?!

Two of these bars are the same
as the one big bar.

which means each smaller bar
is one-half of the whole bar.

and four of these bars also
equal one big bar.

[Pin & pan]

so each of these is one-fourth
of the whole bar.

and it looks like it takes,

Uh, eight of this size bar
to equal the whole bar.

which means, uh, each one
of these bars

Must be one-eighth of the whole

so how do we share them?

simple! You get the whole

hey! What about me?

and you get the two half bars -
the same as one whole bar.

aha, uh, that's better.

now you get the four quarter
bars -

Because four quarters is also
the same as a whole.

and you get all eight
of the one-eighth bars because,

Um, because...


because eight-eighths
is the same as a whole!

[Pin & pan]
hooray - equal shares of gold!

but your shares...you just...

it doesn't matter!
We're friends again.

and we can divide our gold
up anytime we want -

Now that we know how to do it.

I hate to rain on your parade -
but it's raining on ours.

Can you take us to zeus' cave

quick! Before the cave fills
with water!


cool! This is definitely
the right cave!

I don't get it - we followed
the riddle.

We saw lots of beasts -
the fates set us free...

and we "divided shares equally"
when we shared

The laurel wreath, the apples,
and the gold bars!

right! And we found this cave,
and survived the rain...

So where's our second chance?

where is it, zeusie?

we must be missing something.

we're not - but zeus is! Look!
His thunderbolt is missing!

no, it's not! I've got
the pieces right here!

one for you...one for you...
And one for me.

and one whole thunderbolt
for zeus!

guess what, guys? We found
our portal!

what about pandora's box?

[Zeus statue]


um, am I having a moment,
or did that statue just speak?

there is something you should
know. Observe! [Laughing]

and now, my malevolent

it's time for chaos and evil

To rip through cyberspace.
Behold! [Laugh]

[Tinkly ballet tune].

oh, that's cute, boss,

But, uh, where's all the hate
and misfortune and...?

yeah, and the destruction.
Where's that?

you fools! Don't you see?
Someone switched boxes!!!

But they'll pay, oh yes...
They'll pay for this!!!

but we didn't switch any boxes.


you knew all along he had
the wrong box, didn't you?

and you made us solve your
riddle for nothing!

for nothing? Hardly! You asked
for a second chance

To prove yourselves, and that
you did.

like hercules, you proved your
willingness to face your fears

And overcome obstacles.

You proved your resolve to
defeat hacker at all costs.

I am satisfied.

does motherboard know about

she does now.

You're free to go.

come on, guys. Let's go home!

see'ya, didge.

you know, zeusie, I know you're
into punishing and challenging

And all that stuff - but wasn't
this kind of a mean trick?

the name is zeus - not zeusie!


Zeus' roaring laughter...
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