01x05 - Sensible Flats

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cyberchase". Aired: January 21, 2002 –; present.*
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Matt and his group of friends use gadgets and follow clues to mysteries and any other problem that comes their way.
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01x05 - Sensible Flats

Post by bunniefuu »

Okay, there's this really
bad dude named hacker --

Hacker: thehacker, to you!

He wants to take over

The cyberworld
from motherboard.

[ Gasp ] the three kids
are sucked into cyberspace,

And they use brain power
to help save everybody.

okay, here's the plan.

So they travel
all over and run into all these

Weird creatures...and have all
of these awesome adventures.

It's totally up to them
to save cyberspace.

Can three cool kids and a wacky
bird outsmart the hacker?

Hacker: never!matt: there's only one way
to find out!

Tune in
to "cyberchase"!

♪ We're movin' we're beatin'
hacker at his game ♪

♪ Don't tell me that he's trying
to hack the motherboard ♪

♪ We'll get him every time

♪ Cosmic worlds, freaky places
that we've seen ♪

♪ We got the power
of one two three four! ♪

♪ Runnin' in a cyberchase
we'll meet him face to face ♪

♪ We'll stick together,
all the time! ♪

♪ Adventures in cyberspace

♪ The chase is on! Just wait
and c-y-b-e-r- chase! ♪

a majestic sight, isn't it?

my turn! My turn!/Get your
elbow out of my eye.

Move!/You move!

that, my contemptible

...is where I'm going to build
my new home away from home.

but, boss, what's wrong with
this place?

can't you see we need more

More room to flex our evil

even villains deserve
a vacation home.

[Delete/buzz ]
is it gonna have a hot tub,

enough land for a hot tub,
sauna, you name it!

Charge me up, boys, I need
a whole day's worth of power!

ha. Ready, boss?

we got us a land rush to go to!

listen up, cowboys!

This here race is for the last
available land

In sensible flats.

Find a spot you like in your
area of land,

And that's all yours, free
and clear!

hurry up, you leadfooted

The race is about to start.

all set, boss.

yeah, we're ready to go!

this here land rush has only
one rule.

See judge trudy's parcel over

No one claims a piece of land
any bigger than that!

Hereabouts, no one gets more
land area than the judge.


That means nobody!

On your mark...get set...

[evil chuckles]


why, that no good cyber

♪ "where all the land...

♪ Where all the land will
someday be minnnnne..." ♪

hey, boss! It'd be a lot easier
to build a fence

If your land was square instead
of all crooked-like.

yeah! The sides make a funny

It goes left - it goes right -
it's all over the place!

I like it that way! Chaos
is king!

Ahhh, yes
I can see it now.

French doors here...koi pond
there... Ah!

don't start decoratin' yet,

Get down from there! Yer under

arrest? Moi? Ha!

For what, owning the fastest
wagon in the west?

That's not against the law.

nope. But breakin' the rules

You took a bigger piece of land
than you were allowed.

excuse me!?

Are you saying the illustrious
hacker is a cheat?

Do you have any idea who I am,
you ill-proportioned dustmop!?

yep. The low down rascal
who took himself

A spread waaaaay bigger than
judge trudy's!

bigger? Nonsense! Any fool can
see it's not bigger.

I should report you to judge

[Judge trudy]
I am judge trudy!

[Sheriff judy]
and I'm sheriff judy!

wait! You can't do this! This
is an outrage!

Yeah! Yeah! We're comin',
boss! We'll save you!

[Sheriff judy]
don't even think about it!

this should make a cool
birthday present for my dad,

Don't you think?

if you like stuff from the year

c'mon, jackie, it'll look a lot
better after we paint it.

it says there's enough paint
to cover an area

Of twelve square feet.

you think that's enough
to paint the whole table?

don't look at me. I just carry

good news, earthlies!

what's up, didge?

the hacker's in jail!

Hacker's in jail???

yep. The sheriff of sensible

Has him locked up tight
as a drum.

Looks like we won't have
to worry about him

For a long, long time.

motherboard must really
be excited.

motherboard doesn't even know

The virus has made her so weak,
she's in sleep mode.

time out!

I think we're missing a big
chance to help motherboard!

we are?

maybe we can make a deal with
hacker -

His freedom in exchange
for the antidote

To the virus he gave

are you kidding? Set hacker

I could get into a lot
of trouble for that.

find us a portal, didge - you
can do it!

no I can't! Only motherboard
can do that -

Unless, well, maybe there's
one ready to go

Somewhere around here.

find it! This could be our last
chance to fix motherboard.

I don't know. What
if it doesn't work?

What if it does? Okay I'll see
if I can find one.

cyberposse...move out!

freaky! We must be the only
living things for miles.


I thought it was time to start
a scrapbook of our adventures -

And this one should be a doozy!

will you look at my hair?! Give
us a warning next time, okay?

[Gasp!] W-w-what's that?

I never knew one buffalo could
make the ground shake so much.

not one - it's a whole herd!


phew, that was close!

how far away is town?

a long way... Thataway! Trial's
today at three.

three o'clock?! How are we
going to get there in time?

hang on. I think our bus
is here.

can we get a ride? Mister?

Aaah!!! First a stampede - now
a skeleton. What's next?

awesome. A real conestoga

didn't they call them 'prairie

uh huh. 'Cause they look like
they sail the prairie.

wish we could sail out of here
right now.

that's it! Jax just gave
me an idea!

what are you looking for?

our ticket to ride.

And I just found it.

boy, you earth-guys are weird.
How do you ride a bedframe?

we don't. We use the frame
and those square banners

To make a sail. And then attach
it to the wagon -

and we're off! What a cool

with this wind, we'll
be in town in no time!

oooh! Here's some sewing stuff
we can use

To sew the banners together!

wait! Before we start sewing,
we better make sure we have

Enough banners to cover
the whole area

Inside the frame.

hmmm. Laying these out like
this ought to let us know

If they'll cover it.



I've been framed! Railroaded!

I'm innocent, I tell you -

Yeow! I hate spiders!
And I hate judge trudy!

eh eh eh! Careful what you say
about judge trudy, sonny -

'Specially on the day
of yer trial.

but I haven't done anything

...at least not here.

ah, that's whut I said -
years ago.

you've been here years?

yep! Just another to go.

let's see, plus ... That's

I can't be here seventy-five
years -

I've got all of cyberspace
to conquer!

Besides, I'm due
for a recharge!

hey, boss! Over here!

the wreaker's ready
to go, boss.

yeah, it's ready. You ready?

am I ready? Am I ready?!
I'm in jail, you bucketheads!

Will someone please tell me
what I've done to deserve this?

well, let's see. Ah, you've
ruined twelve cybersites,

Downloaded a virus into

kidnapped dr. Marbles -

I have three words for you
half-baked backups!

Get...me...out of here!

um...i think that's five words,


they call this mound
of macerated mush...lunch?!

nope [gulp], they call
it our rations for the week!

for the week? I'm a super

How do they expect
me to survive?!

[Sheriff judy]
you got visitors, hacker.

you! Get out of my sight,
you sniveling small fries!

[Sheriff judy]
make it quick. Trial's in one

we're here to make a deal,

I don't make deals.

suppose we can get you out
of here?

I'll make an exception.

You get me out -
I'll do anything you want.



is there an echo in here?
Yes, anything!

give us the antidote for
the virus infecting motherboard

And we'll ask judge trudy
to let you go.

are you mad? That would ruin
all my plans

For total domination
of cyberspace! Never...never!!!

oh well, at least we tried.

way I understand it...

That's judge trudy's land...

That's hacker's...

And that's everybody else's.

hey, hacker's land is does look
bigger than judge trudy's.

can I see those glasses
for a sec?

this is not good. This is not
good at all.

what?! What's not good?!

I don't think hacker's land
is bigger -

I think hacker's land
and the judge's land

Have the same area.

that's even worse! If hacker's
innocent -

He has no reason to make a deal
with us!

you hear that?

Those bratty kids think
the boss is innocent.

that's a good one. Ha.
Let's keep an eye on 'em.

I didn't say for sure he's
innocent -

It just looks like his land's
not any bigger

Than judge trudy's.

if inez is right, you can't
put somebody in jail

For something they didn't do -

Even a lowlife piece
of cyberlint like hacker!

maybe so, but there's no way
I'm helping that crook -

Not after he's already turned
us down! No, uh uh. Not me.

hold on, there's got
to be a way to find out

Which is bigger.

I've got it! We'll check
the area of each one.

If we divide the land into same
size squares,

All we have to do is count

The bigger area will have more

if they have the same amount
of square,

They're the same size.

but if hacker's has more

Then he's the dirty

And we're back in business!

we can use our bandanas
to figure out the square feet.

[Giggle] c'mon, guys, hand
'em over.

oh but they look so cool!

So perfect for our old west

and so small! It'll take
forever to cover all that land

With these little squares!
We need much bigger squares!

have no fear - the didge
is here!

finding these tarps in that
gold mine

Was sheer genius, didge.

I think we're being watched.

the least they could
do is help.

It's their boss we might
be saving!

what are they up to now?

I don't know. I am pretending
not to look.

whoo! This is hard work.

There's got to be an easier

yeah, leave hacker in jail!

wait! Maybe we don't have
to cover

The entire piece of land with
these tarps.

You see what I see?


I see that the distance between
the fenceposts is the same

As one side of one tarp.

how does that help us know how
many tarps we need

To cover judge trudy's land?


[gasp!] Whoa!



they are so in the way!

maybe, but that lasso looks
just like a grid line.

and your point is...?

there is another way to mark
off squares on the land -

With ropes! Let's imagine those
bozos tied ropes

Between all the fenceposts.

check it out! The ropes form
a grid of square spaces!

and since the squares
are the exact same size

As the tarps...!

we don't have to cover judge
trudy's land with tarps

To measure it.

We can just count the squares
in the grid to get the area!

[Jackie] [sing-songy]
oh, buz-zy...de-le-ete...



didge, count the squares.

and hurry, we're running out
of time!

we'll double-check the count
on the skwak pad.

Top row first.

- - - - .


second row: - - - - .


third row: - - - -

fifteen squares!

that's what I got, too!

tumblin' tumbleweeds!
I just realized something -

We could've multiplied,

now you tell me?

yeah! If we take the length...
Which is tarps long.

And the width, which is tarps

I got it! If you multiply
times , we get fifteen again.

hang on, hang on! You're
tellin' me if you multiply

How long it is by how wide
it is,

You get how many squares there

cool, huh? Length times width
always gives you

The area of a rectangle -
it's just like

Counting the squares
one-by-one. Only faster!

now all we just have
to calculate

The number of squares
on hacker's land -

Then we'll know if his land
is bigger - or smaller!

which way would you prefer?

Length times width -
or counting squares?


[Sheriff judy]
hacker's spread's bigger'n mah

Sure as I'm polishin' off this

well uh, sheriff, actually,

I wouldn't be so sure
it is bigger if I were you.

[Sheriff judy]

[Judge trudy]
whose side are you on, anyway?!

well, we uh...i guess we're
on the side of justice.

Aren't you, judge?

[Judge trudy]
you got me there, young lady.

But the law's the law. Show
me hacker's innocent -

And I'll let the varmint
go. But I doubt it.

[Sheriff judy]
trial starts in ten minutes.
Let's go, sis.

what now? If hacker stays in

We'll never get the antidote
to motherboard's virus.

[Sheriff judy]
court is now in session.

All rise for judge trudy!

[Judge trudy]
be seated.

[Sheriff judy]
the case of sensible flats
versus hieronymous hacker.

[Judge trudy]
where's yer defense counsel?

judge, I wanted to bring
the very best into your court -

A lawyer with keen insight
and untold knowledge.

So, without further adieu...

c'est moi.

Imagine this is your lovely,
valuable piece of land.

And this simple, worthless
outline is mine.

An area, mind you, no bigger
than yours.

[Judge trudy]
prove it!

prove it? All you have to do
is look at the two parcels!

A donkey could tell
the difference.

[Judge trudy]
who you callin' a donkey?!

Lookee here, my land's a nice
neat rectangle -

Sides all even - easy to see
how big it is.

Yours has this pointy thing
here -

And sides that's angled all

No way you can prove to me that
they're the same size!

So, I hereby sentence you to-

wait! I...i... I'd like
a recess!

[Judge trudy]
potty break! Court resumes
in five minutes!

you told me those two pieces
of land are the same size!

they are. Exactly!

prove it!

under one condition. Give
us the anti-virus code!

the antidote?

the antidote!

is there a second choice?

okay. Recess is over.

wait, stop! I'll do it! There!
Now get me out of here!

not so fast. First we program
it into motherboard.

See if it works.

hang onto your hard drive,
mother b,

Some big medicine's coming your

there! That should do it.

how you feeling now,

ohhh...much better!
Best I've felt in eons!

enough! You're going to make
me cry!

Now tell me how you're going
to prove I'm innocent.

the evidence, please.

we had the same problem you
did, judge.

how do you measure the area
of an irregular shape?

One that's not a square
or a rectangle?

Grids just don't fit.

[Judge trudy]
got me stumped.

us, too. Till we realized that
we could turn hacker's shape

Into a regular shape.
Check it out.

Here's a photo of mr. Hacker's
land with a grid on it.

the outline sort of looks like
a house.

But it's not very regular,
is it.

but look closely and you'll see
that it's made up

Of regular shapes we all know.
See? Squares and triangles.

[Judge trudy]
mm hmm. I can see that.

but if I cut off this triangle
on top of the house...

he's destroying the evidence!

[Judge trudy]
pipe down! Carry on.

and then I stick the triangle
down here and finish

This square. It makes a new
square on the third row.

[Sheriff judy]
hey! Yer rearranging the shape
of hacker's land!

That legal, trudy?

cutting and moving a piece
doesn't change

The total amount of area -

So long as we put it back
somewhere. Right, judge?

[Judge trudy]
sounds right to me.

okay. Next, I cut out these two

[Sheriff judy]
if that don't beat all!

wait! It gets better. Now matt
cuts off the square up here...

Moves it down...and voila!
A row of three squares!

ooh-ooh! Lemme do the last

we take this whole top row
of three squares.

Turn it right side up and move

Wu-oh! Where does it go?

[whispering sounds]

oh, right. [Nervous laugh]
I knew that.

and what does mr. Hacker's land
measure out to now?

three rows of five squares -

An area of fifteen squares!

[Sheriff judy]
just like yer land, sis!

[Judge trudy]
yep! Three times five -
the same area exactly!

see? I told you!!

[Judge trudy]
never thought I'd say this,

But I'm wrong and you're right.

A clear-cut case of mistaken
area. Case dismissed.

good job, guys!

you're goin' home!

fools! Think they're so smart -
wait till they find out

I gave motherboard only
a little bit of the antidote!

It's going to wear off!
[Evil laughter]

you are a genius, boss.

An absolute brain king! Ha!

smiiiiile, boss. Say 'chaos'.


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