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01x03 - Reckoning

Posted: 09/28/22 10:21
by bunniefuu
Stop right there!

You're in Pre-Mor corporate zone.
You know that, right?

He's not breathing. You k*lled him.

"P-P-Pre-Mor Authority
is seeking a Kenari male resident

"of Ferrix for questioning.

"Citizens with any information
should contact

"the Preox-Morlana Security HQ
without d-d-delay."

We have a suspect?

Cassian And or.

destruction of Imperial property,

"as*ault on Imperial soldier."

Who else knows
that you were born in Kenari?

- B-B-Bix. Bix is looking for you.
- Bix has nothing to do with this!

But then who told these
Pre-Mor bastards about Kenari?


"Abandoned after
Imperial mining disaster."

Everyone died.

And or should be considered
armed and dangerous.

He may not appear to be
a formidable opponent,

but two of our men are dead
having made that mistake.

- I have something to sell.
- What?

An untraceable
NS-9 Star path unit.

- Do you know how much that's worth?
- Yeah.

Enough to get out of here,
lay low till things cool off.

Your friend will want this piece.

He'll come for this.

Advertise your product or brand here
contact today

All right, she's clear. Yeah, that's it.

Standby for the detach.

- It's good?
- It's good.

- Bring more over here.
- Slow it down.

Bring the tester over here.

- Release the catch.
- Clear it out.

Go for the detach.

Watch the twelve-eight.

You got this one.

Still get a reading
off of this one.

It's still live.


I think I have some money on the way.

If it comes through, I'm out of here.



- That doesn't sound good.
- I'll leave money with Maarva.

She'll have what I owe you.

Keep an eye on her if you can.

Where are you going?

It's better you don't know.

I'll be back.

I'll find a way.

Welcome to Ferrix Terminal.

Please make sure to check
your belongings before departing.

Shuttle ferry discount ticket packages
are available at the dispatch kiosk.

Not staying at the hotel, are you?

Not tonight.

Smart choice.

It's the ultimate Ferrix gouge.

Mind your wallet!

Thank you.

There's been a complication.
I missed the window to call back.


Pre-Mor Enforcement
put out a bulletin last night

for someone meeting Cassian's description.

I've seen it.

The bulletin doesn't mention him by name.

It says they're looking
for someone from Kenari.

His Imperial prison record
says he's from Fest.

Yeah, that's always been his story.

Has he been identified?

I don't think many people know him.

He k*lled these men on Morlana?

Oh, then we better be quick about it.

Where is he?

East lot. Building nine.

You trust him?

He'll be there.

Vapor density acceptable.

Airborne concentration minimal.

No detectable gas toxicity.

There. Are we satisfied?

Let's get that console unit.

Maybe we should quit while we're ahead.

Are you listening? It's safe.

Whatever it was, it's burned off.

Just get your mask off.

Time, not gas.

We said 20 minutes tops.

I don't want to know what that is.

There must be at least six
brand-new fuel nodules up ahead.

We got more than we can carry already.

What's the asking price
of those today, Bee?

For sale or barter?

Are you kidding?

We need to leave now!

Could be anything.

Well, in that case,
by all means, let's plow forward.

I like your spirit, son.

You just might not want to be here
when they come to clean up.

He doesn't understand you.

Republic frigate approaching.

West Team on site.

East Team, sitrep, over.

East Team inbound on approach.

Three minutes from LZ.

North Team, sitrep?

North Team here. We're on site.

Copy that, North Team. Stand by.

Haven't seen any Blues in a while.

What the hell are they doin'?

Hunting for somebody.

It's gonna take nine minutes
to get back to the hauler.

And leave him here?

- Is that what you're suggesting?
- Let him run.

We're trying to help you.

- Where's the Republic ship?
- Orbiting now.

- They'll k*ll him.
- They'll k*ll us.

Bee, get me the Drowser.

No. Maarva, no.

- Shut up, Clem.
- He's got people here.

Yeah, people who've just k*lled
a Republic officer.

It'll be open season here
the moment that frigate lands.

You better think about this.

Plenty of time for that.

I'm not leaving him here to die.

- Have you searched yet?
- Uh, not yet, no.

East Team on site.

East Team, secure the position.

Copy that.

We have a warrant for Cassian And or.

Why's all that stuff
still piled up in the alley?

Thought you wanted
to get it out this morning.

I do. I just forgot.

Check the shelves!

Pull that down.

You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

You can stop this any time you want
by telling us where to find him.


Keep her there.

Got another resident here, sir.

Where's Cassian, droid?


- Pull his power supply.
- No!

Don't let them scare you, Bee.

They can't do that.

- They're in our home.
- Shut her up!

Bee, are you back yet?

Please tell me these things
are working, Bee.

Bee, respond.

Are you recharging?

I want you to tell Maarva that I'm sorry.

I forgot to tell you that.

And, uh, make sure she keeps
the heat on too.

- East.
- You know how cold she gets.

East. East-northeast. Got it.

- Leave one man here?
- Bee, are you reading me?

Please come in.

Drawin' a crowd.

I'd say two, sir.

Call East Team. Tell 'em we're on our way.

You two, come with me. Stay here.

- Are you hearing me?
- Keep an eye on 'em.

Bee, are you getting this?


And or?

You made it.

Are we alone?

I am.

- What'd you do with Maarva?
- She's an old woman!

All right, now, back off. Back off.

Nothing to see here.

Business as usual.

Serving a warrant.

Corporate authority. Back off.

How far?

A ten-minute walk.

East Team will secure the site.

- For how much?
- Forty thousand.

Forty thousand?

Forty thousand credits is cheap.

Is it?

An untraceable Star path Unit.

Vector crystals and seal still intact.

You can track every Imperial coordinate
for nine radial parsecs.

Is it here?

Is the money here?

How do I know it works?

It's sealed.

The moment I plug it in, the value drops.

So you could be scamming me.

I'm giving you my word.

And if that's not enough?

You know where I live.

So I could come back
if I were dissatisfied.

Has Bix ever burned you before?

You're planning
on sticking around, are you?

There's a bunch of Corpos
looking for Cassian.

- Wilmon saw them.
- Here?

- They're down at Maarva's.
- No.

What in the name of Chobb
has he done this time?

Oh, God.

There was a bulletin last night.
Did you see it?

"Kenari male resident."

I need to think.
Just let me think.

Is that what this is about?

Someone ratted him out.

What? What do you mean?

- I need to go find him.
- No. Bix, no.

- Someone has to.
- He could be anywhere. Tell her.


Don't? Don't what?

He can take care of himself.


How do you know who we're talking about?

Did I ever tell you
that Cassian was born on Kenari?

- I don't... I don't... I don't remember.
- Hmm?

I do.

I remember.

How could you?

What is going on?

I can't believe you'd do that.

What did you do?


Where'd you get it?

What difference does that make?

I see three choices.

Either you're an Imperial spy,

you're fronting for the person
I really want to speak to,

or you're the thing itself.

I see one choice.

Either you got my money or you don't.

So which is it?

I know Bix has her game.

I know you bribe quartermasters
to leave valuables on the ships

before they come in for scrap.

But this isn't that.

This isn't something they'd let pass.


I went in and got this myself.

How? How's that possible?

It was... It was sealed
on the Imperial Naval Base in Steergard.

Look, you got the money. I got the box.

What else is there to talk about?

I'll give you another thousand credits
to tell me how you got it.

Another thousand?



You just walk in like you belong.

- Takes more than that, doesn't it?
- What? To steal from the Empire?

What do you need?

A uniform, some dirty hands
and an Imperial tool kit.

They're so proud of themselves,
they don't even care.

They're so fat and satisfied,
they can't imagine it.

Can't imagine what?

That someone like me
would ever get inside their house,

walk their floors,

spit in their food, take their gear.

The arrogance is remarkable, isn't it?

They don't even think about us.

Us? I don't know you.

Fair enough. But I know you.

These days will end, Cassian And or.

The way they laugh.
The way they push through a crowd.

The sound of that voice
telling you to stop, to go, to move.

Telling you to die.

Rings in the ear, doesn't it?

Why don't you let me
count that money?

But they'll think about us soon enough.

We should get moving.

Soon enough,
they'll have something else to listen to.

You don't want to get caught with it.

Well, they'd hang me, wouldn't they?

Take me up Rix Road
and hang me in the square.

Wouldn't be the first time, would it?

Isn't that where they hung your father?

Who are you?

What is this?

I said I know you.

I know all about you.

Yes, I want the box,

and I'll leave with that
if it's all I can get.

I came looking for something more,
and I think I've found it.

I'd like you to come with me.

How do you know about me?

I was hoping
for a more relaxed conversation,

but you're right, we don't have time.

Contrary to what you told me,
I doubt that you'll be stickin' around.

I know you k*lled two Corpos
at Morlana-One,

and I know they're coming for you.

Seems like such a waste
to let them have you.

Waste of talent.

Who are you?

That's the wrong question.

The right question is how much time
do we have to get out of here.

Why would I go anywhere with you?

Don't you want to fight
these bastards for real?

Go. Go! Go! Go on!

Grab it. Let's go.

What does that mean?

It's a signal. Let's go!
Come on. Let's move.

What is all this?

Intimidation, sir.

Bluff and bluster.

How did you get here?

I have a ship near the ferry lot.

Maybe you are the Imperial spy.

To what purpose?

If you knew they were coming for me,
why would you be here now?

Special people are hard to find. I didn't
want to see you tossed on the pyre.

I thought there was time to figure it out,
but I was wrong.

May I?

I'm the only decent bet
you've got right now.

You want to die being careful?

- Are you carrying a com link?
- Why?

Give it. Give it to me now.

Give it!

Rule number one,
never carry anything you don't control.

Hey! There!

They're taking the doors.

We're surrounded.

Come on. Get back here.

- Hurry. Hurry.
- Close it up. Close it up.

You, stop!

I said stop!

You look scared, girl.

Not runnin' home, are we?

West Team, this is East Team.

We're in place at the factory.
Should we engage?

No. No.

Wait for us. We'll be there soon enough.
Hold the perimeter.

They've got him pinned down, sir.

Time to close the snare.

What are they waiting for?


How were you getting out of here?

My plan's gone.

And your ride is 40 klicks
across the Wastelands.

We just need a speeder.
What's our best option?

West. Into town.

Where does that go?

- Under the old furnace.
- Does it get us out of here?

Yeah. It's the long way around.

- What is that?
- I put slap charges on the doors.

What? When?

Rule number two,
build your exit on your way in.

Brace yourself.

Let's go!

- The box! We left the box!
- No!

There he is!

Get down!

- I'm going. Cover me!
- Forget the box!

We're taking heavy fire.

I told you to wait!

We've got two men down.

East Team, repeat last.

East Team, repeat last.

Come on!

Look out!

Now! Come!

East Team!

What's goin' on up there?

North Team, where are you?

There's no signs.

I don't know what street.

We're in a firefight here.

I need your exact position.

Told you to wait here!

Wait! The box!

The box is just sitting back there.

I thought you were smart.

What if it's just one guy left?

They wouldn't come here
with only four men.

We're on North Stairs Lane.
North Stairs Lane.

Leave her!

Get your men to Rix Road
and put a tac pod in air immediately.

Bix! Bix!

- What have you done to her?
- You stop right there.

- She's bleeding!
- I'm telling you to stop.

North Team, sitrep.

Who did this?


North Team, sitrep.

What's going on up there?

I need eyes in the air now!

Acknowledged, sir. Stand by.

Give me the r*fle!


You're going back to the pod!

By myself?

Get the pod in the air.
Keep your radio on.

Get moving!

Let's get out of here.

North Team heading for Rix Road.

Air support en route.


Now it's three men?

How is that possible?

They brought the building down.

They've got expl*sives.

Wait. Hold on. Hold on.
What do you mean "they"?

There's two of them.

Two humans. Heavily armed.

- Heading your way.
- Keep 'em flanked.

Keep pushing. Keep the channel open.

- Now there's two of 'em?
- Apparently so.

We're just gonna stand here?

Point taken.

We'll split up, take positions,
pick 'em off when they come through.

r*fle! Let's go!

Left flank! Right flank!

Take positions.



Gets to you, doesn't it?

Shut it.

That's what a reckoning sounds like.

You want it to stop,
but it just keeps coming.

I told you to shut up!

It's when it stops,

that's when you'll really want
to start to fret.


What happens then?



Go! Go! Go!

North Team, status?

In position.

Eyes open, lads.

Weapons ready.

Drop the w*apon.

Now take off the comm.

Put it down.

How many are you?

I don't know.

k*ll him.

How many?

I'll k*ll him.

Twelve. Fourteen.

A dozen men. Two officers.

I swear.

Was that them?

I don't know.
I can't tell from here.

Well, who else could it be?

But that would put them behind us.


We're under siege.

They're everywhere.

Which one do you want?

How many of those charges you have left?

Hang on, sir.

That's them! They're getting away!

Torch! Torch it!

- Look out!
- Stay on him!

- Get it!
- Fire!


There he is!

No, no, no!

North Team, come in!

North Team, come in!


This is Delta-One.
We need immediate casevac, over.

Nova, Nova, Nova, this is Delta-One.

Bix, come on. We need to get out of here.
Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

Pull yourself together, all right?

And get back to position, men!

Nova, Nova, this is Delta-One.
Did you copy my last?

That's it.

We need to get out of here.


We need to get out of here.

Sir, we need to get out of here!