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01x02 - That Would Be Me

Posted: 09/28/22 10:20
by bunniefuu
No weapons. No comms.
No credit. No nonsense.

A friend of mine said there
was a girl from Kenari working here.

I'm looking for my sister.

People come and go.

You should leave.

Wh... What was her name?

Nobody here gives their real name.

Excuse me. We were here first.

Oh, that is a hard look
for a little thing like you.

Stop right there!

He's not breathing.

You k*lled him.

You've been very busy.

Two men are dead, sir.


If that's not worth staying up for,
then I'm not worthy of the uniform.

I know one of these men.
He was a squad commander on Four.

One of the most unpleasant people
I've ever met.

- But they were m*rder*d.
- No. They were k*lled in a fight.

They clearly harassed
a human with dark features

and chose the wrong person to annoy.

- I have something to sell.
- What?

I got an untraceable NS-9 Star path unit.

Your friend will want this piece.

What is that?

Find it. Whatever it is, I want to know
when it left and where it went.

Let's go!


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Shut the door.

Scram! Get out of it!

Everythin' okay?

Just tired.

Too tired for a meal?

Was that the plan?

Could be.

I thought we said one night a week.

Let's, uh, start the week tonight.

Let's do this.

Why don't we do something fun
tomorrow night?

There's a plan.

Just lock up the back.

I'll take care of all this.

- Thank you.
- Yep.

Don't you say a word.

I mean it.

There you are.

Don't you look comfortable.


Hey, Bee.

Everything okay?

Oh. Oh, this?

Oh, I need a wash. Uh...

I was helping Pegla
and tripped on a cable.

- You've been busy.
- Yeah.

I ran into Brasso last night.

We had a lot to talk about.

Mmm, sounds fascinating.

I would have come home this morning,

but everything I had going on
was over East.

I've been trying to get back all day.

I'm gonna go get cleaned up.

Read it to him, Bee.

Read what?

I c-c-can speak now?

Read it.

"P-P-Pre-Mor Authority
is seeking a Kenari male resident

"of Ferrix for questioning.

"Citizens with any information
should contact

"the Preox-Morlana Security HQ
without d-d-delay."

Who else knows?

About what?

That you were born in Kenari.

You don't want to hear what happened?

Mmm-hmm, we'll get to that. But who knows?
Who have we told?

I don't know. I...

We have always said Fest.

Every doc I've ever submitted
has always said you were born on Fest.

Have you ever said anything
other than Fest?

Officially, no.
I don't think so. But people, yes.

- Who?
- Uh... And so did you.

- Well, how many?
- I don't know.

It's not something
I've been keeping track of!

Well, everyone I've told is dead.

That's ridiculous.

- Jezzi. Sammo. Hmm?
- That's family.

If we're making a list,
we're making a list.

Well, it's all your women
that I'm worried about.

- Oh, come on. Please. Stop. Stop!
- Femmi, Karla, Sondreen.

- There are some names I don't even know!
- B-B-Bix.

Bix has nothing to do with this!

But then who told these
Pre-Mor bastards about Kenari?

That would be me.

Bix. B-B-Bix is I-I-looking for you.

- What?
- Well, why would you do that?

- When? When? When did she call? Just now?
- What? Tell me.

- C-C-Comm fail. Your comms.
- Bee, where is she?

- How did that come up?
- Come on.

- Just forget that.
- Is she still in the yard?

- What do they want?
- Bee? Wait!

Bee, where is she?

C-c-comms access throttle.
C-c-calculating reroute.


What have you done?

I messed up.

Haven't been here in a while.

I wasn't sure what was safe.

You saw the notice.

What did you do?

Two guys jumped me. It went too far.

How far is too far?

They were shaking me down.

I wasn't looking for a fight.

Listen, forget what I said this morning.

I'll sell you the piece.

I just need enough to get out of here.

He's coming.

The buyer's coming.

It's too late to call him off.
He'll be here in the morning.


I won't forget this.

You should go.

Yeah. Okay.

You called him, right?

He's on his way up.

Cassian And or. This says he's from Fest.

This was a tip call, right?
Probably someone messing with us.

- I don't see Kenari here.
- Hold on. I have an image.

destruction of Imperial property,

"as*ault on Imperial soldier."

Check the database.
See if it says anything about Kenari.

We have a suspect?

Not sure yet. We're about to get an image.

Who is it?

Is it too late?

Your light was on.

I'm here.

Yeah, I... I see that.

Uh, no, I meant...
I meant, yes, it's not too late.

I couldn't sleep.

- But if it's not a good time, then...
- No. No. Not at all.

I'm just... I'm surprised.


Do you want something to drink or...

No. I've had enough.

You all right?

I am now.

Sergeant Linus Mosk at your service, sir.

Sorry to roust you
in the middle of the night.

No, sir. Privilege, sir.
Got the brief on the ride in.

I'd like to move on this quickly.

We have a dangerous, mobile suspect
in a very serious crime.

Couldn't agree more, sir.

Tempo is crucial.

Velocity in the service
of inspired leadership,

is there a worthy substitute?

I think not.

It's one suspect.
How many men do you think we'd need?

I'd say 12, sir, just to be prudent.

Will you be suiting up with us, sir?

- I think I should. Don't you?
- Absolutely, sir.

Show of force. Boost morale.

Nothin' like seein'
an officer on the line.

- Excellent.
- If I may, sir,

hats off to you and Chief Inspector.

Two men dead, line of duty, colleagues?

- It's outrageous.
- Exactly!

The thought of anything less than
full engagement on a case like this...

Unconscionable, sir.

- Dereliction of duty, at the minimum.
- It would be, wouldn't it?

I've seen it, sir.

Half measures.

The take-it-slow, the wait-and-see.

It's a plague on discipline.

Face your men, yourself,
the rest of your life,

knowing you did less
than everything you possibly could?

I've been saying all along
we need a stronger hand

with these affiliated planets.

There's fomenting out there, sir.

Pockets of fomenting.

Corporate Tactical Forces
are the Empire's first line of defense,

and the best way to keep
the blade sharp is to use it.

So, well,

thank you, sir.

I'll pass along your kind words
to the Chief Inspector.


Psst. Kassa.

Optimize landing.

Landing scanned and locked.

How long a walk this time?

The shuttle will be 2.3 klicks away.

There's nothing closer?

Nothing safe.


What are you doing?

Ah, couldn't sleep.

Tell me you have caf.

Was just about to put it on.

Can you open up the yard
for me this morning?

Uh, sure.

You okay?

Yeah. Yeah. Just, um... Just tired.

What's up this mornin'?

Just got a few errands to run.

Won't be long.

I'm sure I had some comms in here.

It's crap.

Why do we n-n-need comms?

Here we go.

You could just come and t-tell me.

You haven't been listening to me,
have you?

You have to go away.


You have c-c-credits for Maarva.

You need to t-t-tell me
where you're hiding them.

Because we don't want someone else
to find Maarva's credits, do we?

I agree.

You should stay.

If I can bring them myself, I will.

But if I can't, we need the comms, right?


Going is a b-b-bad idea.

You need to get back.
She's gonna wonder where you are.

Come on.





If you've powered down back here again,
I'll be so upset with you.



You're wrong.

It's the confidence that's irritating.

I am looking it up!

Hey. Haven't seen you in a while.

- You got a minute?
- I'm just... I'm looking up Kenari.

What's that?

Yeah. He never heard of it either.

"Kenari. Mid Rim.

"Abandoned after
Imperial mining disaster."

Mining. Everyone died.

"Abandoned and considered toxic.
Imperial prohibition."

No, no, there's no reward.

Corporate enforcement
are looking for someone.

You know anybody from Kenari?

What can I do for you?

How much for a run to Tassar?

- When?
- Today.

What would we be picking up?

Give me the price for not knowing.

- Weight?
- Not important.

- expl*sive?
- No, no.

- Does it talk?
- Give me a number, Xan.

Nine hundred.

A real number.

You want immediacy and discretion.

That's an expensive combo.

- I got 500.
- Well, you should plan more carefully.

- Okay, let's split the difference.
- It's your choice.

You want to go today
and have me keep my mouth shut?

Seven's my floor.

Okay, if it's seven,
you better be ready in an hour.

Keep the engine running.

Will you let it go?

All right, gentlemen.

Cassian And or.

Not a recent image,
but the best we've got.

He may not appear to be
a formidable opponent,

but two of our men are dead
having made that mistake.

West Team will include
Deputy Inspector Karn and myself.

We will endeavor to serve
the warrant and exfil rapidly.

North and East Team
will take positions accordingly

for a pincer movement
should the subject attempt to flee.

And or should be considered
armed and dangerous.

We will have the element of surprise,

but there should be no illusions
as to the risks involved.

There may be some local residents

who are less than enthused
with our presence.

You may remind them
that there's a Territorial Forum

once a month where they are free
to make official complaints.

All yours, sir.

Thank you for being here.

There comes a time when the...

the risk of doing nothing
becomes the greatest risk of all.

This is one of those decisive moments,

and I can't imagine a team
I'd rather share it with than all of you.

There's no room for doubt
on the path to...


And, uh, justice.

Best of luck to us all.

All right, then. Carry on.

Well said, sir.


You believe this?

Incredible, right?

We're circling.

We're stacked up.

Crazy, right?

We should be charging them.

What'd they stick you to park your ship?

Sixty credits.

Gutty, aren't they?

Chargin' us to come and spend our money.

They get you comin' and goin'.

I'm old enough,

I first came here,
you could drive in across the wasteland.

They had a ground carry.

Drive right through.

That was no bargain either.

You'd make the round trip
and taste it a week later.

Just nasty.

Now it's this.

What's your line?

Rather not say?

No need to explain.

Who knows
who you're talking to these days.

Me, I'm in propulsion.

We do add-ons and boosters.


Never changes, does it?

You know what they say?

No, what's that?

If you can't find it here,
it's not worth finding.